
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
=== carver is now known as Guest53904
=== Guest53904 is now known as carverharrison
carverharrisonjust installed ubuntu mate on my raspi06:37
server_hi guys07:30
server_for me is impossible install wine07:31
server_have update S.O. 16.0407:31
carverharrisonapt-get install wine?07:31
server_not found07:31
carverharrisonsudo apt-get update?07:31
carverharrisonamd64 or i38607:32
server_in software boutique don't see07:32
server_raaspberry pi307:32
server_is i386 I thinks07:33
carverharrisonwine is not avalible for raspi07:33
carverharrisonits x86 exclusive07:33
carverharrisonthere is no windows for arm07:33
server_is impossible to install?07:33
carverharrisonit is imposible07:33
server_is improtant for job07:33
carverharrisonyou can use qemu tho07:34
carverharrisonits a x86 emulator07:34
carverharrisonit will be slow but it will work07:34
carverharrisonwhat do you need wine for anyways?07:34
server_software for remote controll07:36
carverharrisonteam viewer?07:36
carverharrisonrakish from IT's weird remote desktop thing?07:37
carverharrisoni would say use vnc if you are trying to connect to a windows pc07:38
carverharrisonI am sorry, but I can not help you with using RATs07:40
alkisghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DarkComet ==> "DarkComet is commonly used to spy on the victims by taking screen captures, key-logging, or password cracking." :)07:40
server_yes but I use for controll my computer07:40
server_local computer07:41
alkisgUse vnc07:41
carverharrisonthats a pretty bad way to do rdp07:41
carverharrisonjust use vnc07:41
server_what is it?07:41
carverharrisonraspbian comes with vnc07:41
carverharrisonlook up FreeVnc07:41
carverharrisoni mean realvnc07:41
server_oh good software07:49
=== carver is now known as Guest89538
=== Guest89538 is now known as carverharrison
server_thnks for information08:04
=== davor is now known as Guest55450
davor_what ever I do, Cairo dock would not start automatically , once I restart , run virtually mate 16.04 in vmware13:40
davor_any advice, its not burning issue, just curious13:41
davor_seems i have different version 1.12.113:44
davor_thought was the same as ubuntu, wrong again :-)13:44
byterunneranyone have a way to go from mate 1.12.1 to newest?13:45
ouroumov_There is non byterunner.13:45
ouroumov_none *13:45
byterunnershit ok13:45
ouroumov_davor_, how are you starting it up.13:45
ouroumov_byterunner, however if you want 1.18 you can play with Ubuntu MATE 17.04 Beta 213:46
davor_press the button :-)13:46
davor_and it starts13:46
byterunnerok i might do a vbox and try it out thanks13:46
ouroumov_I mean cairo, how do you start cairo ?13:46
davor_from the menu > system tools>cairo dock13:47
ouroumov_davor_, and I assume you tried adding it to the "Startup Application" settings?13:47
davor_I have vmware on MAC ....was wondering does it have anything to do with the bug?13:48
davor_I tried "launch cairo dock on startup" but it fails every time13:49
davor_manually is OK13:49
ouroumov_<davor_> I have vmware on MAC ....was wondering does it have anything to do with the bug? -> It shouldn't.13:50
davor_there you ask STARTUP APPLICATION settings? is that cairo manu?13:50
davor_menu sorry13:50
davor_i found it ....., will giver it a try13:52
davor_i cant find cairo in this Startup Applications preferences menu13:54
ouroumov_Okay I can confirm the cairo-specific autostart setting you mentioned does nothing on 17.04 Beta 2, I'm gonna try the startup application settings now.13:56
ouroumov_It works.13:59
ouroumov_So davor_ here's the procedure:13:59
ouroumov_1. Go to Startup Applications Settings13:59
ouroumov_2. Click the Green Plus sign to add a new application13:59
ouroumov_3. Name it how you want, but in the command field use exactly this: /usr/bin/cairo-dock14:00
ouroumov_4. This should work now14:00
davor_thanks will let you know once i restart14:18
davor_it works ...cairo14:20
davor_thank you works like a charm14:20
ouroumov_davor_, yw14:30
neruzohi, how I can find and install drivers for Logitech G19 keyboard in my Ubuntu MATE 16.04?14:54
neruzohi, how I can find and install drivers for Logitech G19 keyboard in my Ubuntu MATE 16.04?15:01
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, welcome back. I have a failure to install bootloader to /dev/sda when trying to install Ubuntu MATE Beta 2 in a VM with full disk encryption. This test case is not covered in the ISO tracker for this flavor apparently.16:46
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, please disregard that, I have a md5 checksum failure as well so it's PEBCAK.16:48
Menzadorflexiondotorg: Hey, got a moment?17:09
Menzadorflexiondotorg: This isn't about MATE specifically, this is about your Minecraft PPA. :) Did you see that Mojang's released a new client alpha as a Debian package?17:16
flexiondotorgMenzador Oooh. I had not.17:16
MenzadorAnd if so, are we going to see it in a staging PPA before it hits nonfree?17:16
flexiondotorgDoes it have a snap or apt repository?17:16
Menzadorflexiondotorg: They directly released the .deb file17:17
flexiondotorgThen there is nothing I can do with that.17:17
flexiondotorgLink please?17:17
MenzadorOK, hold on - gotta go through search history17:18
Menzadorflexiondotorg: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/5opl31/help_us_test_the_new_minecraft_launcher_now_with/17:19
MenzadorIt's from /u/Dinnerbone , so it's official17:19
toshibaHey everyone17:20
toshibai need some help with ubuntu17:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:22
toshibamy ubuntu mate doesnt shut down properly...  i need to press the shutdown button for 5 secs... otherwise17:23
toshibai doenst shutdown itself17:23
MenzadorWhat happens when you push the power button? Nothing?17:23
toshibawell... i appears to be shutting down... but i gets stuck in the last second17:24
toshibaso i have to press the button again for 5 secs17:24
toshibato shutdown17:24
MenzadorWhat does it "stick" on? Is there dmesg output? (usually looks like a number in [ ] followed by a message17:24
toshibai will send you a picture wait a moment please17:26
toshibainstead of shutting down it gets stuck on the ubuntu mate animation17:30
Menzadortoshiba: Press F12.17:30
toshibaand i cant see anything else than that17:30
toshibaright now_17:30
toshibait happens nothing17:31
MenzadorWelp, I'm back17:32
toshibaso what should i do mate?17:33
ouroumovflexiondotorg, you there?19:36
ouroumovflexiondotorg, there's a missing dependency issue in the LTS: cryptsetup is not installed if no encryption was used during install but Gnome Disks is installed, and requires cryptsetup to have every feature working.19:38
alsanwhy cant we donated directly with a credit card. I don't want opening a paypal accompt20:03
flexiondotorgouroumov In which case that is a bug in gnome-disk-utility20:03
flexiondotorgActually not that.20:04
flexiondotorgcryptsetup-bin is a Suggests: of udisks2.20:04
flexiondotorgWhich won't get installed by default of course.20:04
flexiondotorgBut the packages are following what the the maintainer intended.20:05
flexiondotorgThe udisks2 control file also includes the following:20:06
flexiondotorg Creating or modifying file systems such as XFS, RAID, or LUKS encryption20:06
flexiondotorg requires that the corresponding mkfs.* and admin tools are installed, such20:06
flexiondotorg as dosfstools for VFAT, xfsprogs for XFS, or cryptsetup for LUKS.20:06
flexiondotorgSo perhaps raise a bug against udisks2 and gnome-disks-utility and explain the issue there.20:07
ouroumovOkay thanks20:10
ouroumovDamn someone had reported that already. I marked myself as affected.20:20
tthehey there, is there any way to get BIOS information from the terminal?21:24
ali1234too late but here's the answer: you can dump bios nvram, but interpreting it is another matter entirely, since every bios is different. might be slightly easier with EFI.21:41
imcontrerasI'm Newbie linux user, choose this distro, thansk to the community that supports it22:11
carverharrisonleft my rpi on installing packages for 6hrs... debconf happens22:27
carverharrison...and package system is broken22:30
ali1234sudo dpkg --configure -a22:30
ali1234then rerun the previous apt command22:30
ali1234that should fix it. although in 6 hours you might have run out of space22:31
carverharrisoni know how to fix it22:31
ouroumovflexiondotorg, "Attempting to close a terminal that has an active process will request confirmation before proceeding" -> wasn't it always the case?22:41
flexiondotorgouroumov It was supposed to be, but rarely worked.22:41
oliverbartgesHello Halo22:42
ouroumovIt kind of worked fairly reliable for me at least on the LTS :o22:42
carverharrisonosx shows that message. Linux rarely does22:42
ouroumovI've tested this with Python shells, SSH links, Tmux stuff22:43
ouroumovA new layout with Brisk! *_*22:44
ouroumovI'm gonna test this. :D22:44
ouroumovNew Dark Theme *_* gotta try this too!22:45
flexiondotorgouroumov New Dark theme has an update in the NEW queue to correct Notebooks (tabs) and Buttons.22:57
flexiondotorgSo it will get a whole lot prettier soon.22:57
ouroumovAnyway flexiondotorg, awesome job by you and the team. ^^ I'm sadden that the Pluma regexp search didn't merit a mention but I get that not everyone cares about it :p23:01
flexiondotorgouroumov So many changes, it's hard to make sure everything gets mentioned :-)23:02
ouroumovBtw flexiondotorg I think you've forgotten the February "Supporters" post.23:07
ouroumovmight have*23:08
flexiondotorgouroumov Not forgotten, delayed.23:18
pavlosI get this error in syslog ... Mar 23 11:10:40 intel org.freedesktop.Notifications[2041]: /usr/share/themes/Radiant-MATE/gtk-2.0/apps/mate-panel.rc:30: error: invalid string constant "scrollbar", expected valid string constant23:56
pavlosUM 16.0423:56
pavlosthere was a bug reported, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-artwork/+bug/162466623:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624666 in ubuntu-mate-artwork (Ubuntu) "Radiant-MATE theme gives errors at ~/.xsession-errors file" [Low,Fix released]23:57
pavlosI do have ubuntu-mate-artwork-16.04.723:57

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