
kklimondamy maas 2.0 throws "A physical interface can only belong to an untagged VLAN" when I try to assign a physical... interface.. to a tagged VLAN07:56
kklimondaI mean, I understand the error, just not the reasoning behind it07:56
kklimondait seems like LP#1572070 was actually supposed to fix it, so I'm wondering if there is a bug, or I'm doing it wrong.07:57
kklimondaok, I guess it makes sense.. need more coffee08:04
kklimondato use a tagged VLAN, I need a vlan interface on the node - that part is actually fine. But what I need is a way to assign different untagged vlans to different nics and spaces - as I understand that will fail with MAAS 2.208:09
BlackDexis there a quick script to change the bond-mode on all the maas nodes?09:43
BlackDexor per maas node?09:43
BlackDexi mean per node09:43
BlackDexi have a lot of systems with the wrong bond-type09:43
BlackDexand it seems i can't change the type without destroying the bond-interface via the gui09:44
cnfany reason why maas would stop logging?09:59
cnfi no longer have a maas.log09:59
netorehello, i got this error     [  failed to detect a valid IP address from -1 ] i looked it up and it looks like an old bug but i never seen an explanation of a solution11:12
netoreanyone have a tutorial for phpvirtualbox on ubuntu maas? it seems the ubuntu maas installas a bunch of things that the tutorials i have been following dont accomidate for11:13
zeestratBlackDex: Check out the MAAS CLI command "maas $profile interfaces create-bond --help"11:23
zeestratBlackDex: You'll need to loop through your nodes to get their system ID and then get the correct interface ID but should be OK11:24
zeestratBlackDex: If you're into Ansible, I have a short playbook for that.11:25
netoreim lost already11:27
netorewho wants a beer.11:30
netorei gotta have this runnin by 1 today.11:30
zeestratBlackDex: Apologies, make that command "maas $profile interface update --help". The first one is for creating bonds, not updating their settings.11:31
zeestratnetore: Would love some beer, but am out of the door. Might be able to take a look in a hour. What's your TZ?11:32
netoremountain im not sleeping11:33
netorejust before you leave because this could solve my whole isssue... is ubuntu 16 ready for maas, or should i run 14.411:33
zeestratUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial) is preferred if you want to run an up to date MAAS (2.1.x).11:34
netoreaiight thats what im runnin and im already having issues that i wanst prepaired for.11:35
netoreif your on in an hr i got you a beer.11:35
zeestratGotcha. I've got a HA cluster running on bare metal and have a test setup with KVM so if you're doing something similiar I might be able to help a bit along the way11:35
netoreaiight... im runnin 16 on a laptop as my controller11:36
netoreand just trying to add a test vbox as a node and11:36
netoregetting ready to present this and im not happy11:36
netorei can send loot thru fb11:37
brendandnetore, can you elaborate on what's going wrong?11:37
zeestratAha. I tried using virtualbox in the beginning but ran into some issues as well. KVM made it a lot easier at least for me.11:37
zeestratBack in a bit.11:37
brendandnetore, if it has to be virtualbox, that might make it a bit harder. kvm is easy11:37
netorewhat is kvm11:37
brendandnetore, just another hypervisor11:38
netoreim not planning on runnin any vbox nodes11:38
netorei was just testing i can throw another laptop up11:38
brendandnetore, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation11:38
netorefailed to detect a valid IP address from -111:39
netorethats on the controller on a laptop11:39
netoremy end goal is to run phpvirtualbox on the maas11:40
netorei have about 10 virtual box;s i need to span across a few machines.11:40
brendandnetore, i'm afraid i don't quite understand what you want to do. do you have physical hardware that you want to add to maas?11:45
brendandnetore, i was thinking you wanted the virtualbox vm's to be the machines in maas...11:46
netorenah that was just testing adding nodes.11:46
netorei will grab another laptop for a node.11:46
brendandnetore, i'd go straight on to that, it should work out of the box as long as the laptop is set to pxe boot11:47
netoremy end goal is to be able to run 10 vbox's across 3 machines, and manage them with phpvirtualbox.11:47
netoreso whats this error failed to detect a valid IP address from -111:47
brendandnetore, when does it happen and where do you see it?11:47
brendandjust there, on the dashboard?11:50
netoretoo early for errors, its a fresh install.11:50
brendandstrange. does it look like some kind of notification?11:50
netorenah, says error occurred.11:50
netorewas i supposed to install as a rackcontroller or just regular controller.11:51
brendandnetore, how did you install?11:51
netorei ran the setup as regional controller11:52
netorefrom usb... :|11:52
brendandnetore, oh right11:52
brendandcan you do dpkg -l | grep maas-rack-controller?11:53
netore-> % dpkg -l | grep maas-rack-controller11:54
netoreii  maas-rack-controller               2.1.3+bzr5573-0ubuntu1~16.04.1     all          Rack Controller for MAAS11:54
brendandah that should be ok then11:54
brendandi've not seen this error before though11:54
brendandit should be harmless i think..11:55
brendandif you can send a screenshot, just to make sure11:55
netorethat gray over nodes is misleading... my mouse was just over nodes11:57
brendandcat /etc/maas/regiond.conf12:00
netoredatabase_host: localhost12:00
netoredatabase_name: maasdb12:00
netoredatabase_pass: x1hfpl9sQLR812:00
netoredatabase_user: maas12:00
netoreyou think its just laptop hardware being laptop hardware?12:01
netoreits a toshiba satellite12:01
brendandnetore, can you 'database_port: 5432' to that file and run 'sudo systemctl restart maas-regiond'12:02
netorehow do i do that first part? database prot12:03
netorejust see if it is accepting connections12:04
brendandnetore, word missing 'can you *add* database_port: 5432 to that file' i meant to say12:05
netorewhat file12:05
netoreoh ok12:06
brendandto /etc/maas/regiond.conf12:06
netoreaiight i got that... then it did device discovery... and errored...12:07
netoremaybe i just need to throw another node up and then try the device discovery?12:07
netorebut all i am doing is hitting the MAAS buttin on the page... and it returns an error... maybe its erroring because its a controller without any nodes? maybe its just harmless like you said.12:08
netoreim gonna throw up a pxe boot lappy n see if it still trips.12:09
netorefml who only has one enet chord in the house. aiight one sec... i still need to run phpvbox on maas and im too drunk and got too much riding on this. if it works i still got you 5 $ for the bit of info you already provided.12:12
netoreif you get me running phpvbox i got you some more $, i can send the 5 as soon as i get a node attatched or this error gone.12:14
netorebut if you get me runnin phpvbox which i dont understand why i cant run... half a case maybe but either way i appreciate the help n i got some loot on my fb12:14
netorefuhk i just tried to pxe boot another machine and nothing12:25
zeestratnetore: I'm back. You still alive?12:43
netorehell yeah12:43
netorebit drunker12:43
zeestratsounds like a great idea. quick question, what is your host os? Did I understand correctly that you have a laptop with some vbox guests and one of them is running ubuntu as your MAAS controller?12:48
netoreim running a toshiba satelliete, with ubuntu 16 on it... thats it.12:48
netorei also have another laptop ready to go with no os12:48
netorei want to run about 10 vboxes across the 2 maas laptops. and manage them from phpvbox12:49
zeestratgotcha. do you have a hard requirement to use phpvbox and other laptops? as you're under a deadline and I have no experience with MAAS controller vbox nodes, I was going to recommend a tutorial that uses KVM (pretty much the same as virtualbox, but MAAS has support for controlling KVM guests out of the box) on a single node.12:52
netorei dont need maas in a virtualbox.12:53
netorei am creating maas to host vbox.12:53
netorethere will never be a node that is a virtualbox.12:53
netorei am creating the cluster so that i can host 10 vbox's across 2 machines.12:54
netorelets just forget the whole virtualbox thing completely.12:55
netorei just need to make maas work on two laptops.12:55
netoreError occurred                        failed to detect a valid IP address from -112:56
zeestratI haven't seen that error message before either.12:59
netoreyeah im starting to think its because its a laptop.12:59
netorei tried pxe booting another machine.. so its not harmless because it just wont boot13:00
zeestratI've used this tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojTTgrtl-RU&index=2&list=PLvn2jxYHUxFlxNmc1dAbw524aoPmHxNpC) to setup a MAAS environment (MAAS controller and some nodes to deploy) with KVM which worked really well.13:00
netorebasically that is running a few maas across kvm, so like if i had amazon aws, i could make a few kvm and have them all work together.13:01
netorei am using real hardware.13:01
netorei want to dedicate the whole machines to maas not just a kvm virtual enviornment... once i get maas with some nodes, i plan to INSTALL vbox on the cluster.13:03
zeestratYou can also have the laptop be your KVM host. It makes it a bit easier to control/experiment with an isolated network that MAAS runs DHCP on.13:03
netorei cant, i am going to be scaling this to racks. each rack will be in the cluster, all real hardware.13:03
netoreso lets say i have 3 laptops... each one will be completly dedicated to maas.13:04
zeestratgotcha. just a recommendation if you needed to get a proof of concept out of the door under a deadline instead of troubleshooting network issues.13:04
netorei have 2 laptops and a dell server, no point in running tests at this point, i need at least 1 node and one controller.13:05
netorethen im hoping to get more machines and just pxe boot them into the cluster and keep scaling.13:06
netoreif i understand right, maas will let me use all of the hardware for one process.13:06
netoreso if i run... /usr/bin/minetest all of the computers will lend ram and proccessor to that process.13:07
netorethats what this is really for so i can play minetest with the rescources of 3 computers lololol nah its not lololololol13:08
zeestratNot sure if I'm following you on the process part. MAAS lets you manage and deploy operating systems such as ubuntu to machines (most often bare metal).13:09
netorehold on.13:11
netorea cluster means that all of the computers share rescources13:11
netore3 computers = 1 combined hd, 1 combined ram, 1 combined processor.13:11
zeestratI'd say that depends quite on the type of cluster. Anyway, MAAS just spins up individual machines for you. The rest you have to do yourself.13:14
netoreso wait, if i have a maas controller, its just going to allow me to auto pxe boot n install machines on each comp i set to pxe boot?13:15
brendandnetore, not quite that automatically13:16
netorei want a cluster, a sharing of rescources13:16
netoreMAAS delivers the fastest OS installation times in the industry thanks to its optimised image-based installer. Setup the RAID and Network configuration you want through the MAAS web UI or CLI, then press a button and come back in minutes to a fully-deployed OS.13:17
brendandnetore, ?13:18
netorei was wanting a cluster.13:20
andrew-iiI think maas will happily manage the metal in your cluster, but you'll need to put cluster software on it13:22
netorecluster software.13:23
andrew-iiLike, it'll let you manage the machines, but you'll need to use it to deploy a cluster onto that metal (like, it'll let you manage the network for the cluster and the OS the cluster will run on, but you still need software)13:24
netoreHA cluster13:24
andrew-iiFor example, I'm fiddling around with Juju and Openstack13:24
netoremaybe thats why i am getting confused is openstack what lets you cluster.13:24
andrew-iiI use MAAS to manage the machine configurations like network cards, hard drive designations, and what the subnets and VLANs and such are13:24
andrew-iiThen Juju asks MAAS for a machine to be a controller, and that controller asks MAAS for more machines13:25
andrew-iiThen I ask Juju to put Openstack bits on the machines it requested13:25
andrew-iiAnd then Openstack lets me do the cool cloud shenanigans13:26
brendandnetore, sort of. You'd use something like juju to deploy the openstack components on a MAAS (MAAS locates and manages the bare metal systems for you)13:26
netoreok so i am in the right area... but i just cant stop at maas, i need to have juju and openstack...13:26
netorehere is my end goal.13:26
andrew-iiFor cluster compute? Probably. I think there's some bundles set up for that...13:26
netorei want to be able to run 3 computers, and have 10 vbox's share the rescources across those 3 computers.13:27
andrew-iiI haven't tried virtualizing across a maas before. Sounds neat. Openstack sorta breaks the problem up a bit more than that I think13:28
andrew-iiPart of the issue is that Openstack kinda needs a pile of machines to really get set up easily13:29
andrew-iiYou can do three though... one sec13:29
andrew-iiSee if this is at all informative: http://marcoceppi.com/2014/06/deploying-openstack-with-just-two-machines/13:30
netoreaiight i got three machines to throw at this13:30
tychicusnetore: do you need to virtualize any windows machines?13:30
andrew-iiAlso I was wrong - the Juju charm in the charmstore is Minecraft, not minetest, sorry13:30
tychicusok, if you did not, you could deploy nova-lxd13:31
netorei dont want to not be able to run any vbox i want...13:31
netoremy end game is just to take all of these laptops and comps i got laying around, and make one machine out of them13:31
netoreeven if i go buy a brand new server, im still going to want to add another brand new server and have them share rescources13:32
tychicusmay be a little tricky, as maas has specific hardware requirements that it needs for provisioning13:32
andrew-iiI think you're still going to end up with stuff running on one machine, but if that machine dies, it'll likely be able to spin up elsewhere13:32
tychicusI am guessing that your laptops don't have out of band management, intel AMT or impi13:33
netorei have run a process on freebsd and had two computers have at it... but it was limited... i was sure ubuntu openstack and juju solved this...13:33
netorei dunno but i can get machines specific for this.13:33
netorei thought maas was the cluster, and juju was for deploying apps like wordpress and openstack was the management13:34
tychicuspeople have done really well with intel nuc, http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2013/11/review-ubuntu-and-intel-nuc.html13:35
tychicusor any of the xeon D based server's should work13:36
netorelet me chek the specs on that machine i just got13:37
brendandtychicus, you have to be careful in choosing your nuc13:37
netorethats fine... as long as when i run 1 new vbox it shares the ram and cpu of all the nodes13:38
tychicusnetore: it doesn't quite work that way13:38
netoreint3l zeon e3-1270 v513:39
zeestratnetore: Pooling resources does not really work that way outside of supercomputers. Most clusters are based on the smallest common denominator (i.e. your individual servers)13:39
=== disposable3 is now known as disposable2
tychicus:brendand, I think the only one that supports AMT is the DC53427HYE13:40
zeestratI'd look at your workload and see how you can split it up as smaller individual hosts/jobs and then run them in a kubernetes cluster or openstack (though note that you really need to be sure that is something you want as it requires a bunch of resources and knowledge)13:41
netorekubernetes cluster let me look that up rq13:41
netoreis what i ran in freebsd.13:44
netorebut it was limited to only a few programs13:45
tychicusnetore: MaaS does not solve that particular problem for you.  MaaS (Metal as a Service) used for provisioning an OS onto bare metal, juju service orchestration, allows you to quickly install complex applications across multiple machines, whether physical or virtual13:46
netoreaiight fellas, sorry for wasting your time... i thought maas was the new equivilent to beowulf.13:47
netorei just dont understand why maas wouldnt solve this.13:48
netoreespecially when i seen how juju works, i thought it was a no brainer.13:48
tychicusyou could write a juju charm, that installs beowulf on all of the machines that have been commissioned by MaaS13:48
netorereally lolol13:49
netoreyour grabbing me bak in... lolol13:49
tychicusbut nothing in maas or juju will automagically aggregate the compute resources for all of the machines13:50
tychicusthey just provide a platform that makes managing machines easier13:50
netoreand as far as i know beowulf is limited to gcc  processes13:50
netoreyeah, i gotta figure out something before 1, i fuhken had this in the bag i thought.13:51
netoreThe cluster is now complete. To take advantage of the clustering, open a terminal and type "mpirun -np # PROGRAM" where "#" is the number of processes/threads to create and "PROGRAM" is the program or script to run on the cluster.13:56
netorewith mpi i could run the command mpirun....# virtualbox.13:57
zeestratHey, what's an easy way to list out the system id of all nodes that are ready or new (not including the rack/region controllers) via the CLI?14:42
BlackDexzeestrat: Thanks for your answer btw.. I resolved it by using some jq magic ;)14:52
BlackDexi only needed to give the correct machine-id and it changed all bond interfaces to an other mode-mode14:53
zeestratBlackDex: np :) Glad to hear you got something working14:53
BlackDexwould have been a pain in the a** using the gui14:54
BlackDexyou first need to remove the interface and re-create the bond again if you want to change the bond-mode14:54
roaksoaxzeestrat: try maas admin machines read status=<status>14:54
BlackDexdoing that at 9 machines, with 4 bonded interfaces.14:54
zeestratyeah, I created a bug on the gui stuff for editing bonds. We're mostly using playbooks with CLI to configure everything anyway14:54
zeestratroaksoax: thanks, I'll give it a go14:55
roaksoaxzeestrat: new=0, ready=414:55
roaksoaxzeestrat: so maas admin machines read status=014:55
roaksoaxzeestrat: so maas admin machines read status=414:55
BlackDexyou have a playbook for me to look at?14:55
zeestratBlackDex: EOD here, but pm me and I can get back to you :) They are not optimal, but get the job done.15:01
BlackDexdone :) have a nice weekend :)15:03
zeestratCheers, same to you!15:04
mupBug #1675823 opened: [2.2] ProcessGroupLeaderMixin races with spawnProcess <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675823>15:40
mupBug #1675838 opened: [2.2 ui] OS/Release section of Filter By panel doesn't show text for the different options <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675838>16:25
mupBug #1675844 opened: MAAS takes ipv6 ULA address as a primary one <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675844>16:37
mupBug #1675844 changed: MAAS takes ipv6 ULA address as a primary one <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675844>16:46
mupBug #1675844 opened: [2.1] MAAS takes ipv6 ULA address as a primary one <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675844>16:55
mupBug #1675887 opened: [2.1] Commissioning fails to detect drives. <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675887>18:34
ybaumyguys i need that patch in devel/next19:58
ybaumythat would be cool19:58
ybaumyit would be more than cool because i need to show a working maas environment. and everything works for me except this and this is really important20:07
ybaumyso. could someone release the patch into next20:07
ybaumyis andres rodriguez here?20:08
pmatulisybaumy, as a hack, i believe you can make a one-line change to a single Python script20:17
ybaumypmatulis: which script?20:17
pmatulisline 9 here:20:19
pmatulisyou will need to re-add the node20:19
ybaumygonna try it. give me a few minutes20:20
pmatulislast minute friday hack job!20:23
ybaumyok commission is running.20:26
ybaumythat will take just a few minutes20:27
ybaumypmatulis: do i have to restart daemons for that to work because i didnt restart anything and it didnt work .. its still /dev/sdb as boot device20:31
pmatulisybaumy, i didn't hear about such a requirement20:31
ybaumypmatulis: then it doesnt work20:31
pmatulisybaumy, this is for failed Deployments right?20:31
ybaumyno its for commissioning20:32
pmatulisdamn, sorry20:32
ybaumyi get /dev/sdb as boot or the last of the disks20:32
pmatulispossible to go with just single disk machines for your demo?20:32
ybaumypmatulis: nope there are ceph-osd machines i want to show20:33
ybaumyyep this sucks20:33
pmatuliswhat PPA are you using? maybe there is something bleeding edge that works20:33
ybaumynext ppa20:33
pmatulisnot sure where next-proposed is at20:33
ybaumybleeding edge sounds like it would break something else. and currently else is working you undestand that i dont want to mess with it if i could20:34
pmatulisfwiw, https://launchpad.net/~maas/+archive/ubuntu/next-proposed20:34
pmatulisyes, i understand20:34
ybaumyis it fixed in proposed?20:35
pmatulisi'm looking at the dates, march 1320:35
pmatulisroaksoax, any comment? ^^^20:36
pmatulisnext and next-proposed look identical to me20:36
ybaumythen i dont have to change the ppa20:37
mupBug #1675915 opened: [2.2] Script selection doesn't show scroll bar <hardware-testing> <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675915>20:37
mupBug #1675919 opened: [2.2] Commissioning and Testing tabs should show spinner while running <hardware-testing> <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675919>20:37
pmatulisi gotta run. be back later tonight20:38
pmatulisgood luck ybaumy20:38
ybaumypmatulis: thanks dude20:38
ybaumywhat is the nick of andres rodriguez20:48
brendandybaumy, roaksoax20:55
ybaumyin which timezone is he in20:58
brendandybaumy, if you want it now you can use https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/ubuntu/experimental3 but that's a testing ppa and i would *not* recommend using that for any setup you want to be reasonably stable21:02
brendandybaumy, the release is not going to be expedited because you need one patch21:03
ybaumybrendand: no i wont. because i dont want to break other things now that its working for me21:03
brendandybaumy, well atm that's what's going into /next anyway21:03
brendandybaumy, early next week after a little more testing21:04
ybaumybrendand: hmm that would be cool early next week. on wednesday i would need it21:04
brendandybaumy, fyi releases are done in a cadence, not ad-hoc/on-demand21:05
ybaumybrendand: i fully understand this.21:05
roaksoaxybaumy: 2.2beta4 is cut21:05
roaksoaxshould help fix a few issues21:06
ybaumybrendand: i dont like to pressure too. but i want to show management that we have something here we can use .. you must understand21:06
roaksoaxybaumy: you can use either ppa:maas/proposed -> 2.1.521:06
roaksoaxybaumy: or 2.2b4 will soon land in ppa:maas/next-proposed21:06
roaksoaxjust doing a final round of testing21:07
ybaumyroaksoax: ok21:07
ybaumyroaksoax: thanks for the information21:07
roaksoaxybaumy: 2.1.5 is ready to be released, just prioritizing 2.2b4 atm21:08
ybaumyroaksoax: can i downgrade from 2.2.0~beta3+bzr581521:08
roaksoaxybaumy: uhmmm i can't remember but i think there has been migrations from 2.2b2 to 2.2b3, which means you probably cant21:09
roaksoaxwe dont do backward migrations21:09
ybaumyroaksoax: then i have to wait21:09
roaksoaxybaumy: what are your issues with 2.2b3 ?21:09
ybaumyroaksoax: /dev/sdb or the last disk is the boot disk21:10
roaksoaxybaumy: you can easily change that21:10
ybaumyroaksoax: not /dev/sda21:10
roaksoaxybaumy: maas <user> block-device set-boot-disk <system-id> <block-id>21:11
roaksoaxmaas <user> machine set-storage-layout <system-id> storage_layout=flat21:11
roaksoaxwhere block-id is the id of /dev/sda21:11
ybaumyroaksoax: that what im doing right now already. you have to see that i need a management ready presentation where i just add the nodes and click commission and then show them how to deploy cloud with juju21:13
ybaumyroaksoax: if i do workarounds they will say that its not working21:13
ybaumyroaksoax: i know them21:13
roaksoaxybaumy: this is not a workaound tough. This is valid user configuration21:13
roaksoaxthere's no way to know which one is the boot disk21:13
roaksoaxset by the bios21:14
roaksoaxmaas just makes an assumption21:14
ybaumyroaksoax: hmm thats not good at all21:14
roaksoaxand this assumption is now the last disk because of lsblk21:14
ybaumyim using vmware21:14
ybaumyand you have the scsi ids or not?21:14
roaksoaxybaumy: yup, that's lsblk listing sdb before sda21:15
roaksoaxybaumy: while MAAS knows that it is poewr managing vmware VM's, it uses them as regular machines21:15
ybaumyroaksoax: hmm so there is not way to change that behaviour?21:16
roaksoaxlsblk's ? yeah we are investigating on it21:17
ybaumyybaumy: i have to write an own website for that .. triggering the correct commands then21:17
roaksoaxeither way, what we did in maas is try to ensure that we always return the first discovered disk, so thta it gets set as the book device21:18
ybaumyhmm i dont know what to do right now21:21
ybaumywill have to think this over21:21
roaksoaxybaumy: you can patch maas yourself directly if you want21:21
ybaumyroaksoax: im not a programmer21:21
ybaumyroaksoax: i dont want to mess with things i cant understand or dont understand fully21:22
roaksoaxybaumy: either way, I just pushed b4 to next-proposed21:23
ybaumyroaksoax: i have to ask a colleague from work .. he knows python and maybe he can do something21:23
roaksoaxybaumy: it should be available in the next 30 mins21:23
ybaumyroaksoax: thanks21:23
roaksoaxybaumy: you will need to re-add the machine and re-commission it, and do please let me know if that made any idfferent21:24
roaksoaxwe've tested against hardware and VM's here, and tests were successful21:24
ybaumyroaksoax: will try as soon as i have the new relsase21:24
roaksoaxybaumy: sudo lsblk --exclude 1,2,7 -d -P -o NAME,RO,RM,MODEL,ROTA,MAJ:MIn -x MAJ:MIN -> if you can try that on the VM to see how it lists the disk21:25
roaksoaxthen i'll know if it works for you or not21:26
ybaumyroaksoax: i ran the command on already deployed VM's and sda is always first21:31
roaksoaxybaumy: ok cool, so that will work21:32
roaksoaxybaumy: what if you run: sudo lsblk --exclude 1,2,7 -d -P -o NAME,RO,RM,MODEL,ROTA21:32
ybaumyroaksoax: then same21:33
roaksoaxuhm maybe this is not an lsblk issue after all and a kernel thing21:34
ybaumyroaksoax: we will see when i got the patch applied .. readded the VM's and commissioned them. i have 10 VM's so it should be enough to see whats going on21:35
zeestratroaksoax: Dumb question, but does that bug show up only during commissioning? We've hit something like this in https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1644856 in 2.0.0, but there MAAS correctly commissioned them, but upon switched it up on deployment and chose the last device device as boot device.21:42
roaksoaxybaumy: ok, i just tested this against a kvm machine where sdb would be the root disk, now it is making sda as the root disk21:42
roaksoaxybaumy: so you should be good to go too21:42
ybaumyroaksoax: lets see. im waiting21:43
roaksoaxzeestrat: without looking at it, I'd say that thiscould be hardware related. For example, during commissioning the OS finds hd0 as sda, but in a subsequent boot, hdx becomes sda but MAAS depends on the serials and such21:44
roaksoaxzeestrat: but would be indeed interesting to investigate21:44
roaksoaxzeestrat: so maas , at deployment time knows that what it know as sda, is no longer sda and it i something else21:46
roaksoaxzeestrat: but that's just a wild guess21:46
roaksoaxzeestrat: if you could also attach this, it would be great:21:46
roaksoax maas <user> machine get-curtin-config <system_id_of_machine>21:46
roaksoax - maas <user> node-results read system_id=<system_id> name=00-maas-07-block-devices.out | grep "\"data\"" | cut -d"\"" -f4 | base64 --decode21:46
roaksoax - maas <user> node-results read system_id=<your_system> result_type=1 | grep "\"data\"" | cut -d"\"" -f4 | base64 --decode21:46
zeestratroaksoax: Thanks I'll note that down and try to replicate it. Only happens some times which is annoying.21:59
zeestratroaksoax: Anyways, thanks for all the help. Have a good weekend!22:01
ybaumyroaksoax: patch is here. commissioning is running ..22:02
ybaumyroaksoax: :D it works .. yes sir22:06
ybaumyroaksoax: all ten are /dev/sda22:06
ybaumyroaksoax: im so happy right now22:06
ybaumyroaksoax: there are machine with 2 4 8 disks and all are correctly set22:07
ybaumyrunning juju deploy ceph-osd right now22:10
ybaumyroaksoax: i have to call it quit right now. deploy works now too. will double check tomorow. will drop you a PM if i have problems but really looks good right now. thanks for the quick help. i really appreciate this22:26
ybaumywill be here around 0800 tomorow22:27
mupBug #1675953 opened: [2.2] Space constraint matching should allow matching the undefined space <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1675953>22:53

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