Kilos | morning everyone and inetpro | 06:00 |
Kilos | wbb | 06:00 |
inetpro | Goedemorgen iedereen | 08:23 |
nsnzero | morning / good day all | 08:38 |
inetpro | welcome back nsnzero | 08:39 |
nsnzero | hi inetpro | 08:39 |
nsnzero | now that i have a server what do i do with it ? | 08:58 |
pavlushka | wow | 08:59 |
pavlushka | nsnzero: try to feel it first :p | 08:59 |
nsnzero | hi pavlushka | 08:59 |
nsnzero | i am tired of feeling it - i need something productive to do with it | 09:00 |
pavlushka | nsnzero: then use it. | 09:01 |
nsnzero | easier said than done pavlushka ... | 09:04 |
nsnzero | hi Kilos | 09:04 |
Kilos | hi nsnzero | 09:04 |
Kilos | and pavlushka | 09:04 |
MaNI | sounds like you've done things backwards, you are meant to need a server for something, and then get one, not get one and then try and figure out a need :p | 09:05 |
pavlushka | lol | 09:06 |
nsnzero | lol mani - that just me | 09:06 |
Kilos | haha been there done that twice, steup servers then have no use for them | 09:07 |
Kilos | setup | 09:07 |
nsnzero_ | maybe i can put a bot of sorts on there | 09:10 |
Kilos | a whole server for a bot | 09:11 |
Kilos | are you bored? | 09:11 |
nsnzero_ | very bored today kilos | 09:12 |
Kilos | haha seems like it | 09:14 |
Kilos- | sorry, bad net | 09:16 |
nsnzero_ | i have the same problem Kilos- | 09:17 |
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos | ||
pavlushka | nsnzero: setup a web server there and start web developing | 09:41 |
inetpro | nsnzero: you have a solution looking for a problem? | 09:42 |
pavlushka | rofl | 09:42 |
inetpro | nsnzero: let's not discourage you, people often become famous for having just one really good idea, among a lifetime of bad ones | 09:47 |
inetpro | if a bad idea is handled well, it can become a useful thing for all involved | 09:47 |
MaNI | if you still haven't found a use for it within a month just give me root access and I'll put it to use :p | 09:55 |
kulelu88 | free server? where? | 09:55 |
jerit | Don't suppose you guys would be willing to help me with a course I'm doing? All I need is for you to have a bit of a bitch session with me about things that have pissed you off recently with service providers or retail stores, etc. I want to know how you feel you're currently being underserved in the market and how you wish providers in that market would do things better | 11:20 |
jerit | or you can tell me about markets that you can't consume in for whatever reason | 11:20 |
* Kilos looks around, maybe i was disconnected and that didnt show | 11:29 | |
Kilos | jerit ? | 11:29 |
jerit | hey? | 11:32 |
Kilos | i cant consume in the kitchen, its too far to walk | 11:32 |
jerit | I'm trying to find needs and gaps in markets where NEEDS are ways where current customers of a market are being underserved and GAPS represent opportunities to appeal to new customers who aren't being served in that market | 11:33 |
Kilos | i am sure everyone or just about everyone isnt satisfied with isp's not providing what they promise | 11:33 |
jerit | Well that's one market at least. I'm not limiting this to any particular market though | 11:33 |
Kilos | no give a broad list | 11:34 |
jerit | My assignment says I need to come up with 10 ideas out of these needs and gaps and then submit a problem statement for my favorite idea | 11:34 |
Kilos | sjoe | 11:35 |
jerit | The idea here is that this idea and problem statement will be the basis on which to start a company | 11:35 |
jerit | by addressing the need or filling the gap in the market | 11:36 |
MaNI | I hate that I can't have an electric car, because nobody wants to provide affordable electric cars ;) | 11:50 |
Kilos | lol | 11:50 |
MaNI | how about a company that buys old second hand cars, and converts them into electric ones | 11:51 |
jerit | I'll put that on my list :) | 13:16 |
Kilos | hi exupboy welcome to ubuntu-za | 15:07 |
Kilos | Maaz coffee on | 15:18 |
* Maaz washes some mugs | 15:18 | |
Kilos | MaNI how far did you get putting up your solar panel | 15:18 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for Kilos! | 15:22 |
Kilos | Maaz danke | 15:24 |
Maaz | Bitteschön | 15:24 |
MaNI | Kilos-, they are in my garden but still not on my roof, heh | 17:19 |
nsnzero | evening all | 17:29 |
magellanic | hi, regarding that cloud budget, it is not a hard limit, just there to alert you on spend | 17:34 |
nsnzero | hi magellanic - > got a server for myself now | 17:35 |
magellanic | cool, which provider? | 17:35 |
nsnzero | its mine - nothing fancy though | 17:36 |
magellanic | also, not sure how granular the checks are, I set a budget for $1, it alerted me when I had already spent $16 :p | 17:36 |
nsnzero | $16 is quite a bit higher than $1 | 17:40 |
magellanic | yeah heh, it's not granular enough for a $1 budget | 17:41 |
nsnzero | now wonder if i put a vm on it and open up the vm to the net - will it be more secure than running the box alone ? | 17:43 |
nsnzero | ie port forwarding to the vm only - or does the vm present more security risks ? | 17:43 |
magellanic | I think it adds insulation but then you sacrifice with resources | 17:44 |
magellanic | other option is containers, but who knows how security battle tested those are | 17:45 |
nsnzero | not running anything on it at the moment - its got 16G ram | 17:46 |
nsnzero | not sure how to use containers as yet | 17:55 |
magellanic | docker would be simplest | 17:55 |
nsnzero | i will have to read up on it - i confused docker with the dock used by os's like mac os | 17:57 |
inetpro | good evening | 18:49 |
Kilos | cellc signal worse than ever and mtn and telkom towers both went down in the last hour | 19:31 |
Kilos | i go sleep | 19:31 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 19:31 |
magellanic | night Kilos | 19:32 |
magespawn | good evening | 19:35 |
magespawn | chat later all. | 20:21 |
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