
slangasekapw, bjf: a lot of autopkgtest failures recently for linux/ppc64el in zesty; are we going to be getting back to green sometime soon?02:02
bjfslangasek, please bring that up tomorrow with sforshee and rtg02:48
bjfslangasek, actually, the tests look pretty good to me. the one real failure i'm seeing is with the kernel selftests. it looks like upstream hasn't built it on that platform02:57
slangasekbjf: so could the testsuite itself detect that, so that we don't have to dig into the logs each time to know whether the failure is ignorable?04:49
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sforsheeslangasek, bjf: the ppc selftests failure on ppc64el is because some of the tests don't build with pie enabled. We have a fix comitted, but since the tests run based on the zesty master branch it won't pass until the current kernel is released and master gets updated.12:11
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apwsforshee, is that zesty master ?12:45
apwsforshee, if so you could probabally just shove it out as we care a lot less that that one rebases (which it likely won't anyhow) before release day12:46
sforsheeapw: yeah I suppose. I was wondering though if the tests shouldn't be checking out the tag for the kernel under test.12:50
apwsforshee, these are the kernel self-tests right ?12:51
sforsheeapw: yes12:51
elmohey, I just rolled to 4.10! \o/12:52
apwelmo, and you are able to login to tell me so, so something must work12:53
rtgapw, sforshee - will defaulting to consoleblank=0 in Zesty have any deleterious side effects that you can think of ? See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kbd/+bug/869017/comments/1413:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 869017 in kbd (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu server enables screenblanking, concealing crashdumps (DPMS is not used)" [Medium,Triaged]13:16
sforsheertg: nothing comes to mind. My guess is that comment is right, that it was probably set up that way to avoid burn-in on CRTs which isn't as much of a concern nowadays13:24
rtgsforshee, I'm sure it'll piss off someone though :)13:25
sforsheertg: no doubt13:25
snoerdhey, since #ubuntu-boot seems to be abandoned, I'll try my luck here. Does anybody here have any experience with nfs-boot and overlayroot?14:37
apwsnoerd, i personally do not but there are people who who likely have played with that kind of thing14:47
apwsnoerd, but i would also suggest as people are on wildly different timezones, that14:47
apwsnoerd, you ask your question so people don't tell you they know and leave14:47
snoerdapw: thanks, good point. My issue is plain and simple: booting over nfs works ( root dir passed as kernel parameter), as soon as I enable overlayroot, it hangs after successfully enabling overlayroot. It just prints "done" and that's been it14:52
snoerdhere's a screenshot: https://postimg.org/image/x14ljvolr/14:53
apwsnoerd, have you tried a "break=bottom" to get a shell at that point and have a look around ?14:54
apwsnoerd, look at dmesg that kind of thing14:55
snoerdahh, didn't know that parameter yet, thx. normally I'm poking around in userspace. gimme a sec14:55
apwit actually is a userspace implemented thing, by initramfs-tools, but goes on the kernel command line for giggles14:56
snoerdapw, sorry, was on the phone. If I use that parameter, I do in fact get a busybox shell at the end. however I cannot see something suspicous. only strange thing is that my nfs share is mounted in /root15:06
apwsnoerd, and is the overlay mounted yet ?15:06
* apw though bottom was after root was mounted15:07
apwie literally the next thing was chroot into it15:07
snoerddoesn't look like it15:08
snoerdi can actually chroot into /root, but I get an "inappropriate ioctl for device" error from bash15:11
snoerdbut it still works15:11
snoerdbut no overlay15:11
snoerddamn :)15:12
apwsnoerd, oh that is before bottom, breaks=init instead15:13
snoerdahh, thanks. I'll try that15:18
snoerdyeah, now I get the overlayroot. 15:19
apwnow at least you can see if it is working at all15:19
snoerdahh, i guess there is something severly broken. I just get a scrambled stack trace when I try to chroot into it15:20
snoerdalso, i can read in the overlay, but not write15:21
snoerdafter a bit of trying a got a readable version of the stacktrace. it happend when I tried to chroot into the overlay. maybe it is of help https://postimg.org/image/kjr8gav3r/15:28
snoredif somebody has a followup on the bug i've posted: I've joined this channel with my regular nick 'jules' 15:47
apwjules, hey ... did you put a simple how to reproduce this in your bug ?  i assume it is pretty easy15:48
apwjules, if so then i recon that that one can be bisected in a VM or something15:48
apwjules, also what was the bug # ??15:49
julesapw: I haven't reported it yet. reproducing it should be fairly straight forward, but you have to have a working PXE environment, which is a bit of a hazzle to set up.15:53
apwjules, well if you are able to test kernels for it, we likely can supply them15:54
julesapw: that should be no big deal. I'm writing the bug report now15:55
julesapw: filed as bug #1675086 16:29
ubot5bug 1675086 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Bug when using nfsroot + overlayroot at the same time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167508616:29
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