=== admcleod is now known as admcleod_afk | ||
arosales | juju gui question :-) | 19:12 |
arosales | I am setting up a new juju client in AWS to which I will then deploy applications from | 19:13 |
arosales | I have the following model: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24242482/ | 19:14 |
arosales | but `juju gui` gives me what looks like an internal address | 19:14 |
arosales | http://paste.ubuntu.com/24242489/ | 19:14 |
arosales | so I can't hit However, if I issue `juju status -m controller` I see the controller on | 19:16 |
arosales | using that in my browser I can hit the gui, ie | 19:16 |
arosales | any thoughts on why juju gui is giving me an internal address and not an external one? | 19:16 |
rick_h | arosales: bug! | 19:24 |
arosales | rick_h: one cavet, I did use juju to set up my instance in AWS, but I hope that wouldn't matter | 19:25 |
arosales | so from my desktop I deployed the ubuntu charm, juju ssh ubuntu/0, and then set up the client from there | 19:25 |
arosales | bit I'll log a bug | 19:25 |
arosales | rick_h: thanks | 19:25 |
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