[02:24] adding beta announcement to the fridge [02:29] yay thanks pleia2 [07:12] feel free to comment on uwn doc (thumbs up, down, wtf, comments etc) [20:57] guiverc: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh :D [20:57] guiverc: Good job :D [21:12] thanks tsimonq2 [21:25] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/feed heh, well that's not active! [21:27] Uh... huh? [21:38] the node bit is probably a leftover from when the site was drupal [21:38] it's just /feed [21:38] where'd you find that url? [21:39] pleia2: xscreensaver, I switched to feedburner. [21:40] so some feedburner account has the wrong source? [21:40] http://feeds.feedburner.com/ubuntu-news seems to be current (that's the one we link to for some reason) [21:41] That's the one linked, and figured it could handle more load (Just in case) xscreensaver has a screensaver that can do RSS, it was "Ubuntuized" to use that URL, I was just updating the package and noticed it. [21:42] weird, can you fix it? [21:42] Yeah, I've got the fix queued and a sponsor lined up. [21:42] great [21:43] Still broken in Xenial, but eh. [23:14] ls [23:14] whoops lol [23:14] (I have a habit of lsing automatically when I cd into a directory... that's what my brain thought I did here :P)