flexiondotorg | ubuntu-mate-artwork-16.04.8 is in proposed and fixes that. | 00:26 |
flexiondotorg | #shit | 00:26 |
flexiondotorg | Getting confused on release day. | 00:26 |
nicklas_ | hello. im trying to remove two keys with apt-key, but they refuse to go away. any pointers? | 00:29 |
pavlos | thanks ... I'll wait for the .8 | 00:29 |
carverharrison | =-8 | 00:38 |
carverharrison | keyboard fell on ground | 00:38 |
felisa | hi... just giving this ubuntu mate 17.04 a try out.. | 01:46 |
felisa | looks great! | 01:48 |
felisa | bye for now... | 01:49 |
maira | oi... | 01:51 |
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
mate|63216 | hey guys - having a vpn conundrum | 03:05 |
mate|63216 | hoping some 1 knows something... | 03:05 |
mate|63216 | simple situation - PPTP vpn server | 03:05 |
mate|63216 | worked fine about a month ago | 03:06 |
mate|63216 | works fine from windows | 03:06 |
mate|63216 | but now on ubuntu it keeps telling the disconnected because the vpn service stopped | 03:06 |
mate|63216 | google gives me direct hits- so many others have experienced the same | 03:07 |
mate|63216 | but there are no solutions listed | 03:07 |
mate|63216 | some say add secure setting (no change) | 03:08 |
mate|63216 | others say it just started working again | 03:08 |
mate|63216 | any of u experienced similar?? | 03:08 |
nomic | mate|63216 ask on ubuntu forums .. also .. #ubuntu | 03:23 |
nomic | this #ch not that busy all time | 03:24 |
nomic | forums v busy | 03:24 |
mate|63216 | thnx nomic | 03:28 |
cannaman | nomic Ubuntu forums busy? | 03:28 |
mate|63216 | hoping for a quick fix, will re open the posts i found if nothing here ;) | 03:29 |
cannaman | I see | 03:33 |
cannaman | Anyone know how to install Android Studio in Ubuntu Mate? | 03:33 |
cannaman | Getting an error code | 03:33 |
cannaman | Nomic? | 03:33 |
cannaman | Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool. | 03:33 |
cannaman | One common reason for this failure is missing required libraries | 03:33 |
cannaman | Please fix the underlying issue and retry. | 03:33 |
nomic | erm | 03:38 |
nomic | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28847151/unable-to-install-android-studio-in-ubuntu | 03:39 |
cannaman | nomic - Tried those | 03:40 |
cannaman | nomic - erm? | 03:40 |
cannaman | nomic - Always Google first :D | 03:40 |
nomic | im no expert on installing android.. I just install the CLI stuff, not 'studio' | 03:55 |
nomic | this place not busy .. go to forums | 03:55 |
nomic | post topic in relevant section -- is efficient as you sleep on it ... include all messages, software versions | 03:55 |
nomic | you are installing this studio using a clean install of mate? | 03:55 |
nomic | ie. nothing has become unstable | 03:55 |
cannaman | nomic - Define unstable? | 03:59 |
cannaman | nomic - I'll try UbuntuForums I guess. | 04:00 |
nomic | you have not installed anything else that inteferes with it .. have not played around with the install | 04:00 |
nomic | or #ubuntu | 04:00 |
nomic | you need to track back error messages | 04:00 |
nomic | it stops, there is always a message | 04:00 |
nomic | the google post .. | 04:00 |
nomic | for the installation of android studio, there are 'prerequisites' something is missing | 04:01 |
nomic | mksdcard is missing | 04:01 |
nomic | 'install mksdcard' ? | 04:01 |
nomic | dunno what it is | 04:01 |
cannaman | nomic - Ok | 04:02 |
cannaman | nomic - thanks | 04:03 |
nomic | do you need the full "studio" | 04:03 |
nomic | you can install android tools | 04:03 |
nomic | = minimal | 04:03 |
nomic | if it is to get something else working | 04:03 |
nomic | z.z.z.z | 06:31 |
dennis_ | hallo, spricht hier jemand deutsch? | 09:33 |
mate|9973 | hi.how to add custom ppa to software boutique ? | 10:52 |
mate|9973 | ? | 10:54 |
mcphail | Hello. On 16.04, is the calendar on the clock widget supposed to be functional? It allows me to click on dates, but does not display or edit any events. | 12:48 |
mcphail | Unity on 16.04 has the same problem, but the calendar widaget becomes functional when Evolution is installed. Evolution doesn't seem to help with the Mate widget | 12:52 |
sixwheeledbeast | Functional? | 13:42 |
mcphail | sixwheeledbeast: I can click on dates, but this does not allow me to add or view events | 13:46 |
sixwheeledbeast | Oh I see what you mean events | 13:46 |
sixwheeledbeast | don't believe it has that functionality | 13:46 |
mcphail | sixwheeledbeast: hmm. Then having clickable dates is abug | 13:47 |
sixwheeledbeast | I wouldn't say so, I use that if I am looking back to check a day/date etc | 13:48 |
ouroumov_ | Yeah, I don't think it's a bug either. | 13:48 |
mcphail | sixwheeledbeast: what does clicking on a day actually do? It highlights the day, as if it _should_ achieve something but doesn't | 13:48 |
sixwheeledbeast | Maybe there is a plan for a plugin or calendars in the future. At the moment if I need to look for a date I will select the day and scroll back on the month the day is highlighted | 13:50 |
ouroumov_ | mcphail, you can submit a feature request on github if you want some new features. At this point filing a bug against this will probably be classed opinion / whishlist | 13:50 |
mcphail | ouroumov_: fair enough. Will do | 13:52 |
ouroumov_ | Btw I've just checked and it's the same behavior on 17.04 w/ MATE 1.18 | 13:52 |
mcphail | That's just what I was going to ask! Cheers ouroumov_ | 13:52 |
ouroumov_ | ^^ | 13:52 |
mcphail | ouroumov_: where's the best place to submit? linuxmint/mate on github or ubuntu-mate on launchpad? | 13:56 |
sixwheeledbeast | calendar-window.c: toplevel window containing a calendar and tasks/appointments, seems there is intention for tasks to be shown | 13:58 |
mcphail | sixwheeledbeast: I think this used to work in the old GNOME2 days, but I might be mistaken | 14:01 |
sixwheeledbeast | Is there a MATE task planner that would link into the MATE clock applet? Could just be a GTK3 thing that was overlooked? | 14:03 |
ouroumov_ | mcphail, you should file your feature request upstream | 14:06 |
ouroumov_ | mcphail, hang on a second while I check what package this is | 14:06 |
mcphail | ouroumov_: thanks | 14:06 |
ouroumov_ | mcphail, it appears to be the clock applet that is a part of the mate-panel code: https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-panel/tree/master/applets/clock | 14:07 |
mcphail | That's great. Cheers guys | 14:08 |
* mcphail finds https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-panel/issues/480 | 14:09 | |
ouroumov_ | Wow | 14:11 |
ouroumov_ | you were kind of right | 14:11 |
mcphail | Always nice to find someone else sharing my pain ;) | 14:12 |
=== yp is now known as Guest69520 | ||
ouroumov_ | Btw you can post bounties @ bounty source if you want to back this issue | 14:13 |
sixwheeledbeast | That will be the place to comment then, rather than opening a new bug. | 14:13 |
mcphail | Cool. ta | 14:14 |
sixwheeledbeast | I never liked Evolution and always used Thunderbird for mail so never "missed" this to begin with. | 14:15 |
mcphail | Yes. Evolution is horrible, but the only way to get calendars working properly in GNOMEish desktops | 14:15 |
mcphail | It never actually needs to be opened. Unfortunately, the evolution-data-server minipackage isn't enough | 14:16 |
sixwheeledbeast | Would be nice to bring that feature back without depending on evolution at all. | 14:20 |
mcphail | sixwheeledbeast: calenders/events are hellishly complex, unfortunately. Timezones, recurring events, online integration etc are all pains to get right. Just about every new calendar implementation spends years getting these things wrong. There is no shame on piggybacking on working code | 14:27 |
ouroumov_ | Yeah | 14:33 |
ouroumov_ | Working with time is a hard thing for devs. | 14:34 |
sixwheeledbeast | I don't disagree. I am thinking more along the lines of some "shim" into another program | 14:51 |
cannaman | I'm having issues installing Android Studio | 15:51 |
cannaman | Error Codes Unable to run mksdcard SDK tool. | 15:52 |
cannaman | One common reason for this failure is missing required libraries | 15:52 |
cannaman | Please fix the underlying issue and retry. | 15:52 |
cannaman | Any suggestions? | 15:52 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ you Mean actual time or "time" a program? :D | 15:54 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ I think everyone could do better managing time. | 15:54 |
ouroumov_ | No actual time (Hours, Days, Weeks, etc) | 15:54 |
ouroumov_ | In programs, this is difficult to handle | 15:54 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ - I see | 15:55 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ - Setting the proper time in apps and software is hard to handle? | 15:56 |
ouroumov_ | Yes | 15:56 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ - I've had issues with it in PHP, I usually just remove it. :) | 15:57 |
ouroumov_ | Actually, setting the time is easy, what's hard is using that info to derive other "truths" | 15:57 |
cannaman | Right | 15:57 |
ouroumov_ | Such as, what day will it be at T + <number of seconds> | 15:57 |
cannaman | Any clue why Android Studio won't install on UbuntuMate? | 15:57 |
ouroumov_ | Nope, but you're welcome to wait around for someone who knows that stuff or ask on our community forums | 15:58 |
cannaman | Guess I'll start a thread on UbuntuForums.org | 15:58 |
ouroumov_ | No | 15:58 |
cannaman | There are specific forum for Ubuntu mate ouroumov_ | 15:58 |
ouroumov_ | Yes | 15:58 |
ouroumov_ | https://ubuntu-mate.community | 15:58 |
cannaman | where? | 15:58 |
cannaman | Oh nice | 15:58 |
ouroumov_ | ^^ | 15:59 |
cannaman | Thanks for the link ouroumov_ | 15:59 |
cannaman | I wouldn't use a new gTLD though. | 15:59 |
ouroumov_ | This one was fitting. | 15:59 |
cannaman | Did you see one registry is raising rates from $20 - $10 wholesale to over $300? | 15:59 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ Is that your forum? | 15:59 |
cannaman | There are no price controls for new domain extensions. | 16:00 |
ouroumov_ | No. flexiondotorg is the admin (Martin Wimpress) | 16:00 |
cannaman | Wonder if flexiondotorg has seen this? http://domainincite.com/21603-schilling-big-price-increases-needed-to-keep-new-gtlds-alive | 16:02 |
cannaman | I stick with .com mostly. | 16:02 |
cannaman | I have lots of .org domains, a few .net's, .me. and .us. Won't buy any new gTLDs now though. | 16:02 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ Yup, .Hosting is going up 3,000% :D | 16:03 |
pavlos | I use UM 16.04 and Radiant theme, I keep getting notifications in syslog, /usr/share/themes/Radiant-MATE/gtk-2.0/apps/mate-panel.rc:30: error: invalid string constant "scrollbar", expected valid string constant | 16:39 |
SuperEngineer | Some syslogs aim their expectations so high these days... I blame it on them being spoilt as children! | 16:41 |
yossi | Hi | 16:48 |
ouroumov_ | Hi yossi | 16:48 |
=== yossi is now known as Guest8491 | ||
Guest8491 | Does anyone use Windows inside a Virtual Machine in their Ubuntu? | 16:48 |
sixwheeledbeast | no I use other linux VM's tho | 16:51 |
pavlos | Guest8491, sure I have win7,win10 guests on um host | 16:54 |
Guest8491 | Cool, I've had Windows 7 on my VM which was working fine, and recently I added a Win10 VM as well. | 16:57 |
Guest8491 | Unfortunately it is working very slowly, even though I put enough cores/RAM to it. | 16:58 |
Guest8491 | I'm bugged as to what's the cause of this. | 16:58 |
ouroumov_ | Corrupted iso? | 16:58 |
Guest8491 | I doubt it, as it does work properly. Just hangs here and there. | 16:58 |
Guest8491 | I was wondering if it's something with Win10-ubuntu integration | 16:59 |
ouroumov_ | No | 16:59 |
ouroumov_ | Have you killed the bloat in W10? Phone home to NSA, etc | 17:00 |
Guest8491 | Do you mean the default applications? | 17:01 |
Guest8491 | NSA spying stuff? | 17:01 |
ouroumov_ | Yeah, cortana, etc | 17:02 |
Guest8491 | Yeah I tried. I don't see any resource exhaustion in the OS | 17:03 |
Guest8491 | That's the oddity. | 17:03 |
ouroumov_ | I've got a friend that's affected by massive disk I/O and bandwidth usage in W10, starting with no warning apparently. He tells me he's got to kill 14 processes in taskmanager to be able to play again when that happens :/ | 17:03 |
ouroumov_ | hmm | 17:03 |
alkisg | Guest8491: run `top` and `dstat` when that happens, to see if it's a resource issue, or just a win10 issue | 17:06 |
alkisg | Also you might want to enable disk cache in the vm controller | 17:06 |
sixwheeledbeast | Try a seperate clean win10 vm install to compare? | 17:08 |
Guest8491 | It is a clean install | 17:08 |
Guest8491 | It was problematic from the very start. | 17:08 |
Guest8491 | I haven't tried the Virtualbox static harddisk allocation though, do you think it might help? | 17:09 |
Guest8491 | I'm using dynamic allocation. | 17:09 |
=== Akuli_ is now known as Akuli | ||
cannaman | I posted my issue on the Ubutue Mate forum https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/installing-android-studio-on-ubuntu-mate/12189 | 18:24 |
ouroumov | Yeah, I saw | 18:29 |
ouroumov | I didn't realize you were trying to do that on RPr | 18:30 |
ouroumov | RPi* | 18:30 |
monitor_ | Ola | 18:48 |
monitor_ | 18:48 | |
DarkPsydeLord | ola | 19:00 |
Dekkard | can i get a hand ? | 20:03 |
Dekkard | doing an upgrade and synaptic and the who thing is stalled on dropbox | 20:04 |
Dekkard | doing an upgrade and synaptic and the who thing is stalled on dropbox | 20:41 |
ouroumov | Dekkard, hi | 21:00 |
ouroumov | I had the same issue once: | 21:00 |
Dekkard | really? | 21:00 |
Dekkard | im kinda freekin out | 21:00 |
ouroumov | https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/dropbox-boutique-installer-deadlocked/10976 | 21:01 |
ouroumov | So I basically had to shutdown at some point. | 21:02 |
ouroumov | After that, I ran the fixes from the software boutique (last icon on the right) | 21:02 |
ouroumov | And things work good now. | 21:02 |
Dekkard | had to kill dpkg | 21:06 |
ouroumov | yup | 21:06 |
Dekkard | did dpkg reconfigure | 21:07 |
Dekkard | and it restarted downloading dropbox..... | 21:07 |
ouroumov | Is the download still stuck? | 21:07 |
Dekkard | its still going | 21:08 |
Dekkard | holy crap.. it just finnished the upgrade | 21:08 |
Dekkard | im going to re run apt-get update | 21:08 |
Dekkard | from the terminal | 21:09 |
Dekkard | gonna try a reboot.. see if its not all broken | 21:13 |
cannaman | ouroumov_ What's wrong with RPi2? | 21:50 |
cannaman | :D | 21:50 |
nicklas_ | i used to have a desktop shortcut for netflix via chrome, and that shortcut opened netflix in a separate chrome window with only border and that, kinda like a netflix app. now that firefox supports nerflix fully, i have ditched chrome and watch netflix in firefox. but i cant add a shortcut to netflix, and is it even possible to get netflix in the same way as i had it in chrome? | 22:37 |
aaron | hello | 22:53 |
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parzival | hello | 22:55 |
parzival_ | hello | 23:21 |
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