
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
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wkoszekHi guys. I just wondering if this channel is the right place to ask for some IT assistance wrt. login.launchpad.net ?04:50
wkoszekI send a merge account request to login-support@canonical.com ~14 days ago and a reminder several days ago, and I got no reply.04:52
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ePierreHi there!06:50
ePierreI have a question regarding the launchpad API06:50
ePierreI would like to retrieve all the bugs for a given project06:50
ePierremy understanding is that I have to use launchpad.project['my-project'].searchTasks() to do so06:51
ePierreit looks like the anser I get is 75 items long maximum.06:51
ePierreThe doc says searchTasks returns “an iterable of matching results.”06:51
ePierrehow can I retrieve all the elements?06:52
ePierreI also tried to filter by statuses to include all of the possible statuses (launchpad.project['my-project'].searchTasks(status=statuses) where statuses is a list of the different statuses)06:53
ePierrebut I'm also limited to 75 items (which matches what you see in Launchpad for the first page of results – my project has 935 items)06:53
wgrantePierre: Data is returned in batches of 75 items, but launchpadlib automatically iterates through all of the batches. Do you have code that reproduces the problem?06:54
ePierrewgrant, thanks for your help :)07:04
ePierrewgrant, another question: a bug_task doesn't have an 'id' property. Why? The only relation to a bug I can find is through the bug_link property, but this is rather complicated (bug_link is a string URL)07:05
wgrantePierre: Tasks don't have external IDs; their only ID is the bug that they are a task on. In launchpadlib you want task.bug.id.07:08
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ePierrewgrant, got it! Thanks!07:11
ePierrewgrant, so when you have a bug_task object and request bug_task.bug.id, launchpadlib finds the bug that is related to this bug_task, then grabs its id attribute and returns it?07:12
wgrantePierre: launchpadlib applies magic on top of link and collection attributes provided by the Launchpad API. foo_link turns into foo, which will be automatically retrieved from the API when it's accessed, and foos_collection turns into foos, which is a normal Python iterator over the batched collection.07:14
wgrantePierre: Do be aware that task.bug.id is going to be slow if you're calling it lots of times. If performance is a concern, consider int(task.bug_link.rsplit('/', 1)[1])07:14
ePierrewgrant, yes that's why I asked :) Thanks for the tip07:15
ePierreI was actually doing something similar in my code07:15
ePierrewgrant, I'm currently iterating over the different bugs of my project in order to retrieve some stats about their activity (I want to know how often they've been marked as Incomplete, for instance). This is slow because I need to retrieve the bug activity for each bug of the project, and that means as many requests to Launchpad as there are bugs. I was wondering if there would be a way to retrieve a batch of all the activities of a list of bugs or08:06
ePierresomething like that in one request08:06
wgrantePierre: Unfortunately not; there's no general bulk request support in the Launchpad API.08:08
ePierrewgrant, ok thanks08:14
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
cjwatsonwkoszek_: login.launchpad.net is actually a separate system with a confusingly similar hostname, and support for that would be in #canonical-sysadmin.  However, to merge two accounts on login.launchpad.net, it's normally best to do that from the Launchpad side using https://launchpad.net/people/+requestmerge if possible, and that will be reflected on login.launchpad.net.12:58
cariboubefore I start a API query bomb, I should ask here first :13:53
caribouI want to get bugs with a specific tag (sts-sru-needed) which are either on openstack projects or ubuntu-cloud-archive13:53
caribouhere is an example : https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/icehouse/+bug/132366013:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1323660 in Glance Client kilo "[SRU] Glance image properties not copied to cinder volume with glance V2 API" [High,Fix committed]13:53
caribouAm I right to think that I need to query each openstack project iteratively,then the same for cloud-archive in order to find those tagged bugs ?13:54
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
wkoszek_cjwatson: Your feedback is great. I'm in the process of merging. I *think* I had a Ubuntu One account created long time ago, without an e-mail. Then I somehow enedd with 2 launchpad.net accounts and the link you passed me: I never saw that in docs.16:04
wkoszek_Hm.. The Launchpad account named 'wkoszek-e-merged' was merged into the account16:06
wkoszek_named 'wkoszek'.16:06
wkoszek_There's some bug in here -- my account name was "wkoszek-e", and that's what I've typed into the web form.16:06
orsonmmzare there any lp moderators here?16:23
orsonmmzwe are getting more and more spam in our bug reports, and I have no idea where it could be reported16:24
saiarcot895I'm attempting to compile recent versions of Chromium in my PPAs, but (most of the time) when I build it for amd64 and arm64 on 16.10 and newer, an internal GCC error occurs. I've tried to replicate the error in a local sbuild chroot, but have been unable to do so. Any suggestions for further debugging?19:07
saiarcot895The GCC error occurs when compiling the same file. Also, GCC appears to take up a lot of RAM (about 2 GB, I forgot the exact count). Do the builders not have this much RAM available, and could this be what is causing the crash?19:09
dobeysaiarcot895: you might want to ping in #ubuntu-desktop perhaps about chromium. i'm pretty sure there are PPAs kept up to date, and there's even a nightlies PPA. not sure why you'd get gcc internal errors though19:12
saiarcot895dobey: I'm maintaining two PPAs, one for the latest Beta channel release and one for the latest Dev channel release. I'm not sure there is another PPA containing recent versions of Chromium (beyond stable)19:18
* wkoszek_ is confused on launchpad.net and Ubuntu One relationship. Seems to have account in both.20:08
dobeyUbuntu One (login.ubuntu.com) is the SSO auth provider20:16
wkoszek_How come I be logged in to launchpad.net and be able to browse my profile etc., yet not be "in" at Ubuntu One. I believed that was the idea.20:19
dobeyi don't understand what you're asking20:23
dobeyyou are only "logged in" to ubuntu one, once you go to login.ubuntu.com and log in there to manaage your account20:23
dobeyfor launchpad, ubuntu one is the authentication back-end, via OpenID20:24
dobeystandard tokenized authentication20:25
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
aleksander0many launchpad sysadmin here? some nasty spam happening in this bugreport in the last days https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/55409922:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 554099 in Ubuntu Maverick "Qualcomm Gobi 2000 3G (gobi_loader/qcserial) broken" [High,Fix released]22:58
wgrantaleksander0m: Just the last four comments?22:59

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