
ricotzgood morning desktopers07:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1650972 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "No .vapi in Zesty" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:20
Laneyhey HEY09:02
davmor2Morning all09:02
seb128hey u.k band09:06
b4nandyrock, Trevinho: any news on https://code.launchpad.net/~banw/compiz/compiz.a11y-shotcuts/+merge/320091 ? :)09:07
davmor2seb128: oh we are a band I hope it's a rock band09:07
seb128it's up to you to decide!09:08
Laneywe're west country folk09:11
Laneythe wurzels09:11
davmor2Laney: I don't even mind that as long as we aren't a rap band or a boy band09:14
Laneyuk garage it is09:18
davmor2Laney: /me always hears UK rap like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAIOzM7SsMo09:21
davmor2Laney: Nice cover of Zombie09:22
* Laney dies09:26
Laneymade about 10 seconds of that09:26
desrthi hackers09:27
davmor2Laney: wuss that was a number 4 hit09:27
davmor2Laney: it is pretty much how UK rap sounds in comparison to US rap though :)09:28
Laneyhi desrt09:29
Laneyhow's the london?09:29
seb128hey desrt09:39
davmor2Laney: also that's still not a bad song in comparison to some I know :D09:40
* Sweet5hark prefers french rap to UK rap for the most part. French rap appears like something of its own, while UK rap cant escape to appear wannabe to me.09:53
Sweet5hark^ Sentence best consumed with some spice girls rapping in the background.09:54
ogra_Sweet5hark, is that because one is european and the other is brexit ?10:08
desrtLaney: wet.10:41
desrtseb128: hi :)10:41
Laneydesrt: you seem to have come during the second winter10:43
desrtya..... happy to be outside of the continent, as not to shatter my illusions about what's going on there10:47
willcookeRight, that does it.  5ghz wifi access point is going in the bin.11:23
allison[m]so, matrix is the hot new thing in gnomeworld11:49
allison[m]time to cancel my irccloud account, apparently11:49
Laneyya, everyone's around with these [m] nicks11:50
allison[m]i wonder if it's possible to get rid of them....11:50
Laneyand if you tab complete someone else on matrix it substitutes their full name on IRC11:50
Laneywhich looks curious :-)11:50
allison[m]seems that i'm the only matrix user in this channel...11:51
allison[m]the web client is substantially nicer than irccloud11:51
allison[m](to say nothing of the phone app)11:54
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Laneyricotz: is that nm patch forwarded?11:57
Laneyor is that code part of a distro delta?11:57
ricotzLaney, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78003211:58
ubot5Gnome bug 780032 in gobject "Add missing attributes to two functions" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:58
ricotzLaney, and I didn't forward it11:58
Laneymight be nice to12:00
Laneyand patch headers would be good in future too12:00
ricotzLaney, hmm, I thought I mentioned the bug report at the top of the patch12:02
seb128Laney, allison[m], what's the point of that [m]?12:38
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LaneyI think matrix puts it on for you12:43
seb128for a technical reason?12:44
seb128or just to as free-advertizing for their service?12:44
seb128jbicha, was enabling the packagekit backend in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/294723961/gnome-software_3.22.2+git20161108.0.a58dfc7-0ubuntu3_3.22.2+git20161108.0.a58dfc7-0ubuntu4.diff.gz voluntary? it's not documented in the changelog12:47
seb128Laney, ^ you might know?12:47
Laneyno I don't, it wasn't anything to do with me12:48
Laneyis there a problem?12:48
seb128yeah, I know it doesn't have to do with you, but you follow a bit what's going on so I asked in case, no worry12:49
seb128that's what leads to sessioninstaller not working12:49
seb128g-s owns the packagekit session bus name when pkgkit is enabled12:49
jbichaseb128: the pk backend is not actually enabled in Ubuntu's gnome-software12:50
seb128jbicha, build log disagrees with you12:50
Laneyit certainly is enabled12:51
Laneyit just doesn't normally cause a problem because the apt backend conflicts it out12:51
seb128        PackageKit support:        yes12:51
Laneyseems it does actually do something though12:51
seb128well since that version the deb ships /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.service12:51
seb128so at least that's one issue12:51
jbichaseb128: ok, let me explicitly disable it, thanks!12:52
seb128so that was an overlook?12:53
seb128in any case we should make it work12:53
seb128but it's a bit late for this cycle to start on that12:53
Laneymake packagekit work?12:53
jbichawe can either use the pk backend or the apt backend, we can't have both12:53
seb128removing that .service makes code install work12:53
seb128I just did a rm locally12:54
seb128Laney, but we don't use packagekit so it's rather "implement that feature in the apt backend"?12:54
Laneyasking what you mean by 'make it work'12:54
seb128or do we use the pkgkit backend for some bits like codecs?12:54
seb128I don't know yet12:54
seb128I just figured out that it was the issue12:55
seb128I'm poking at g-s code next12:55
seb128I keep you updated12:55
Laneyjbicha is going to turn off packagekit, so then it will stop producing the .service file12:55
seb128that fixes it12:55
seb128but I don't know enough about current g-s to know if packagekit is useful/used in some other way atm12:55
Laneyit would be good to make it work so we can drop sessioninstaller next cycle12:55
Laneyso feel free to continue on that path12:56
LaneyI think you need gstraemer1.0-packagekit at least12:56
LaneyI should guess it's because /usr/share/dbus-1/services/sessioninstaller.service has the same Name= as /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.PackageKit.service12:58
Laneywell done for finding it :-)13:00
jbichaif we switch gnome-software to use pk instead of apt, g-software can handle codecs, you do not need gstreamer1.0-packagekit13:01
seb128unsure what is blocking us to use the packagekit backend13:01
jbichayou can try it out with https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software/13:01
davmor2jbicha: it can't now13:01
jbichawell, right now, it's Feature Freeze :)13:01
seb128not only13:01
seb128one of the blockers was performances13:01
seb128and I don't think that got resolved13:01
Laneysomebody testing it and committing to doing any work required13:01
Laneyit's fine and trivial to do the packaging side13:01
seb128whoever wants to switch should at least properly benchmark13:02
Laneybut it's not acceptable to drop a shitty experience on us and then stand back13:02
davmor2currently if you open a video without a codec it fails to open software center at all so I think worrying about if it can install them is a mote point13:02
Laneyyes we know13:03
seb128davmor2, can you read the backlog?13:03
seb128your comment suggest you didn't13:04
davmor2seb128: no racing between machines too much13:04
seb128we are being discussing solutions for that issue13:04
davmor2seb128: ah cool13:04
seb128davmor2, k, so please just step out of the discussion, you are commenting about things which were already raised/resolved13:05
davmor2seb128: \o/13:05
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jbichathe g-s- fix is in the zesty unapproved queue13:28
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jbichag-s-with-pk actually did a clean start faster for me than gs-with-apt but then it takes a while to fill out the Installed page for instance13:33
jbichaplease add concerns or comments to LP: #164313413:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1643134 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Switch gnome-software to use PackageKit backend" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164313413:35
Laneyjbicha: I don't think it's helpful to think of it as a packaging driven change. Someone needs to own the work, figure out the problems and then drive a process of fixing them.13:39
LaneyThe mechanical stuff is relatively trivial.13:39
jbichawell I've done the testing in the bug description13:40
jbichags-with-apt has bugs too that haven't been fixed either; switching to pk solves some of those (but at the expense of making it even less likely someone will get around to fixing those bugs in xenial)13:41
didrocksI know some fedora contributors/users not really happy with the pkgkit usage on g-s13:45
didrocksreally bad experience, like having to refresh multiple times the package list, no feedback of upgrade happening behind the scene13:45
didrocks(sometimes, you click refresh and it looks like you are done, but reclicking then retrigger a request, blocking for a good 5 minutes, and you have your package list)13:46
didrocksyou can have to hit the refresh 5 times13:46
didrocksthe issues were identified in the packagekit using from gnome-software13:46
didrocksI did test it myself yesterday in a vm, and can confirm13:46
didrocksthe benefit for free is the offline update though13:47
jbichaI believe we can disable gnome-software's Updates by default in 3.24 which I assume we'll do since we have update-manager13:47
didrocksyes, but we would still have those refresh package list bugs13:47
didrocksthat are unresolved as of fedora 26 at least13:47
didrocksso, proper and long time benchmarking/testing is really needed before taking any decision IMHO13:48
didrockscoming from fedora fanboys and contributors themselves, I wouldn't take their concerns lightely13:48
jbichadidrocks: did you test gs-with-packagekit on Ubuntu? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software/13:49
LaneyEssentially we should take responsibility for it after the switch13:49
didrocksjbicha: I didn't, I don't work on desktop anymore, I'm just giving here some hints of the words on the street from people close to those upstreams13:49
seb128jbicha, start I don't know about, it's just computation of upgrades/install and actions that we slower, part of the issues were due to aptcc from what the debian maintainers said iirc13:51
LaneyIt's all well and good to test it, but then the next steps need to happen too13:51
seb128but what Laney says13:51
seb128whoever does the switch should own the transition/to get things in shape13:51
LaneyFair enough you might think the apt backend is crap, but our team *has* contributed there, and we have fixed bugs even if there are others remaining13:51
LaneyThe same will have to happen with the packagekit backend13:52
LaneyThis piece of software requires more integratin than most13:52
jbichalet's take a look again after zesty13:59
jbichainstalling apps doesn't feel slow to me; and if we don't even use the Updates part then slowness there won't matter except for people who intentionally enable that14:00
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seb128jbicha, by "update" I mean installing pending updates, which we can do from our UI14:01
jbichaseb128: I don't think we want both GNOME Software and update-manager handling pending updates14:01
seb128no we don't14:03
seb128but the update tab is there in g-s14:03
seb128so it should be usable for users who manually decide to go there and use it14:03
seb128or we should remove it14:03
seb128ah, ok14:07
seb128I'm undecided on that14:07
seb128I still think a package management UI should allow you to update installed packages, synaptic of software-center allows that as well14:09
jbichayes but it's not well-integrated yet (for instance because of phased-updates, gnome-software shows you updates that you don't see in update-manager)14:13
seb128well I guess we could disable the tab14:15
seb128as long as you can do "update" from a detailed view of a specific software14:15
Laneywhat about firmware updates, snap updates (do they always happen automatically?), flatpak updates?14:17
seb128good point14:19
jbichaoh, you're right, it's complicated :(14:21
Laneyand then is it weird that there's one type of update you don't see in there (deb packages)?14:21
Laneytough stuff!14:21
seb128I don't think it's a big deal to have g-s listing updates and still having update-manager defaulting to be the tools to apply those14:23
seb128users who just apply those don't see g-s14:23
seb128those who go to g-s expect a package management tool14:23
jbichags-with-pk only does offline upgrades now (at least for system updates) which is "interesting"14:25
Laneyit's all fixable14:28
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willcookequttin' time.  I'm off tomorrow (going to the NEC) so back Friday.  Toodles18:01
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jbichaFJKong: good morning, for LP: #1644781 you'll want to look at the extra dependencies added in 3.21.91-2 but it looks like Debian missed the evince one23:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1644781 in gnome-sushi (Ubuntu) "Sushi-start fails with 16.10 upgrade, both Unity and Mate" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164478123:20

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