
alkisgI've been testing 16 bpp depth with the modesetting driver, and it has issues everywhere that I tested it: intel => crash, vboxvideo (vbox) and virtio (kvm) => corrupted double image, cirrus (kvm) => corrupted small image etc06:18
alkisgBut there's something I don't understand. Ubuntu 16.04.1 and 16.04.2 have the same modesetting driver, right?06:18
alkisgSo, why e.g.  `kvm -vga cirrus -ctrl-grab -m 1024 -cdrom ubuntu-mate-16.04.1-desktop-i386.iso` works, while 16.04.2 has issues?06:19
alkisgHey, it's Xorg 1.18.3 vs 1.18.4, let me test if that's to blame....06:37
alkisgSo, I've booted with ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso which does have the 16 bpp issue, then I downgraded from xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 (1.18.4) to xserver-xorg (1.18.3), and it still has the issue. What does that prove, that the issue is in the cirrus driver and not in the modesetting driver?!06:46
alkisg(while 16.04.1 with xserver-xorg (1.18.3) does not have the issue)06:46
alkisg(unless installing a different xorg requires a reboot too, not just a xinit...)06:47
alkisgSorry my bad, I didn't notice that the xserver-xorg-core version was unrelated to the xserver-xorg-* stack. By installing xserver-xorg-core=1.18.3, the problem disappeared06:51
alkisgSo I believe that the regression happened somewhere between 1.18.3 and 1.18.4. Testing more...06:52
alkisgI filed this one: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10029507:17
ubottuFreedesktop bug 100295 in Driver/modesetting "Regression in 16bpp between 1.18.3 and 1.18.4" [Normal,New]07:17
alkisgWhat real hardware can I test, that would use the modesetting driver? Except for intel, which crashed and I've already reported that?07:18
tjaaltonwhatever you have07:23
alkisgtjaalton: I can specify "Driver modeset" in xorg.conf in e.g. a radeon laptop that I have here?07:31
alkisgty, testing...07:31
alkisgI updated the bug report with the results of the real hardware test, which are similar.08:57
* alkisg checks if he can find any recent commits that could have caused this...08:58
tjaaltonthere aren't too many between 1.18.3..1.18.409:00
tjaaltonor just try reverting a commit at a time that touches modesetting09:01
tjaalton62 commits in 1.18.409:01
tjaalton11 on modesetting09:02
alkisgtjaalton: I'm a little lost between apt source and upstream git, is it possible to git/bzr clone and bisect something from launchpad instead? E.g. is there a bzr branch of xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04 in launchpad?09:07
alkisgI'm seeing this: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/log/hw/xfree86/drivers/modesetting, and I can't find out which commit maps to the 1.18.3 release09:08
tjaaltongit clone upstream, git log xorg-server-1.18.3..xorg-server-1.18.409:09
tjaaltonthen start reverting the commits that touch modesetting, starting from the latest09:09
alkisgty, trying...09:09
tjaaltonnext git format-patch -1 <sha>, drop the patch in debian/patches and add to series. build a package09:09
tjaaltonit's probably f091528457cc62f modesetting: Implement 32->24 bpp conversion in shadow update09:10
alkisgYup, that was the one09:30
alkisgThank you Timo, commenting on the report...09:30
alkisgtjaalton: eh, it's also the one that's causing the broadwell crash on 16bpp :D09:42
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