IrcsomeBot | tsimonq2 was removed by: tsimonq2 | 00:11 |
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lordievader | Good morning | 07:08 |
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BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:22 |
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mk__ | helou | 16:09 |
mk__ | joerrr como miro mas canales | 16:39 |
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koffeinfriedhof | Hi! I need a hint on localizing a plasmoid. Got localisation running using cmake, but I want the package to get the .mo-files itself. Is there any package-structure needed to get it working? I tried $plasmoid/contents/locale/i10n/$lang but it didnt work. What about naming the .po/.mo-files? | 19:50 |
acheronuk | koffeinfriedhof: probably better asking that in the official #plasma amd/or #kde-devel channels. though on a Saturday evening (in Europe) people to answer may be thin in the ground. | 19:57 |
koffeinfriedhof | acheronuk: thanks. I've already asked in #plasma. And waiting...well.. I can't solve it myself, so I've no choice :) | 19:58 |
acheronuk | koffeinfriedhof: ah, ok. didn't see that. my internet is a bit flaky this evening, and obviously my bouncer is not logging all that I missed :( | 20:01 |
koffeinfriedhof | acheronuk: np. You've answered here. Thats enough :) | 20:02 |
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PullMyPaw | Evening guys. Anyone seen Blueskaj around today please? I was getting some help from them yesterday concerning reinstalling 16.04 to fix a damaged install. | 22:54 |
PullMyPaw | I've managed to download the new ISO, 16.04.2 and burn it, but Ubiquity is still hanging during the install procedure. | 22:55 |
valorie | did you verify the download, PullMyPaw? | 22:55 |
valorie | !md5 | PullMyPaw | 22:55 |
ubottu | PullMyPaw: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 22:55 |
acheronuk | bug #875343 | 22:59 |
ubottu | bug 875343 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Stuck at "Saving installed packages..." when using a custom /var" [High,Triaged] | 22:59 |
acheronuk | does that have any relevence to the issue you are seeing? | 22:59 |
PullMyPaw | Hi again. Sorry, I got disconnected. Right, I'vde done MD5SUM on the ISO and it's valid, the MD5 matches perfectly to the specific ISO I pulled. | 23:10 |
valorie | PullMyPaw: good! | 23:13 |
PullMyPaw | I am still lost as to why this installer is hanging though, valorie - Blueskaj explained to me last night that there was a bug with 16.04.1 where ubiquity was hanging. | 23:14 |
acheronuk | PullMyPaw: did that bug I linked to have any relevance? | 23:15 |
PullMyPaw | I didn't see it unfortunately, acheronuk - can you relink it please? | 23:15 |
acheronuk | you may have missed it if you got disconnected | 23:15 |
acheronuk | bug #875343 | 23:15 |
ubottu | bug 875343 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Stuck at "Saving installed packages..." when using a custom /var" [High,Triaged] | 23:15 |
PullMyPaw | One moment | 23:16 |
PullMyPaw | Yep, that's the baby. I can't mark / for format, because I want to continue using the stuff I had from my previous install, I had coding and compiling on it. | 23:18 |
acheronuk | PullMyPaw: can you boot a live session and use that to move stuff you want to save to a removable/other drive? | 23:19 |
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