c_smith | soooo I honestly forget, but was there a Ubuntu Gnome development channel, like #ubuntu+1 for Ubuntu with Unity? | 00:44 |
jbicha | c_smith: you found it! | 02:10 |
c_smith | jbicha: cool | 02:10 |
c_smith | so I have a question about the development version, then: is gnome 3.24 planned to be part of it or at least available in gnome3-staging or similar? | 02:11 |
jbicha | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuGNOME#Highlights | 02:12 |
jbicha | (yes, 17.04 will have GNOME 3.24) | 02:13 |
c_smith | man, that's the page I've been looking for all afternoon! | 02:13 |
c_smith | my google-fu skills failed me! | 02:13 |
c_smith | XD | 02:13 |
c_smith | tbh I was gonna install Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 shortly either way, but what I was gonna do with the release version depended on what version of gnome was being targeted. | 02:14 |
jbicha | now you can answer the guy who's been asking on the mailing list ;) | 02:14 |
c_smith | jbicha: that was me. XD | 02:14 |
c_smith | did that email send more than once? | 02:15 |
c_smith | cause if it did, I need to see what caused that... | 02:15 |
jbicha | no, just one, I was kidding :) | 02:15 |
c_smith | ah, alright | 02:15 |
c_smith | had me worried that Google was doing yet another shady thing. XD | 02:15 |
jbicha | it's possible someone reading the list has the same question you did though so answering might still be helpful | 02:15 |
c_smith | will do. | 02:15 |
c_smith | sent a short email with the answer. | 02:18 |
c_smith | now we have something to reference for similar questions. :D | 02:18 |
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
InventorTechie | Hello ;-) | 05:02 |
InventorTechie | Hello ;-) new fan of Ubuntu-Gnome here. | 05:28 |
InventorTechie | Anyone awake? | 05:31 |
=== mgedmin_ is now known as mgedmin | ||
InventorTechie | hullo | 09:39 |
jaes | holĂ ! | 16:40 |
jaes | does anyone now the gnome's version for ubuntu-gnome 17.04 ? | 16:41 |
jaes | or when the 3.24 will make it to the distrib ? | 16:41 |
jbicha | jaes: hi, 17.04 will use 3.24: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuGNOME | 18:11 |
jaes | jbicha: thanks ! | 18:31 |
jaes | is there a mailing list (or better a good ol' rss feed) i could suscribe to to have this kind of update ? | 18:32 |
jbicha | there is a list but it doesn't really announce things like that exactly | 19:12 |
jbicha | https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome | 19:12 |
jbicha | not an rss feed, but each packages has a page like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell | 19:14 |
jbicha | Ubuntu news sites also report about the Ubuntu GNOME beta's | 19:32 |
jaes | thanks, I'll look into that | 19:32 |
jaes | and maybe with a filter on my rss reader, it'll do the trick | 19:33 |
InventorTechie | Hello | 19:59 |
InventorTechie | Is everyone offline, or am I just missing messages somehow? | 20:36 |
InventorTechie | Sent out an email to the Ubuntu Gnome mailing list just now. Not sure all who is attached to it ;-) | 20:36 |
jbicha | InventorTechie: hi | 20:40 |
jbicha | there is a redesign of ubuntugnome.org in progress, I expect one of the people working on it will reply to your email | 20:41 |
InventorTechie | Excellent. Curious to know how far along that is. If it's just a mockup or being implemented yet. Either way, I can help out. | 20:42 |
jbicha | historically, Ubuntu GNOME hasn't had much UI work itself, leaving most of that to be done in upstream projects like GNOME itself | 20:42 |
jbicha | there was a proposal earlier to have a custom gtk or icon theme (that's a lot of work!) but that hasn't happened yet | 20:42 |
InventorTechie | Understood. Has there been any discussions about Ubuntu-Gnome specific applications that could be created, or any need for it? | 20:42 |
InventorTechie | Heck ya, icons would be a lot of work, no doubt about it. Might be able to partner up with some other theme developers who have a nice icon set that they could contribute. Always a potential route, saving the need to create everything from scratch. I've come across some nice options out there. | 20:44 |
jbicha | I don't know of any need for Ubuntu GNOME specific apps, generally apps are useful for other distros too | 20:46 |
jbicha | but if you think of something, you're welcome to propose it | 20:46 |
InventorTechie | Has anyone ever paid any attention to this project -> http://papyros.io/ , I believe it's dead, or at least hasn't had any updates in over a year but I found it to be quite interesting. | 20:46 |
InventorTechie | It's a material design aim, on top of Arch. The thought crossed my mind, about maybe contributing, but I can't seem to get ahold of anyone from there. Anyway, it's a nice concept. Google Material design is quite sophisticated, and when you consider the fact that 86% of the worlds phones/tablets are running Android, they've created an edge that can be built | 20:49 |
InventorTechie | off of for other systems who follow. Provides shorter learning curves for new users who have familiarity with the material design UX on their other devices. | 20:49 |
InventorTechie | Food 4 thought. | 20:49 |
InventorTechie | Not sure if it's applicable, but a Custom Ubuntu Gnome theme, might serve well ;-) | 20:50 |
InventorTechie | I won't expand too much on that already, but, there are a lot of pre-existing resources and assets that fall in line with material design, so to your earlier point, it would save from having to create an icon set fully from scratch. | 20:51 |
=== dzragon^ is now known as dzragon | ||
InventorTechie | Is the Slack channel pretty active for this group? | 22:28 |
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