
alkisgWhat's the xorg.conf equivalent of `xrandr --output HDMI-1 --same-as DP-1`? I see "RightOf", "AboveOf" but I don't see "SameAs" in `man xorg.conf`...07:17
tjaaltonbut there's a patch for the 16bpp mode, though it doesn't fix the intel fail07:19
tjaaltonon xorg-devel@07:19
alkisgTy! Let me check...07:20
MustaKrakishubuntu 16.04.2 Xorg 1:7.7+13ubuntu3 uses 100% CPU and running an strace on Xorg PID locked my machine up. VGA is Intel gen 409:57
MustaKrakishany ideas?09:57
michael-vbalkisg: just happened to see this on xorg-devel, wondered if it is of interest:10:44
alkisgmichael-vb: yes, thank you, tjaalton already gave me that url and he said it fixes the 16bpp mode but not the intel crash11:20
alkisgIt was a busy day today so I didn't have a chance to try it11:20
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