acheron-b | good evening Bashing-om | 00:56 |
Bashing-om | acheron-b: \o .. Good day ? | 00:59 |
acheron-b | yup, thanks for askin' | 01:00 |
acheron-a | just getting hexchat setup for the reg'd nick | 01:18 |
acheron-a | sasl does not seem to work | 01:18 |
Bashing-om | acheron-a: Never used hexchat , can not say . | 01:46 |
pauljw | acheron-a, check this out and see if it helps. | 02:11 |
acheron-a | i tried that and i got a SASL error message | 02:17 |
acheron-a | SASL authentication failed | 02:17 |
acheron-a | let me try again | 02:17 |
acheron-a | SASL authentication failed | 02:20 |
acheron-a | * SASL authentication aborted | 02:20 |
acheron-a | Bashing-om, got the HexChat log in problem fixed, SASL works now | 04:10 |
acheron-a | was off in a live boot playing with gsettings | 04:11 |
* acheron-a xD * | 04:11 | |
Bashing-om | acheron-a: When you are good, you are good :) | 04:12 |
acheron-a | ;) | 04:13 |
acheron-a | well ya'll have a good evening ... | 04:21 |
Bashing-om | Too slow to hold my attention - g nite | 05:11 |
ducasse | morning all | 07:06 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:09 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 09:16 |
ducasse | hi lotuspsychje :) | 09:17 |
lotuspsychje | hey ducasse | 09:18 |
lotuspsychje | !ping | 09:22 |
ubot5 | pong! | 09:22 |
ducasse | !ding | 09:22 |
ubot5 | dong | 09:22 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 09:22 |
lotuspsychje | didnt know we had a dingdong | 09:23 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: i loved the killing, both nordic and US version :p | 09:24 |
ducasse | i only saw the nordic version, but it was good | 09:24 |
lotuspsychje | hi padraic | 09:33 |
lotuspsychje | hi blogdudel | 09:39 |
blogdudel | Hi | 09:40 |
lotuspsychje | welcome to ubuntu-discuss | 09:40 |
ducasse | lotuspsychje: Xatenev is on debian, he just doesn't want to go to oftc for support... | 09:44 |
lotuspsychje | oh right, missed that one | 09:45 |
lotuspsychje | ducasse: always trying to forfill unanswered questions, but the story was already scrolled up | 09:46 |
ducasse | :) | 09:46 |
lotuspsychje | !budgie | 09:50 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu Budgie is a community !flavour of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop. Its first official release will be 17.04. As with all development versions, for questions involving Ubuntu Budgie 17.04 support, visit #ubuntu+1. Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 and 16.10 are not supported by the Ubuntu project. | 09:50 |
lotuspsychje | !flavors | 09:51 |
ubot5 | Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE | 09:51 |
lotuspsychje | budgie need to be on flavors officially now? | 09:51 |
lotuspsychje | | 09:53 |
ducasse | after release, yes | 10:00 |
lotuspsychje | april? | 10:00 |
ducasse | yes, but i don't remember the expected date | 10:01 |
lotuspsychje | kk | 10:03 |
OerHeks | 13 th .. not a friday | 10:04 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 10:06 |
lotuspsychje | a whole new community to join us | 10:06 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 10:15 |
lotuspsychje | hey there BluesKaj | 10:15 |
BluesKaj | hey lotuspsychje | 10:16 |
ducasse | \o BluesKaj | 10:16 |
BluesKaj | hey ducasse | 10:16 |
ducasse | everything good in your corner of the world? | 10:17 |
BluesKaj | yes, just fine here, and you? | 10:19 |
ducasse | all quiet, sunny and nice today :) | 10:21 |
OerHeks | make some noise ! | 10:26 |
BluesKaj | gonna rain today, but that helps get rid of the remaining snow faster | 10:28 |
ducasse | snow/ice is all gone here | 10:29 |
BluesKaj | we had a lot of snow this winter , much more than usual | 10:31 |
BluesKaj | mostly in feb | 10:31 |
ducasse | here as well, but it disappeared really quick. it's been quite warm for a couple of weeks or so now. | 10:32 |
OerHeks | Drabber wants to go out all the time, searching for snow i guess. | 10:34 |
OerHeks | Really, he is as silly as his master. | 10:35 |
ducasse | my cat is ecstatic now that the snow is gone so she can go out and keep her paws dry :) | 10:36 |
BluesKaj | it's also been cold here at night and some cold days so far this month, but the warm seems to be here now , no more below freezing temps forecast for the next week ar least :-) | 10:43 |
* OerHeks digs up sunglasses, shorts & sandals | 10:45 | |
lotuspsychje | lol | 10:46 |
lotuspsychje | in dutch we say: aprilse grillen | 10:47 |
lotuspsychje | means april can give us more cold | 10:47 |
OerHeks | april kikker in je bil | 10:48 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 10:48 |
lotuspsychje | !info linux-image-generic zesty | 11:02 |
ubot5 | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (zesty), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB | 11:02 |
lotuspsychje | !info unity8 zesty | 11:03 |
ubot5 | unity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component main, is optional. Version 8.15+17.04.20170321-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 3141 kB, installed size 4768 kB | 11:03 |
lotuspsychje | anyone tested unity8 lately? | 11:04 |
acheron-a | hello everyone! | 14:40 |
OerHeks | hi acheron-a | 14:43 |
OerHeks | clutter that comes with it, borked apps, waste of diskspace; people love the fine choise of quality in Ubuntu | 16:53 |
Bashing-om | Here we go again - Ride-em cowboy ! | 18:49 |
OerHeks | Yeee-hai | 18:50 |
Bashing-om | lol - that is the way it feels many times ! | 18:51 |
OerHeks | yes, irc is fun | 18:52 |
Bashing-om | S L O W -- and I do not see how spurs will apply . | 19:01 |
OerHeks | New features in 17.04, The default DNS resolver is now systemd-resolved, swpfile instead of swap partition, and the one that made me happy, | 21:20 |
OerHeks | carefull .. Note that statistics and preferences for the Aisleriot card games will be reset when upgrading to 17.04. | 21:21 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: And a good possibility that upstart in 17.04 will be droped . | 21:21 |
OerHeks | yay | 21:21 |
OerHeks | i am going to do the last walk with Drabber, so he is happy too, AFK | 21:22 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: I been watching in #ubuntu-release, and they are working hard to get upstart gone gone . | 21:22 |
daftykins | upstart upstopped! ;D | 21:25 |
* acheron-a waves hello * | 21:30 | |
* acheron-a xD * | 21:30 | |
daftykins | o0 | 21:31 |
pauljw | Hi everyone | 23:00 |
Bashing-om | WB pauljw :) | 23:01 |
pauljw | hey Bashing-om, thx | 23:02 |
daftykins | \o | 23:02 |
pauljw | o/ | 23:02 |
Bashing-om | pauljw: Good day in the neighborhood . | 23:02 |
pauljw | yeah, sure was, nice sunny 70+ deg... :) | 23:03 |
daftykins | :O | 23:04 |
pauljw | :) | 23:04 |
=== de-facto_ is now known as de-facto | ||
Bashing-om | Location: Heber Springs, AR ~ Cond: 73°F (23°C), Mostly Cloudy ~ Atmo: 57%, 9.0 mi (14.5 km), 29.90 in (1012 mb) ~ Wind: 9 mph (14 km/h), SSE, N/A°F (N/A°C) ~ Time: 17:55 | 23:15 |
pauljw | yep, close to what we have. quite nice. | 23:16 |
nacc | Bashing-om: i recently met three couples that moved from AR to Portland, OR to work for goldstar -- found it strange they moved together :) | 23:16 |
Bashing-om | nacc: Well, strange thing I found - was once stationed in Puget Sound (WA) and on reporting for duty there I had a week to spend in the Oregon mountains . Most everyone I met there came from Arkansas :) | 23:19 |
nacc | Bashing-om: lol | 23:20 |
nacc | Bashing-om: i mean, i know only a handful of native oregonians in portland, and i've been here for 13 years | 23:21 |
nacc | Bashing-om: almost everyone i meet is a midwest transplant | 23:21 |
Bashing-om | nacc: Yeah . Had to come from somewhere - North West grew up fast ! | 23:23 |
nacc | Bashing-om: for sure :) | 23:24 |
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