
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
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powersjsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32056016:05
powersjsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/31769216:17
smoserpowersj, https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/curtin/trunk.snappy-dd/+merge/31767216:27
=== powersj_ is now known as powersj
smoserpowersj, you said you filed a pylint issue17:31
smoser +    _REQ_VER = LooseVersion(_REQ.version)  # pylint: disable=no-member17:31
powersjsmoser: yes17:43
smoserlink K?17:44
smoserpowersj, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24242020/17:55
smoserthat look sane ?17:55
smoseron top of yours17:55
smosererr. http://paste.ubuntu.com/24242021/17:56
powersjI like that change, did you run pylint to make sure it is still good?17:57
smoseryeah, it is.18:01
smoseryou're welcome to add a pylint-tip18:01
powersjok let me add your changes and -tip18:02
powersjthanks for looking18:02
smoserpowersj, i can just do it here too.18:02
smoserand pull it.18:02
powersjok whatever is easier18:02
smoseror you can . etierh way. i wont add the -tip right now if i do it.18:03
powersjlet me do it then18:03
* powersj is seriously missing his large monitor right now18:04
powersjsmoser: merge updated18:18
smosertheo hter question...18:22
smoserwould be nice to get Renderer out of .pylintrc18:22
powersjI did start to mess with that code, but thought better18:27
smoserpowersj, ^ i think that is right.18:41
powersjsmoser: is there a way to test that?18:42
powersjother than building the deb and injecting it in some image :)18:42
smoserpowersj, well, pylint runs18:45
smoserand it is looking at all the things that subclass from Renderer18:45
smoserwell, i thought it was18:45
smoserwait. it might18:45
powersjmine just passed with that18:45
powersjsmoser: want me to commit?18:50
smoserpowersj, how do i make it show an error ?18:53
smoseri want to see the error number18:53
powersjhmm I have to remember, I don't think it is as simple as turning on the report18:56
smoserpylint --disable=C,R --enable=W0223 cloudinit/net/eni.py '--msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}'19:00
smoserso... its annoying though19:00
smoseryou cant enable just that warning19:01
smoserif you disable W (like you did in the .pylintrc) then you can't enable a specific warning19:01
smoserpowersj, so... i added that @abc.abstract19:03
powersjadded to?19:04
smoserand then i removed an the eni.Renderer19:04
smoserand saw that pylint *does* complain about that.19:04
smoserso i thought "ok, i'd like to see other occurences of W0224"19:04
smoserbut, thats not so easy19:04
smoseri would have hoped that explicitly listing a W0224 in the enable would do that.19:06
smoserbut it seems if they're turned off in the disable with 'W' (all warnings) then you cant turn back on19:06
smoseri thik19:06
powersjI agree, I tried disable: all and then enable a few things, but that didn't seem to work19:13
smoseri think you can disable the things one by one19:14
smoserso we could get there.19:14
smoseri just merged.19:14
smoseryou can diff trunk versus your branch to see the delta19:15
powersjthanks! looks like you fixed up renderer19:16
smoseryeah. and removed a duouble declaration of thread._local ?19:17
smoserpowersj, now i'd love to get to a point where we did not have to disable all warnings.19:18
powersjoh wow.. didn't even see that19:18
powersjyeah that would be nice; as you said those are helpful19:18
powersja lot of the warnings are about exceptions being too broad19:19
smoserpowersj, why didnt ci run on https://code.launchpad.net/~multani/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32081519:38
powersjah this is the whole groups permissions thing19:39
powersjjenkins-launchpad-plugin only lets you run jobs if people are in certain groups, so I would need to add his name to the list of valid users19:40
powersjI've done this for a few other people as well19:40
smoserah. k19:43
powersjnext run should pick his up19:44
powersjsmoser: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24242635/ 465 warnings: 129x too general exception 112x using deprecated warn 47x unused argument 33x unused variable 25x TODO19:52
smoserso it'd be nice to see the unused variable19:54
smoseras honestly we should fix those19:54
smoserand the deprecpated warn we could fix too19:55
powersjsmoser: when you are really bored this weekend you can snap cloud-init ;) https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32099422:59

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