
Basketballforgot the command to alert about spammer but there is a spammer in #ubuntu03:22
ubottukaosine called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:00
k1l<RxMcDonald> Hello, anyone knows how to increase the computing power of embedded ubuntu systems?15:28
k1li thought he was banned15:28
daxthey're banned by nick in a way that does not currently match them, BT#7574515:32
dax(note the dot)15:33
dax@comment 75900 evasion of 7574515:34
ubottuComment added.15:34
k1lah yes.15:35
k1l* MustaKrakish finds that username slightly offensive18:00
k1lmeaning: [niggard] (~uzer@unaffiliated/niggard): purple18:00
Menzadork1l: Enforceable?18:23
k1li am not sure. i mean he got a freenode cloak for that nick18:37
elkywell, it's a word meaning "ungenerous person", albeit archaic19:17
elkyi don't doubt it's incendiary in nature but it's also a demonstration of the scunthorpe problem.19:18
elkyare they being otherwise obnoxious?19:18
elky(note, my surname is also a demonstration of the scunthorpe problem, ask me how!)19:19
k1lthe attitude was matching the suspicion and he told himself he got banned from other channel before. but it was nothing over the line19:37
hggdhelky: I bite. How is your surname a demo?22:52
valorieoh, I wanted to know that too, so thank you hggdh22:52
hggdhvalorie: at your service :-)22:53
Unit193I always just presumed she was a clothing merchant and was trying to subtly advertise.22:56

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