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monsieur_h | Hello. So I made an app with JS/GTk3 and I'd like to host a PPA, but I have no clue where to begin. | 10:36 |
monsieur_h | The documentation I found always relates to building .deb files, but I don't know how to do it | 10:36 |
monsieur_h | Would you guys point me in the right direction ? | 10:37 |
ginggs | monsieur_h: this looks like a good place to start http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ | 10:48 |
monsieur_h | thanks | 10:53 |
javier4 | trying to cross-compile for buntu-touch, I keep getting | 11:46 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dCZHqpBY/ | 11:46 |
javier4 | I already installed dh-system inside my chroot | 11:47 |
javier4 | schroot -c source:vivid-amd64-armhf | 11:50 |
javier4 | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/qGbOlZZe/ | 11:51 |
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sil2100 | bdmurray: hey! I wanted to review cinder from the unapproved queue, but to handle it I'd have to approve the previous upload to -updates - and since I didn't get a formal green light from you on approval of packages for -updates, I'd like to get a double-confirmation from if it's ok | 16:22 |
sil2100 | bdmurray: I checked the bugs and the testing validation comments seem sane, aging period is good | 16:22 |
alkisg | xnox: hi, friendly-recovery.service has 2 syntax errors, could you please have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/friendly-recovery/+bug/1675805 whenever you have some time? Patch included. | 16:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1675805 in friendly-recovery (Ubuntu) "Friendly recovery uses invalid font" [Undecided,New] | 16:22 |
sil2100 | bdmurray: can I approve the -proposed cinder? | 16:22 |
bdmurray | sil2100: No, because its Friday. | 16:28 |
tinoco | I think https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1317491 has passed enough time in -proposed an has been verified as good. Could someone move it to -updates, please ? | 16:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1317491 in libvirt (Ubuntu Trusty) "virsh blockcommit hangs at 100%" [Medium,Fix committed] | 16:37 |
bdmurray | tinoco: Not today because it's Friday. | 16:37 |
sil2100 | bdmurray: ah! You are right! | 16:39 |
bdmurray | I always know when its Friday. | 16:39 |
sil2100 | Time files | 16:39 |
sil2100 | *flies | 16:40 |
* alkisg feels happy when it's summer holidays and doesn't know what day it is :D | 16:40 | |
tinoco | bdmurray: ok. I'll ping you back on Monday. tks. | 16:40 |
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jbicha | bdmurray: why should this file be so private? LP: #1386752 | 17:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1386752 in whoopsie (Ubuntu RTM) "whoopsie-id is world readable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386752 | 17:10 |
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infinity | jbicha: A curious question (that I also don't know the answer to). | 17:53 |
jbicha | cyphermox: you don't happen to have a fingerprint reader on your computer, do you? | 20:43 |
cyphermox | jbicha: I do, why? | 20:47 |
dobey | anyone know how /var/run related stuff works in sbuild? am trying to figure out how to solve a problem with starting services during tests in sbuild in jenkins. it works fine on lp builders, but not so much in jenkins sbuild | 20:47 |
Unit193 | ginggs: You seem pretty interested in getting last minute universe bugfixes in, interested in sponsoring xfdashboard bugfix release? | 20:49 |
jbicha | cyphermox: because gdm is still broken for you, probably? I saw this g-shell commit post 3.24.0: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/commit/?id=c0861b1 | 20:49 |
ginggs | Unit193: I could be | 20:51 |
Unit193 | https://git.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+git/xfdashboard or I could get you a dsc. | 20:52 |
cyphermox | jbicha: it fails as much on my system with as the one without | 20:53 |
ginggs | Unit193: please file a LP bug and include the upstream changelog (and close the bug in d/changelog) | 20:56 |
jbicha | cyphermox: it's broken on 2 computers and you haven't filed a bug yet?! :) | 20:56 |
ginggs | Unit193: are you interested in doing a xscreensaver merge? :) | 20:57 |
cyphermox | jbicha: I'm pretty sure I *did* me-too one of the crash bugs before we figured that it's really something different, and since reverted back to lightdm | 20:57 |
cyphermox | having no session-manager is pretty crippling | 20:58 |
jbicha | well if you want to try again sometime; you're the only one I've heard from that still has problems loading gdm on zesty | 20:58 |
cyphermox | ok, I'll have a look | 20:59 |
Unit193 | ginggs: Oh, I just checked permissions. Turns out it was added to our packageset (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2017-February/001033.html) I might be, lets check it out. | 20:59 |
jbicha | (today started out bad for me, I managed to break lightdm :( ) | 20:59 |
nacc | jbicha: you broke lightdm? I wondered who did | 21:07 |
cyphermox | jbicha: to answer your question gdm3 still doesn't work on my laptop with the fingerprint reader, but it's not completing bootup -- I don't have ssh started or any getty, so I can't go dig right now | 21:12 |
cyphermox | yuck, and recovering from that is no fun | 21:17 |
Unit193 | ginggs: Actually, xscreensaver-data 5.26-1ubuntu1 is even in Xenial, looks like the breaks/replaces can be dropped. | 21:19 |
Unit193 | ginggs: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/7629643/+listing-archive-extra | 21:37 |
bdmurray | sarnold: Could you maybe have a look at bug 1582992 again? | 22:08 |
ubottu | bug 1582992 in apport (Ubuntu) "broken apport hook: TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1582992 | 22:08 |
sarnold | bdmurray: either it's been fixed or whatever was in my logs that tripped python's OCD is no longer in my logs -- now I only get the "Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged." message. I didn't actually file the bug reports though. | 22:13 |
sarnold | (I don't think I _could_ file the bug reports in may) | 22:13 |
sarnold | bdmurray: is there anything else you'd suggest checking? or shoudl I add this info to the bug and mark it invalid? | 22:14 |
sarnold | sigh looks like I missed arges's question in comment #4 :( .. heh, and your #5 | 22:15 |
bdmurray | Well I just added #5 | 22:17 |
bdmurray | presumably it was the Kern.log file in the bug report which was a problem right? | 22:18 |
sarnold | I can't find download-crash; is this the right place to look? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns | 22:20 |
bdmurray | Oh, apparently that's just on my local filesystem. :-| | 22:22 |
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