
=== thumper is now known as thumper-headdown
=== thumper-headdown is now known as thumper
kjackalGood morning Juju world!08:00
admcleodkjackal: arent you a happy bunny09:16
kjackaladmcleod: what's up crazy boy?09:17
cnflast day of the week, lets see if i can get somehting working09:34
admcleodkjackal: crrrrrazyboy09:37
admcleodcnf: fingers crossed!09:37
admcleodcnf: seeing your frustration makes me want it to work too09:38
cnfadmcleod: thanks :P09:38
admcleodcnf: as the americans would say, we're "rooting for you". im not american though so thats pretty weird09:38
cnfso, adding constraints to my stuff broke everything09:39
cnfbut i need to, or my lxd containers don't have networking09:39
admcleodor, add a single static route to the controller?09:40
admcleodah you have no default gateways right. ok.09:41
cnfand adding a route means extending the vlans to a different point in the network09:44
admcleodi wonder if you could add the controller to all the spaces09:45
cnfwell, no, afaik juju advertises the controller ip09:45
cnfso if i add constraints: "spaces=space-maas" to an application09:46
cnfmaas no longer offers09:46
admcleodcnf: remind me again why the applications in lxd containers arent bound to space-openstack-mgmt?09:54
cnfthey are?09:54
cnfthey aren't to space-maas09:54
admcleodoh, im looking at a status paste from yesterday rather than a bundle09:54
cnfhmm, and now maas is not generating logs o,O09:55
cnfwhy did maas stop logging? o,O09:55
cnfok, that's fixed, i think10:07
cnfok, i'm deploying something10:19
cnfwe'll soon see what :P10:19
joedborgmorning all.  I've got an issue bootstrapping juju to local LXD https://pastebin.canonical.com/183637/ it's building the container but then fails towards the end, saying it can't connect but the bridge is up and I can access the port via telnet12:06
admcleodjoedborg: did you try https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1633788/comments/14 ?12:22
mupBug #1633788: juju 2.0.0 bootstrap to lxd fails (connect to wrong "remote" IP address) <canonical-is> <eda> <juju> <lxd> <lxd-provider> <regression> <s390x> <uosci> <OpenStack Charm Test Infra:Confirmed for 1chb1n> <juju:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1633788>12:22
admcleodjoedborg: the last part atleast12:24
joedborgadmcleod: I can try the dev version and see12:25
admcleodjoedborg: more just the yaml mod12:25
joedborgI did try the cloud def, but not with dev version12:25
admcleodjoedborg: what ver do you have instlled now?12:26
joedborgadmcleod: I had 2.1.2, now 2.2-a12:27
joedborgadmcleod: get the same issue12:29
admcleodjoedborg: presumably you've named the cloud in clouds.yaml the same as the name you're using to bootstrap12:30
joedborgadmcleod: yeah, so i just copied "lxd" name, can see that in the cloud list and then bootstraped with "lxd"12:31
admcleodjoedborg: and logs still show it trying to connect to .1 instead of controller ip from start of bootstrap?12:32
joedborgjoedborg: it was always trying to conenct to the right ip12:33
joedborgadmcleod: 2017-03-24 12:32:20 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 new environ: Get Unable to connect to:
joedborgadmcleod: ah, i see what you mean12:34
admcleodjoedborg: i thought your controller was .123?12:34
joedborgadmcleod: this is the IP of LXD12:35
joedborgadmcleod: the bridge connector12:35
admcleodjoedborg: oh yeah. :)12:36
joedborgadmcleod: which i can access and port 8443 is open12:37
joedborgadmcleod: so I think what ever's on that port isn't replying as juju expects12:37
admcleodjoedborg: so as beisner asked, proxy set anywhere? lxc config?12:37
admcleodwhat ver lxd?12:38
joedborgadmcleod: it updated itself recently12:38
* admcleod updates12:39
admcleodjoedborg: what repo did you get 2.12 from?12:39
joedborgadmcleod: xenial repos i believe12:40
joedborgadmcleod: now checking, but don't think i have any PPAs12:40
joedborgadmcleod: I tell a lie12:41
joedborgadmcleod: deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-lxc/lxd-stable/ubuntu xenial main12:41
admcleodjoedborg: im confused, 2.12 isnt an lxd version i can see anywhere, nor lxc 2.12..12:46
joedborgadmcleod: $ lxd --version12:47
joedborg$ lxc version12:47
admcleodjoedborg: apt-cache policy lxd ?12:49
joedborgadmcleod: ^^12:51
admcleodjoedborg: ..installing...12:55
joedborgadmcleod: ta12:56
admcleodjoedborg: bootstrapping12:57
joedborgadmcleod: did lxd launch work for you post updatE?13:00
admcleodjoedborg: lxd? launch? lxc launch yes..13:02
admcleodjoedborg: back in 1513:03
joedborgadmcleod: yeah i meant that.  that didn't work for me until i purged and reninstaled13:03
joedborgadmcleod: (y)13:03
admcleodjoedborg: bootstrap OK13:16
gabrielhi guys13:22
gabrielI've a question on how to rename a charm which has already been pushed ?13:22
gabrielIn a same way, is it possible to remove a charm ?13:22
joedborgadmcleod: with juju 2.1.2?13:23
admcleodjoedborg: yep13:25
zeestratgabriel: I think rick_h mentioned that the remove API is under construction. Search for "remove a charm" in https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/03/23/%23juju.html13:26
rick_hzeestrat: gabriel yes, the delete API is in testing and not in the cli for end users yet.13:27
rick_hgabriel: just repush it to the new name and file a bug for the delete and I'll get someone to peek at it13:27
admcleodjoedborg: https://stgraber.org/2016/04/18/lxd-api-direct-interaction/13:28
admcleodjoedborg: just curl --insecure should be enough to see if the api is reachable /functional from the controller13:31
joedborgadmcleod: let me check13:32
gabrielrick_h: I just opened a support request to remove the old charm13:36
rick_hgabriel: what's the link and I'll ping someone13:36
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gabrielrick_h: thank you very much, but I cannot find the support ticket link13:44
rick_hgabriel: oic, that support link. Ok13:44
rick_hgabriel: yea that goes through a new system for the jaas beta stuff. I'll have to see where that ends up. Thanks for the heads up13:44
gabrielI see, thanks ! :)13:45
joedborgadmcleod: yeah that curl works fine13:56
admcleodjoedborg: i figured, since it looks more like an network error in your paste13:58
joedborgadmcleod: but i don't get what kind of problem because all the stuff it's trying to access is there13:59
admcleodjoedborg: *nod*14:00
gabrielrick_h: thanks a lot, it looks removed !14:06
rick_hgabriel: oh cool, that was fast14:15
cnfnext problem :/14:17
=== admcleod is now known as admcleod_afk
BlackDexnext challange you mean ;)14:56
joedborgadmcleod: just purged lxd and juju again (with the bridge and zfs pool), reinstalled with snappy and get the same issue.  so either it's a bug that only surfaces on my laptop's setup or there's some configs somewhere not being purged15:27
admcleodjoedborg: did you lxd attach to the container to check the connectivity to the controller? (lost my scrollback)15:28
admcleodjoedborg: s/lxd/lcx15:28
joedborgadmcleod: I can still curl it yeah15:32
admcleodjoedborg: weird15:34
joedborgadmcleod: yeah i suspect purging isn't removing a config file somewhere15:35
skayskaymthaddon: would it make sense for apply-config-changes in mojo to check for template files that have changed?16:04
Budgie^Smorehey lazyPower am I suppose to be able to us S3 storage out of the box with CDK regardless of infra?16:11
Budgie^SmorelazyPower I am aware of having to setup a storage class, etc. but otherwise it should just work, right?16:12
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore: I think that depends on IAM profiles being assigned to the ec2 units correct?16:20
Budgie^SmorelazyPower don't think so, cause what if I wanted to build my own bare metal backed by s3 storage, ec2 doesn't come into it16:21
lazyPowerso this backed by s3 is whats confusing me16:21
lazyPowers3 isn't listed as a supported volume type16:21
lazyPowerin what context are you using s3 sotrage16:21
Budgie^SmorelazyPower does there need to be IAM policies, roles, other access issues overcome - probably but nothing to do with ec2... persistent volumes16:22
lazyPowerBudgie^Smore: so if you're talking persistent volumes, you're referring to things like EBS, GCEPD, CinderVolumes, CephRBD, or gluster/nfs shares16:23
lazyPowerlast i checked, object stores were not viable backend volume types16:23
Budgie^SmorelazyPower EBS falls under S316:23
lazyPowernot really16:25
lazyPowerEBS is a block device16:25
lazyPowers3 is an object store16:25
jrwrenEBS snapshots are stored in S3. so if you use `ec2-create-snapshot`, you are copying your EBS to S3.16:27
Budgie^SmoreOK right now that is a semantics arguement at worst... I should be able to use EBS PV including using PVC to create it running on bare-metal16:29
ybaumyhow can i add ssh key to machines19:50
ybaumya  new one19:50
ybaumyi added the key to the model19:50
ybaumybut i want it to distribute it to all machines and lxd containers19:51
rick_hybaumy: have to ssh-copy-id them to the machines and containers. ybaumy or do a juju run of 'ssh-import-id' maybe19:51
ybaumyrick_h: ok that works19:52
lazyPowermarcoceppi: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-etcd/pull/8522:03
gully-foylehey guys, what're some things you don't like about juju and what can be improved?23:28
cnf i have a list...23:35
gully-foylewell let's see it23:36

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