
chatter29hey guys04:47
LoganUnit193: looks like jbicha already did it06:15
Unit193Yep, so I saw.07:33
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karstensragehi all19:23
karstensragei had a question about a philosophy wrt packaging19:23
karstensragecould the upstream Makefile build the source and create modules (executables, libraries, modules, etc.) but not "install" it19:24
karstensrageand the packaging take care of installing it?19:24
karstensrageso the upstream might have a readme about how you "could" install it19:24
karstensragebut wouldnt do it for you19:24
karstensragei already have some debian packages that are in xenial and trusty (thank you profusely)19:25
karstensragebut im thinking of changing them so the upstream (building) and packaging (installing) are separate as well as adding a new package which really lends itself to that philosophy19:26
rbasakkarstensrage: that's basically how debian/rules works already, no?21:05
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karstensragerbasak, i thought maybe the packaging used the upstream to figure out how to install things22:59
rbasakkarstensrage: ah. Yes, usually it does. You can override that though.23:30
karstensrageok so if i changed how en existing package works due to changing upstream23:42
karstensrageis that ok23:42

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