
IonicI just can't find the repository/package that is being used to create the installer/live images00:00
Ionicwhat does the... I guess infra team(?) use for creating these images?00:00
naccIonic: which images do you mean?00:09
Ionicnacc: the official, hybrid installer/live images00:11
naccIonic: you mean the ISOs?00:11
naccIonic: you can probably ask in #ubuntu-release or #ubuntu-devel00:12
Ionicprobably the best idea, yeah :/00:13
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adalbertIs there a way to read dns-queries from dnsmasq?00:32
bazhanghttps://wiki.debian.org/HowTo/dnsmasq adalbert00:35
bazhangmore of a general networking question adalbert00:36
bazhangmight try ##networking for future adalbert00:36
adalbertright, thnx00:36
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hotfudgemuffincan i be heard00:49
ScHdonei need small help with drivers for my amd hd 5500 card00:50
ChaiTRexhotfudgemuffin: Yes.00:50
Bashing-omhotfudgemuffin: You are seen.00:50
ScHdoneit seems new kernel/distros dont support them ...i mean drivers that ar in new debian releases dont support it00:50
ScHdonethere is always error saying00:51
ScHdonewhen i want to install driver from ati site fglrx is missing error show00:51
Bashing-omScHdone: 16.04++ There are no FGLRX drivers . AMD has gone full support to open spurce drivers .00:52
ScHdoneso what u suggest that i do? :)00:52
ScHdoneto find open source drivers?00:53
ScHdonefor amd?00:53
ScHdonewhere can i do that ?00:53
Bashing-omScHdone: What release ? The drivers for ATI cards are in the kernel now .00:53
acheron-aHD 5500 should be supported for open source that are already out there00:53
acheron-ain the distro support00:54
ScHdonewell i tried several distros .. latest ubuntu then mint also centos 7  and elementary os00:54
ScHdoneand all of them cannot recognise my card00:54
ScHdoneand when i want to install drivers from ati site always fglrx prob00:55
ScHdonecan you provide me link where i can find open source drivers for ati/00:57
histoScHdone: the opensource version should be in use prior to you loading a propreitary version.00:57
ScHdonei am not sure that i understand... can u just say what will you do if u r on my place and u getting this fglrx prob00:59
ScHdonewhere to find fglrx or driver?00:59
ScHdonesome link pls for start00:59
Bashing-omScHdone: ATI like Intel graphic's cards, the driver is included in the kernel . There should be no action required on your part .01:00
ScHdoneoh for god sake...i am telling yuou that max resolution i can set is 1024x768 so driver for my hd 5500 is not running if there is any01:01
ScHdoneand when  i download from ati site latest drivers i get always fglrx error01:02
ScHdonecHdone: 16.04++ There are no FGLRX drivers . AMD has gone full support to open spurce drivers .01:04
ScHdoneso what should i do/01:04
sockbreadyes i am seen01:06
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dorkyirc firsttimer what dis01:22
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toke_good morning everyone... love u... muuuacchhh01:30
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WhiteChocolategood night!!01:36
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sn33zyokay sso im trying to get ubuntu server 16.04 working in virtualbox but i havent figured out why the different network settings arent allowing the VM to get online01:45
JalHello I need help badly I fucked up my system completely01:45
JalIm an newbie user and made a bad mistake01:46
sn33zycome to find out other people were having problems with 16.04 server connecting over wireless as well....01:46
HikoI've had no problem making a live USB for ubuntu, gnome, mint, but trying to get Kali to run from USB isnt working... I've tried Unetbootin, rufus, win32disk imgager and universalusb. Any tips I might be missing?01:46
JalIs there anyone that can help me fix Grub Rescue?01:47
Dr-007good day. i upgraded my ubuntu this weekend. with openvpn i modified the file /etc/init.d/openvpn to changed CONFIG_DIR, when i restart the server the server tells me it restarted successfully. but i dont see any seperate lines of my openvpn servers being loaded01:47
sn33zyHiko: if you are attempting to get Kali to work on your computer instead of Ubuntu, find the IRC room or forums for Kali for assistance01:47
Bashing-omJal: What did you do and what is resulting ?01:48
Dr-007never mind01:48
JalWell I somehow managed to remove the partitions trying to revert windows back and to my main pc01:49
JalThen it just wont boot anymore and doesnt find anything I've tried everything01:49
JalJust hangs in the rescue01:49
Jordan_UJal: Do you know if your machine uses UEFI or BIOS?01:50
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JalI'm not sure I have gigabyte z170 and it has options for uefi and legacy01:51
Jordan_UJal: Can you boot from an Ubuntu liveUSB?01:52
lernerI added this ppa https://launchpad.net/~bitcoin/+archive/ubuntu/bitcoin through the shell, but the command 'bitcoin' is not found01:52
lernerwhat command do I need?01:52
JalI've tried booting from an Windows USB but since I sont have a computer to use i cant make one now. Would booting from live usb help?01:53
cfhowlettlerner, ppa's are not supported here.  look for support from the publisher01:53
Jordan_UJal: Yes. Depending on what you have done, you may be able to recover with an Ubuntu LiveUSB.01:53
Jordan_UJal: Do you have all of your important data backed up?01:53
JalI didnt have anything important luckily01:54
JalSo yea01:54
JalI can make Ubuntu USB later today but is there anything else that I can possibly do? What if it wont boot from usb anymore01:55
JalIs my computer "bricked" then01:56
cfhowlettJal, failing to boot from USB is a different issue.  but let's not "what if?"  make the usb and work with facts, not guesses01:56
lotuspsychjeJal: is it an old machine?01:56
Choupsguys, I need help. I installed this: https://github.com/AppStateESS/phpwebsite01:56
sn33zy1Jal: got dc. so did you end up deleting the ubuntu partitions?01:56
Choupsbut now I'm getting this: http://pastebin.com/MtsBZ48u01:56
JalAccidentaly deleted Ubuntu Partitions, Fairly new pc with 2016 parts01:57
lotuspsychjeJal: if its new you can always reinstall through usb01:58
JalI couldn't get Windows USB Boot to work but I guess Ubuntu Live USB is different?01:59
cfhowlettJal, best practice: install windows first.01:59
lernerits always the same with ppas: i add them from the shell and apt update. My machine has, at this point, the new ppa, but I dont know how to install programs from the ppa. I usually run synaptic (I add ppa from the shell and the run synaptic). There is surely a better way of installing programs from a ppa...01:59
JalI was reverting the ubuntu installation but something fucked up badly02:00
cfhowlettSTOP with the profanity, jal02:00
lotuspsychjelerner: we dont support ppa's, stick to official ubuntu repo packages to have a stable system02:01
JalRight, I will do the USB as soon as possible02:02
JalCould there be something to do with the MBR also, or is GRUB it's own separated from windows02:04
lotuspsychjeJal: are you gonna dualboot?02:05
cfhowlettif you have a 2016 machine, you should not have MBR on board: uefi02:05
JalNo it was standalone installation02:05
lotuspsychjeJal: if you want ubuntu only install: turn off secureboot & fastboot and install ubuntu from usb02:06
lotuspsychje!usb | Jal howto02:07
ubottuJal howto: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:07
Choupsguys, how do you install this: https://github.com/AppStateESS/phpwebsite02:07
Choupsi got this error: http://pastebin.com/MtsBZ48u02:08
cfhowlettinstalling a a 2 years old package?  inadvisable02:08
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lotuspsychjeChoups: tell us your endgoal please? you need a package on ubuntu for?02:09
Choupssecurity test the cms02:09
lotuspsychje!security | Choups02:10
ubottuChoups: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn02:10
Choupsi have a problem isntalling the cms02:10
Choupsin a ubuntu server02:10
Choupsmy problem is not security related02:11
Choupsis ubuntu/install related02:11
Choupsany of you guys with the pacience to try it yourselfs?02:11
lotuspsychjeChoups: if you tell us the whole story, somebody will be able to help02:11
Choupsjust download the thing and try to run it please02:11
cfhowlettChoups, you might want to ask the #ubuntu-channel as well02:11
Choupslotuspsychje the whole story? xD02:12
Choupstrying to get my first cve02:12
lotuspsychjeChoups: perhaps your starting point might be #ubuntu-server as they have more experience on it02:13
Choupslets see if i get any response02:14
Eric_____i trying to remove files from /usr/share/applications? that requires root privileges (root)02:15
tgm4883Eric_____: That sounds like a bad idea, what files?02:17
atomidid someone forget to tag v4.10.4? https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack02:18
Eric_____ii try to remove wine software off02:19
tgm4883Eric_____: then you should use apt instead02:19
tgm4883Eric_____: 'apt remove wine'02:20
Eric_____E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?02:22
OerHekshttps://wiki.winehq.org/Uninstaller ..The uninstaller does not work with programs installed with an .msi file02:22
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OerHeksor this answer does not need root to remove all wine programs http://askubuntu.com/a/10107502:25
histoEric_____: are you trying to remove wine or files inside of wine?02:27
Eric_____yup histo02:29
histosudo apt remove wine02:30
Dr-007is systemd new in ubuntu? like after do-release-upgrade this is part of the system now?02:36
Eric_____Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Package 'wine' is not installed, so not removed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:36
Dr-007or is it downloaded because of some dependecy02:36
HEVNLYMEhi all im new to this ubuntu02:36
histoEric_____: how did you install wine?02:36
histoDr-007: systemd has been part of ubuntu for some time02:36
Eric_____on ubuntu02:37
histoEric_____: dpkg -l | grep wine02:37
Dr-007histo, weird. before updating i editted the file /etc/init.d/openvpn to modify the CONFIG_DIR. but now after the update i have to edit the file /lib/systemd/system/openvpn.service02:38
Dr-007(at least, i think..)02:38
histoDr-007: the init.d file was just there as backwards compatible, you should have changed to a service file a long time ago.02:38
Dr-007oh, lol02:39
Dr-007that doesn't seem to be the good location neither tho02:39
Eric_____ii  wine-devel                                  2.3.0~ubuntu16.04.1                           amd64        official WineHQ build of the popular Wine software ii  wine-devel-amd64                            2.3.0~ubuntu16.04.1                           amd64        official WineHQ build of the popular Wine software ii  wine-devel-i386:i386                        2.3.0~ubuntu16.04.1                           i386         official WineH02:39
histoDr-007: what is it you are trying to do?02:39
Dr-007do you know where i can make the service openvpn seek for configs on another location?02:39
Dr-007instead of the default /etc/openvpn02:39
histoEric_____: looks like you removed wine but the wine-devel package is still installed. You can remove that one as well if you want.02:39
histoDr-007: what's the issue with /etc/openvpn?02:40
Eric_____how to remove wine devel off?02:41
histoEric_____: sudo apt remove wine-devel02:41
histoEric_____: you can sudo apt remove whatever_package_you_need_to_remove or use the software center to remove packages02:41
Dr-007histo, i'm generating configs on another location02:41
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Eric_____wine devel1 removed then what i do next?02:42
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histoDr-007: I'm confused by what you are trying to do?  The configurations for openvpn should be stored in /etc/openvpn  if you want to differ from that, you'll probably have to consult their documentation or rebuild the package.02:43
histoEric_____: What are you trying to do?02:43
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Eric_____new update is now wine 2.402:44
Dr-007histo, i want it from another location not /etc/openvpn, i could change that in /etc/init.d/openvpn before ubuntu upgrade. and i figured that i had to modify /lib/systemd/system/openvpn.service now with the var WorkingDirectory=/etc/openvpn to something else02:44
Dr-007but /lib/systemd/system/openvpn.service doesn't seem to be correct i think02:45
histoEric_____: okay. well you've remove wine like you were originally asking.02:45
histoDr-007: don't edit the service02:46
histoDr-007: you edit your configs in /etc/openvpn/server and /etc/openvpn/client assuming you're using version > 2.402:46
Dr-007stop responding if you're not going to help02:46
histoDr-007: I'm trying to help, I just have no idea what you're asking.  What is wrong with openvpn.service?02:47
Dr-007i want to change the default folder /etc/openvpn where you normally store your configs to be in another location.02:48
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Dr-007so in /etc/init.d/openvpn you could modifu CONFIG_DIR02:48
Dr-007but that doesnt work anymore02:48
koudelkaaaHello people :), Anyone knows how I could add a custom network manager plugin to ubuntu gnome?02:48
koudelkaaaI want to add the fortigate plugin, https://blogs.gnome.org/lkundrak/2015/09/24/fortigate-ssl-vpn-support-added-to-networkmanager/02:49
histoDr-007: can you paste bin the service file02:50
histoDr-007: you should still be able to use the --client-config-dir in there02:53
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snypzhello all03:01
koudelkaaahi snypz03:01
histokoudelkaaa: are there any instructions conntained within the package?03:03
snypzanyone out there using remote desktop ubuntu server 16.04?03:04
histokoudelkaaa: https://github.com/NetworkManager/network-manager-fortisslvpn/blob/master/INSTALL03:04
koudelkaaahisto, yeah I did build it and install it but I think my install path is wrong03:08
koudelkaaabecause I can not see the plugin in network manager ui03:08
lotuspsychje!ask | snypz03:08
ubottusnypz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:08
koudelkaaasnypz: server remote desktop? you mean SSH?03:10
Eric_____histo i try to find .wine in folder then do i remove?03:11
histoEric_____: if you remove that you will lose whatever windows software you installed in there.03:13
histoEric_____: in addition to all your wine settings03:13
ubu19Good evening03:14
IDAIhi all03:15
histoEric_____: they are all stored in your /home/your_user_name/.wine03:15
ubu19I have just installed a 16.04 on my x230 and I got a little annoying issue. I cant seem to be able to control screen dimming03:15
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histoubu19: laptop?03:15
ubu19it sets in every minute idle or so03:15
ubu19yes a thinkpad x23003:15
histoubu19: intel graphics?03:16
ubu19tried setting gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power idle-brightness to 300 secs but didnt work03:16
ubu19hd 4000 yes03:16
Eric_____in files right?03:16
histoubu19: anything in /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight03:17
koudelkaaaubu19: have you tried settings -> power -> disable dim screen when inactive ?03:17
ubu19let me see03:17
histoubu19: cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness03:17
ubu19histo I have  285203:18
histoubu19: cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness03:18
ubu19I am using mate desktop and I dont seem to have the option to stop dimming the display when non in AC03:18
ubu19oh yeah I do have the option to have the display not dimming03:20
ubu19let me see03:20
histoubu19: sorry misread your isue. You have control just it's auto dimming?03:20
ubu19yes autodimming kicks in within a minute or so03:20
ubu19I would like to extend it to 5 mins03:21
koudelkaaaI'm not super familiar with Mate, but I remember in some DE's idle config is in screen/screensaver settings03:21
Eric_____histo do i install wine 2.403:22
lotuspsychje!latest | Eric_____03:24
ubottuEric_____: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:24
histo!info wine03:24
ubottuPackage wine does not exist in yakkety03:24
histoEric_____: https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu03:27
histoEric_____: support would be in #winehq03:27
Bashing-om!info wine1.6 | xenial03:27
ubottuxenial: wine1.6 (source: wine1.6): Windows API implementation (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.8.4ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:27
histoEric_____: wine 2.4 is a development version it's not marked as stable FYI03:28
Eric_____f your system is 64 bit, enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already): do i type in terminal?03:28
histoEric_____: is there a reason you need wine 2.4?03:28
Eric_____histo i ca run 5 imvu clients on one laptop03:29
histoEric_____: which version of imvu?03:31
Dr-007histo, where is the service file located?03:31
histoDr-007: you said /lib/systemd/system/openvpn.service earlier03:32
histoEric_____: You really should ask for help in #winehq if you want to use the development version of wine.03:33
Dr-007histo, no, i was asking if that is the right one03:35
histoDr-007: find / -iname="openvpn.service"03:36
Dr-007find: unknown predicate `-iname=openvpn.service'03:37
histoDr-007: do you have /usr/lib/systemd/system on ubuntu?03:37
histoDr-007: then they are in /lib/systemd/system for units from installed packages most likely03:38
Dathow can I make a local repository server?03:39
histoDr-007: sorry get rid of the =03:39
histoDr-007: so find / -iname 'openvpn.service'03:40
Dr-007ok, its searching03:41
Dr-007weird tho! i already gave up, just started it by hand openvpn --config <config> --daemon03:41
histoDr-007: yeah you can still do that. just as you can add options to the service file03:43
foodSurpriseIf I make a copy of a directory using FTP, and the user and group settings are a different account locally than the one on the server, can I change these settings back to the server's when i reupload to the server03:44
lotuspsychjefoodSurprise: be carefull with ftp these days mate, can be exploited easy03:46
lotuspsychjefoodSurprise: tell us your endgoal? filetransfer?03:46
histoDr-007: you should make a copy to /etc/systemd/system and your custom version will override.03:47
foodSurpriselotuspsychje: yeah03:48
foodSurpriselotuspsychje: FTP is the only option I have to get these files03:49
foodSurpriselotuspsychje: I have to download them, delete them off the server to be able to make a backup (yeah), then reupload them and eventually switch to my local copy03:49
lotuspsychjefoodSurprise: consider ssh instead?03:50
foodSurpriselotuspsychje: isn't an option03:51
foodSurprisejust giong to use ftps03:53
lotuspsychjefoodSurprise: wich client/server are you using?03:53
foodSurprisei made sure to use ftp:ssl-force true and protect-data true03:54
foodSurpriselooks like lftp has a command to only download or apply changed files too03:54
histowhy are people still using ftp03:54
foodSurpriseits on a hostgator server03:55
foodSurprisei'm just glad they offer ftps03:55
kk4ewtgood way to exfiltrate data and no one is paying attention03:55
histofoodSurprise: you mean sftp03:55
histofoodSurprise: yeh that's ssh03:56
histofoodSurprise: are you able to make the copy and preserve file permissions?03:57
foodSurprisehisto: looks like the ownership is changed to the user03:58
foodSurprisethat i'm using to download it, so no03:58
histofoodSurprise: there server should have local umask setup properly03:58
brian|lfsI'm running kubuntu 17.01 and have a brand new Asus G752VM: and can't get the mouse to work at all03:58
brian|lfsdon't seem to matter what version I run can't get my touchpad to work any ideas03:59
brian|lfsI google around no one really said specifically what they did to resovle it03:59
sintreis there a hot key combo that enables disables your touchpad?03:59
foodSurpriseftps is not sftp04:00
foodSurprisebelieve it or not04:00
histofoodSurprise: who owns a file you upload?04:00
lotuspsychjebrian|lfs: you might wanna test out an LTS version maybe?04:00
brian|lfstried one same issue04:00
foodSurprisehisto: right now i want to download it04:01
lotuspsychjebrian|lfs: 16.04.2 updated?04:01
foodSurprisebut there isn't a corresponding user on my local system yet04:01
brian|lfsbooted a mint disc to see what it would do same issue04:01
sintreboot a kubuntu or ubuntu live disk04:02
lotuspsychjebrian|lfs: perhaps try to catch the exact error to come back here, might be an ACPI issue04:02
Bashing-ombrian|lfs: Do youhave a BIOS option  "IOMMU Controller". Set it to "Enabled" .04:02
lotuspsychjebrian|lfs: we dont support mint here, try a vanilla ubuntu04:02
foodSurprisewill i be able to just change the ownership on the files after i download04:05
histofoodSurprise: you want to change ownership locally?04:05
foodSurprisehisto: i want to change the ownership to the same user and premission setup as the server04:06
foodSurpriseeventually i'm going to make an account with the same name04:06
brian|lfsthanks reading a bug report04:06
brian|lfsappears to be on vanilla ubuntu also the problem04:06
histofoodSurprise: you can chown owner:group somefile04:07
lotuspsychjebrian|lfs: if you find a likewise bug, you might wanna add your story to the existing bug, to get a faster solve04:08
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sintrebrian|lfs  sure you know this but upodate your ios04:09
sintremay or may not help04:09
sintreatleast eliminate that from equation04:10
sintreor "firmware" efi whatever its called now04:11
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alexmhAnybody used the precision 5520/3520 that comes with ubuntu?04:16
alexmhI asked in #linux but this is probably a more fitting place04:16
tatertotsalexmh: and if someone has?...then what next?04:17
alexmhSorry, should have specified, just wanted to know what the experience was and if there were any gotchas with it04:17
alexmhLooks mighty tempting, if a bit expensive04:17
brian|lfsok more research reading a forum about my laptop there saying that he i2c_designware bus support must be compiled as a kernel module04:24
brian|lfsfor the touchpad to work so is there another kernel I can install for it to be a module04:25
brian|lfsObviously I could compile it myself but that would b ea pain on a ubuntu distro04:25
lotuspsychjebrian|lfs: some acpi bugs can be solved by adding a line at kernel boot also04:26
lotuspsychje!bootoptions | brian|lfs04:27
ubottubrian|lfs: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.04:27
brian|lfsok looking04:28
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anddamwhat's the proper way to install kernel source for, say, my running kernel on 16.04?04:32
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anddamhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#Get_the_kernel_source has info for 8 and 9 that seem a bit outdated04:32
anddamis it by using apt-get source  of the linux-image package?04:33
brian|lfshmmm i2c_designware didn't work so would I need to do =on maybe04:37
acresearchpeople i am trying to install using pip3 but i get locale.Error: unsupported locale setting ---> please help04:39
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Epx998is there a server-ish image of ubuntu for the raspberry?04:41
acresearchEpx998: server yes, but in the cloud, not rasberry pi04:42
Epx998acresearch: on ubuntu's DL page, I grabbed what I thought was a base image, but here i am staring at mate04:43
histoacresearch:What is the output of locale04:43
Epx998feels like im in #puppet in here04:43
acresearchhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24219631/04:44
brian|lfshmmmm so the driver is in the kernel and its running but don't work not being a module itneresting04:44
histoEpx998: not that i'm aware of04:44
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histoacresearch: is it with all packages or just that one?04:44
acresearchall packages i try to install through pip304:45
histoEpx998: https://developer.ubuntu.com/core/get-started#snappy-raspi204:45
Eric_____histo im on 63 bits04:46
acresearchall packages i try to install through pip3 histo04:46
Eric_____oops 6404:46
histoacresearch: can you pastebin the error you're getting04:49
histoEpx998: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi04:50
acresearchhisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24219688/04:50
histoacresearch: export LC_ALL=C04:53
histoacresearch: then try04:53
acresearchhisto: then try what?04:55
histoacresearch: pip3 install Flask04:55
acresearchhisto: ok04:55
histoacresearch: if that works you can set your lc_all in .bash_profile04:56
acresearchhisto: works nicely04:56
acresearchso what exactly happened?04:56
acresearchhisto: so the export is not perminant?04:57
histoacresearch: it's only set for that session04:58
histoacresearch: add export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" or C to your .bashrc04:59
histoacresearch: that will take effect on the next time you login to a terminal04:59
histoacresearch: are you connected remotely or something?04:59
histoacresearch: s/remotely/ssh?05:01
acresearchhisto: yes ssh05:02
histoacresearch: then ignore my previous comment05:03
histoacresearch: edit your /etc/ssh/ssh_config and comment out the SendEnv LANG LC_* line your local locales are different than the servers that's why you're getting the conflight05:03
acresearchhisto: oh ok05:04
acresearchhisto: thanks :-)05:05
=== xet7_ is now known as xet7
free_germany want make me morderer05:31
lotuspsychje!support | free_05:36
ubottufree_: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com05:36
=== free_ is now known as nomanland
d_ven0mSo I'm trying to compile a program, and I'm running "./configure". However, for some reason it incorrectly sets "LD". In the path for "LD", it ends up putting a newline midway through the path. How do I change that so that it doesn't add a random newline?05:45
lotuspsychje!compile | d_ven0m05:46
ubottud_ven0m: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall05:46
d_ven0mI appreciate the link, but it still doesn't explain how to make modifications to defaults if there's a problem. I still can't figure out why it's adding a random newline. I'm certain if I could remove the newline, I'd be able to compile.05:49
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
Sebastienany idea why this: http://i.imgur.com/CxD9fZI.png takes forever?   0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8001::21)] while running apt-get update.05:57
alkisgSebastien: as a test, can you try without ipv6?05:58
Sebastieni have no idea how i would manage to do this.05:59
Ben64webmin sarge?!06:00
Ben64are you even on ubuntu06:00
Sebastienyou see, after a while, it just keeps going.06:00
OerHekson Digital Ocean ?06:00
Sebastienyes, and no i won't use webmin, it's unsupported. :/06:00
Ben64but its in your repository06:01
InvisibleRastahello guys06:01
InvisibleRastai am gettign an error when isntalling stuff saying W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_dmc_ver1_01.bin for module i91506:01
Sebastienill see if i can then. thanks.06:02
OerHeksSebastien, did you set hostname first? https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/cms/webmin-control-panel06:02
Sebastieni didn't do that no.06:02
Sebastienbut it looks fine now. maybe it was a spec of dust somewhere.06:02
alkisgSebastien: I have issues like that a lot of times, and temporarily disabling ipv6 helps, suggesting it's an ipv6 issue somewhere along the route. To temporarily disable ipv6, see http://ask.xmodulo.com/disable-ipv6-linux.html06:03
OerHeksslow inode ..06:04
Sebastienthank you06:05
Sebastienand yeah OerHeks, but it's the 5$/month vps06:05
Sebastienim not expecting much just for irc :)06:05
foodSurprisei have a question06:12
foodSurpriselets say there there is an open ftp connection, IE not sftp or ftps06:12
foodSurprisewhat exactly are the risks here06:12
foodSurprisewho can see the data06:12
Ben64foodSurprise: everyone06:13
foodSurprisewhat does that mean...is it just the networks that the data goes accross06:14
Ben64it means don't use ftp06:15
OerHeksyou will notice, within 24 hrs.06:15
foodSurpriseim using ftps06:16
InvisibleRastagnome-session[10042]: gnome-session-is-accelerated: No hardware 3D support.06:21
InvisibleRastai get this when i try to start X withgnome06:21
InvisibleRastaim using mate now and aeverythig works06:21
InvisibleRastabut kde,gnome dont start. i type my login info blackscreen and back to lightdm06:21
InvisibleRastaany ideas whats going on06:21
alkisgInvisibleRasta: which graphics card do you have? lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA06:22
InvisibleRasta00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Skylake Integrated Graphics [8086:191b] (rev 06)06:22
InvisibleRastaDeviceName:  Onboard IGD06:22
InvisibleRastaSubsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Skylake Integrated Graphics [1462:115a]06:22
InvisibleRastai also have nvidia geforce gtx960m06:22
alkisgI don't see a "driver in use" there, which ubuntu version is that?06:23
InvisibleRastai installed the driver from additional drivers06:23
brian|lfsskylake is terrible my sound sounds like crap and touchpad doesn't work06:23
InvisibleRastaim using mate 16.0406:23
alkisgWhat's the output of `uname -r` ?06:23
InvisibleRastait looks like my nvidia is not functioning properly06:25
alkisgInvisibleRasta: inxi -G | nc termbin.com 999906:25
alkisgTrue, it's not functioning properly. Also upload your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to pastebin.06:28
InvisibleRastaalkisg, http://termbin.com/9hkus06:28
alkisgDo you actually have 2 cards, or is it that dual thing that some new laptops have? I.e. if it's an intel onboard and a pci-e nvidia, can you disable the onboard from bios?06:28
alkisgInvisibleRasta: eh, you use nomodeset there06:29
InvisibleRastano i cannot diableanything frombios06:29
alkisgThat prohibits all KMS drivers from getting loaded06:29
InvisibleRastai think its handled automatically06:29
alkisgRemove nomodeset and reboot, and then paste the output of the same commands06:29
InvisibleRastai went trought the bios options a dozen of times and found no options about video card06:29
InvisibleRastaim not innomodeset06:30
alkisg[   408.565] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.8.0-41-generic.efi.signed root=UUID=be679000-fedf-455f-b326-fc4995cfbecc ro nomodeset quiet splash vt.handoff=706:30
alkisgThat's what your log says06:30
alkisgYou can also see it with `cat /proc/cmdline`06:30
InvisibleRastalet me see06:30
InvisibleRastaok ill reboot brb06:31
foozb12Hi. How can I get a windows MSDM is not on mystem, unelss it's hfat millions]06:46
foozb12Wow sorry keyboard mess up06:47
foozb12How can get a window product key from Linux? I dont appear to have msdm on my system, so acpi dump does not give me anything useful06:47
lord-arhemadanI've got this Powerbook G3: 2GB partition for OS9 and a 6GB partition with OSX. I can't delete the 2GB partition, and I'd rather keep OSX on the 6GB partition.06:47
lord-arhemadanIs there a way I can get away with at most 3GB of disk space? :P06:48
lord-arhemadanForgot to mention: That 3GB would come from splitting the second partition :p06:49
foozb12lord-arhemadan, what version of os x?06:50
lord-arhemadanfoozb12, 10.2.806:50
lord-arhemadanYou know what lol?06:50
foozb12I think you can do it06:51
lord-arhemadanI'm pretty sure an OSX that old won't be able to do much anyway. I'm probably just gonna delete it haha06:51
foozb12Eh I didnt even question why you had either06:51
lord-arhemadanThough it'd be nice to have the bragging rights of "I have a triple-boot Powerbook G3" ;)06:51
EriC^^foozb12: you don't have /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM ?06:52
foozb12EriC^^, correct. It's not listed06:53
foozb12Everyone else in the world (according to hours of googling) has it06:53
EriC^^maybe it wasn't preinstalled with windows?06:53
EriC^^foozb12: does it mention windows in the bios?06:54
foozb12I haven't checked the bios. It's a lenovo thinkpad t420. If my memory is correct, this series came preinstalled with no disk06:55
foozb12What should I look for in the bios?06:55
EriC^^foozb12: in the main screen it usually says OS windows XX or something06:56
foozb12Okay... Give me 5 min. I'll be bcak06:56
lord-arhemadanOh yeah. 512MB memory, 6.8GB partition to install ubuntu. How much swap space would you recommend? :)06:58
kromwellFTP question on a linux system. I was getting a strange error that wouldnt07:00
kromwelllet me upload images07:00
Ben64kromwell: use sftp instead07:00
kromwellSo I looked up the error online and I connected via ftp just fine07:00
kromwellbut when I downloadd the wp-config.php and applied the fix and re-uploadd it07:01
kromwellit uploaded an empty file07:01
kromwellof 0 bytes07:01
kromwelland I can't reuploaded the wp-config.php at al07:01
kromwellSo the site is basically broken07:01
kromwellIt just uploads an empty wp-config.php07:01
foozb12EriC^^, nada. Is that a new thing? I have 2 other (older) laptops, their bios dont say anything about windows, but both came with preinstalled07:02
EriC^^foozb12: maybe, one of my laptops has it that was preinstalled07:02
foozb12The thing is, you may be correct. There is no product key sticker on the back. I was under the impression that this entire series came with preinstalled07:04
elite158First time in IRC. Can anyone suggest if there is a PHP channel ?07:04
foozb12But Lenovo is a little funky with how they do things, so I guess it's possible07:04
foozb12elite158, do /list php07:05
foozb12or google 'php freenode'07:05
l9i am running kodi on my desktop but for some dumb reason it chooses too use tun0 as interface instead of eno1 what have i done wrong and is there a way too change it so it uses the eno1 interface?07:05
lord-arhemadanAlright y'all, precise is now installing on a 1998 Powerbook G3. My second experiment in OldWorld machines :D07:05
lord-arhemadanFingers crossed!07:05
ololorinhello. can anyone confirm, that ubuntu display settings can get you display configuration you saved beforehand depending on the displays connected?07:06
ololorini mean that you connect several displays, and it automatically chooses the rightconfig07:06
l9 mine does07:07
foozb12Alright, I gotta run07:08
foozb12Take care07:08
ololorindid you test it with connecting different displays to the same port? ex: you have a config where you have an HDMI display connected and VGA display. HDMI is left of VGA. Then you get another pair of displays in the same ports, but the config is that they are right, for example. Will it deduct this correctly?07:09
ololorinCause i've been looking for this feature long enough, and it looks that unity may actually support it07:10
l9that is beyond my paygrade, and i have never used unity sorry07:11
ololorinwell, thank you anyway07:13
foodSurpriselets say i have a program running, and my window housing the ssh session crashes07:15
foodSurprisewhen i log back in i see that the process i was running is still active. is there a way to bring that "view" back up07:15
hateballfoodSurprise: use screen for that07:16
l9sudo apt install screen07:16
hateballor byobu or tmux07:16
* l9 has never gotten around too learn tmux but is meaning too07:17
foodSurprisecan i use screen to get back to that screen07:18
l9crap my network setting has gotten screwed up on this might be a good time too change too a new distro07:18
foodSurpriselike after i installed it07:18
foodSurprisei have screen already07:18
foodSurprisehow can i get back to that view07:18
l9screen -D -r should reattach a screen07:19
Ben64screen -x07:19
l9or -x07:19
ducassefoodSurprise: you need to have run the program within screen to begin with07:21
foodSurpriseyeah i dind't07:21
l9okey this is fun, gui updateing packages is notworking. That tells me that i have no working internet connection, but sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade does07:24
lord-arhemadanWhat does the "Ubuntu Desktop" option install on the alternate ISO?07:37
lord-arhemadanI mean obviously Unity. But would I also have Xorg if I didn't choose that?07:38
Ben64you can't have unity without xorg07:38
ducasselord-arhemadan: the alternate installer won't install xorg unless you choose something that depends on it07:39
lord-arhemadanducasse, Ahhh, I see haha07:39
lord-arhemadanknowing that, would it be wise if I did something like installing XFCE and then removing unity to save space?07:40
Ben64should just install what you want07:40
lord-arhemadanFor reference, the partition's 6GB, because it's an old-ass laptop :P07:41
ducasseif it's old it might not run unity well anyway, depends on the specs07:43
OerHekssure it boots from usb?07:44
max12345hey, quick question, I have some files I want to push to my raspi with scp, can you help me understand the docs?07:52
Ben64scp source destination, can you be more specific07:52
max12345oh I thought it's dest source...07:52
tape_I wish my problems were scp syntax07:54
max12345:D permission denied though...07:54
tape_if its your files and your pi I'd just sudo it07:55
max12345"sudo files" huh07:55
tape_sudo scp07:55
max12345oh nvm i get it07:55
Ben64yep that doesn't make sense07:55
da7nielwhats going on boys i'm trying to figure out how to close Discord which I've always had to right-click exit from system tray on windows but have to go into system monitor and kill on linux which doesn't seem good07:55
da7nielany ideas?07:55
Ben64no reason to sudo07:55
tape_there's no exit anywhere @da7niel ?07:56
max12345funny thing how ssh doesn't have a way to refer to your old machine...07:58
max12345I'll just use an usb stick then...07:58
Ben64you need to explain what you want07:59
max12345I want to copy files from this computer to my raspi.07:59
Ben64and what are you not getting about how scp works07:59
max12345idk, I did "scp -r folder user:remoteip:/" and it said permissio denied08:00
alkisgThat / in the end means to put it in /, in root, where you have no permission08:01
Ben64you want to put files in /  ??08:01
max12345ok I thought the user@remote would put it in home08:01
Ben64thats just user and ip08:01
alkisguser:remoteip: without the /, puts it in home08:01
Ben64the stuff after : is where it goes08:01
max12345ok well with git the remote is "user@ip:/" and that lands in that users home dir08:02
Ben64like you could do scp foo.bar user@ip:~/08:02
da7nieltape_ I could press the "close" button, which just minimises it essentially. I'm still connected08:02
da7nieltape_ I have no idea where to go to get that little "system tray" type deal I have on windows08:02
max12345the tilde did it, thanks!08:02
da7nielfrom which I can right click "close"08:02
tape_Ah, and unity probably doesn't have a little task bar thing like gnome3 does. I'm not sure then :o08:05
Aliekezhihi, isn't there a tracemac version for ubuntu ?08:11
max12345ah this is so nice, I finally have my private little git server back :D08:17
l9have lost my network, where and how do i get it up and running at boot?08:30
l9no gui cause my gui is network depended08:30
einsteinhi i did virtualenv -p 3.5 venv ?08:33
einsteinbut it says no such executable?08:33
einsteinseven though i havve it insalled /08:34
=== sparty_ is now known as sparty
l9inside /etc/network/interfaces i have iface eno1 inet dhcp but when i reboot ifconfig tells me there is no eno108:35
alkisgl9: lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 Ethernet08:35
alkisgDoes that show any drivers?08:36
l9alkisg: yes and i can bring the interface up if i do it manually08:37
alkisgl9: what is the interface name?08:37
l9kernel driver e1000e08:37
alkisgSo now `ip a` tells you there's a eno1 interface, yet if you reboot, `ip a` will tell you there's no eno1 interface?08:38
l9yes i have a eno1 interface but there is no ip connected too it08:38
l9state down08:38
BlitzerHoundHello everyone08:38
alkisg(10:35:36 πμ) l9: ... but when i reboot ifconfig tells me there is no eno1 ==> so there you did see the interface, but it had no ip?08:39
alkisgl9: try `sudo dhclient eno1`08:39
l9alkisg: no ifconfig do not list it but that is because it is marked as down08:39
ikevinl9, ifconfig -a08:40
BlitzerHoundI had a question if anyone might be available to help me. It's been driving me nuts all night.08:40
ikevinBlitzerHound, don't ask to ask, just ask08:40
BlitzerHoundI'm new to Linux by the way. :/08:40
alkisgl9: also check that your cable is properly connected, the leds of the NIC blink etc08:41
l9ikevin: after i did the dhclient eno1 it is all up as it should be, problem is that after i reboot i need too start the dhclient manually08:41
xinhengyuDoes anyone use the platform "lutris"?08:41
ducassel9: have you also got 'auto eno1' in /etc/network/interfaces?08:41
ikevinl9, network manager is running?08:41
BlitzerHoundWell I didn't want to be rude is all. So I recently installed Ubuntu onto my Inspiron b120 and I have been trying several things to get the wireless to work. I installed a thing called ndiswrapper and it SAYS that I've installed all the drivers, but still nothing is showing up when I do the ifconfig wlan008:42
l9ducasse: bingo there i think i found it...08:42
ikevinBlitzerHound, which wireless card is it?08:42
BlitzerHoundLemme double check real quick08:43
BlitzerHoundBroadcom Limited BCM431808:43
ducasse!broadcom | BlitzerHound08:44
ubottuBlitzerHound: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:44
l9ducasse: you where right i was missing the auto eno1 line inside interfaces. now i only have too manually set the dns servers08:46
ikevinBlitzerHound, apt-get install firmware-b43-installer08:46
BlitzerHound So the only way to get that to work would be if I get a wired connection right? Because right now I'm using my phone.08:47
BlitzerHoundOr can I download the files and then transfer them to my computer?08:47
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, yes download on a wired connction08:48
ikevinconnect your phone to your wifi and use usb thetering08:48
BlitzerHoundOkay. Because I downloaded the b43-fwcutter file and I think I installed it. But I have to get the other ones too right?08:49
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, trying to use the phone for it, probably woudnt be that easy, or work that well, for a few reasons08:49
=== cheesy is now known as Guest73682
BlitzerHoundI don't have access to tethering sadly. All I've been able to do is download files and then transfer them to my computer via usb08:50
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, can you connect the computer to wired ethernet?08:50
BlitzerHoundAlright so I probably need to just figure out a way to get myself an ethernet cable08:50
BlitzerHoundI can but I don't have a cable. :/08:51
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, its  a propritary driver hence why you got to download and enable08:51
BlitzerHoundThis is all a result of me not properly thinking through when going from xp to Ubuntu (my xp was acting funny)08:51
l9oh my we are back into a gui08:52
histoBlitzerHound: how did you install ndiswrapper?08:52
histoBlitzerHound: do you have the installation media?08:52
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, its ok can get the wireless working in ubuntu, but what was wriong with xp?08:52
BlitzerHoundSo if I were to download all the files on my phone and then install them on the laptop it probably still wouldn't work right? Just want to make sure before I give up and wait until I get a cable.08:53
BlitzerHoundI downloaded the ndiswrapper program and then installed it by transferring it to my computer08:53
histoBlitzerHound: the files are on the installation cd08:53
histoBlitzerHound: or usb or however you installed08:53
BlitzerHoundI did the same thing with a bunch of drivers. I went to the Dell website and downloaded the 3 network drivers available and just installed all the .inf files I could find in them08:54
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, if you download the correct driver, and it downloads perfectly ok, plus is transfered perfectly ok via usb, and then after computer detects usb, and you install via terminal, that should work08:54
akikBlitzerHound: the device name can be something else also. try "iwconfig"08:55
BlitzerHoundOh wait really? Like the USB I used to install Ubuntu?08:55
histoBlitzerHound: yes08:55
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, IF you install drivers yourself, not via the usul way, you have to make sure you downloaded correct ones, or  could have problems08:56
histoBlitzerHound: that link ubottu provided has instructions for installing the proprietary STA driver or the b43 driver with no internet using the installation media.08:56
xboxAnyone here??08:57
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, also ndiswrapper is a last resort to use the windows driver and for use, you ideally want the native propritary drivr08:57
BlitzerHoundAlright I'll check that out then. Thanks. (I'm still gonna stay on just in case)08:57
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, no08:57
xboxUbuntu on the xbox08:57
ThomasAFaulknerhow u have ubuntu on xbox08:58
SebthreeBQM10HDmaybe via the windows 10 thing08:58
ThomasAFaulkneroh yeah sorry08:58
SebthreeBQM10HD@ xbox08:58
xboxThrough an exploit08:58
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents08:58
xboxIm on 10.1008:58
ducassexbox: that's eol08:59
ducasse!eol | xbox08:59
ubottuxbox: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:59
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.08:59
xboxCan anyone help me on installing apps? I've checked the sources.list file. Everything seems to be fine. But I get 404 not found error09:00
xboxWell yeah maybe they ended the support for older ubuntu versions, but is there a way to get around that?09:00
histoxbox: because it's end of life. You need to upgrade following the links from ubottu for eol upgrading09:00
xboxoh shite09:01
ducasse!eolupgrade | xbox09:01
ubottuxbox: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:01
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, Yeah repos will be pretty much gone t0 for 10.10 hence your 404 not found09:02
ningudoes anyone know where ubuntu's C.UTF-8 locale (_not_ C) is defined?09:02
BlitzerHoundAlright so I found the thing in the installation media and I opened it, but the 'Install' button does nothing09:02
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, why on such a old release?09:02
BlitzerHoundShould I be installing it via the terminal?09:02
ninguis it /usr/share/i18n/locales/C ? how can I be sure?09:02
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, the install button where?09:02
histoBlitzerHound: What package are you installing?09:03
xboxapache2, vnc and more09:03
BlitzerHoundWhen I double click the little cardboard box looking thing it pops up a page that talks about what it is and what it does, then there's a button that says install09:03
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, use terminal but make sure its the correct driver as well09:03
xboxim on an old release cuz the xbox wont support the latest09:03
histoxbox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:04
histoBlitzerHound: which package are you clicking on?09:04
BlitzerHoundWell there's only one package that came on the install media09:04
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, well microsoft dont really want llinux on a xbox09:04
xboxThe EOL thing didnt work09:04
ducassexbox: eol releases are not supported here at all, people should not run them.09:05
LopeI've got a SSH connection command inside a file /tmp/connect.sh. I'm logged into a sudo shell. I type `su -lc 'bash /tmp/connect.sh' bob` I get an error saying: ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/bin/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory. Permission denied (publickey). Sessions still open, not unmounting. But if I type `su bob` then `bash /tmp/connect.sh` it works?09:05
k1l_xbox: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?09:05
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, if your trolling ok you got us, but if not and really can run linux on the xbox, use a supported linux release09:05
xboxHey Seb, I'm on a modded console. And Microsoft bans modded consoles09:05
xboxSo I dont give a fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff09:06
histoBlitzerHound: if you insist on using proprietary drivers instead of the open source version then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access09:06
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, yes it was probably hacked to run linux on it09:06
BlitzerHoundHow do I install it with the terminal?09:06
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, but your mostly on own doing that09:06
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, try the command k09:07
k1l_<k1l_> xbox: what is the output of "lsb_release -sd"?09:07
SebthreeBQM10HDtry that command09:07
BlitzerHoundNever mind it has instructions09:07
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, you can still get some help see09:08
xboxHeh, I'm not typing that in09:08
k1l_xbox: ok, then please stop asking in here if you just want to make drama and have no intentions on support.09:09
histoxbox: how does the eol upgrade not work?09:09
ducassexbox: it will tell us details of your release, it won't hurt.09:09
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, uhmm kll is unlikly to give you a malicious command09:09
ningumore generally I am wondering how alternative locales with name foo vs. foo.utf8 are defined. where does the definition of one live versus the other?09:09
histoningu: you can see where a locale package keeps it's files. that might provide some clues.09:10
ninguhisto: they're all just in the locales package, it seems09:10
xboxMY INPUT: xbox@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -sd09:10
xboxMY OUTPUT: Ubuntu 10.1009:11
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, why cant you upgrade btw ?09:11
ninguhisto: for example I have two locales, en_AG and en_AG.utf8. the file /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_AG is in the locales package09:11
histoningu: let me take a look hold on.09:12
xboxIt Ign (ignores) some packages that it doesn't need and receive a 404 Not Found Error09:12
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, ok tht only rson?09:12
ducassexbox: did you *read* the eolupgrades link and modify sources.list?09:12
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, i think there will be a way to upgrade still, but read the eol upgrades link for details09:13
histoningu: did you look in that file at all?09:14
xboxI did modify sources.list in /etc/apt/ with leafpad through terminal. I replaced the repositories with the EOL ones, saved the file and ran sudo apt-get update. 404 NOT FOUND!09:14
ninguhisto: yes, but I see one locale defined there, not two09:14
ninguunless I am missing something09:14
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, youll have to uprade through 11.04 and 11.10 as well to 12.04 LTS from that can upgrade to 14.04 LTS and then from that to 16.04 lts09:14
BlitzerHoundAlright so how do I know if this worked? I installed the STA thingy09:15
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, i think its dist-upgrade09:15
histoBlitzerHound: load the driver and connect to wifi.09:15
xboxI didn't thought of that. Lemme try09:15
k1l_xbox: 10.10 is from 2010 and its dead sind more than 5 years. the trouble you have is because you waited way too long to upgrade to a supported release. i guess a new install will be way faster than upgrading09:15
BlitzerHoundHow would one load the driver? :/ Sorry I'm so used to programs doing everything for me heh09:15
xbox0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:16
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histoBlitzerHound: have you tried connecting to wifi?  it was probably loaded upon being installed.09:16
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, true you have to do  a lot of upgrading to be on a supported release09:16
ninguHobbyboy: it looks like the C locale is hard-coded and not defined in a locale definition file, so that solves one mystery, at least09:16
xboxI'll try using the latest iso09:17
histoningu: ?09:17
histoningu: ahh09:17
BlitzerHoundI did the ifconfig thing again and it still said no such device. So now I'm just restarting the laptop real quick to see if that makes a difference09:17
ninguhisto: there are two locales, C and C.UTF-809:17
ninguC.UTF-8 *appears* to be defined in  /usr/share/i18n/locales/C09:17
xboxAnyways, thanks Seb and kl109:17
SebthreeBQM10HDxbox, yeah better to re install with supported release, youll have a cleaner install then to09:17
xboxOver and out09:17
ninguI am not quite sure where/how the .UTF-8 suffix gets added09:17
ningubecause there are a few locales with both variants, with and without09:18
histoningu: What are you trying to accomplish, what is the end game here?09:18
ninguhisto: I'm trying to understand why C.UTF-8 exists and what its purpose is09:18
ninguit's very hard to google this09:18
ninguin postgresql I can choose between C and C.UTF-8 collation and they are not the same09:19
ninguC collation is basically codepoint order09:19
BlitzerHoundYeah I don't think this worked09:19
ninguC.UTF-8 looks like it is too, from the /usr/share/i18n/locales/C file, but postgresql doesn't actually produce that order09:19
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, a reboot might help actually, but its more about enableing09:20
ninguso maybe postgresql's idea of those locales is not the same as ubuntu's. I'm not sure. all I know is when I tell postgresql C I get codepoint order, when I tell it C.UTF-8 I get ... something else09:20
BlitzerHoundIn fact now it doesn't even give me an option for a wired connection09:20
BlitzerHoundSo how would I enable it then? I just rebooted it and nothing09:20
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, is it now in additional drivers graphical program?09:21
BlitzerHoundUhhh... where would that be?09:21
SebthreeBQM10HDsearch for it09:21
ninguand it's hard to choose between two things if I don't really know what one of them is09:21
histoningu: hold on i'm doing some reading09:21
ninguwhere did you find the info?09:22
BlitzerHoundOkay so I see it now09:23
BlitzerHoundBut I don't think it's working09:23
histoningu: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Localization/Guide09:24
BlitzerHoundIt shows an unknown device under 'additional drivers'09:25
ninguthat doesn't mention C.UTF-809:25
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, yah uh09:26
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, if were wired could probably just install one09:26
SebthreeBQM10HDbut since you done it the other way09:26
SebthreeBQM10HDthe unknown device might be the one you tried to install09:26
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.09:26
ninguI can find google results mentioning the C.UTF-8 locale but few details really on what's in it09:27
BlitzerHoundI know. :c I'm sorry I know it's something that's probably super simple to fix if I could just plug this darned thing in09:27
histoningu: locale -a09:27
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, no don't blame yourself09:27
ninguor, for that matter, why you'd use it09:27
histoningu: I've never heard of it.09:27
ninguhisto: what about it?09:27
ninguabout that command I mean09:27
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, why can't it just be on  by default?  i'll tell you why,  it's propritary closed source software, so can't be on by default09:27
histoningu: https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Proposals/C.UTF-809:28
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, altough the live cd has it built in or osmething,  or maybe not. I have had this kind of issue myslf09:28
ninguhisto: aha! thanks09:28
ninguthat seems to provide the right background09:28
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, ethernet cables should be quite cheap though09:28
SebthreeBQM10HDunless your in some obsecure not so known country maybe :d09:29
SebthreeBQM10HDobsure uh splt totaly wron g word I wanted, I meant like un known09:29
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, what were the dell drivers you mentioned earlier by the way ?09:29
BlitzerHoundYeah unfortunately I don't have any money at the moment or I'd just go right now and get one. I think maybe my uncle might have one around somewhere. Trying to get that screen shot, one sec09:30
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, and if your reasonably young,  then a ethernet cable might be seen as being a bit old fashioned yeah, he h, since wireless for lots of years now09:30
histoningu: https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Locales09:31
BlitzerHoundWell the sad thing is that I just moved into where I'm staying... I just graduated from a telecommunications course and I know how to make myself an ethernet cable. I had a bunch but I didn't think to take one with me haha09:31
akikBlitzerHound: did you run iwconfig?09:32
BlitzerHoundI didn't. Should I?09:32
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, might mess with things a bit though, if the one you installed was done wrong or not quite right, and then want to do the correct one, depends though09:32
histoBlitzerHound: sorry I got distracted, did you install the appropriate packages from usb?09:32
akikBlitzerHound: yes. it'll show if you have wireless capability on a network interface09:32
akikBlitzerHound: otherwise "ifconfig -a" would show all the network interfaces09:32
BlitzerHoundWell. I installed whichever ones I could find. But like 2 of the folders from the instructions weren't on the usb09:32
SebthreeBQM10HDBlitzerHound, histo and afik can help you better09:32
histoBlitzerHound: which 2?09:33
BlitzerHoundI think it was f and p that should have been in the main pool folder09:33
BlitzerHoundiwconfig says no wireless extensions09:34
LopeI can't run ssh to a server who's SSH key requires a password, inside su, because su does not allocate a /dev/tty. How can I fix this?09:34
histoBlitzerHound: dpkg -l bcmwl-kernel-source09:34
nylocHi, I know that I maybe a bit annoying but I have another question converning the authentication of packages using apt. I have a custom repository "deb http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/unifi/debian unifi5 ubiquiti" which I have cloned using apt-mirror  and I have verifyed the Release and Release.gpg signature and all provided checksums. They all match and apt-mirror does not report any error still apt install of the  the package claims  "WARNING: The09:35
nylocfollowing packages cannot be authenticated! unifi". So what additional step that seems to be undocumented in "https://wiki.debian.org/SecureApt" and "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SecureApt", is apt doing to authenticate the package that I did not try by hand-09:35
histoBlitzerHound: does that show that the package is installed?09:36
BlitzerHoundWhat was that last command supposed to do? I just see info on the kernel thing09:36
histoBlitzerHound: the first part of the line it should return is the stats of the package.  Does it have a ii09:37
BlitzerHoundsays iF09:37
histoBlitzerHound: dpkg -s bcmwl-kernel-source09:38
histoBlitzerHound: that will make more sense... What does it say for status there09:39
BlitzerHoundinstall OK half-configured09:39
histoBlitzerHound: yeah you will need the other package.  Insert the usb and if you say it was the p and f directories you had issues with, we have to find fakeroot and patch09:40
BlitzerHoundBut the folders aren't there09:42
histoBlitzerHound: which folders09:43
BlitzerHoundfakeroot and patch09:43
BlitzerHoundThey're supposed to be in pool/main/p09:43
BlitzerHoundand then also main/f09:43
BlitzerHoundbut those folders don't exist09:44
nylocI have an idea may the problem be that the package is at: "./pool/ubiquiti/u/unifi/unifi_5.4.11-9184_all.deb" and the repo only has the "./dists/unifi5/ubiquiti/binary-amd64/Packages"09:44
BlitzerHoundthe only folders in pool are main and restricted09:44
histoBlitzerHound: yes they are inside of main09:45
nylocso apt does not match the signatures from the binary-amd64 Packages file to the _all architecture?09:45
BlitzerHoundNo, there's no f or p in main09:45
histo!info fakeroot09:45
ubottufakeroot (source: fakeroot): tool for simulating superuser privileges. In component main, is optional. Version 1.21-1ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 60 kB, installed size 210 kB09:45
BlitzerHoundthe main folder has b, d, g, l, m, s, u, and w09:45
histo!info patch09:46
ubottupatch (source: patch): Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-1 (yakkety), package size 96 kB, installed size 257 kB09:46
histoBlitzerHound: what ubuntu version are you using?09:46
BlitzerHound16.1 I think09:46
SebthreeBQM10HDper_sonne,  en svensk :)09:46
histoBlitzerHound: let me dl ubuntu iso hold on09:47
histoBlitzerHound: it will be a few minutes, unless someone else wants to chime in on where fakeroot and patch are located in the iso09:48
BlitzerHoundThat's fine09:49
=== liushun is now known as bones7456
cnfmorning everyone09:50
cnfi have a 16.04 installed with MAAS, and my VLAN's are coming up at boot. when I ifdown / ifup the raw interface, they come up fine09:51
cnfanyone know what could cause that?09:52
LopeI found a workaround, nvm :)09:54
histoBlitzerHound: how are you getting to pool  what directory are you in?09:57
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BlitzerHoundWhen I open the USB pool is in the first directory09:58
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BlitzerHoundSo I was trying to do the thing with the b43-fwcutter but it won't let me install it. It says the dpkg status database is locked by another process10:02
BlitzerHoundI don't know what that means though10:02
OerHeksclose softwarecenter or synaptic10:03
BlitzerHoundAnd another weird thing is that this computer won't shut down. Or if it is going to shut down it's very slow to do so. It's been on the 'Ubuntu' screen with the loading bar for like 3 minutes and it's still going10:07
histoBlitzerHound: we can troubleshoot that later.  So where are you at with the other method?10:13
BlitzerHoundthe b43-fwcutter one or the one with the missing folders?10:13
histoBlitzerHound: the b4310:14
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BlitzerHoundI was trying to figure out which firmware file to download from the instruction page since it doesn't tell which one. But I installed the extractor10:15
histoif he comes back tell him http://www.lwfinger.com/b43-firmware/broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2  I have to go.10:18
tozenhisto: do you have an issues with Broadcom wifi adapter or what?10:18
BlitzerHoundDid I miss anything? l10:19
tozenBlitzerHound: nothing we've missed you ))10:20
cnfwow, just noticed that typo...10:21
cnfi have a 16.04 installed with MAAS, and my VLAN's are NOT coming up at boot. when I ifdown / ifup the raw interface, they come up fine10:21
bhardwajaditya11anyone using ubuntu server?10:22
ikoniabhardwajaditya11: what's your actual question10:23
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bazhangShred, did you have a server question10:25
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BlitzerHoundMan I don't think this b43 thing worked10:31
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BlitzerHoundAre you still downloading the iso?10:33
BlitzerHoundWell if you're still there, I'm gonna try sleeping for a bit. Maybe I can get ahold of an ethernet cable tomorrow and make this easier on myself.10:34
=== nelson is now known as newls
BlitzerHoundI appreciate your help so far, hope to see you tomorrow10:36
=== miczac_ is now known as miczac
tvfg65hi folks. what's a good hands on place to learn linux folks? i care on gentle intro which works its way thorough eventually for beginners10:47
h4writer_server irc.mozilla.org10:47
tvfg65anyone around?10:48
ikoniamay people10:48
tvfg65hey ikonia10:48
cfhowletttvfg65, why?  are you taking a survey?  or did you want to ask an ubuntu question?10:48
tvfg65cfhowlett no survey. i wanna give to my friends :)10:48
tvfg65why would i do a survey haha10:49
cfhowletttvfg65, https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-lpic1-map/index.html10:49
tvfg65maybe https://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/appendixa.html of this nature but a more10:49
cfhowletttvfg65, ask ##linux10:50
tvfg65cfhowlett that's a bit hardcore for starters10:50
rotty_visit the linux stackoverflow once a day and have a look on questions & answers :p10:50
ikoniatvfg65: https://help.ubuntu.com10:50
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ikoniatvfg65: try to do day to day things and use that info to help you10:50
k1l_tvfg65: start using the os like every other os.10:50
ikoniatvfg65: you'll learn more actually trying to use it in real case situations10:50
cfhowletttruth!  ^^^10:50
tvfg65i'll just hand it over to them hey and possibly judge it themselve.10:51
tvfg65why limit yeah?10:51
ikoniahand it over to them ?10:51
tvfg65give it to them10:51
ikoniaif your friends want to learn linux/use linux, surely they will do it themselves10:52
ikoniawithout you pushing it at them10:52
ikoniaand how they learn/what they use it for will differ10:52
tvfg65makes sense i guess10:52
tvfg65anyway thanks ladies n gents10:53
tvfg65have a good one10:53
ragvriI have a problem with my ubuntu....I don't know if this is the right place to post10:56
pabedhello guys , yesterday ,I wanted to install wine on ubuntu 16.04 on amd64X I tried many solutions but didn't work while I find it http://askubuntu.com/posts/832102/revisions I downloaded all https://ghostbin.com/paste/4swqm and installed them but  neither wine works nor apt-get works correctly , it comes stop icon on top of right and said:http://imgur.com/a/oGJ2n10:56
cfhowlettthis is the place.  what are the details10:56
ragvriI have a dual booted system [(specs)](http://imgur.com/bTizynL). Since yesterday, I am unable to connect to college wifi on ubuntu. It works fine on windows. I have tried  [this](https://askubuntu.com/questions/567799/cant-connect-to-a-specific-wifi-network-ubuntu-14-04) method on askubuntu but it is not working. I am able to connect to hotspot which I made on mobile and to the same wifi using tethering via mobile.   The only thing th10:57
ragvriwhen I was working on windows, I had to turn off the windows firewall for some time. Later, I re enabled it.10:57
hateballragvri: can you pick an older kernel in grub menu on boot, if that's what's been upgraded10:57
hateballragvri: you can have a look at /var/log/apt/history* to see which packages have been updated10:58
hateballragvri: also, do you get any interesting output from "dmesg" ?10:58
ragvriI am very sorry...am a complete noob10:58
ragvrican't understand much of what you are saying10:58
ragvrithis is the output in history log11:00
cfhowlettexcept it did not work11:00
ragvriplease try again11:00
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ragvriAre you there @cfhowlett11:04
cfhowlettyep.  still reading11:05
cfhowlettragvri, did this EVER work on the uni's wifi?11:05
cfhowlettwhat changed?11:06
ragvriIt stopped working just yesterday11:06
cfhowlettwhat did YOU change?11:06
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ragvriall I remember was that I disabled the windows firewall on my dualboot11:06
ragvriAfter sometime, I enabled it back11:06
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ragvriubuntu is able to connect to hotspot11:07
cfhowlettshould not effect ubutnu side at all.   let's try hateball's suggestion: reboot, hit esc after your splash screen so you get the grub menu, go to options and select an older version/kernel11:07
ragvriand to the same college wifi via tethering11:07
ragvriI have dual booted system11:08
ragvrigrub menu opens by default ( the purple screen)11:08
cfhowlettright.  go to options ...11:08
ragvriok I would do that11:09
ragvriwhere will the older version be11:09
ragvri_It did not work11:16
ragvri_I am on older version of ubunty now11:16
cfhowlettgiven your description, I can only assume you somehow blacklisted that specific connection in your network settings.  suggest you 'forget" the network then attempt to rejoin it.11:17
ragvri_tried it already11:18
ragvri_I also booted from older version by going to advanced options in grub menu11:18
cfhowlettover my head then.  ask in ##inux as well.  OR>>>> workaround time>>> go back to windows, install virtualbox, install a light ubuntu to the box, e.g. lubuntu or xubuntu.    go forth and prosper11:19
kerananwhi all, what would be the needed packages in order for the facebook video call to work on firefox? i'm using unity minimal btw and have tried setting up the permissions in firefox but it didn't work11:20
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ragvri_thanks anyway11:26
cfhowlettask during busier hours when there are more eyes11:26
doubtful_http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42925708/how-to-replace-old-fish-installation , any ideas?11:27
ragvri_at what time?11:27
cfhowlettseems most irc chat comes from the USA.  work it out for your locality11:28
ragvri_ok thanks a ton11:28
ragvri_will come back later :)11:28
ikoniadoubtful_: update your $PATH to point to the new version of fish first11:28
doubtful_ikonia, not sure what you are hinting at. Right the path is /home/abhishek/anaconda2/bin /home/abhishek/bin /home/abhishek/.local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usrn11:37
ouroumov_!ops | can someone sit in #ubuntu-mate? We have a need for operators.11:39
ubottucan someone sit in #ubuntu-mate? We have a need for operators.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu11:39
linociscohi all11:39
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linociscoi m in the process of copying files and folders. I can't see file copy dialog box11:39
linociscohow can I show?11:40
linociscoany CLI commands?11:40
linociscoany CLI commands to see file copying status?11:40
foopermanouroumov_: Dude, you just pinged a ton of people that can't do anything about it, well done...11:40
=== Dogs is now known as DeadKaptain
cfhowlettlinocisco, read   man cp --verbose or -v11:41
ppflinocisco: how are you copying the files11:41
ouroumov_fooperman, some of the ops here are also freenode ops.11:41
jjjjjque te pasa11:43
cfhowlett!es | jjjjj11:43
ubottujjjjj: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:43
jjjjjmete a mi amigos11:43
linociscoppf, using GUI11:49
linociscoppf, any idea to show copy dialobox?11:53
linociscocfhowlett, any idea to show copy dialog box?11:53
linociscocfhowlett, alt+tab can't help11:53
cfhowlettlinocisco, cp -v foo1 foo211:54
linociscocfhowlett, it is for copying via commandline. I am copying via GUI11:55
mark_mtry / query Bgardner11:55
webwxptzhe  ge   zhen  de  neng liao tian ?11:56
cfhowlett!cn | webwxpt11:56
ubottuwebwxpt: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:56
chaddddrecovery...wont boot12:00
linociscoany idea to show copy dialog box?12:02
chaddddlinux can eat my balls12:02
cfhowlettchadddd, please leave.12:02
scottjlchuckle. and leave poor chad a eunuch. bizarre wish to have.12:04
tsgloveon fire this morning12:05
chaddddim back...12:07
chaddddso lost....so very lost.12:08
chaddddwhere a i?12:10
tommyhi there :)12:13
k1l_chadddd: stop that. if you have a technical ubuntu issue state your problem with details. but those pointless comments dont help anyone.12:13
chaddddwhere do i go to get help? i cant boot after an update/install...recovry said to go to ubuntu.com/12:16
EriC^^chadddd: what happens when you try to boot12:17
chaddddits says error or cantboot, or something,,,then say going backto default, then does nothing12:19
ikonianeed  to be more specific12:19
chaddddit happeneded a,fter  install adb/fastboot12:20
chadddd, and adroid tools12:21
ikonianeed  to be more specific12:21
chaddddcan i check something? or reboot to get exact message?12:23
raubSo I need to copy the contents of a Windows drive and preserve the ownership stuff. Would rsync do the deed?12:23
chaddddi booted into my usb witaah ubuntu on it,,,i can reinstall but want to save my dat12:25
k1l_chadddd: does it work with an older kernel on grub on advanced options?12:25
chaddddno but all the recoverys let me in12:26
k1l_so if you are on an ubuntu usb right now, please mount the ubuntu system partition and copy the content of /var/log/syslog and /var/log/Xorg.0.log from that partition to paste.ubuntu.com and show the urls here12:27
k1l_because just installing adb and fastboot cant break your system. so there was something more12:27
chaddddcan i pull a log or somthing or do i ........................12:27
chaddddokay one min12:28
chaddddyeah it was something in the process of those12:28
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k1l_no, the install of those 2 program is unrelated to booting issues12:29
ikonia reconfiguring the bootloader with fastboot may have replaced group12:30
ikoniaI'd like to know the actual error12:30
chaddddokay i tred to mount in file manager, it wont mount,,do i have to mount in a command?12:31
k1l_i guess some video driver issues or such. or fulll /boot leading to broken initframfs or such. adb and fastboot are just the programs to connect to android devices12:31
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
ikoniaahhh,,I thought he meant the windows /fastboot option in the boot loader12:32
ikoniawhen you rebuild the boot loader12:32
BluesKajHey all12:33
chaddddi followed a couple different pages while doing that updated and upgraded,,,probly other stuff, but all was related to theandroid issue12:33
k1l_chadddd: what does "it wont mount" mean., what error do you get?12:34
chaddddi was trying to remove bootloader from my smartphone12:34
blackrabbityou have ubuntu on smartphone?12:34
k1l_chadddd: issue is, it only sounds like "my car doesnt work" to me. i can only guess without any precise details12:34
chaddddno i was using my laptop to root my phone....12:35
chaddddim aware of that...so how would you diagnose a sytsem that wont boot, step one..?12:37
k1l_chadddd: check logs12:37
k1l_on the ubuntu system partition on /var/log12:37
ikevinchadddd, disable splash screen12:37
CrazyTuxIf I intend to install Ubuntu on my system, which version shall I go for 16.04.1 or 16.04.2? which one is more stable? I have 16.10 on my laptop but I want to install a LTS version now.12:38
blackrabbitchadddd, I can help with that12:39
chaddddok iam in ubuntu part,,var/log, now which one?12:39
k1l_chadddd: syslog and Xorg.0.log12:39
ikevinCrazyTux, 16.04.212:39
tatertotsCrazyTux: doesn't matter just pick one..you'll be back here in a week to install the other no matter what so..just pick one12:39
CrazyTuxikevin, thanks a lot12:39
blackrabbitwait you bricked your ubuntu because of rooting smartphone?12:40
brunch875CrazyTux, from what I know 16.04.2 is 16.04 with the latest updates12:40
k1l_CrazyTux: there is no difference in installing 16.04.1 and 16.04.2 besides .2 got the hwe kernel and xorg already.12:40
CrazyTuxI have been switching distos to find a stable one that is out of the box too.12:40
lotuspsychjeCrazyTux: you already came here like 50 times asking the same question, when will you actualy install ubuntu?12:41
k1l_blackrabbit: no, he fiddlet with his system and didnt know what he is doing, that broke his system. installing adb and fastboot is not related to booting issues.12:41
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chaddddlol yeah go figure...so there syslog/syslog.1/.2qz....12:41
CrazyTuxI will settle for Ubuntu, I have decided.12:41
k1l_CrazyTux: and we told you since months, that blindly reinstalling is not a problem solving solution.12:41
CrazyTuxNo more distrohopping.12:41
k1l_chadddd: i named the exact filenames 3 times now.12:42
blackrabbitk1l_, but you just install adb and run one .sh script? :D12:42
CrazyTuxI'll install 16.04.2 and will forget about it.12:42
brunch875k1l_: I reinstall often and the OS feels fresh every time :p12:42
k1l_blackrabbit: as i said, its not related to his booting issues. he has done something else12:42
tatertotsCrazyTux: sure....see you in a week or so12:42
blackrabbitCrazyTux, ubuntu is a good choice12:43
chaddddthere was more to it than that...12:43
CrazyTuxtatertots, you won't see me again here in this channel unless there is some serious issue.12:43
blackrabbitI don't get the hate about unity12:43
blackrabbitI love it12:43
crazy_v_kis the gnome ubuntu better than unity one?12:43
lotuspsychjecrazy_v_k: no polls here please12:44
blackrabbitI wouldn't go back to gnome at this point12:44
k1l_crazy_v_k: tthat depends on the taste and workflow of the user who uses it. so there better test it yourself12:44
brunch875Well, gnome seems to have more completeness from an integration of programs point of view, but unity is just so comfy with bestest shortcuts12:44
crazy_v_kah ok12:44
lotuspsychjewe have a nice #ubuntu-discuss channel for that12:45
tozenPhhh...holywar again(((12:45
chaddddwhat should i be looking for in the syslog?12:45
chaddddMar 20 07:35:14 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.872543] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:48] Mar 20 07:35:14 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.905703] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:51] Mar 20 07:35:15 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.939575] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:48] Mar 20 07:35:15 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.989007] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:51] Mar 20 07:35:15 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U12:45
crazy_v_kcuz I had some problems with the nautilus filemanager but I didn't try the gnome version yet12:46
essjayhchanyone know if there is a reported issue with the trusty installer chain?12:47
k1l_well, dont be shoked about the removed features on the ubuntu gnome nautilus version. that is what gnome wants nautilus to be like.12:47
lotuspsychjeessjayhch: you can search launchpad bugs on it if you like12:47
chrisfromgreecewhere to go for ubuntu 17.0412:47
chrisfromgreece!ask ubuntu 17.0412:48
ubottuchrisfromgreece: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:48
k1l_chrisfromgreece: #ubuntu+112:48
essjayhchhad a look through. But it looks like libc6-udeb_2.19-0ubuntu6.10_amd64.udeb was replaced on the mirror this morning and is breaking the dns resolver in the installer :(12:49
crazy_v_kk1l_, yeah I accidently removed some package from Nautilus and my ubuntu desktop stopped working (even after reinstalling Nautilus) and then I had to clean reinstall the whole desktop again12:50
chaddddwhere is the best place to gethelp?12:50
k1l_chadddd: i still didnt see you provide the pastbin links to those logfiles12:51
chaddddMar 20 07:35:14 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.872543] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:48] Mar 20 07:35:14 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.905703] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:51] Mar 20 07:35:15 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.939575] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:48] Mar 20 07:35:15 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U530-Touch kernel: [38238.989007] [drm:drm_mode_addfb2] [FB:51] Mar 20 07:35:15 chad-Lenovo-IdeaPad-U12:52
k1l_!paste | chadddd12:52
ubottuchadddd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:52
=== Spontex is now known as Guest2641
LachezarHey all. How would a person propose a specific flag for building a package in Ubuntu? Say somebody would like to request a disable of SSLKEYLOGFILE for general public use of Firefox?13:02
essjayhchhttp://imgur.com/a/sleFI is what I'm seeing in syslog: I would pastie it, but C+P is somewhat broken.13:02
essjayhchdue to it being over a console.13:02
cfhowlettessjayhch, run the command and add | pastebinit        at the end13:03
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essjayhchthat doesn't work in the installer, and it won't work anyway as the side effect of the broken libc package is that dns resolution won't work.13:05
ioriaessjayhch, if dns not working, you can use ip instead of names  ....  cat whatever | nc 9999     (= termbin)13:07
ioriaessjayhch, and what's your problem ?13:10
LupusI'm back!13:12
=== coffeeguy is now known as zenguy
essjayhchbasically I'm trying to install 14.04 via a preseed that was working yesterday (and for the past 3 years). Nothing has changed on our end, however it gets so far through (basically through dhcp, begins downloading packages but then the resolver suddenly stops working before it completes the download.13:12
ioriaessjayhch, ah..13:13
essjayhchwhich is shown by the output of syslog: It downloads a bunch of udeb files from the ubuntu mirrors, as per normal, then everything stops working.13:13
essjayhchwhen I exit to shell I can ping the dns resolver, but if i try to do diagnostic wgets I get dns failures.13:14
ioriaessjayhch, yes... wget: unable to resolve host address 'archive.ubuntu.com'13:14
essjayhchindeed: which is weird because obviously it was able to get address when it downloaded the other files.13:14
akash_I have installed mysql in my ubuntu 16.04 LTS, still it does not show any response and I cannot change my phpmyadmin password too. So, I tried this (sudo apt-get --fix-broken install), and this is the output. Any fix for it? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/BKHLTTMX/13:14
essjayhchlibc is almost certainly at fault, I'm guessing that wget is dynamically linked against it?13:15
essjayhchor apt-install: not sure what's being used at that point.13:15
essjayhchwhen I ran curl -I against the udeb file, it tells me that it was modified at 01:37GMT this morning.13:16
linociscohi all,13:16
essjayhchhence my suspicions.13:16
essjayhchand no, trying alternative mirrors doesn't make any difference.13:17
linociscohow to check shutdown processes because my shutdown or reboot is too slow. How can I check which is causing too slow in shutdown?13:17
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ioriaessjayhch, running the same version of libc6... no issues13:20
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essjayhchindeed, and it may not be that per-se.13:21
raubWhen you mount a network fileshare using nautilus, how can you see the same fileshare in the console?13:24
k1l_raub: look with "mount" where it got mounted13:25
essjayhchhowever I'm pretty sure that partman-utils should exist as a package...13:25
srulii encrypted/compiled a script with shc, problem is that while running in "ps ax" it shows full file (even the comments!) so u user without root privilege can execute ps ax and see the full content of the bash script, is there anything i can do about it?13:25
OerHekslinocisco, check var/log/syslog ?13:25
blackrabbitsruli, how is that possible13:26
sruliblackrabbit: beats me13:26
blackrabbitsruli, you should view only patch and arguments13:27
ioriaessjayhch,  what version of 14.04 exactly ?13:28
essjayhchwhatever is in the pxe installer current.13:30
sruliblackrabbit: i just made a simple bash scripts compiled it with shc, see it here inc ps ax output http://paste.ubuntu.com/24221630/13:35
blackrabbitsruli, are you root?13:36
srulino, not running script as root, but even if i do run as root i get same result when executing ps ax as regular user it still shows13:38
ioriaessjayhch,  can you check your libnss3 version ?13:38
KOPRajshi, I'm on Trusty and trying to get stream from VLC working... getting socket bind error (Permission denied) even for non-priviledged ports... any suggestions?13:40
essjayhchany pointers on how to do that?13:41
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blackrabbitsruli, srry I won't help you, but it's definitely weird13:41
essjayhchif it were an installed system, I would be able to query the aptitude components, but none of those exist this early on.13:42
sruliblackrabbit: thanks fro trying, will hav eto ask again soon to see if someone else can help me obscure this script13:42
KOPRajsthe stream works on localhost but I can't open the socket for the external IP... not even with running sudo vlc-wrapper...13:42
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cfhowlettshould not need sudo to run a vlc stream13:43
essjayhchbear in mind it hasn't even ran part-manager at this point13:44
hiro__Gradually reconstructing my system after it died in a tragic accident. I need to install yarn for work. On yarn's site they have a repo for debian and ubuntu: https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install#linux-tab13:44
hiro__Is this okay to install?13:44
hiro__(I'm on ubuntu 16.04)13:45
sruliblackrabbit: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/05/encrypt-bash-shell-script/?utm_source=tuicool#comment-1422955 some sharp words again shc due to this problem (this is in 2014!)13:45
cfhowlett"okay"?  it's not in the ubuntu repos, so ...13:45
hiro__cfhowlett: so... no?13:45
k1l_hiro__: its your choice to do so.13:45
ioriaessjayhch,  is that you ? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=83712313:45
ubottuDebian bug 837123 in libc6-udeb "[anna] segfault in wheezy installer" [Grave,Open]13:45
cfhowlettso you break it, you fix it.13:45
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blackrabbitsruli, and why encrypting it?13:46
hiro__It's a work thing, so I probably don't have much choice. But this is considered dangerous, right?13:46
k1l_hiro__: adding 3rd party repos means you trust that 3rd party 100%. they can technically ship you any software they want13:47
sruliblackrabbit: most importantly becuase it contains very sensetive commands to construct a password13:47
essjayhchno, that looks like it's 6 months old. This is brand new ie this morning.13:47
cfhowletthiro__, it's not without risk but neither is anything else is *nix13:47
KOPRajscfhowlett: I know... is used to work in 12.04... now I get permission denied even under root and even for port like 800013:47
essjayhchand mine is on trusty13:47
cfhowlettKOPRajs, some odd behavior there.  suggest you cease and desist sudo vlc and ask the vlc folk for assistance13:48
hiro__What I really want to avoid is getting my system in an inconsistent state and having to nuke it (again).13:48
hiro__Is there a "least worst" way to do this sort of thing, if you actually have to?13:49
essjayhchalthough the behaviour is similar, I am not seeing any segmentation faults in any logs.13:49
k1l_hiro__: ubuntu cant test what other 3rd parties put into their 3rd party repos.13:49
cfhowletthiro__, might I suggest you set up a virtual machine and test it there?13:50
ioriaessjayhch,  well, sy, not good with pressed  ... may i suggest the mini.iso installer ?13:50
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hiro__also the fact that it's for debian and ubuntu all versions makes me suspicious13:50
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hiro__it seems there's no way round this sort of thing though13:51
hiro__e.g. if you want to use chrome13:51
hiro__or slack13:51
Menzadorhiro__: What are you even talking about?13:51
hiro__not sure I understand the question13:52
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MenzadorWhat is there no way around?13:52
hiro__adding 3rd party stuff13:54
essjayhchioria: I wish it was this simple, but this pxe environment supports an enterprise environment 5k miles away from my desk...13:54
essjayhchit's not the pxe bit.13:54
essjayhchbecause the unguided installer fails for the same reason and the kernel files haven't changed in 2 years.13:55
ioriaessjayhch,  i see13:56
essjayhch(kernel files being the only pxe bit that is relevant here - from that point it behaves exactly the same as a normal installer and downloads the stuff over the net).13:56
alkisgessjayhch: do you have the error messages in a pastebin?13:57
essjayhchnot exactly, as they are inside the debian-installer13:57
ioriaalkisg, http://termbin.com/1npy13:57
essjayhchbut i pasted syslog to ^^13:58
essjayhch(or whatever ubuntu calls it this week)13:58
KOPRajscfhowlett: huh, found the source of the problem... I'm trying to use bad IP... looking at the ifconfig output it turns out that the network applet in systray shows old IP (the computer is running for several days and got different IP from DHCP in the meantime but the applet shows the first it got after boot)14:00
sh0thi guys i have this process root      1784 70.8  0.6 461124 77924 tty7     Rsl+ 08:51   5:58 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch14:00
sh0t which has an incredibly high percentage usage14:00
cfhowlettfine detective work, KOPRajs 114:00
sh0ti dont think it's normal14:01
ioriaessjayhch, maybe a libs mismatch with libnss or such ... really idk14:01
KOPRajstrying to bind a socket on IP that is not on any active interface results in permission denied... didn't know that14:02
alkisgessjayhch: so the problem is a temporary network error, when it couldn't download a .deb?14:03
essjayhchit could download debs, but nothing after the libc deb14:04
essjayhchat which point dns resolution goes away.14:05
essjayhchThere isn't anything wrong with the networking at any point.14:05
essjayhchas I can ping out onto the internet, including the resolver.14:05
alkisgessjayhch: so if you run it again, you get the same results, failing to download after a wget? Because there's no installation at that point, it's just wget14:05
essjayhchclearly anna is able to install stuff, it gets 17% through the pre-installer download process, but then it breaks.14:05
essjayhchevery time.14:05
essjayhchon the console now, if i try to wget google.com, i get a domain error.14:06
essjayhchbut as you can see in the pasted output, it was able to wget earlier on.14:06
oskiewith xenial, what's the correct systemd way to disable a service on startup?14:10
oskiei used to do 'update-rc.d -f xxx remove' but i'm not sure it works14:11
deanmanIs it possible to use `apt list` with wildcards? I tried * but didn't work as expected. Man hints about blob for `apt list` but it's not clear to me how to use that. Any hints for me ?14:11
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ducasseoskie: systemctl disable servicename14:12
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ducasse!systemd | oskie14:13
ubottuoskie: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units14:13
tommy17hi guys, i'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, i did `timedatectl set-ntp true` but the service isnt running -  when i check `systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service` it tells me its not running and some condition failed14:21
tommy17any ideas?14:21
lotuspsychjetommy17: updated your system to 16.04.2?14:23
tommy17lotuspsychje: i'm running vagrant image 16.04.02 LTS14:24
tommy17lotuspsychje: i'm running vagrant image 16.04.2 LTS14:26
lotuspsychjetommy17: could this be related to what you experience? https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/162544614:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1625446 in Canonical System Image "systemd-timesyncd.service: Failed to run 'start' task: Read-only file system" [High,Confirmed]14:27
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tommy17lotuspsychje: hard to tell, this is what happens after asking for service status: https://gist.github.com/h1884387/e6e315d758918f048e0fc733c22b810714:30
tommy17where can i find what is this 'start condition'?14:30
lotuspsychje!systemd | tommy17 maybe here14:31
ubottutommy17 maybe here: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units14:31
krzyszofis it possible to encrypt hdd after installation ?14:33
lotuspsychje!encrypt | Kryptron_14:33
ubottuKryptron_: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory14:33
gazelleIn order to make some measurements every 30 seconds, I have to repeatedly press File > Export > [filename]. Is there any way to automate this, for example by emulating the mouse and keyboard with some predefined behavior?14:34
andatchehas anyone else noticed that the libc6 packages pushed out yesterday break compatibility with getaddrinfo() (presumably the fix for CVE-2016-3706)?14:35
andatchefor Precise, Trusty and Xenial at least14:35
tommy17so could anybody tell me what is the official 'ubuntu way' to enable ntp server clock sync in ubuntu 16? because installing ntp package is considered deprecated14:35
lotuspsychjeandatche: perhaps the #ubuntu-hardened guys know that one?14:37
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anonymoushello bro14:38
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andatcheunsure if it's intentional or a bug, but it was rolled out by unattended upgrades and breaks a number of daemons/long running processes, so a bit of a mess14:38
sh0tguys my Xorg is earting my cpu alive...and also my Xorg.log is flooded with [   605.230] (WW) modeset(0): flip queue failed: Invalid argument14:38
sh0t[   605.230] (WW) modeset(0): Page flip failed: Invalid argument14:38
sh0t[   605.230] (EE) modeset(0): present flip failed14:38
Guest51764hello bro14:42
Guest51764where are you from ?14:43
Guest51764poland ?14:43
krzyszofwhy ?14:43
lotuspsychjeGuest51764: krzyszof this is ubuntu support channel, no regular chat here please14:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:44
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.14:45
=== TheCowboy_ is now known as TheCowboy
=== krzyszof is now known as Vardah
nairwolfHi, I would like to install docker-engine, and I see in the official website, they advice to use this way : curl url | script.sh14:48
nairwolfAnd I see there is an official package at the repository, would you advice me to do "sudo apt install docker-engine" ?14:49
j4f-shredderhey! I'm on ubuntu 16.10 and trying to set a virtualhost, https://codeshare.io/2jAjrA  here is my config info, I cant get it to work, it cant resolve the name, I'm a total noob to be honest, Unable to determine IP address from host name test.localhost.ar14:49
j4f-shredderI left windows behind but I'm a total noob configuring this stuff14:49
j4f-shredderI want to learn how to do it14:49
lotuspsychje!manual | j4f-shredder14:51
ubottuj4f-shredder: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:52
wafflejockj4f-shredder, you'll need to add the domain to your /etc/hosts14:53
wafflejockoh see you have it there...14:53
wafflejockj4f-shredder, you can try ping test.localhost.ar, see what IP address it shows, it should reflect your changes to /etc/hosts14:56
j4f-shredderPING test.localhost.ar ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.045 ms14:57
wafflejockj4f-shredder, okay so the name mapping to IP is working as expected14:57
wafflejockj4f-shredder, are you getting that error in a browser?14:58
Vardahis it possible to encrypt all hard disk after regular installation14:58
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FinalXgetent ahostsv4 test.localhost.ar # .. or you can just do that14:58
wafflejockj4f-shredder, would clear all the caches or use an incognito window to see if it's some domain caching in the browser messing things up and or can try wget/curl14:58
j4f-shredderwafflejock: yes, on chrome14:59
FinalXgetent ahostsv6 test.localhost.ar # for ipv614:59
j4f-shredderthe thing is that if I go to proxy settings I get When running Google Chrome under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or there was a problem launching your system configuration.14:59
j4f-shredderso I cant disable the proxy for localhost14:59
yellabshello all15:00
wafflejockj4f-shredder, you threw me off there what's this about a proxy15:00
j4f-shredderthe weird thing is that if I try to access that address it asks for proxy authentication15:01
wafflejockj4f-shredder, are you using a proxy?15:01
yellabsdoes any one here have experience with running a robot that you control with ubuntu desktop ?15:01
yellabswich robots could / will work15:01
j4f-shredderwafflejock: yes, I'm on a company15:01
wafflejockyellabs, anything could work basically so long as it has some sort of serial interface that you can talk with15:02
yellabsexamples : zowi - sphero - mbot15:02
j4f-shredderI configured the proxy on ubuntu already15:02
wafflejockj4f-shredder, google has some extra dnscache stuff in it already that might have the wrong address saved so make sure you get that cleared out or try another browser or incognito window to make sure it's not using old info when it initially tries resolving the domain15:03
j4f-shredderwafflejock: I also tried opera with no luck15:06
j4f-shredderI disabled proxy for local15:06
j4f-shredderI get that popup15:06
j4f-shredderof proxy authentication15:06
wafflejockyellabs, basically you need to look at each product and see what SDK they have available and if the libraries or tools they provide give you a simple enough interface to do what you want http://sdk.sphero.com/ not really an Ubuntu support question though... more like robot support, bad joke is bad15:07
yellabsi am glad you are not a robot ;)15:07
wafflejockj4f-shredder, sorry haven't used a proxy consistently enough to have seen that problem can try with curl in the command line to take the browsers out of the equation and see the response from a request but not sure what's going wrong there15:08
j4f-shredderwafflejock: no problem15:09
j4f-shreddermaybe is the definition of the hosts15:09
j4f-shredderon the config file15:09
j4f-shredderI've defined it twice on port 8015:09
j4f-shredderon lines 8 and 4215:09
j4f-shredderbut with different host names15:09
j4f-shredderservernames I mean15:09
wafflejockyeah if it can't match the name against a servername then you just get the first listing with no servername as your config15:10
wafflejockseems like it's not getting to the point of apache handling anything though since the proxy is getting in the way15:10
wafflejockjust not sure why it's going out through the proxy anyhow since it should resolve the IP to and that is loopback15:11
wafflejockso shouldn't go through the proxy15:11
j4f-shreddershould I just delete the first entry?15:11
wafflejockj4f-shredder, no one sec15:11
essjayhchalkisg: yes this is most definitely a libc6 issue: There is documented occurrences of them doing something similar in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=757941, causing getaddrinfo() to not load any NSS modules and the udeb file in the repo was only updated this morning. Given that the installer suddenly grinds to a halt due to name resolution15:11
essjayhchimmediately after the binary is replaced, makes it nigh on impossible to be anything else.15:11
ubottuDebian bug 757941 in libc6 "libc6 version 2.19 breaks NSS loading for static binaries" [Important,Fixed]15:11
wafflejockj4f-shredder, what happens if you go to ?15:12
alkisgessjayhch: it seemed to me that it was only downloading at that point, and not installing, but maybe that's just the syslog messages being incomplete15:12
essjayhchpossibly. What is the best way to raise a ticket about this? Because it cannot be just effecting me.15:13
essjayhchI would install xenial (which has a different version) if our orchestration supported it.15:14
alkisgessjayhch: check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bugs15:15
alkisgessjayhch: maybe it's this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/167453215:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1674532 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 broken during PXE boot" [Critical,Confirmed]15:15
essjayhchah that wasn't there earlier :) but then I did try and do an install only 3 hours after the package was updated :)15:16
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essjayhchioria: incidentally, according to that ticket, the bug is reproducable with the mini.iso as well for the exact same reasons (it was backported into it at the same time).15:21
ioriaessjayhch,  libc6 issue after all15:23
essjayhchidd, someone tried to fix a CVE. but broke busybox in the process.15:24
j4f-shredderwafflejock: it goes to the main apache web15:24
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ioriaessjayhch,  it's said libc6_2.19-0ubuntu6.9_amd64.deb  instead of  _10  be a workaround15:24
essjayhchany ideas on how to make it use that version in preference of whatever the installer does automagically?15:25
ioriaessjayhch,  you can get it from here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/libc6/2.19-0ubuntu6.915:27
wafflejockj4f-shredder, okay so that's working as expected... I still suspect some sort of dns caching happening then I'm just not sure where it's getting that from go here chrome://net-internals/#dns15:27
wafflejockj4f-shredder, search for the local domain you're trying to use see if it's in there with the wrong IP15:27
j4f-shredderHostnameFamilyAddressesExpires lavalle-proxy.mpdefensa.gob.arIPV4 2017-03-21 12:29:48.52615:29
j4f-shredderI can see the proxy15:29
j4f-shredderon that address15:29
j4f-shredderProxy server for HTTP: lavalle-proxy.mpdefensa.gob.ar:3128 Proxy server for HTTPS: lavalle-proxy.mpdefensa.gob.ar:3128 Bypass list:    localhost   ::1 Source: GSETTINGS15:29
wafflejockj4f-shredder, hmm yeah sorry again dunno what to do about that but gives you some hints :)15:30
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thunter1995Hi I'm new to IRC here and I have a question about a post I put up in the forums can anyone here help?15:42
ouroumov_!ask | thunter199515:43
ubottuthunter1995: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:43
thunter1995No one has seen the post I put up which makes me think I've put it in the wrong forum. How do I remove it to re-post or move it to another forum15:43
alkisgthunter1995: you need to put the link here, otherwise we don't know what you're talking about15:47
thunter1995How do I do that?15:47
alkisgCopy the address of the bug from firefox and paste it here15:48
alkisg*of the topic15:48
thunter1995This is the title in the server Platform forum: Failed to Start RAISE network Interface with new MB15:49
alkisgthunter1995: I mean this: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235616215:49
alkisgThis is called a link, an address, a URL15:49
alkisgthunter1995: ok, now you need to provide more information here. For example, can you open a terminal on that server, and run "sudo dhclient; ip a" and tell us if it has an ip address?15:51
xav-101000739does ubuntu supports Nvidia graphics?15:53
thunter1995Ok, That will take me a few minutes to fire up. I will try to get is asap. Thank you.15:53
xav-101000739MadPsy: should i buy nvidia or radeon?15:54
gimpy0455How can I disable "history" in the alt+f2 app launcher menu?  When I hit alt+f2 and type an app I used to be able to just hit enter to select the first search result, now it friggin has a row of "history" I have to move past first15:54
MadPsyxav-101000739, nvidia have always worked for me. You can also install the the non-free drivers automatically too, which is nice.15:54
xav-101000739oh.. thanks MadPsy15:55
blomstertjxav-101000739 There is an official PPA for Ubuntu that repackages drivers from NVIDIA for easier isntall15:55
alkisggimpy0455: open a terminal. Type "dconf watch /". Then press alt+f2, type xterm. Now see the first terminal, it will have a gsetting path. what is it?15:57
gimpy0455alkisg: ok, it spit out /desktop/unity/runner/history and a list of apps15:58
gimpy0455I also found this but it is already disabled and cleared: http://askubuntu.com/questions/455524/how-to-turn-off-dash-history-from-previous-searches-in-ubuntu-14-0415:58
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alkisggimpy0455: ok, since I don't have unity, try this too: gsettings list-recursively | grep runner, you'll see another form of it with dots instead of slashes15:58
gimpy0455alkisg: no match15:59
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gimpy0455...but I found com.canonical.Unity.Runner in it15:59
alkisggimpy0455: now, gsettings reset-recursively com.canonical.Unity.Runner16:00
gimpy0455alkisg: ok, now that list is empty but I do still see a history section in the search results16:00
alkisggimpy0455: use similar steps to find out which other key is used. you can also run something weird like "xterm -e echo asdfasdf" and the run "gsettings list-recursively | grep asdfasdf" to find the key16:02
gimpy0455is this a known bug?16:02
alkisgSorry I don't have Unity so I can't pinpoint it for you16:02
nicomachusI have unity, what are we looking for?16:04
alkisgThe gsetting where dash stores the search history16:04
alkisgOr some gui-way to clear it16:05
nicomachusSystem Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Files & Applications tab16:05
nicomachusThere's a toggle for "Record file and application usage" and then a button to "Clear Usage Data..."16:06
gimpy0455alkisg: there is a GUI way, it doesn't work16:06
gimpy0455nicomachus: did that, still see a "history" when searching for apps16:06
JsL_have there been reports of issues authenticating against ldaps/ad today?16:07
nicomachusgimpy0455: may need to file a bug then.16:07
JsL_(yes, I've got a couple of boxes that uses ldap over php that for some reason claims that the entered password is wrong, regardless of if it is... )16:08
gimpy0455not going to bother, my bug reports have always just been ignored16:08
blomstertjgimpy0455: Did you click "All Time"16:08
gimpy0455yes I did16:08
blomstertjgimpy0455: I assume yes16:08
nicomachus¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can't fix it if you don't file it16:08
blomstertjgimpy0455: It clears my application history for the regular dash.  I can't verify the Alt-F2 one because I don't use it16:09
gimpy0455I have submitted numerous bug to ubuntu, not a single damn one was ever even investigated ... other distros have looked into my bug reports, ubuntu does not16:09
peteeJsL_: Is it actually saying the password is wrong, or could it be failing to connect altogether?16:09
blomstertjgimpy0455: I just used Alt F2 to launch an app.  I recleared and it's still there16:10
JsL_I'm assuming it's just failing altogether, even though it claims to have wrong pwd16:10
JsL_it's just strange that two different boxes should get the same issue at the same time, but others not16:11
JsL_running ldapsearch with proper credentials still work, so the network and backend are ok16:11
blomstertjgimpy0455: So it's a bug or that button wasn't made to clear the Alt F2 menu16:12
blomstertjgimpy0455: Not sure why they wouldn't make it clear though16:12
JsL_but yeh... guess there haven't been lots of reports of this either16:12
gimpy0455blomstertj: guess it's just broken16:13
blomstertjgimpy0455: I agree that it SHOULD clear.  I'd say it's either a bug or a feature suggestion16:13
peteeJsL_: sounds like it’s related to an update to the libc6 package last night, seen lots of issues today relating to PHP not able to resolve hosts, but doing so from the terminal works ok16:14
JsL_I figured it couldn't be, but indeed that's one of the packages updated last nigth16:14
peteeHave you tried restarting apache/nginx/etc?16:15
* JsL_ will sound like newb now:16:15
peteeThat seems to have solved it, at least for now16:15
JsL_..how do you rollback to previous version?16:15
JsL_indeed, rebooted both services and server16:15
JsL_no luck :(16:16
sh0they guys using xrandr i activate a second monitor but then I find all the windows opened in the first monitor moved in the second one while i would like this second one to be empty at the beginning16:17
peteeMay not be related then16:17
peteeFYI, there’s more info, and some useful links at https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=251868&tstart=016:17
JsL_thank you so much petee - you were indeed right16:19
peteeNo problem, we’ve now yet established whether it’s a one off thing that happens after the upgrade, or whether it may reoccur16:20
spillednothingHey frozenrouter16:21
spillednothingHey ntpttr16:21
thunter1995I don't think it has an IP It says dhclient command not found and the only think that looks like a IP is
naccthunter1995: you may need to run `sudo dhclient -a`16:26
naccthunter1995: err, no -a16:27
petskiAs of today, our PXE system doesn't install Ubuntu 14.04.5 as it used to. It's missing packages, and it cannot fall back on a mirror, because it can't resolve security.ubuntu.com. I have the idea it's related to https://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3239-1/ - a libc6 update, and the ubuntu installer doing some sort of autoupdate of itself16:27
gamesterDid the newest Nvidia driver just auto install? I see it in my apt log but don't remember installing..16:30
gamesterI mean I did update recently, but don't remember seeing nvidia on there16:31
OerHeksgamester,  i got nvidia drivers & cida too, on an ATI system, still looking for the cause16:31
thunter1995Ok, I get with dhclient: invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel smbd.service is not active, cannot reload invoke-rc.d: initscript smbd, action "reload" failed16:32
naccthunter1995: use a pastebin and provide the exact command and exact output there16:33
naccthunter1995: in your case, probably `sudo dhclient; ip -a`16:33
thunter1995Hard to do since it's a server and no network connect. I have to read from one screen and retype here.16:33
naccyou can copy and paste from your terminal application (typically)16:34
thunter1995unless you know a way of doing it with a thumb drive or something?16:34
naccthunter1995: --^16:34
thunter1995it's all command line. there's not GUI on this16:35
naccthunter1995: oh you're not on a serial console or something? you're looking at a monitor connected to the server?16:35
thunter1995with a keyboad attached.16:36
carlo497$ javaws16:37
carlo497Program javaws nie jest obecnie zainstalowany. Możesz go zainstalować wpisując:16:37
carlo497sudo apt install icedtea-netx16:37
carlo497carlo@carlo-Ubuntu:~/Pobrane$ sudo apt install icedtea-netx16:37
carlo497Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe16:37
carlo497Budowanie drzewa zależności16:37
carlo497Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe16:37
thunter1995The guy that build the MB said I need to install new drivers for the Intel chipset that it's not compatible out-of-the-box with unbuntu16:37
thunter1995trying to update those drivers since it's not a apt-get type program is above my skill level16:38
AtizHi. Anyone knows when the Firefox plugin v.25 is going to be allowed to be installed?16:38
carlo497Program javaws nie jest obecnie zainstalowany. Możesz go zainstalować wpisując:16:38
carlo497sudo apt install icedtea-netx16:38
carlo497carlo@carlo-Ubuntu:~/Pobrane$ sudo apt install icedtea-netx16:38
carlo497Czytanie list pakietów... Gotowe16:38
carlo497Budowanie drzewa zależności16:38
carlo497Odczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe16:38
thunter1995and I'm "Guessing" it's the drivers since the only thing I changed is the MB16:38
nacc!pastebin | carlo49716:38
ubottucarlo497: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:38
nacc!cz | carlo49716:39
ubottucarlo497: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:39
AtizFirefox as of today complains about version 24 as a security issue.16:39
DJones!paste | carlo49716:39
naccAtiz: "Firefox plugin v.25"?16:39
OerHeksAtiz, we are @ FF 52.01 ..16:40
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carlo497Does anyone see my messages? Getting error with every sended message16:41
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thunter1995I see them carlo49716:42
OerHekscarlo497, yes, next time use a pastebin for multiple lines16:42
thunter1995is that for me Calos?16:42
carlo497Ok, sorry for spam16:42
DJonescarlo497: We're seeing your messages, but they're getting caught by the channel admin bot for spam, use the pastebin for posting multiple lines, and also remember that this channel is English language only16:43
carlo497Ok, I got error from my irc program "Can't send this to channel" and I got confused.16:47
Atiz... Firefox "Flash" plugin v.25 is going to be allowed to be installed?16:47
AtizOerHeks: I meant the Flash plugin. Sorry!16:48
thunter1995how do I repost a question in the forums or move a question to a different forum? thanks16:50
ikoniaask the forum admins16:50
thunter1995ok thanks16:51
OerHeksAtiz,  if you *want* flash, you would need to manually install firefox 52 ESR16:51
jeffreylevesqueif i have an ubuntu vm, which partition will docker install it's containers - https://bpaste.net/show/bf710b701e09?16:51
carlo497So, can you help me guys? https://paste.ubuntu.com/24222569/16:52
carlo497I just want to open jnlp app16:54
OerHekscarlo497, what guide did you follow to install?16:56
carlo497Install what? javaws?16:57
ghenry_workhowdy. Are there any tools I can can read the docs for that can add some white noise to wipe bits of a phone conversation out? Audacity? I'm looking to script it.16:58
OerHekscarlo497, yes, you gave an URL earlier16:58
carlo497It was already installed17:01
naccjeffreylevesque: probably wherever you configure it to -- not sure what the default is17:02
ioriacarlo497, are you fully updated ? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:03
resc_040b11_1862How do I change my Nick?17:04
naccresc_040b11_1862: use the /nick command17:04
resc_040b11_1862nacc, Thanks17:04
resc_040b11_1862It dosnt work17:05
carlo497Updated and it doesn't work17:07
nacccarlo497: in a 16.04 container, it worked fine here17:07
resc_040b11_1862Im on Rescatux CD17:08
carlo49716.10 here17:08
nacccarlo497: don't cut stuff out of the output if you want actual help, btw17:08
nacccarlo497: let me switch, one sec17:08
resc_040b11_1862Nick Test17:10
naccresc_040b11_1862: there is a test channel, iirc17:10
resc_040b11_1862nacc I dont want test channel, I cant change nick in here17:10
naccresc_040b11_1862: use the test channel to test messages, not here.17:10
OerHeks'/nick bla bla bla'17:11
naccresc_040b11_1862: and /nick is not dependent on your client (presuming a sane client), afaik17:11
resc_040b11_1862I am typing ./nick Test17:11
naccresc_040b11_1862: no.17:11
naccresc_040b11_1862: i didn't say './nick'17:11
naccresc_040b11_1862: i said '/nick'17:11
naccresc_040b11_1862: in your IRC client17:11
naccresc_040b11_1862: do you know what '.' refers to? it's the current directory in your shell. Why would that be relevant to your IRC client?17:12
resc_040b11_1862nacc, Maybe because I am on Live CD I cant change it17:12
naccresc_040b11_1862: no, that doesn't make sense17:12
resc_040b11_1862I am in IRC client17:12
carlo497nacc: whole translated output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24222847/17:13
OerHekslogout, start again17:13
nacccarlo497: ok, stil installing in the constainer here ... give me a minute or so17:13
jeffreylevesquewhen i install ubuntu can i specify how much harddisk each paritition should get (more worried about `/`)?17:14
lernerhow do I restart fcitx from the shell?17:14
naccjeffreylevesque: yes, i believe so -- although '/' is not a partition but a mountpoint17:15
ioriacarlo497, ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/javaws17:16
nacccarlo497: it worked fine here17:16
nacccarlo497: well, i mean javaws works from the command-line, i'm not actually using it17:17
jeffreylevesquenacc, can you assign harddisk memory to mountpoints during install?17:18
naccjeffreylevesque: 'harddisk memory'? i was just clarifying your terminology. You can specify exactly how you want to partition a disk17:19
nacccarlo497: /usr/bin/javaws will be provided by the alternatives infrastructure17:19
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ThePortWhispererhi, anyone have ideas what version this package is:     mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2  database server binaries17:22
OerHeksThePortWhisperer, jaunty 9.0417:23
geniiOuch, 9.0417:23
jeffreylevesquenacc: can i specify how i want to partition a disk during install, or after - it's been like a year, so i forget17:23
j4f-shredderI solved it, it was a problem with the apache rewrite module17:24
j4f-shredderit was disabled and most php frameworks use it17:24
ThePortWhisperergenii, what's wrong with 9.0417:24
OerHeksjaunty id EOl, 7 years17:24
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:24
geniiThePortWhisperer: For one thing, it's been End Of Life for a long time now17:24
OerHeksupgrade to a suppoted version, like 12.04.. oh no, it is dead too april 8th17:25
naccjeffreylevesque: yes17:25
FinalX8th? they finally picked a date? :)17:25
geniiThePortWhisperer: There have also been a lot of security fixes since then17:25
naccjeffreylevesque: during the install, not after17:25
j4f-shredderhow do I install php5-xdebug package??17:25
j4f-shredderI'm using ubuntu 16.1017:25
naccj4f-shredder: no php5  in 16.1017:26
j4f-shredderthe package is not found17:26
FinalX16.x comes with php 7.017:26
j4f-shredderyes, I had to install17:26
j4f-shredderdue to work17:26
j4f-shredderthey use that version here17:26
naccj4f-shredder: well, that's too bad17:26
FinalXthen also manually install php5-debug from the repository you're using17:26
j4f-shredderI know17:26
ThePortWhisperergenii it's just some old vm i'm pwning for practice17:26
naccj4f-shredder: but not ubuntu once you added the ppa to do so17:26
j4f-shredderbut it is what it is17:26
FinalXand if that repository doesn't have it, i'm afraid you're out of luck17:26
j4f-shredderbut the sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug doesnt work17:27
j4f-shredderUnable to locate package php5-xdebug17:27
naccj4f-shredder: talk to the ppa's owner17:27
j4f-shreddercant I just get the package?17:27
j4f-shredderfrom somewhere?17:27
naccj4f-shredder: there is no such package in 16.1017:27
naccj4f-shredder: you would get it from the ppa or build it yourself, but not supported here17:27
naccj4f-shredder: or run 14.04 in a container, which seems far easier17:27
FinalXubuntu doesn't build php5 anymore (and they shouldn't... php5's support ended in january), so no, it's not available unless you get someone else to build it for you (like the ppa)17:28
FinalXyeah.. i'm with nacc on that one.. older version in a container is way easier :)17:28
j4f-shredderso if I download the source and I build it from the command line17:28
FinalXor at least debootstrap it into a dir and chroot to it17:28
j4f-shredderwont that work?17:28
naccor VM, whichever you prefer17:28
naccj4f-shredder: if you don't know where to get the binary package from, where are you going to get hte source from?17:28
FinalXmost likely not, as you also need a whole mountain of dependencies which are not compatible with php517:29
FinalXbecause those dependencies for php5 are also all outdated by now and replaced with newer versions in 16.04/16.1017:29
OerHeksj4f perhaps php-xdebug ?17:29
OerHeks!info php-xdebug17:29
ubottuphp-xdebug (source: xdebug): Xdebug Module for PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0-5 (yakkety), package size 287 kB, installed size 991 kB17:29
naccOerHeks: they want the php5 version17:29
FinalXalso consider the fact that 17.04 will come out in a month or so. your ppa might not even build php5 for that anymore.17:29
naccj4f-shredder: and do you konw the trusty version is compabilt with the ppa's PHP5?17:29
OerHeksbut 16.10 got php7 ..17:30
naccOerHeks: yes17:30
naccj4f-shredder: as i've said a few times, ask the ppa owner for support, php5 on 16.10 is offtopic here17:30
FinalXand so it should, see http://php.net/supported-versions.php ... PHP 5.6's support ended 2 months ago.17:30
OerHeksand the package is never called php5-xdebug but php-xdebug17:30
j4f-shredderI'll just install it17:30
naccOerHeks: there was a php5-xdebug in trusty17:30
j4f-shredderand see what happens17:30
FinalXyou should be upgrading applications, not downgrading to non-natively built versions to facilitate in a problem17:30
j4f-shredderit's not up to me17:31
j4f-shredderwe have 10 year old projects17:31
naccj4f-shredder: it absolutely is up to you17:31
j4f-shredderand no man power to modify it all17:31
naccj4f-shredder: you chose to use a distribution that doesn't support the old code17:31
j4f-shredderno, itś not my company17:31
FinalXso do we, we just migrated 10000 customers away from ubuntu 12.04 / php 5.317:31
naccj4f-shredder: use the distribution that does...17:31
j4f-shredderIḿ not gonna rewrite 10 apps17:31
naccj4f-shredder: i never said to do anything with your apps17:31
FinalXwell someone is gonna have to in the near future.17:31
j4f-shredderI'm using symfony 1.417:31
OerHeksj4f-shredder, then your company should stick with 14.04.5 lts17:31
j4f-shredderand if you install php 7 last time I checked the app blow up if you use php 717:32
naccj4f-shredder: in any case, you seem to be resistant to the simplest solution, gl!17:32
FinalX..what OerHeks and nacc already said17:32
j4f-shreddernono, I'm not17:32
j4f-shredderIm just listening cause I'm ignorant on the topic17:32
j4f-shredderI thought you could just install any package17:32
naccj4f-shredder: use a VM or container with 14.04.5 in it17:32
FinalX14.04 is supported until april 2019, so you have security fixes as well until then17:32
naccFinalX: and that coincides nicely with security support for php5 :)17:32
FinalXor if you need longer, migrate to debian jessie, which will have a bit longer.17:33
naccj4f-shredder: if you could install any package, why would there be releases and versions?17:33
j4f-shreddercause the OS upgrades but you still can install any version17:33
j4f-shredderof any package17:33
* FinalX uses different debian and ubuntu releases mixed for different PHP versions, both LTS and bleeding-edge17:33
j4f-shredderlike on windows17:33
naccj4f-shredder: that is an entirely incorrect view of Ubuntu17:33
naccj4f-shredder: and also is not true on Windows, afaict17:34
FinalX..or linux in general17:34
OerHeksj4f-shredder, no, you cannot. change to systemd and php7 are a jump.17:34
j4f-shredderhow do I downgrade from 16.10 to 1417:34
j4f-shredderany easy way?17:34
FinalXor, like said before, just download it in a chroot environment or make a linux container with it17:35
FinalXapt-get install lxc; lxc-create -t ubuntu -n php5 --r -r trusty17:35
nacclxc launch ubuntu:trusty (on 16.04+) makes it rather easy :)17:35
compdocdoes anyone have vnc or x2go working with Unity?17:35
FinalXor that, with lxd17:35
j4f-shredderI will look into that linux container17:36
FinalXj4f-shredder: even easier might be http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/debootstrap.8.html if you don't need the container / virtualisation stuff17:36
lan29Hey everyone, is there any possible way to have nfs work with an encrypted home directory? Thanks!17:37
FinalXbasically you can install 14.04 into /myphp5install, and do "chroot /myphp5install" to work in it, etc.17:37
j4f-shredderthere was an asy way of activating 7.0 if you had 5.617:37
j4f-shredderI have both installed17:37
j4f-shredderhow do I switch?17:37
j4f-shredderI did it the other day17:37
naccj4f-shredder: you presumably are using ondrej's PPA if you ahve both installed17:37
j4f-shredderI will try to run the app again on php 717:37
FinalXj4f-shredder: ask #php; depends on how you set things up17:38
j4f-shredderdefault settings17:38
FinalXlan29: nfs is a filesystem, so no.17:38
naccj4f-shredder: no, ondrej's ppa is not 'default settings'17:38
naccj4f-shredder: it's a ppa17:38
FinalXthere's a bunch of different ways of using/installing php, so "default" doesn't say much, unfortunately17:38
j4f-shredderI found it17:38
j4f-shreddersudo a2dismod php7.1   107  sudo a2enmod php5.617:38
naccj4f-shredder: and there you go, you're not even using the ubuntu php7 :)17:39
iorialan29, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo#Mounting_NFS_shares_in_encrypted_home_won.27t_work_on_boot17:39
naccj4f-shredder: so please stop asking for support here :)17:39
j4f-shredderI want to17:39
iorialan29,  basically, a symlink17:39
j4f-shredderI'm gonna switch to 717:39
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j4f-shredderthe app worked17:41
j4f-shredderjust the same17:41
j4f-shredderwith php 717:41
lan29ioria, thanks! I am trying to use vagrant and I keep running into a nfs error: http://pastebin.com/8cgce62H17:41
lan29ioria, seems like my problem is having my home folder encrypted17:42
iorialan29, yes, you can't access it until you're logged in17:42
huggybear404can I suspend a task and resume after reboot ?17:43
lan29ioria, is there anyway for vagrant to "log in"?17:43
iorialan29,  is really your home encrypted ?17:44
lan29ioria, yes17:45
iorialan29,  "NFS share inside an encrypted home directory will only work after you are successfully logged in and your home is decrypted"17:45
OerHekshuggybear404, yes, you can change save session, something like dconf write /org/gnome/gnome-session/auto-save-session true17:46
OerHeksbut that is systemwide, all apps you have opened, will start again17:46
iorialan29,  try with a symlink17:46
naccOerHeks: that's not true susspend/resume -- that just ensures certain processes are running, right?17:46
naccOerHeks: suspend/resume == CRIU (imo)17:47
OerHeksit will reopen calculator yes.17:47
LupusHello guys.17:47
naccOerHeks: but all state will be lost?17:47
lan29ioria, yeah, I am logged in and the vagrant container is on my Desktop yet I am still having the issue17:48
foodSurpriseanyone wget wizards here17:48
HermanDEAsk your questions and they may be answered17:48
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LupusI made my FTP Server.17:49
LupusAnd I can connect to it through my internal IP Address, not external.17:49
LupusBut someone can connect to it through my external IP Address.17:49
naccLupus: again?17:49
Lupus... I'm here with another question.17:50
naccLupus: it looks to be exactly the same question17:50
LupusYesterday I asked how to configure it correctly.17:50
OerHeksLupus, i gave you the fix yesterday17:50
LupusAnd why I can't connect to it through the external IP Address.17:50
LupusI fixed a part of it.17:51
OerHekssomething with a scan and port 21 is open for yout ftp, not 2217:51
HermanDEGotta start loving ipv617:51
iorialan29,  try to mv the folder in a not encrypted location17:51
LupusI have and the port 21 and the port 22 opened.17:51
LupusAnyway, I'll try to fix it..17:52
foodSurpriseI want to do this with wget17:53
foodSurpriselike a post17:53
foodSurprisei know i can do it but how excactly would i translate that into a wget17:54
OerHeksfood, use the option 'just a text' top right corner, and you get https://hastebin.com/raw/wezemuveye17:54
OerHeksthat you could wget into a file17:54
foodSurprisewait no17:54
foodSurprisei have a file, tar.gz17:55
OerHeksor on other pstebins, search for 'raw'17:55
huggybear404Why cant I open software ? before I reboot it had downloads pending, now it refuse open at all, just give me a spinning wheel17:55
alkisgI think he means "how to do a post request with wget"17:55
foodSurpriseif you see the code, there is a form action = post17:55
naccfoodSurprise: `man wget`, search for 'post'17:55
alkisghuggybear404: what's the output of "ps aux | grep apt | nc termbin.com 9999" ?17:57
foodSurprisei found this wget --header="Content-type: multipart/form-data boundary=FILEUPLOAD" --post-file postfile http://domain/uploadform17:58
huggybear404alkisg 4vp817:58
foodSurpriseim just wondering if there is anything speical i need to do like with the  <input type="hidden" value="/home4/user" name="dir"> line and <input type="file" id="file1_id" name="file1" />17:59
alkisghuggybear404: you're currently installing smb4k17:59
alkisgMaybe that's why software is spinning, it's waiting for apt to finish17:59
huggybear404it was same before I started apt18:00
alkisgOK, first wait until apt finishes and you have no apt process running, and then try opening software again. If again it has issues, then kill the master gnome-software process18:00
huggybear404now it says 5uv2c but still wont start software18:01
huggybear404howto kill that ?18:01
alkisgDid apt finish?18:02
alkisgClose software, then run ps aux|grep software | nc termbin.com 999918:02
huggybear404getting different result each time18:03
nacchuggybear404: yes18:03
nacchuggybear404: that's spitting out a url suffix (afaict)18:03
huggybear404what does it mean ?18:03
nacchuggybear404: e.g., http://termbin.com/k3ji18:03
nacchuggybear404: do you understand the command you were running?18:03
alkisghuggybear404: try: killall gnome-software; sleep 1; killall -9 gnome-software; gnome-software18:03
huggybear404sounds brutal18:05
huggybear404that starts it18:05
huggybear404dont seem to work, If I click install just says pending but no installing18:06
alkisgDo you see any messages in the terminal where you ran the gnome-software command?18:07
huggybear404hm Gs warnong failed to call gs-plugin_qadd-search18:09
alkisgIf you copy-pasted, it would be easier to read it :)18:09
huggybear404hm then ill need to run irc on the server18:10
huggybear405(gnome-software:5823): Gs-WARNING **: failed to call gs_plugin_add_search on snap: Operation was cancelled18:14
MoonBotto sniff traffic on another computer within the same network, do I set tcpdump to the router/default gateway or do I need to nmap and find the exact computer IP18:16
ryMoonBot, unless you are still rocking a hub, as opposed to a switch, you would need to sniff that traffic at the router or device the computer you want to sniff the traffic of is connected to18:17
MoonBotyeah they go thru a switch18:17
huggybear404who cancelled and why ?18:18
ryIf your switch or router has the capability, you can do what is called "spanning" or "port mirroring" to send all traffic to/from a specific port, to another port18:18
MoonBotso from my computer, I would sniff on the ip of the default gateway to see traffic from other devices?18:18
MoonBotit does have that ability18:18
rythis can also be done with iptables18:18
MoonBotI just never understood how to use it correctly for network sniffing18:18
ryit's more about how the traffic travels18:19
MoonBotwait actually mine has port forwarding, not mirroring18:19
ryif you are on say, and the computer you want to sniff is talking to, the router between those two subnets would be a good point to sniff the traffic18:19
MoonBotis that the same?  mirroring implies it sends a copy, forwarding implies it redirects the packets entirely18:19
lan29Hey all! If my home directory is encrypted, what is the best way to create a non-encrypted folder that I will regularly use? Thanks!18:20
meister_Wanna free spins on Starburst without depositing anything? Try your luck for free money 20 Free Spins on signing up http://bit.ly/2n6f4iA18:20
rymirroring and forwarding (in the context of routing/switching) are very different18:20
MoonBotlan29: probably create a new folder in the main /home directory18:20
MoonBotokay ry, thats what I figured18:20
rymirroring or spanning is only needed if you intend on sending the traffic you want to sniff TO YOU, instead of you logging into the router and sniffing the traffic locally18:21
ryfor example18:21
lan29MoonBot, should I just use the terminal? Ubuntu won't let me just create a folder...18:21
MoonBotcd /home18:22
ryi'm on, the computer you want to sniff is, and the router is -- using 'spanning" you could have the router (or switch) send the traffic to a specific physical port, or using linux/iptables you could mirror the traffic to a specific IP18:22
MoonBotmkdir folderNameHere18:22
MoonBotwait, maybe ask the others if /home is the best place to put it18:22
ryif the router/switch has the capability to sniff traffic on it's own (if it has tcpdump via the cli, or some webui feature) you can do it right from the router, which would be easier18:22
MoonBotcuz /home is typically used for user account folders18:23
MoonBotso you could just create a new user to save unencrypted stuff in18:23
MoonBotry, it does not18:23
MoonBotthats why I wanna figure out how to do it straight from my laptop18:24
MoonBoteither tcpdump or wireshark, but I've had issues getting basic wireshark to run properly on my machine18:24
ryyou can try wireshark portable -- it's more self contained so it could be easier to get running18:25
ryMoonBot, if you have a managed switch or a router that supports mirroring traffic then you can send the traffic to another machine18:26
MoonBotmine doesn't support mirroring, I wish18:27
lan29MoonBot, Yeah, I want to have regular access, so don't think another user would work18:27
MoonBotit's a cheap router but I wanna practice sniffing and stuff in a legal environment for proof of concept18:27
MoonBotlan29 if you're in the sudoers file you can still access their files18:27
MoonBotjust make them a regular account, not a sudo account18:28
MoonBotbasically wherever you make the folder, it has to be outside of YOUR home folder because that's the encrypted folder18:28
MoonBotlan29: you can just create another folder in the main /home directory18:29
MoonBotit gives you permission denied, right?  just use sudo18:29
MoonBotcd /home18:29
MoonBotsudo mkdir FolderNameHere18:29
MoonBot^^^those two commands18:29
MoonBotnow you have a folder outside the encrypted home directory that you can save files to18:30
lan29MoonBot, thanks, tried that but Ubuntu doesn't treat it as a regular folder - I can't drag other folders into it18:31
akiklan29: you need to change its permissions with chown18:31
MoonBotI believe you still need to change the permissions and group ownership18:31
MoonBoton the folder18:31
MoonBotlan29 what did you name the folder?18:33
MoonBotI have the commands you need18:33
lan29MoonBot, wp18:33
MoonBotokay, for this I am going to assume your username (on the computer) is lan2918:34
MoonBotcd /home18:34
lan29MoonBot, correct - thanks18:34
MoonBotsudo chown -R lan29 wp/18:34
MoonBotsudo chgrp -R lan29 wp/18:35
MoonBotand that should fix it18:35
k1l_the encrypted home only gets decrypted when the user logs in. so another user cant read it then18:35
MoonBotlan29 wants an unencrypted folder that's separate from their home folder to save stuff in18:36
lan29MoonBot, Yes! Works! Thank you so much!18:36
MoonBotno problem, happy to help!18:36
mmansoHi Guys, I asked this question yesterday but I can't figure out the solution to my problem... I've a computer that has a UEFI BIOS only. I can boot it with a clonezilla PEN made with Rufus but I can't book ANY ubuntu distro (tryed all since 14.04). Any clue why?18:43
alkisgmmanso: use dd to write the ubuntu.iso to the stick18:44
mmansoalkisg: Tryed that also...18:44
mmansodd if=ubuntu_image.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M18:44
k1l_mmanso: what image do you use exactly?18:44
mmansok1l_: ubuntu-14.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso18:45
k1l_and is that a 32bit uefi?18:45
mmansok1l_: the clonezilla's image I'm using (that boots) it amd64 also18:45
mmansok1l_: I suppose it's a 64bit uefi...18:45
k1l_(32bit uefi is only used on some special tablets iirc)18:45
beerayhi, I am trying to stream video with vlc on virtualbox from one host to another but i keep on getting this error - VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtp://'. Check the log for details. Please help because I have try to solve this since yesterday18:46
k1l_mmanso: did you md5sum the iso?18:46
mmansok1l_: I've tryed also an iso called refind, burned it with Rufus also and it boots... only the linux distros (I've tryed others also) doesn't boot...18:46
alkisgmmanso: also, does it start to boot and it fails with some message, or it doesn't recognize the stick as bootable device?18:47
mmansok1l_: I didn't md5sum, but for the amount of different isos I've tryed, I doubt it's an md5sum issue18:47
k1l_mmanso: wait. what pc is that? a mac?18:47
mmansoalkisg: no... it just doesn't appear as a valid boot device (it does, when using the clonezilla image)18:47
mmansok1l_: it's a "inmove" small box... a PC18:47
beerayI am running my VM on ubuntu host18:47
k1l_mmanso: please do md5sum the iso. because this is the way to rule out errors. not just guessing18:48
mmansok1l_: It comes with Windows10 on it18:48
k1l_mmanso: that is not a pc18:48
mmansok1l_: I will... but please trust me when I'm saying I've tryed 10 different distros and isos :)18:48
k1l_mmanso: i guess that is some of that 32bit uefi crap18:48
alkisgmmanso: does clonezilla use grub there?18:49
mmansok1l_: Should I try the ubuntu 32bit image? (didn't tryed that)18:49
mmansoalkisg: I don't know... It just appear on the "Bootable devices" list in the UEFI bios.18:49
mmansoalkisg: I press "ESC" on boot and it appears on the list of bootable devices18:49
mmansoalkisg: when that PEN (clonezilla) is inserted.18:50
alkisgmmanso: when you start booting it, do you see a grub menu? If yes, you can put both sticks, and tell clonezilla's grub to boot ubuntu instead18:50
mmansoalkisg: I see a GRUB menu, yes18:50
mmansoalkisg: erm... I can? can you help me out with that?18:51
alkisgmmanso: put both sticks, and the commands will be something like: set root=(hd1,msdos0); configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:51
mmansoalkisg: I'll try to follow that route18:51
mmansoalkisg: Thanks a lot!18:51
alkisgI have to leave now, but it shouldn't be more than 2 commands like that18:51
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andrew_Hey, Can anyone advise why you can't use Title as the title for the widget in the wordpress widget admin area?18:59
naccandrew_: is this on your own wordpress host? (e.g., `apt install wordpress` in ubuntu)19:00
andrew_Yes it is19:00
andrew_I don't want to use title I was just curious as it works if I use any other text but if I use Title the widget isn't shown in widgets. Bizarre19:01
naccandrew_: what happens when you try to do what you're doing? do you get an error?19:01
naccandrew_: oh i see19:01
andrew_I looked through the wordpress source and couldn't find anywhere where wordpress is filtering this19:01
andrew_it's odd as hell19:01
naccandrew_: 16.04?19:01
naccandrew_: is it case-sensitive?19:02
dax#wordpress may also be helpful, if you haven't already been there19:02
andrew_one mo let me check19:02
naccandrew_: if i had to guess, it's possibly buggy js :)19:02
andrew_oh yeah thanks dax19:03
andrew_I will try there19:03
andrew_I'm just curious. Seems very odd. As I said it doesn't affect what I'm doing it's just itching my brain if you get me?19:03
naccandrew_: you might be able to deobfuscate the js and debug it with a breakpoint19:03
skinuxIs IceWM a complete desktop environment or just an alternative to Gnome Display Manager?19:04
akikskinux: you'll get a gui with desktop with icewm19:04
andrew_Thanks guys. Gonna pop over to #wordpress. Have a great day19:05
skinuxIs GDM itself resource heavy?19:05
k1l_skinux: a display manager like lightdm or gdm is different from a desktop environment19:06
* rcampbel3 has the glibc 2.23-0ubuntu6 DNS patch and php-fpm blues... Doesn't really make a good song title.19:21
SubCoolwow its quit in here.19:22
SubCoolanyone mind on helping me with the most routimentry computer stuff?19:23
SubCoolIts been forever since ive done CPU multiplers and frequncies and such. And... i forgot the equations. I found a few references, but they arent making much sense to me.19:24
SubCool(just remembered about offtopic channel)19:24
Absolute0When I run crontab -e as regular user I get permission denied error19:25
Absolute0How do I enable crontabs for regular users as well?19:25
tomreynAbsolute0: hmm i think it's enabled by default. which ubuntu release is this?19:27
IngenicMight have to add your user to the cron group. If that's still a thing19:27
Absolute0~  crontab -e19:27
Absolute0/tmp/crontab.yUsQes: Permission denied19:27
Absolute0Creation of temporary crontab file failed - aborting19:27
Absolute0tomreyn: I added myself to crontab group19:27
tomreynAbsolute0: if your user can't write to /tmp that hints at /tmp being broken19:29
tomreyni.e. you somehow have bad permissions set there19:29
Absolute0tomreyn: It works if I run crontab -e with sudo19:29
Absolute0sudo crontab -e -u absolute0 worked19:30
Absolute0but not without sudo19:30
tomreynright - /tmp is broken / not correctly / unusually configured on your system19:30
Absolute0drwxr-xr-x    6 root     root      4096 Mar 21 15:30 tmp19:31
tomreyn$ ls -ld /tmp19:31
tomreyndrwxrwxrwt 15 root root 20480 Mär 21 20:28 /tmp19:31
Absolute0cd tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,size=377676k,mode=755 0 019:32
Absolute0 /tmp is not mounted19:32
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Absolute0It's just a dir.19:32
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tomreyni fon'T know your partitioning scheme / mount points / file system layout.19:33
akikAbsolute0: sudo chmod 1777 /tmp19:34
tomreynor start by showing /etc/fstab before you make things worse19:35
jeffreylevesquehow much harddisk should the swap get?19:35
Ingenicabout half your RAM is usually standard19:36
Absolute0tomreyn: http://pastebin.com/FCwZsSF519:36
jeffreylevesqueeven for ubuntu server?19:36
Ingenicusually modern systems don't run out of ram anymore, so swap isnt that important19:37
k1l_there is only one size that has an actual background (swap=ram, because for using suspend). all other swap sizes are just random19:37
tomreynAbsolute0: so the /dev/mapper/vglocal20170108-tmp00 LVM2 volume should normally mount to /tmp. does "mount" show it mounted?19:38
Absolute0how can I check if crontab is running properly?19:38
Absolute0Or rerun all the cron jobs?19:38
emirhello everybody19:38
jeffreylevesquei'm doing an install and it has two partitions19:38
jeffreylevesqueswap, and `/`19:38
tomreynAbsolute0: ... if not, find out why it's not mounted, by either mounting it manually "sudo mount /tmp" or by reviewing your system logs.19:38
jeffreylevesquethe primary `/` has 8.6 GB, while the swap has 4.3GB19:39
beerayhi, I am trying to stream video with vlc on virtualbox from one host to another but i keep on getting this error - VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtp://'. Check the log for details. Please help because I have try to solve this since yesterday. I am using ubuntu host with openvswitch switch as bridge19:39
jeffreylevesqueis that reasonable?19:39
k1l_jeffreylevesque: if you want to suspend, then use swap=ram. if not its your choice.19:39
Absolute0tomreyn: /dev/mapper/vglocal20170108-tmp00 on /tmp type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,data=ordered)19:40
jeffreylevesquesuspend, like putting the os to sleep?19:40
k1l_jeffreylevesque: yes19:40
jeffreylevesqueif i don't plan on putting it to sleep, then i can just delete the entire swap during install?19:41
jeffreylevesquewhat if i attempt to suspend when it has no swap, though?19:41
k1l_it doesnt suspend then.19:42
k1l_but today you can use swapfiles too and there is no need for a swap partition.19:42
darkl0rdHey folks - having issues on ubuntu 16.04 when trying to compile for 32-bit (i386). I did dpkg --add-architecture; apt-get update; apt-get install libc6:i386 & co - all libraries are there, however when I do a cc -m32 test.c, it reports:  /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc. Checked /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, and re-ran ldconfig. Library is there.19:43
k1l_jeffreylevesque: but if you dont know or are a beginner, start with the standard setup. it doesnt hurt.19:43
SpaceBearwhy wont tomcat install?19:46
SpaceBearapt-get install tomcat7 is failing19:46
jeffreylevesquei think i just did 10GB on primary19:46
jeffreylevesqueand like 143MB for swap19:47
jeffreylevesqueand the difference of 1GB-143MB between /home, and one other19:47
jeffreylevesquenot sure 143MB of swap is really going to do anything19:47
jeffreylevesquewas that pretty pointless?19:48
darkl0rdFor the record, Im running multi-arch - compiling for many architectures, they all work except the one that I would expect to be trivial; x86 (i[3|6]8619:54
Rick_Cannot Login at www.ubuntuforums.org  ... what gives?19:56
rx-determinesorry problems19:56
rx-determineneed to disocnect19:56
k1l_Rick_: #ubuntuforums is where the admins and mods are19:57
darkl0rdThis the wrong channel to ask about Ubuntu compiler related issues?19:57
jjbreard@Joao, peux-tu me créer un compte sur Gitlab stp ? Je suis bloqué pour mon install Odoo en local :-/19:57
nicomachus!fr | jjbreard19:57
ubottujjbreard: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:57
ouroumovI've got a TLS certificate failure on  www.ubuntuforums.org lol19:58
nicomachusouroumov: 14:57 < k1l_> Rick_: #ubuntuforums is where the admins and mods are19:58
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EVAunit01Can i get some help logging into Ubuntuforums?20:10
k1l_EVAunit01: #ubuntuforums for issues with the forums. that is where the admins and mods are20:10
EVAunit01thank you,20:10
Rick_Need Help!20:16
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histoRick_: /join #ubuntuforums20:18
Rick_UbuntuStudio v16.04LTS - Software Updater shows "Not All Updates Can Be Installed" ; click "partial upgrade" - Password Required. Click details - and shows "Action: com.ubuntu.release-upgrader.partial-upgrade" and "Vender: ubuntu". Note that the URL is wrong and UNTRUSTED. Just ran update and it updated. So, don't think this is valid. What to do?20:19
k1l_Rick_: close the updater, open a treminal and run "sudo apt update" show the full output on paste.ubuntu.com and show the url here20:22
Munger_Is there anyone here who understands the first thing about apparmor? I needed to move a binary with dpkg-divert and apparmor is having a hissy fit.20:22
Rick_URL: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24223957/20:24
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k1l_Rick_: as you can see the issue is the 3rd party repo you use20:25
Rick_Does that mean its a BAD link?20:26
Delvienwhy are you using bitdefender anyway?20:26
Rick_To catch BAD elements.20:27
ioriaRick_, it's a warning, but you have 7 packages to upgrade20:27
k1l_Rick_: tell them to fix their repo. but its not an error. so that doesnt make issues20:27
Delvienwhat do you mean by "BAD elements"20:27
k1l_Rick_: you can run "sudo apt full-upgrade" now20:28
Rick_<Delvien> cia; nsa; gov't snoops; malware; etc.20:28
DelvienRick_: tinfoil hat time. Bitdefender wont protect you from that.20:29
Rick_<Delvien> what do you suggest?20:29
ioriaRick_,  ubuntu use a stronger signature 25620:30
katakaioIs anyone else unable to login to ubuntuforums.org with SSO? I've tried multiple machines and browsers, but I'm thinking their login page may be busted.20:30
k1l_katakaio: the specialists are in #ubuntuforums20:31
DelvienDont click dumb links, dont run random code you dl off the web, if you want an encrypted connection to the web, use a VPN. these things will protect you more than some crappy anti-malware software20:31
howefieldRick_ et all : just an update, IS are responding, unfortunately with a WFM, so still working with them to resolve the issue.20:31
katakaiok1l_: Thanks, I thought I'd poll the audience first20:31
Delvienkatakaio:  its down for me too20:32
Cyber_Akumahttp://ask.xmodulo.com/configure-linux-bridge-network-manager-ubuntu.html <--- Are these the proper instructions if I wanted to bridge my wifi connection to my ethernet port so I could connect another system to my wifi through ubuntu's ethernet port? Or are these the other way around?20:32
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DelvienCyber_Akuma: Seems right, I would test but I dont have the setup req20:34
xzhi there, I have live persistent USB stick 16.04 distro, I need to cut some fat. Started by uninstalling libreoffice package, what else is there, that's relatively big and I can free up some space?20:35
xzI do need much more than python2.7, bash, ssh and couple basic things20:36
xzare there some games?20:36
ioriaxz, yes20:36
Delviensudoku, mines, but these are barely a couple megs20:36
xzDelvien: anything bigger?20:37
xzDelvien: anything that's close to 100MB or more?20:37
ChaiTRexxz: If you're willing to start over, you can use the mini ISO to install Xubuntu Core or Lubuntu Core. That'll cut a lot of fat.20:37
xzDelvien: I can free up firefox, don't need browser20:37
xzChaiTRex: I have an application that by design works on 16.04, so I want to stick to it20:37
xzChaiTRex: as developers only work on that very distro20:37
Delvienxz best bet is to load up the livecd and look at the installed packages.20:38
xzChaiTRex: so I want to keep same baseline20:38
ChaiTRexxz: OK20:38
xzDelvien: where/how do I do that efficiently?20:38
Bashing-omxz: Much easier to build up than to tear down . Why not build from a minimal install ?20:38
ioriaxz, so you need unity ?20:38
xzBashing-om: again, I'm running application that was developped and designed on full 16.0420:38
Delvienxz depends on the DE. "software" or gnome-software for xfce20:38
xzioria: I think I do - their app is python and cli only, but some python libs want X installed for whatever reason20:39
tatertotsxz: perhaps the purchase of a larger capacity usb stick20:39
xzioria: there is some design flaws, to be honest20:39
xztatertots: it's not about that, I want to keep image of USB stick lean20:39
xztatertots: it's more about sharing image of that stick with other people later on20:39
Bashing-omxz: K, just as a thought .. the miniaml is the complete kernel - just nothing added other than the boot code and simple networking . One can add what ever else is required .20:40
ioriaxz,  python does not require unity20:40
xzioria: if I get rid of unity, will I still have Xorg?20:40
ioriaxz,  sure20:40
geniixz: ubuntu-desktop dependency list: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ubuntu-desktop20:40
Delvienunity is a DE, xorg is the X server stuffs20:40
xzioria: what's the package name?20:40
Delvienubuntu-desktop is the meta package, look for the rest under that20:41
ioriaxz,  of what ? you need to get rid of the entire ubuntu-desktop20:41
k1l_xz: why not start with the lubuntu iso?20:41
xzioria: ok, so apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop ?20:41
xzk1l_: I have an app that was designed from scratch on 16.04, I want to stick to it20:41
Delviengetting rid of a meta package does not get rid of the packages under that meta-package20:41
ioriaxz,  ^ k1l_20:41
Rick_<Delvien> Thanks for your reply. But as to precautions, I am very cautious and do mostly Trading Futures. But I know they plant 'bugs' everywhere even in USB sticks and Optical Disks. Thought BitDefender may help find those 'critters'.20:42
k1l_xz: lubuntu is 16.04 too20:42
Delvienyou can install via a meta-package, but cannot remove said packages through the removal of the meta20:42
k1l_!lubuntu | xz20:42
ubottuxz: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.20:42
xzubottu: does it have all same utilities as regular 16.04?20:42
ubottuxz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:42
xzk1l_: wow !20:42
xzk1l_: that's a trick20:42
k1l_xz: the ubuntu flavors are the same base systems just with different desktops.20:43
xzk1l_: ok, I can try lubuntu20:43
Perigee2Anyone know where the celestia package went? I'm on 16.04, its not in my repos20:44
Delvienhonestly, there are several ways to go about this, you can start with ubuntu-server, or ubuntu core (have no exp with this one) and build the live cd from this. There are guides online, might be best to google, and determine your own path as you may get several differing answers here and you may jumble the suggestions and come up with something non-functional20:44
geniiPerigee2: Enable the "universe" repository20:47
Perigee2genii: I do20:47
genii!info celestia xenial20:48
ubottuPackage celestia does not exist in xenial20:48
xdevnullI'm a win user. Planning to move to Ubuntu. Is it possible to know what drivers are supported so i can download what missing before i do format?20:48
geniiLooks like not backported20:48
k1l_genii: Perigee2 its  gone since 14.0420:48
k1l_maybe it got kicked out of debian and therefor wasnt synced anymore20:48
Rick_ATTN: to one and all ... Login via SSO on www.ubuntuforums.org is FIXED !20:49
ioriaPerigee2, i think you need to build it20:50
ioriaPerigee2, http://askubuntu.com/questions/780596/install-celestia-on-ubuntu-16-04/78063920:51
Bashing-omxdevnull: linux does not work that way . 90% of whatever drivers you may need are supplied . All I can advise is boot up a live version and see what does not work and go from there .20:51
Perigee2ioria: thanks20:51
fiberbabywhat the heck has happened to the network manager there is no longer a disconnect vpn alternative :(20:51
ioriaPerigee2, good luck20:51
xdevnullBashing-om, Thanks Sir.20:52
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Bashing-omxdevnull: NP, try it .. you will like it. BUT this ain't Windows .20:55
firasHey guys, sorry to interrupt you... If any of you is interested in GNU/Linux be sure to check my website http://www.dotslashlinux.com/ . Thanks in advance! Have a great day!20:57
Delvienfiras: this isnt the place to advertise.20:57
ChaiTRexfiras: Sorry, but we're all Windows afficionados here.20:57
firassorry my bad :P20:57
darkl0rdSecond attempt ;-) Does anyone have any experience with compiling code for i386 (-m32) on a x86_64 platform using a MultiArch setup?20:58
darkl0rdI can compile for all foreign architectures - armhf, arm64, powerpc.. but I can't get i386 to work on x86_6420:58
darkl0rdDuring linking I keep getting the error that it can't find libgcc_s.so.1, which is actually installed (libgcc1:i386 & co are there)20:58
darkl0rdlooking at gcc search path, it by default only search x86_64-linux-gnu20:59
darkl0rdld.so.conf.d is setup to look in the i386 paths, ldconfig -v shows the library - 32-bit binaries run fine. So the problem seems to be isolated to the compiler (gcc).20:59
xdevnullBashing-om, I know basic stuff. Like installation some terminal commands. My issue with the folder directory's what each mean. except "/home/" and permissions so i'll read about these stuff21:04
Bashing-omXDS2010: Like I say , linux is different, but once you grasp the file system you are well on your way to mastering linux .21:09
xzhere is the question, I have live persistent USB stick, 4GB with 16.04 (still that) on it; my partitions are: sdb3 = fat32 efi partition, sdb4 is unknown Ubuntu 16.04, sdb5 is casper-rw21:10
xzsdb5 (casper) is 2.15GB, but I'm using currently only 223MB from it21:10
xzcan I shrink sdb5 and move that space to db4?21:10
xzor should I do the other way round, and make casper bigger?21:11
xzI want my / to have more free space21:11
xzat the end of the day21:11
xzand df -h reports / has 2.2GB, so that looks like casper partition size21:11
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TTNlinux (3.13.0-112) broke my wifi functionality.21:24
TTNchangelog says  CVE-2017-2636 was the only chnage21:24
TTNso I file a bug against that or comment there or what do  I do?21:24
Delvien3.13 as in kernel 3.13?21:27
TTNDelvien: 3.13.0-120-generic21:28
DelvienTTN: lsb_release -a21:28
Delvienand tell us what version of ubuntu youre running21:28
TTNLSB Version:core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:security-4.0-amd64:security-4.0-noarch:security-4.1-amd64:security-4.1-noarch21:28
TTNDistributor ID:Ubuntu21:28
TTNDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS21:28
TTN(didn't bother pastebinning as there isn't a lot of activity here atm)21:28
xdevnullUbuntu Software is broken in 16.04?21:29
k1l_xdevnull: what do you mean?21:29
chloesoeHi there :) In Ubuntu the kernel is named 4.4.0-57, and the most recent 4.4 kernel in kernel.org is 4.4.57. Are this the same kernel versions and ubuntu does a different naming?21:30
acheron-a16.04.2 is working great here21:30
xdevnullk1l_:  it shows loading. i didn't download anything. and everything is filled with three dots. I'll make screenshot moment21:30
TTNDelvien: running 14.04 64bit21:30
k1l_TTN: TTN__ not caring about the paste limit because its not much activity in here makes the bot mute you anyway.21:30
TTNyea I found out xD will be pastebinning in future21:30
k1l_xdevnull: give it some time.21:30
* acheron-a xD *21:30
xdevnullk1l_: http://prnt.sc/emujq621:31
xdevnullFresh install btw. just opened it21:31
TTNDelvien: http://pastebin.com/tnDh49em21:31
DelvienTTN ubuntu-support-status21:32
DelvienTTN nvm found the End of life. not till april '1921:32
DelvienTTN so is the wireless card not showing up in your network manager?>21:33
DelvienTTN what does ifconfig show for available interfaces?21:33
Delvienlet me rephrase, does the wireless card show up in ifconfig21:34
TTNDelvien: the problem is I'm getting a lot of "deauthenticating by local choice (reason=3)" in dmesg, and the inability to connect to wifi networks with the kernel3.13.0-120-generic   whereas the previous kernel (3.13.0-110-generic) works just fine. (just so that we're on the same page)21:34
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TTNok so I'll switch to the other kernel and give you some output from ifconfig?21:35
TTNor what do we do? I'm happy running off 3.13.0-110-generic I'd just like to file a bug or whoever made the changes that they broke things21:35
TTNso that it can be repaired.21:35
DelvienTTN sec21:35
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kl365in the last 4 years I have not had a single ubuntu install upgrade successfully without having to backup and reinstall from scratch. Any suggestions on how to check for things that might cause an upgrade to fail because at this point I'm pretty much done with this OS and going to move my office back to FreeBSD21:36
DelvienTTN:  does the updated kernel show the wifi card in ifconfig?21:36
TTNbrb rebooting will report..21:37
darkl0rdanyone with multiarch / gcc experience?21:37
k1l_kl365: the logs from the upgrader tell you where it fails.21:37
TTNDelvien: oh and should I do anythign with sec atm?21:37
k1l_kl365: but the ubuntu packages get automated testings since years. so the more non ubuntu repo packages you add, the more risk you get to fail21:37
DelvienTTN honestly, join IRC from your phone or another computer so you dont have to keep rebooting21:38
kl365the system locks up and crashes, couldn't see anything in the log that would point to failure21:38
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k1l_xdevnull: can you show the output of "ls -al .local/share/gnome-software/" in a pastebin?21:40
ppfkl365: then what are the messages around the crash?21:40
TTN_phoneDelvien: I've tried 3 reboots this morning, some last night and now I reboot and it works?!21:41
naccchloesoe: they are unrelated21:41
xdevnullk1l_: In stackoverflow they mentioned to make "Check for updates" already updating. thought it's already updated cuz of fresh copy. Hopefully it will fix that. I'll let you know21:42
TTN_phoneguess the whole point is moot then. just checked and I am running the newer kernel. :confused: but ok.. it works21:42
DelvienTTN_phone: It may be the service startup order, seems an issue with older kernel builds, and not only ubuntu from what im finding21:42
naccchloesoe: all you know is the ubuntu kernel is 4.4.0 based. The -57 refers to the 57th ABI bump21:42
DelvienTTN_phone: All else fails, keep using the older kernel, You should be able to report the bug on launchpad21:42
k1l_xdevnull: a fresh copy is not uptodate since there are daily updates.21:43
TTN_phoneDelvien: I'd like to point out that earlier I was saying 3.13.0-120-generic when I meant to say 3.13.0-112-generic21:43
xdevnullk1l_: I see. I'll restart now. ;)21:43
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DelvienTTN_laptop: so the older kernel was not working and the new one is? or the other way around21:43
DelvienTTN_laptop:  mind you: you are using a version of ubuntu from nearly 2 years ago, so Im not up-to-date on its problems21:44
TTN_laptopDelvien: newer kernel stopped working, older one worked great. and now the newer one works for an unknown reasin ( I did install sec before rebooting)21:44
DelvienTTN_laptop: like i said, might be the services not starting in the right order or at the same time causing confusion21:44
DelvienTTN_laptop: np, report the bug on launchpad21:45
DelvienTTN_laptop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs21:45
kl365last entry in apt-term.log is http://pastebin.com/z65dmEx921:46
ppfkl365: how are you upgrading?21:48
kl365from unity env on a desktop21:48
kl365which failed because my apt was out of date so i updated version then ran from term21:48
ppfsome gui tool or running the do-release-upgrade tool?21:48
ppfwhat version are you on, what version are you upgrading to?21:48
naccdo-release-upgrade should handle the apt transition for you, iirc21:49
ppfyeah, it should21:49
k1l_apt out of date?!?21:49
nacck1l_: sometimes you need the apt from the newer release21:49
kl36514.04 -> 16.0421:49
nacck1l_: for understanding repository changes (iirc)21:49
ppfkl365: so the upgrader asked you for your input in that modified file. what happened then?21:50
kl365that's the thing, my computer froze before i saw the prompt and then crashed21:50
ppfwhat's in the syslog about that crash?21:51
ppfanyways, you should be able to continue the upgrade with sudo apt -f install21:52
TTN_laptopDelvien: is there any point filing a bug when I can't reproduce it? (I've done a few reboots)21:52
chloesoenacc: thanks: so if I install the most recent 4.4.55 from kernel.org it would be newer than the 4.4.0-xx of the ubuntu branch?21:53
naccchloesoe: define 'newer' ?21:54
naccchloesoe: do you mean chronologically purely?21:54
naccchloesoe: there are patches in the ubuntu kernel that are not upstream (and are often needed for things like apparmor, iirc). And there are upstream patches that are not necessarily (I think) in the Ubuntu kernel.21:54
xdevnullk1l_ Solved. but i've question regarding drivers. for example. I've Nvidia drivers. but x.Org.Server selected for graphics. Should i keep it? or change it to nvidia21:54
naccchloesoe: they are both forks from 4.4.0 in a way21:54
kl365Mar 21 15:53:47 Agamemmnon upstart-socket-bridge[5870]: message repeated 2 times: [ Could not obtain job start condition /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/udev_2dfallback_2dgraphics: Method "Get" with signature "ss" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist]21:55
k1l_xdevnull: you can install the nvidia drivers in software&updates tab. most time the nvidia driver gives better support21:55
chloesoenacc: yes, i thought "newer" is quite a difficult definition ;)21:56
naccchloesoe: esp. with respect to the kernel :)21:56
naccchloesoe: the easiest thing would be to diff the git trees, presuming you know how kernel development works21:56
kl365right aroudn the time it froze followed by multiple "ar 21 16:09:57 Agamemmnon dbus[657]: [system] Activated service 'org.freedesktop.Accounts' failed: Failed to setup environment correctly" after powering up post-crash21:56
chloesoenacc: so actually we could say, 4.4.47 is a bugfix version of 4.4.0 and 4.4.0-47 is a bugfix version from ubuntu?21:57
naccchloesoe: definitely yes on the former; I think technically in the latter, new features can be introduce (although unlikely)21:57
chloesoenacc: unfortunately I'm not a developper, only wanted to have a self compilede kernel ;)21:58
k1l_chloesoe: no.21:58
chloesoeso no git diff21:58
naccchloesoe: that's not a sensible combination (to me)21:58
ppfno it is nt21:58
k1l_chloesoe: the ubuntu kernels to have a lot of patches included. a lot of backports from newer kernels (due to hardware /driver support) or other ubuntu specific patches.21:58
naccchloesoe: if you're not a developer, you probably don't want to deal with the pain of maintaining (and yes, you ahve to *maintain* it) your own kernel21:59
kl365be back, will try to rollback updates and report back in22:00
chloesoek1l_: so then it would be better to stay at the standard kernel. so it's also easier to update with apt-get22:01
k1l_chloesoe: yes. that is much easier. and ubuntu ships lernel udpates for security and bugfix reasons.22:02
chloesoenacc: actually I installed the kernel to check if my LPIC book is right ;)22:02
k1l_if you want to compile own kernels, you can do that.22:02
ppfkl365: don't go back, go foward22:03
ppfcomplete the upgrades, and fix things if still broken22:03
naccchloesoe: LPIC?22:03
chloesoebut to make sure I have to install the newes one 4.10.4 :)22:03
chloesoenacc: yes, wan't to have a paper that shows what I work with22:04
naccchloesoe: sorry, I don't follow, but it sounds like you have got an answer; don't run your own kernel (because it's not trivial to maintain, amongst other reason) but use the ones Ubuntu provides (not the mainline builds, the ones in the normal repository)22:05
chloesoenacc: ok. thank's for your answers22:06
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xdevnulllol keep loosing internet connection22:11
Bashing-omxdevnull: And I experienced a system freeze. Are you and I caught up ?22:13
xdevnullBashing-om, Not system was working well. Just internet22:14
kl366_Ran dpkg - - configure - a and it resumed the update (kl365)22:17
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Bashing-omHello ryan_ . You have a ubuntu issue ?22:29
ryan_a few22:30
ryan_can u cast screen22:30
ryan_to tv22:30
naccryan_: do you mean to a chromecast?22:32
ryan_well yea22:32
ryan_anycast though is the device22:32
k1l_ubuntu is working on aethercast. but i dont know how well that works22:32
ryan_im running ubuntu mate on pi3 @w the moment22:32
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ryan_kil i saw that looking up22:33
adrian_1908Anyone having problems with the recent Nvidia driver update (375.39)? I was starting an OpenGL game and only get a black screen.22:37
Bashing-omadrian_1908: How did you install the 375 version driver ? Maybe broke in the update ?22:38
adrian_1908Bashing-om: just via apt, it came from the regular channels. I didn't see any errors during installation.22:39
adrian_1908I just started Blender and that seems totally fine. I wonder what it could be then.22:40
PerigeeAnyone know how to fix some minor screen tearing with Unity + Intel HD graphics?22:40
Bashing-omadrian_1908: If all other than the game is good . I would consider re-installing the game .22:41
adrian_1908Bashing-om: yeah, I'll go try some more stuff and decide then.22:42
Bashing-omadrian_1908: Sounds reasonable :)22:42
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negendid apt effectively replace apt-get ? or is apt-get still used ?23:02
ChaiTRexapt-get is still recommended for scripts and it doesn't have all of apt-get's functionality.23:02
Bashing-omnegen: While apt-get is still supported , yes apt is the replacemnt .23:03
negendo you know the time frame in which apt was pushed out to your stable releases ?23:04
Bashing-omnegen: looks to have been the 1st quarter of 2014 : https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ ; https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/26q2sm/apt_vs_aptget/ ; http://www.howtogeek.com/234583/simplify-command-line-package-management-with-apt-instead-of-apt-get/ .23:07
negenit is been about ten years since I used ubuntu/debian and currently I am studying for the lpic1 exam and there are questions in which they ask about apt apt-get or yum when apt-get and yum seem to be depreciated it is why i was asking thanks for your help23:09
\9negen: hmm? ubuntu doesn't have yum. that's a red hat thing23:14
Bashing-omnegen: Hey no problem ; Keep in mind linux is a fast moving target . a lot changes real quick :)23:15
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negenwell of course ubuntu does not use yum probably after some hacking one could probably get yum to work but the point was that both yum and apt-get are on this exam and no longer used both have been replaced but some questions give both the new and the old package manager as the option23:17
geniiActually, yum is being placed now with dnf23:19
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histoAll of these package managers are silly.  The fact that each distro has to reinvent the wheel annoys me.23:23
pavlosnegen, from the apt(8) page, seems it was introduced Nov 2013 ... https://manpages.debian.org/jessie/apt/apt.8.en.html23:23
negenI kinda like the way arch linux handles package management the best23:24
negenthanks for that23:24
negenpavlos, thank you23:24
pavlosnegen, np23:24
negenI think i will take the linux essentials exam before the lpic1 just to get the hang of how these questions are going to be asked23:25
negenis this  ^ referred to as a carrot ?23:27
volundproblem after problem!23:34
volundat least I finally got booted...23:34
raymondillonegen: the ^ is Caret.23:34
cncr04sanyone know how to configure a lacp bond? my speed while bonded is about 5mbps, on 2x1G23:36
blkadderWhat is it on a single link and from where to where?23:38
volundOKAY I have some issues. I just installed Ubuntu 16.10 64-bit Desktop on my heavy-duty gaming rig in 64-bit UEFI. Not sure if UEFI was the right choice. ON BOOT I would keep getting graphics freezes, and was only able to get the installer to launch by editing the grub launch line with 'nosplash verbose nomodeset'. This once it was installed, I had to further edit my /boot/grub/grub.cfg with similar options to actually boot from the hard drive. and here I23:38
volundam now, with nouveau seemingly doing nothing since I can't figure out how to bring up multi-monitor...23:38
volundOR increase my resolution...23:38
volundI heard that the driver for the GTX 980 Ti is only for 16.04?23:40
volundis this so?23:41
reepcaSo confused... freshly formatted fat32-only flash drive that should still be good is read-only in file manager, but same user can write to it just fine from terminal. As in "mkdir /media/reepca/DATA/test" succeeds but right-clicking in /media/reepca/DATA/ and clicking new directory causes an error about it being read-only.23:45
lord-arhemadanPowerbook G3 guy from yesterday! Everything's working fine since I installed precise, except for one thing: The Wireless card23:46
lord-arhemadanAnd the most I can give specifics on is that it's a PCMCIA Orinoco Gold card, and that networkmanager gives up trying to connect to my phone's wifi hotspot23:47
lord-arhemadanHm, wait... I'll be right back. I'm gonna test something out.23:48
volundwhew. i switched to nVidia drivers instead of Nouveau and it seems to be working awesome for now23:49
negenyou got your bumblebees working ?23:50
lasse_Hi guys23:52
lasse_I need some help with my ubunto server. I have set up a prestashop, and done every thing by the book but when i try to use the installer i get this msg, <?php /* * 2007-2014 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/os23:53
lasse_* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * *  @a23:54
lasse_ups sorry wrong pase23:54
lasse_ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'init.php');  try { require_once(_PS_INSTALL_PATH_.'classes'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'controllerHttp.php'); InstallControllerHttp::execute(); } catch (PrestashopInstallerException $e) { $e->displayMessage(); }23:54
lasse_this is the error23:54
lasse_but i cant find away to remove it23:54
lasse_and get past the NOTICE OF LICENSE23:55
lasse_any idea ?23:56
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