
ubottudon't worry, tsimonq2 is just a troll. don't feed him and he'll move on. :)00:08
tsimonq2Look what wxl did ^^^^^^^^^^^00:08
* tsimonq2 goes off to do other things00:09
elkywxl: seriously?00:11
wxlelky: i know. i'm terrible.00:12
elkycan you remove it please?00:12
wxlaw jeez you're no fun.00:12
wxlyou'd be surprised what we in #kubuntu-devel have to put up with from him :)00:12
elkythis is not the way to deal with problem helpers00:12
wxli'm mostly joking. he has his moments, but mostly joking.00:13
wxland he knows it!00:13
wxlhe's just using his tattle-tale powers00:13
wxlbut yes i'll remove it00:13
bazhangbotabuse to insult is not funny imo00:13
wxlonce i remember how to again :O00:13
elkythank you00:13
dax(!forget tsimonq2-#kubuntu-devel)00:14
wxlthat's it00:14
wxlwhy can't it be delete?00:14
wxl!forget tsimonq2-#kubuntu-devel00:14
ubottuI'll forget that, wxl00:14
daxbecause it's not deleted :300:14
Unit193You can see the deleted ones on the factoid page, and they still show up in searches.00:15
wxlall the better00:15
* dax snerks00:15
dax!unforget tsimonq2-#kubuntu-devel00:15
ubottuI suddenly remember tsimonq2-#kubuntu-devel again, dax00:15
dax!no, tsimonq2-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> fnord00:16
ubottuI'll remember that dax00:16
dax!forget tsimonq2-#kubuntu-devel00:16
ubottuI'll forget that, dax00:16
* wxl sheds a tear00:16
* dax pours one out for the factoid00:16
wxlwelll that's about all the fun i have in me for the rest of the month00:16
wxlthanks guys :)00:16
hggdhthat was not cool00:17
wxlit was, seriously, a joke and i'm quite sure he knws it. mea culpa.00:18
Unit193By all appearances, he doesn't.00:18
bazhangwhy would he come here to complain if that were so00:18
daxwas that a rhetorical question00:19
wxlfeel free to ask him00:19
ahoneybunthat was funny tho00:19
bazhangmore like put a thinking cap on before stepping in those waters00:19
ahoneybunprofessional - no, funny - yes00:19
Unit193ahoneybun: That's a resource which he can neither edit, remove, or "make jabs back" with.  It's also meant more as a resource, not for jabs.00:20
* dax pours one out for half of the *-#ubuntu-offtopic factoids too00:21
dax(the deleted ones)00:21
ahoneybunUnit193: I stick by what I said though00:21
tsimonq2And I'm fine by the way. I wasn't that offended, I've known wxl for a while and it's fine.00:22
tsimonq2I iust wanted someone to unset it.00:22
elkythat is already done00:22
Unit193tsimonq2: This is not the place for making jokes like that then.  Please remember the story of the boy that cried wolf.00:22
tsimonq2Unit193: Apologies00:22
wxlUnit193: to be fair, i made the initial joke. it's not his fault.00:23
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM.  Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin, Gajim, and Empathy (GNOME), bitlbee (cli/irc).  For more info see http://www.jabber.org/00:23
* tsimonq2 exits the channel00:23
ahoneybunjabber still lives?00:24
elkywell it's xmpp, it's in plenty of places00:25
elkyjust not always called jabber00:25
Unit193> Google chat00:25
daxGoogle Chat still lives?00:25
bazhangI always confuse xmms and xmpp00:26
daxone of them's obsolete and nobody uses it because better things came out since00:26
daxthe other is a music player00:26
bazhangI thought audacicous took over from xmms00:27
* Unit193 questions what is better than xmpp.00:27
bazhangxmpp is voip?00:27
daxthere's a thing00:28
daxor is that the encryption thing for it00:28
daxidk, anyway, there are a bunch of xmpp clients that can do voice but i don't know that the actual voice goes over xmpp00:29
daxi think it's just used for negotiation like with DCC00:29
ubottukrytarik called the ops in #ubuntu (@
ubottuducasse called the ops in #ubuntu (Krzysiekk Artur_ Glanden)08:31
ubottuGlanden called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:32
ubottuM_aD called the ops in #ubuntu ()08:38
k1l_<nacc> Dreaman: you have been told to actually be helpful (by me) multiple times. I am assuming now you are trolling the channel.16:24
k1l_not only be told by nacc16:24

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