canh | hi | 00:15 |
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reepca | Arg... how does one run a java applet these days (that's the only form some application is available in)? I've tried appletviewer and javaws and both complained and didn't seem to work on the first try... | 00:33 |
reepca | and of course firefox doesn't support the plugin anymore... | 00:36 |
ChaiTRex | reepca: Applets are the work of Satan, but `appletviewer` is the standard these days. | 00:36 |
reepca | ... Is it standard practice among web developers to instead of writing actual html write javascript that then writes the html from string literals? | 00:40 |
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reepca | Or am I just dealing with a really sadistic developer here? | 00:40 |
reepca | I'm guessing appletviewer doesn't do javascript? | 00:43 |
billy-jon | hello. i have an old qemu ubuntu vm (using kvm hardware) which i am having trouble getting xwindows to boot on. i believe the problem started when i updated qemu. at first, where x windows would normally load, i would get a black screen with a few randomly colored dots. then i added to the virsh xml config for the vm a device with type='vga', and xwindows will now partially boot. however i never get the desktop. i see what i believe is the | 00:49 |
billy-jon | background, but no icons or toolbars ever appear. i have checked every log file i know of but i cannot find any error to explain this. | 00:49 |
billy-jon | i was hoping someone here might be able to help me troubleshoot this issue | 00:49 |
OerHeks | reepca, get the firefox 52 esr version , if you *need* java for development | 00:53 |
OerHeks | | 00:53 |
ChaiTRex | I think you might even need to ensure it's the 32 bit version of Firefox 52 ESR: | 00:55 |
hspcd | Just got a new Inspiron 13 7000 series 2-in-1 laptop from Dell and Ubuntu runs pretty well on it. I have one major annoying issue that I need help with and that's the trackpad. The cursor jumps when I'm typing because my hand hits the pad. If I am not very careful, when I click the pad the cursor jumps to the bottom left corner and my click opens the Trash folder (happens VERY often). Any tips on how to address this? I disabled the "tap | 01:05 |
hspcd | to select" but that didn't help. | 01:05 |
ChaiTRex | hspcd: The solution I use is an external mouse in combination with setting the trackpad to turn on only when a mouse is disconnected. | 01:06 |
ChaiTRex | hspcd: Someone else may know how to fix the issue itself, though. | 01:07 |
hspcd | ChaiTRex: Thanks. I had considered using an external mouse but that kind of defeats the purpose of a laptop when you want to be mobile. | 01:07 |
hspcd | It's a real annoying problem. Seems driver related. | 01:08 |
hspcd | Works like a champ with Windows 10 loaded | 01:08 |
ChaiTRex | Yeah, I don't think Dell put much quality control into its Linux trackpad drivers. | 01:10 |
Soros | 这里都是哪里人呢 | 01:12 |
ChaiTRex | !cn | Soros | 01:13 |
ubottu | Soros: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 01:13 |
Soros | foreigner all? @ubottu@ChaiTRex | 01:15 |
ChetManly | how I make a large null test file to transfer over a network? | 01:20 |
ChetManly | like something that will transfer at the same speed all the way through | 01:21 |
ChaiTRex | ChetManly: head --bytes=10000 /dev/null | 01:21 |
OerHeks | dd if=/dev/zero of=file.txt count=1024 bs=1024 | 01:22 |
ChetManly | OerHeks: how large is that? | 01:22 |
OerHeks | 1024 mb | 01:22 |
ChetManly | trying to test network speed | 01:22 |
ChetManly | ok | 01:23 |
ChaiTRex | ChetManly: Sorry, /dev/zero, not null. | 01:23 |
ChetManly | ChaiTRex: what is head used for? | 01:23 |
OerHeks | or urandom, maybe more realistic | 01:23 |
ChaiTRex | ChetManly: Getting the first 10000 bytes of /dev/zero | 01:23 |
ChetManly | ahh | 01:23 |
azx | when i download ubuntu and write it using unetbootin or dd command, it boots and then i get a black screen on pc | 01:25 |
azx | what's wrong? | 01:25 |
azx | it's a custom built pc with the latest intel cpu | 01:26 |
ChaiTRex | azx: You write it to what? | 01:27 |
azx | usb drive | 01:27 |
ChaiTRex | azx: Then you boot from that and it goes to a black screen? | 01:27 |
Bashing-om | !nomodeset | azx What graphics card ?? | 01:28 |
ubottu | azx What graphics card ??: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 01:28 |
azx | it boots grub and if i boot live or install the monitor goes to sleep and i can't see anything | 01:28 |
azx | there is no graphics card | 01:28 |
azx | just the cpu | 01:28 |
ChaiTRex | azx: Which CPU? | 01:28 |
azx | intel i7 7700k | 01:29 |
azx | 7th gen | 01:29 |
ChaiTRex | You can try the nomodeset recommendation, but that CPU should work fine. | 01:30 |
ChetManly | OerHeks: it is much smaller then that | 01:30 |
azx | i have an hdd with ubuntu from another pc | 01:30 |
azx | it works fine in the PC i built | 01:31 |
azx | how do i set nomodeset? | 01:31 |
azx | i just cant get the installation media to boot | 01:31 |
ChaiTRex | !nomodeset | azx | 01:31 |
ubottu | azx: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 01:31 |
azx | maybe i should wait longer at the black screen? | 01:31 |
ChaiTRex | azx: You can tell the installer to use nomodeset. You might also have problems with a corrupted download or a bad USB drive. | 01:32 |
ChaiTRex | azx: But one thing at a time. Try nomodeset. | 01:32 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: did you happen to find an easier way to install the driver? I found this and I think it might be okay | 01:38 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: try it and see if "ee" disappears | 01:41 |
acheron-a | still hard to beat the i7-4790 under linux | 01:43 |
fabiobik | hi guys! im trying to use curl to save cookies with the option -c and at my home folder it doesnt create | 01:53 |
fabiobik | any tip? | 01:53 |
blazeme8 | I'm using gnome3 and in Tweak Tool -> Appearance -> Shell theme, it says "Shell user-theme extension not enabled". What is that and how do I enable it? | 01:54 |
blazeme8 | ugh nvm, it's in another section of tweak tool :) | 01:55 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: 'ee' is still in the 'rtl8188ce-linux-driver' folder but I have a 'rtlwifi_new' folder that appeared next to it, and according to terminal install it was installed successfully. paste: (sorry in advance for the 200-ish lines on that) | 01:55 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: ok now get rid of the active ee driver that you've had bad experiences long as "ee" is seen you really haven't done or accomplished anything | 01:56 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: i don't mean in any folders | 01:57 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: i mean in inxi or lshw | 01:57 |
fyan_rava_2017 | Failed to start LSB: Apache2 web s | 01:57 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: how do I do that with inxi or lshw? I'm sure I've been told but it's been lost in the shuffle. Terminal? | 01:58 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: if ee persists to show up, it might be easier for you to purchase a $10-$20 usb wlan adapter off amazon or newegg or any retailer you use or trust | 01:58 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: if ee persists only thing i can suggest is trying to hardwire with ethernet cable, install teamviewer and let an experienced person deal with the matter. | 01:59 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: I'll do that if I can't get it done, but I don't know how to with inxi or lshw? I'll go with those two options if I can't get rid of it that way. | 02:00 |
implite | hi | 02:08 |
tcn | i know this probably isnt the place, but would anybody mind helping me with a tech issue | 02:09 |
implite | sure if we can. what is your question? | 02:10 |
tcn | something strange is going on with my motherboard. i recently installed an old hard drive in my pc that i had put ubuntu on a couple years ago. i went to install a new os and it seems as though my motherboard can't boot from usb anymore | 02:11 |
n-iCe | sure you enabled it in Bios | 02:11 |
bazhang | ##hardware tcn | 02:11 |
tcn | oh okay, sorry about that bazhang, thank you | 02:12 |
bazhang | np | 02:12 |
tcn | im new to irc chat lol | 02:12 |
lerner | what media player cna Iuse to listen to midi files? | 02:15 |
Latrina | Hello, anyone knows whats the called the acpid event responsible for turning off the screen? | 02:19 |
Latrina | I am on ubuntu 16.04 using mate, and when the screensaver kicks in (set to blank page) the backlight led of the monitor stays on for 10 minutes idling before turning the monitor off | 02:20 |
Latrina | this on a x230 laptop | 02:20 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: sudo lshw -C network|pastebinit | 02:23 |
Latrina | or any other alternative for having the monitor turning off when screensaver (just a black screen) goes off | 02:23 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: share url/link here | 02:23 |
Latrina | *on | 02:23 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots | 02:23 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: can you connect a ethernet cable and hardwire the computer? | 02:25 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: i think i've asked you this before | 02:25 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: you have. I don't think I can, it just tells me the cable's unplugged even though it's been used today | 02:26 |
ChetManly | rsync -v file.txt neon@ | 02:26 |
NiteRaidah2 | *when I check the network settings | 02:26 |
ChetManly | what wrong with that? | 02:26 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: is it connected with a cable right now? | 02:26 |
NiteRaidah2 | no, unplugged. | 02:26 |
ChetManly | do I need ssh enabled if I trust my network | 02:26 |
psychoCIO | Latrina, isnt that related to your machine setup? | 02:26 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: plug it in | 02:26 |
ChetManly | cant I get send it plain? | 02:27 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: whats on the other end of that cable?...what type of device.. | 02:27 |
Latrina | psychoCIO, not sure thought the events are standard | 02:28 |
psychoCIO | Latrina, Im quite confused trying to APM here too.. :) but as far a I have figured out: it looks like your setup have precedence on the system's stuff | 02:29 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: acceptable answer are as follows: my modem/router that my isp provided to me, a thing that plugs directly into a electrical outlet that uses the electrical wires in the wall as network medium, a switch that i own etc | 02:29 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: yes, that. sorry for the delay, was wrestling with another minor thing that popped up. | 02:30 |
psychoCIO | Latrina, at least related to the capabilities that you will allow to manage | 02:30 |
Latrina | I am not sure what you are talking about | 02:31 |
Soros | Why I can't connect the game server when I play the superTuxKart? | 02:31 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: if i were you i'd just buy another wlan adapter..they are cheap....something like this takes 20 minutes tops...the fact that you've been at it since march 19th with zero signs of progress tells me progress is unlikely to occur | 02:34 |
NiteRaidah2 | yeah... | 02:34 |
NiteRaidah2 | rather frustrating, to say the least. but it's this is on me, need to learn to work things out. | 02:35 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: i wouldn't waste any more time on it if i were you, just spend $20 on a usb adapter and call it a day | 02:35 |
Latrina | I guess I am gonna have to wait 10 minutes to figure it out | 02:36 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: instructions/etc come along with the adapter I would assume? | 02:36 |
Latrina | acpid -d -l should log the event output | 02:36 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: no you need something plug and play | 02:36 |
NiteRaidah2 | ok. | 02:37 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: you shouldn't be configuring anything | 02:37 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: you need something that you simply plug into a usb port and go | 02:37 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: managing drivers in linux isn't terribly difficult but can take 2-4 years to completely understand how it works | 02:38 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: so you could literally be at this for the next several years | 02:39 |
implite | what channel do i goto to talk about programming in ubuntu on python with pyopengl? | 02:39 |
NiteRaidah2 | tatertots: yeah, I'm not too interested in plugged away at this for that long, I'd drive myself even crazier :P Guess I'll go down the adapter route then. thanks for the help in all this :) | 02:39 |
tatertots | NiteRaidah2: no prob | 02:40 |
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ChetManly | if im trying to login into a live distro what is the default password for root? | 02:53 |
n-iCe | ChetManly: what distro | 02:53 |
ChetManly | ubuntu | 02:53 |
n-iCe | no password | 02:53 |
n-iCe | just go to root | 02:53 |
ChetManly | asks for password | 02:53 |
implite | My root has joined you, dont bash it! | 02:54 |
implite | sudo? | 02:54 |
Bashing-om | !root | ChetManly | 02:56 |
ubottu | ChetManly: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 02:56 |
ChetManly | Bashing-om: not what I asked | 02:56 |
ChetManly | ok well what the user name on a live distro? | 02:57 |
Bashing-om | ChetManly: rephrase so I comprehend ? | 02:57 |
pnwise | ChetManly sudo -i | 02:57 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: "ubuntu" password "" | 02:57 |
pnwise | on a terminal with your user | 02:57 |
pnwise | jeez guys you re very helpful around here | 02:58 |
implite | I was just trying to be funny | 02:58 |
implite | nvm | 02:58 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: If you're using a different flavor then the live user is the name of that flavor, like "xubuntu" or "ubuntu-gnome". All use the same password, "". | 02:58 |
ChetManly | I just created new user | 03:00 |
ChetManly | thanks | 03:00 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: The LiveUSB should log in automatically though, so if you're seeing a login screen at boot that probably means that X or your Unity session is failing to start for some reason. | 03:00 |
* epkcd ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ pnwise: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
* uscyph ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ beanzies: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
-ofrkwbxt:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ k1l_: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
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-khnzph:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xinliang_: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
-kdrzpihx:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ zenguy: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
* dhqbhrrf ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ k1l_: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
-qclyq:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ cyborg-one: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
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-ycteudr:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ChaiTRex: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 | |
ycteudr | ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ led1: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 |
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axtybkl | ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ karlthane: FRIDAY NIGHT CHAT PARTY GOING ON NOW AT A NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | 03:01 |
MoonBot | wtf is happening | 03:01 |
MoonBot | spam bots? | 03:01 |
kk4ewt | yes | 03:02 |
ChaiTRex | Yep. | 03:02 |
Jordan_U | MoonBot: Yes, please ignore them. | 03:02 |
MoonBot | wonder if the link is safe...maybe i'll open a VM | 03:02 |
Jordan_U | MoonBot: Please don't. It will just feed the trolls. | 03:03 |
implite | LOL ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ LOL | 03:03 |
MoonBot | sounds good, they annoying AF | 03:03 |
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ChetManly | so if I keep transfering a 100GB file to liveusb where the hell is it all going? | 03:11 |
MoonBot | uhhh do you have persistence set up? | 03:11 |
MoonBot | otherwise it's probably all going to /dev/null/ | 03:11 |
MoonBot | (which is the trash) | 03:11 |
ChetManly | yes persistence | 03:12 |
MoonBot | is your persistence partition large enough for 100GB file? is it a 128gb flash drive or something? | 03:12 |
ChetManly | it gave me a low disk warning but its still happily transfering away | 03:12 |
ChetManly | no its way small maybe 8GB | 03:13 |
MoonBot | also, love the Archer reference | 03:13 |
MoonBot | then it won't work | 03:13 |
ChetManly | thanks | 03:13 |
MoonBot | you're filling up your file and it runs out of space | 03:13 |
ChetManly | well it was transfering cause it gave the warning | 03:13 |
MoonBot | probably either overwriting itself with the newer data or just outputting the rest to /dev/null/ | 03:13 |
ChetManly | I dont care if it fails its a speed test anyway | 03:14 |
MoonBot | either way, you can't fit a 100GB file on less than 8GB of space | 03:14 |
ChetManly | maybe its just writing to null till it ruins my thumb drive | 03:14 |
ChaiTRex | Writing to /dev/null doesn't write to an actual device. | 03:15 |
MoonBot | yeah writing to /dev/null/ is the same thing as saying "ignore this data" .. it discards it, /dev/null isn't an actual location | 03:16 |
MoonBot | on your device | 03:16 |
ChetManly | why doesnt rsync tell you the writing speed ... if you cancel it... | 03:17 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: How are you tranferring this file? | 03:20 |
ChetManly | rsynce | 03:20 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: What rsync commmand are you running exactly? | 03:20 |
ChetManly | rsync -v file.txt cjae@ | 03:21 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: is the ip address of your machine that is running the LiveUSB? | 03:23 |
ChetManly | yes | 03:23 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: If you're trying to test your network speed then rsync is a poor choice, as it will compress your file (especially if your file is easily compressable, like containing all zero bytes...). | 03:25 |
ChetManly | well suggestion are welcome | 03:25 |
ChetManly | :-) | 03:25 |
jnpr | are there any tablets that work well with ubuntu? | 03:26 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: | 03:27 |
jnpr | more specifically, has anyone had a chance to try out the newer transformer tablets with thunderbolt ports on any flavor of linux? | 03:27 |
ChetManly | Jordan_U: wow thats way easier | 03:28 |
Latrina | could anyone help me with Xorg likely keeping the screen led on for 10 minutes past screesaver idle session locked? | 03:31 |
ChetManly | Jordan_U: thank you kindly | 03:31 |
ChaiTRex | Latrina: Don't use a screensaver. Set the screen turn-off time. | 03:32 |
Latrina | ChaiTRex, that wont lock the user session though | 03:32 |
Latrina | will it_ | 03:32 |
Latrina | ? | 03:32 |
ChaiTRex | Latrina: Alternatively, there should be some setting for how long after the screensaver the screen turns off. | 03:32 |
ausafali88_ | Dear experts, can anyone help me in troubleshooting Ubuntu Random Freeze issue? have installed graphics driver but to no avail | 03:33 |
Latrina | when the user is idle for more than 10 minutes I want the monitor to go off and the user session to be locked | 03:33 |
Latrina | the screensaver supposedly turns the screen off by blanking it | 03:33 |
Latrina | Xorg however keeps the screen led on for 10 more minutes | 03:33 |
Jordan_U | ChetManly: You're welcome. | 03:34 |
Latrina | I have posted it all here | 03:34 |
Latrina | and trust me I did my homework! | 03:34 |
ausafali88_ | anyone? | 03:35 |
MoonBot | whaddya mean | 03:35 |
MoonBot | need more details | 03:35 |
ausafali88_ | Dear experts, can anyone help me in troubleshooting Ubuntu Random Freeze issue? have installed graphics driver but to no avail | 03:35 |
MoonBot | Yes, we need more details ausafali88_ | 03:35 |
ausafali88_ | @MoonBot Ubuntu randomly freezes, like evrything hangs, even SSH connections hang, mouse does not move unless i press the poweroff button and restart system | 03:36 |
ChaiTRex | Latrina: In the screensaver settings, press the power management button on the bottom. Does it have an option for putting display to sleep after inactive for? | 03:37 |
MoonBot | okay, you should be able to bring up the terminal from the CTRL + F2 - F7 keys (such as CTRL + F2, or CTRL+F5, etc...) | 03:38 |
MoonBot | and from there you can restart your startx session | 03:38 |
MoonBot | or whatever process is running your GUI | 03:38 |
ausafali88_ | no, nothing works.. | 03:38 |
MoonBot | what system are you running | 03:38 |
MoonBot | like core, ram, etc | 03:38 |
ausafali88_ | no key combination etc | 03:38 |
Latrina | ChaiTRex, yes it is and it is set to 10 minutes | 03:39 |
Latrina | the screensaver is not the issue | 03:39 |
Latrina | Xorg is | 03:39 |
ChaiTRex | Latrina: What happens when you set it to something less? | 03:39 |
Latrina | it works | 03:39 |
Latrina | but Xorg keeps the led on for 10 minutes past | 03:39 |
ChaiTRex | Latrina: Does it keep the LED on if you change that to something less? | 03:40 |
Latrina | from the moment the screensaver supposedly put the screen off | 03:40 |
Latrina | yes | 03:40 |
ausafali88_ | First i was suspecting this was due to KVM running, but it happened without KVM also. | 03:43 |
jnpr | how do cherry trail tablets fare with ubuntu? | 03:44 |
MoonBot | ausafali88_: what GPU do you have | 03:45 |
MoonBot | it's most likely something with your it an older system>? Happened to my laptop a decent amount as well, mine is 5.5 years old | 03:46 |
ausafali88_ | NVIDIA Quadro 720 | 03:46 |
ausafali88_ | GPU is Qaudro FX 720 | 04:03 |
ausafali88_ | PC is Dell XPS 8700 | 04:03 |
ausafali88_ | @MoonBot my main ubuntu Virtuilization server is behaving like this... | 04:04 |
ausafali88_ | @MoonBot my main ubuntu Virtuilization server is behaving like this... | 04:04 |
Basketball | how can i sign into google calendar with wallch | 04:05 |
MoonBot | hmmm that is interesting ausafali88_ | 04:15 |
MoonBot | how long ago did you install? Maybe it's time for a fresh install if the problem is frequent? | 04:16 |
ausafali88_ | Just freshly installed now... | 04:16 |
ausafali88_ | should i report it as a bug? | 04:17 |
ausafali88_ | was happening more frequently on Fedora 25... | 04:17 |
MoonBot | hmmm that's interesting. How frequently does it happen? | 04:20 |
ausafali88_ | anyone else faced this issue? | 04:23 |
ausafali88_ | of Freezing Ubuntu System | 04:23 |
Ben64 | nope | 04:23 |
minimec | ausafali88_: Do you have a transcend ssd running by chance? Could it be a ssd firmware issues? | 04:26 |
ausafali88_ | @minimec is Toshiba, other is defaultwith Dell XPS 8700 | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | ATA device, with non-removable media | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | Model Number: TOSHIBA DT01ACA100 | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | Serial Number: 54ER7APMS | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | Firmware Revision: MS2OA7S0 | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | Transport: Serial, ATA8-AST, SATA 1.0a, SATA II Extensions, SATA Rev 2.5, SATA Rev 2.6, SATA Rev 3.0; Revision: ATA8-AST T13 Project D1697 Revision 0b | 04:29 |
ausafali88_ | | 04:31 |
ausafali88_ | | 04:31 |
ausafali88_ | Does KVM has anything to do with it? | 04:36 |
InvisibleRasta | hello guys, i cant open software-center | 05:03 |
InvisibleRasta | this is the error i get when trying to open software center | 05:04 |
jnpr | are there any windows tablets that don't suck for ubuntu? | 05:04 |
ChaiTRex | InvisibleRasta: Are you using elementaryOS? | 05:05 |
InvisibleRasta | no im using ubuntu 16.04 with elementary pantheon | 05:05 |
minimec | InvisibleRasta: | 05:06 |
Ben64 | InvisibleRasta: where did you get pantheon | 05:06 |
aberrant | hi all | 05:15 |
aberrant | can someone please explain how my eth0 is participating in dhcp when I’ve got `iface eth0 inet manual` in /etc/network/interfaces? | 05:15 |
aberrant | this is on Linux pigpen 4.9.17-v7+ #981 SMP Fri Mar 24 14:21:53 GMT 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux | 05:16 |
Ben64 | doesn't sound like ubuntu | 05:16 |
aberrant | it’s raspbian. I guess it’s not strictly ubuntu | 05:17 |
Ben64 | try #raspberrypi or if there is a raspbian channel, use that | 05:18 |
aberrant | I’m on #raspberrypi | 05:18 |
Ben64 | ok so ask there instead of here | 05:18 |
aberrant | I’ll check for #raspbian or #debian. Thanks. | 05:18 |
Ben64 | not #debian | 05:18 |
Ben64 | it isn't debian | 05:18 |
Ben64 | :| | 05:18 |
MoonBot | Ben64 raspbian is based on Debian | 05:28 |
MoonBot | so there is a lot of overlap in the core workings of raspbian | 05:28 |
MoonBot | most of the commands will work | 05:29 |
ausafali88_ | i have opened a bug for | 05:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1675985 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu Freezes Randomly" [Undecided,New] | 05:29 |
Ben64 | MoonBot: right but it isn't ubuntu and therefore not supported here | 05:30 |
ausafali88_ | so that community members look into it. | 05:30 |
Ben64 | ausafali88_: that bug is gonna get deleted | 05:30 |
ausafali88_ | why? | 05:30 |
Ben64 | it's not a bug | 05:30 |
ausafali88_ | can you suggest a solution? | 05:31 |
Ben64 | or at least, not formatted at all like one. you're treating it like a forum post | 05:31 |
MoonBot | there's still a decent amount of overlap between ubuntu and debian, especially for the question they were asking | 05:32 |
Ben64 | ok, doesn't change the fact that #ubuntu only supports Ubuntu | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | !bug | ausafali88_ | 05:33 |
ubottu | ausafali88_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 05:33 |
MoonBot | lmao if they had lied and said their system was ubuntu, the solution would've still been the same for that particular problem | 05:34 |
MoonBot | but w/e, they're already gone | 05:34 |
Ben64 | no, and that is irrelevant and possibly untrue | 05:34 |
Ben64 | if you'd like to suggest a policy change, you can do so in #ubuntu-ops | 05:34 |
MoonBot | haha ok dude | 05:35 |
MoonBot | you got it | 05:35 |
Rubin_ | | 05:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1443704 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Support for TLS 1.2 not present (added in 2.7.9)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:36 |
Rubin_ | its 2017 | 05:37 |
Rubin_ | all python apps that use the network are vulnerable in ubuntu LTS | 05:37 |
Rubin_ | am I reading that right?! | 05:37 |
smellsLikeGoatSp | I tried different releases but I still can't get guestaddition to work on vbox. I am running 16.04 | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | !usn | Rubin_ | 05:40 |
ubottu | Rubin_: Please see for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. | 05:40 |
Rubin_ | lotuspsychje, I dont see it listed there | 05:44 |
MoonBot | Hey guys I have a question bout my Ubuntu 16.04 system. How is my eth0 is participating in dhcp when I’ve got `iface eth0 inet manual` in /etc/network/interfaces? | 05:44 |
lotuspsychje | Rubin_: bugs are different then security holes | 05:45 |
ausafali88_ | @MoonBot have you bounced interface down/up? | 05:45 |
=== TTN_ is now known as TTN | ||
lotuspsychje | MoonBot: Ben64 just suggested you debian channel | 05:47 |
Rubin_ | lotuspsychje, the way I understand it, it IS a security hole | 05:48 |
MoonBot | But my ubuntu system isn't supported in the debian channel. | 05:48 |
MoonBot | okay, trying that now ausafali88_ | 05:49 |
lotuspsychje | Rubin_: if you find a security hole in ubuntu, please report to #ubuntu-hardened | 05:49 |
ausafali88_ | @MoonBot also try rebooting... | 05:50 |
MoonBot | I'm just wondering how the particular settings of 'inet manual' affect my eth0 device for DHCP? Does that mean I need to add a static IP on my ubuntu machine and make sure it's the same as the static dhcp value for my router? | 05:52 |
MoonBot | would changing eth0 from 'inet manual' to 'inet auto' allow for dhcp assignments? | 05:53 |
MoonBot | or am I completely off track? | 05:53 |
ausafali88_ | what do you wnat to accomplish @MoonBot? | 05:56 |
MoonBot | static dhcp address set on both my ubuntu machine and the router. The router is easy but I wanna make sure it's done right on my machine | 05:57 |
Ben64 | the thing about that is you don't need to configure the client | 05:57 |
MoonBot | I know I could just leave it as auto dhcp on the client and have static on the router | 05:57 |
MoonBot | but I wanna set it as static on the client too | 05:57 |
Ben64 | then thats not static dhcp | 05:58 |
MoonBot | what would that be, then? | 05:58 |
Ben64 | static ip | 05:58 |
Rubin_ | dhcp means "get your IP address and network info from a DHCP server on the network" | 05:58 |
ausafali88_ | @MoonBot you just want IP address static and other configurations from DHCP server? | 05:58 |
MoonBot | cool, so does eth0 inet manual accomplish static ip then? | 05:58 |
anddam | what's the channel for Touch? | 05:58 |
Rubin_ | if you configure your IP address in yoru router as "static" that means you are asking your dhcp server to remember the computer and always give it the same IP address via dhcp. | 05:58 |
ausafali88_ | that is statelss DHCP where you configure IP address and leave other configurations to DHCP, whihc btw is not supported in IPV4. It is in IPv6. | 05:59 |
MoonBot | and I want my client to have that same static IP address configured on its machine, so that if I or someone else moves the machine to a new network it won't work | 05:59 |
MoonBot | I know it's not the easiest way to do it, but that's how I wanna configure mine | 05:59 |
ausafali88_ | addd a DHCP reservation in router. | 05:59 |
ausafali88_ | with MAC address. | 05:59 |
Rubin_ | MoonBot, in that case you want inet static in /etc/network/interfaces and manually specify everything | 06:00 |
Rubin_ | but know that anyone with minimum network ability can still make your computer work in a new network | 06:00 |
MoonBot | ausafali88_: I have the router settings down just fine, I want the same IP settings hard coded in my client so that it is configured to work on my network and ONLY my network | 06:00 |
Rubin_ | if you are wanting that for security reasons, just know that it is minimally effective | 06:01 |
MoonBot | I.E. if someone put my client on another network, it wouldn't connect to a network unless they happen to give my client the exact same IP | 06:01 |
Rubin_ | no moonbot | 06:01 |
MoonBot | I know, but it's more of a proof of concept | 06:01 |
Rubin_ | when you define it static in your client, the server doesnt assign anything | 06:01 |
Rubin_ | it would only matter if they were using the same ip address space as you | 06:01 |
Rubin_ | or could configure it | 06:01 |
Rubin_ | if you have a NAT router, you may be using 192.168.* and in that case moving your computer to any other NAT router that also uses that space it would work fine | 06:02 |
Rubin_ | if you really want to lock it so it cant work on other networks, there are better ways | 06:02 |
Rubin_ | for example you could set it up to only work with a router that has your router's MAC address | 06:02 |
MoonBot | oo I like that last one about hardcoding the router MAC into my client, how would I go about that Rubin_ ? | 06:05 |
Rubin_ | in the iptables firewall | 06:05 |
MoonBot | would that be under /etc/network/interfaces ? | 06:05 |
MoonBot | oh | 06:05 |
Rubin_ | you could make a rule that restricted packets from your router's ip address but not with your routers MAC using --source-mac | 06:05 |
Rubin_ | -s --source-mac whatever -j ACCEPT | 06:06 |
j4f-shredder | I changed the chmod of /usr to 777 | 06:06 |
j4f-shredder | how do I fix it? | 06:06 |
Rubin_ | something like that. and then a line -s -j DROP | 06:06 |
j4f-shredder | sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set | 06:06 |
j4f-shredder | I get that error | 06:06 |
MoonBot | wouldn't that be just as effective as hardcoding the IP into my client, security-wise? like someone with minimal networking skills could change the settings for IP the same as the router MAC | 06:06 |
MoonBot | if it's just a firewall rule | 06:07 |
MoonBot | but yes, I will use that and thank you Rubin_ | 06:07 |
Rubin_ | neither method is very secure | 06:07 |
Rubin_ | mac's can be faked easily | 06:07 |
Rubin_ | they'd have to figure out what your router's mac was | 06:07 |
MoonBot | which isn't too hard since it's broadcasted lol yikes | 06:07 |
Rubin_ | yeah | 06:07 |
Rubin_ | with some more expensive network equipment you can setup athentication at the port level | 06:08 |
Rubin_ | 802.whatever port auth | 06:08 |
j4f-shredder | sudo chmod -R 777 /usr | 06:08 |
Rubin_ | but ivonly ever used that from a 'protect the network from unknown devices' standpoint. not the other way around | 06:08 |
Ben64 | !danger | 06:08 |
j4f-shredder | I used that command | 06:08 |
ubottu | DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 06:08 |
j4f-shredder | how do I fix it? | 06:09 |
Ben64 | oh | 06:09 |
Ben64 | reinstall | 06:09 |
j4f-shredder | no, please, tell me another solution | 06:09 |
Rubin_ | j4f-shredder, nah you pretty well mucked it up | 06:09 |
Ben64 | learn to be more careful when using sudo and recursive | 06:09 |
j4f-shredder | cmon dude, I have reinstalled ubuntu like 4 times in the last 5 days | 06:10 |
j4f-shredder | I moved from windows | 06:10 |
Rubin_ | stop running things like that | 06:10 |
j4f-shredder | and this is wht I get | 06:10 |
jnpr | j4f-shredder, that's like a super dangerous command though | 06:10 |
j4f-shredder | can I get a recovery mode or something? | 06:10 |
Rubin_ | you wiped out the permissions data on your entire OS | 06:10 |
jnpr | basically allows whoever to do whatever to any file in /usr | 06:10 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: be more careful with commands like that :( | 06:10 |
j4f-shredder | I don't care about security, I just want my sudo command to run | 06:10 |
j4f-shredder | I'm the only user | 06:10 |
Rubin_ | not only security | 06:10 |
Rubin_ | you erased metadata | 06:10 |
Rubin_ | commands dont know if they are executable or not | 06:11 |
himcesjf | There is something wrong with my system in terms of network. My internet connection to the IRC servers stays on but when I use a internet browser, no page opens. File syncing stopped as well. Can anybody help narrow down the problem? | 06:11 |
Rubin_ | etc | 06:11 |
himcesjf | Moreover, other devices in the WiFi network are working fine | 06:11 |
j4f-shredder | but cant I reestablish the sudo command ? | 06:11 |
Rubin_ | even if you got sudo working, you'd have billions of other problems | 06:11 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: likely you screwed a lot more than that up | 06:11 |
j4f-shredder | I really dont need any kind of permissions on this machine | 06:12 |
Rubin_ | yes youdo | 06:12 |
j4f-shredder | no, I dont have any sensitive data | 06:12 |
Rubin_ | its not about sensitive data | 06:12 |
Rubin_ | permissions doesnt mean what you think it does in this context | 06:12 |
j4f-shredder | is there ANY other way than reinstalling? | 06:12 |
Rubin_ | also, this 'i dont care i just want it to work' attitude is what likely prompted you to run that in the first place. slow down and learn what you are doing | 06:13 |
Ben64 | it'd be faster to reinstall | 06:13 |
j4f-shredder | cmon dude | 06:13 |
j4f-shredder | help me out here | 06:13 |
Ben64 | i am | 06:13 |
Rubin_ | if you had another ubuntu machine of the same version | 06:13 |
j4f-shredder | If there's any solution | 06:13 |
j4f-shredder | I will do it | 06:13 |
Rubin_ | you could copy the /usr tree from it | 06:13 |
j4f-shredder | yes | 06:13 |
Rubin_ | and maybe be ok | 06:13 |
j4f-shredder | I have | 06:13 |
Ben64 | that will make a mess | 06:13 |
Rubin_ | but since you dont have root you'll need to boot off the ubuntu live CD | 06:14 |
Ben64 | just reisntall, takes like 10 mins | 06:14 |
Rubin_ | it will definately make a mess | 06:14 |
j4f-shredder | I have to reinstall android studio | 06:14 |
j4f-shredder | it's too much work | 06:14 |
Ben64 | thats like two commands | 06:14 |
himcesjf | Can anybody please help? | 06:14 |
Rubin_ | you probably broke it anyway, j4f-shredder | 06:14 |
j4f-shredder | what happens if I paste the usr folder here? | 06:14 |
tatertots | j4f-shredder: just reinstall but this time make yourself a system image, that way when you inevitably mess things up'll save yourself the installation procedure | 06:14 |
Ben64 | you'll get banned | 06:14 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, you familiarwith the command prompt? | 06:14 |
Ben64 | or just... be more careful with sudo and things that affect many files | 06:15 |
j4f-shredder | no, if I paste the user foldeer on my machine | 06:15 |
tatertots | j4f-shredder: you live and learn | 06:15 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: es | 06:15 |
himcesjf | Yes* | 06:15 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, open it up and do 'ping' | 06:15 |
j4f-shredder | I hate this, really, I liked widnows recovery mode to be honest | 06:15 |
Rubin_ | you get replies back? | 06:15 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: you're the one who broke it | 06:15 |
tatertots | j4f-shredder: it's not for everyone | 06:15 |
ausafali88_ | anyone has ever faced complete Ubuntu Freeze? | 06:16 |
Ben64 | ausafali88_: you really need to explain the issue fully for anyone to possibly help you | 06:16 |
j4f-shredder | I just hate this kind of things | 06:16 |
j4f-shredder | that are irreversible | 06:16 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: so be more careful of what you do | 06:16 |
Rubin_ | j4f-shredder, you erased metadata | 06:16 |
j4f-shredder | it's ridiculous, the SO itself should make a backup of the permissions | 06:16 |
MoonBot | can j4f-shredder boot up from a live-usb and then DD their important data to an external harddrive, for easier recovery after reinstallation? | 06:16 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: no it shouldn't | 06:16 |
MoonBot | or would that not work | 06:16 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: I have tried that. Ping to and works which are for my wireless router and a modem respectively. But when I do ping, there is no response | 06:17 |
ausafali88_ | Ubuntu hangs randomly, even SSH sessions to it hang, ther is complete freeze of the screen. | 06:17 |
ausafali88_ | Nothing is written in logs. | 06:17 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, does it find an IP address to ping? | 06:17 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: No | 06:17 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, or does it say unknown host | 06:17 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Nothing, just stuck | 06:17 |
ausafali88_ | First i suspected Graphic Drivers issue, but even after installing them this issue was not resolved. | 06:17 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: ping: Name or service not known | 06:18 |
Rubin_ | yes. thats a DNS resolution problem | 06:18 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: i have 873,310 files in /usr. subtract the files with 'standard' permissions, it leaves 8,961 files with other permissions, that's how many things you'd need to fix manually, it's not worth it, reinstall time, and be more careful this time | 06:18 |
Rubin_ | do you use dhcp? | 06:18 |
Rubin_ | is this wifi? | 06:18 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Thought so but how come IRC is working fine | 06:18 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Yes, it is WiFi | 06:18 |
Rubin_ | cached maybe | 06:18 |
j4f-shredder | 8961? you could do that recursively | 06:18 |
Rubin_ | cat /etc/resolv.conf | 06:18 |
j4f-shredder | ?? | 06:18 |
Ben64 | j4f-shredder: they're not all together or the same permissions, so no | 06:19 |
Rubin_ | does it say something like 'nameserver' ? | 06:19 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Yes, it says that | 06:19 |
j4f-shredder | Ben64: yeah, I guess I missunderstood the permission concept | 06:19 |
j4f-shredder | I see it as authorization level | 06:19 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, so ubuntu runs a dns caching daemon called dnsmasq | 06:19 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, your router's IP address is ? | 06:20 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Yes, I know | 06:20 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Yes | 06:20 |
Rubin_ | try this: host | 06:20 |
Rubin_ | do you get a response? | 06:20 |
himcesjf | Yes | 06:20 |
Rubin_ | something like: has address | 06:21 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Right, it does | 06:21 |
Rubin_ | k | 06:21 |
Rubin_ | try that with | 06:21 |
ausafali88_ | anyone can help with Ubuntu freeze please? | 06:21 |
Rubin_ | ausafali88_, run memtest86+ from the live CD | 06:21 |
ausafali88_ | ok.. | 06:22 |
Rubin_ | ausafali88_, is the machine maybe overheating? how often does it hang? | 06:22 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: host returns ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached" | 06:22 |
ausafali88_ | very often in Fedora.. | 06:22 |
ausafali88_ | but no often in Ubuntu | 06:22 |
ausafali88_ | will run memtest86+ | 06:22 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, run: ps xaww|grep dnsmasq | 06:22 |
Rubin_ | ausafali88_, could be anything, but i'd start with ram and work my way down | 06:22 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: One moment. Brb | 06:23 |
Rubin_ | should be a few processes match that, one has --listen-address= in it | 06:23 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, you might try | 06:24 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Back. Ah I cannot even copy the output since pastebinit is not working | 06:26 |
Rubin_ | heh yeah | 06:26 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Interestingly, when I restart the router, things restore to normal | 06:26 |
Rubin_ | is your router also your wifi access point? | 06:27 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: So, I'm restarting the router and then will open the above link | 06:27 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Yes | 06:28 |
Rubin_ | dnsmasq is run by networkmanager and i'm guessing yours is crashing or exiting for some reason | 06:28 |
Rubin_ | im not a huge fan of it in the first place so i'd be tempted to just disable it and move on, but you might want to figure otu why its going away | 06:29 |
j4f-shredder | how can I avoid this on the future | 06:29 |
j4f-shredder | which is a good tool for backup the permissions? | 06:29 |
Rubin_ | j4f-shredder, learn what chmod does | 06:29 |
j4f-shredder | or "Metadata"? | 06:29 |
Rubin_ | backup your whole computer | 06:29 |
j4f-shredder | but apart from that | 06:29 |
Rubin_ | not just the modes | 06:29 |
j4f-shredder | which tool | 06:29 |
j4f-shredder | does backup the metadata? | 06:30 |
j4f-shredder | I've heard | 06:30 |
Rubin_ | theres lots.. | 06:30 |
j4f-shredder | there are tools | 06:30 |
Rubin_ | crashplan is what I use | 06:30 |
Rubin_ | rdiff-backup, rsync, rsnapshot | 06:30 |
Rubin_ | but if you just dontrun chmod -R on anything in the system like that.. | 06:30 |
Rubin_ | you'll be fine | 06:30 |
j4f-shredder | that will make my computer to go back to a previous point if neccesary? | 06:30 |
Rubin_ | no | 06:31 |
j4f-shredder | the thing is that I might have to | 06:31 |
Rubin_ | to do that you'd need like | 06:31 |
Rubin_ | root fs on btrfs and make snapshots | 06:31 |
Rubin_ | would be possible but somewhat technical to get setup | 06:31 |
j4f-shredder | I like functionality like windows that has "save points" | 06:31 |
j4f-shredder | and if everything goes to hell you can restore your system | 06:31 |
Rubin_ | they arent perfect either | 06:31 |
Rubin_ | theres lots of tools you can use to backup your system | 06:32 |
Rubin_ | but short of a hard disk failure, nothing should destroy your OS install like that. you just have to not.. do that. | 06:32 |
j4f-shredder | I mean, the usr folder should be one copy per user....otherwise the useer hierarchy doesn make any sense | 06:32 |
Rubin_ | no | 06:32 |
j4f-shredder | with a non-root user I could mess up thewhole system | 06:32 |
Rubin_ | thats not what /usr is | 06:32 |
Rubin_ | you are thinking of /home | 06:32 |
Rubin_ | /usr is where the OS files go | 06:33 |
j4f-shredder | nono, I know | 06:33 |
j4f-shredder | I said, /usr SHOULD be | 06:33 |
j4f-shredder | one copy per usr | 06:33 |
Rubin_ | ok whatever | 06:33 |
j4f-shredder | I appreciate your comments, I just find that there's no real way of protecting your core data | 06:33 |
Rubin_ | lamborghinis should be free and all little girls should get a unicorn | 06:33 |
Rubin_ | thecore data IS protected | 06:34 |
j4f-shredder | I created a non-root user as suggested | 06:34 |
Rubin_ | you cant even break it without root | 06:34 |
j4f-shredder | yet I fucked up the system with it | 06:34 |
Rubin_ | you did not | 06:34 |
Rubin_ | 'sudo' is root | 06:34 |
Rubin_ | if you run sudo, you are doing things as root | 06:34 |
Rubin_ | a non-root user does not have permission to do anything to /usr | 06:35 |
j4f-shredder | there should be a middleware or something that make a local copy if you execute sudo, and if you want to make permanent changes then you should log in with the root user | 06:35 |
j4f-shredder | yes | 06:35 |
j4f-shredder | I get what you say | 06:35 |
j4f-shredder | you are right | 06:35 |
Rubin_ | some day when you are an advanced linux user, you can write something like that and then it would exist | 06:35 |
chuck66 | well then you should build your own distro | 06:35 |
j4f-shredder | but it's too dangerous to be on the sudoers | 06:35 |
Rubin_ | you just need to learn not to use sudo until you know what you are doing | 06:35 |
j4f-shredder | I'm not criticising | 06:36 |
Rubin_ | you can blow away windows lots of ways if you start running crazy commands as administrator | 06:36 |
j4f-shredder | I couldn't write a single linux module to be honest | 06:36 |
j4f-shredder | but I'm just pointing that most guides tells you that you are safe creating an additional user | 06:36 |
Rubin_ | the problem is that you executed that chmod command without knowing what it was doing | 06:36 |
j4f-shredder | and that is not true | 06:36 |
Rubin_ | creating other users is safe | 06:36 |
j4f-shredder | I knew what it was doing | 06:36 |
j4f-shredder | I just didn know that that folder was that important | 06:36 |
Rubin_ | ... | 06:37 |
j4f-shredder | I just thought it was to share scripts and stuff | 06:37 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Well, I don't know how to figure that out. I might mess other things in the process | 06:37 |
Rubin_ | you should not fiddle with anything outside /home/yourself | 06:37 |
Rubin_ | till you learn more | 06:37 |
j4f-shredder | that is a good rule of thumb | 06:37 |
Rubin_ | himcesjf, just open /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and comment out the dns=dnsmasq line | 06:37 |
j4f-shredder | it seems something mystic | 06:38 |
j4f-shredder | unreachable | 06:38 |
Rubin_ | its not that complicated | 06:38 |
j4f-shredder | I just feel frustrated | 06:38 |
Rubin_ | understandable. we were all n00bies onece | 06:38 |
j4f-shredder | I've reinstalled this SO 5 times in the last 20 days | 06:38 |
Rubin_ | | 06:38 |
himcesjf | Rubin_: Then which dns caching daemon it will use if I disable it? | 06:38 |
Rubin_ | you should maybe learn to be more carefull after the 6th time :) | 06:39 |
=== Rubin_ is now known as Rubin | ||
Rubin | himcesjf, none. it'll just ask your router | 06:39 |
j4f-shredder | have you ever fucked up your system? | 06:39 |
Rubin | j4f-shredder, many times over the years | 06:39 |
Rubin | not recently | 06:39 |
j4f-shredder | what other things sohulkd I avoid? | 06:39 |
Rubin | you should not ever type anything into a command line that you don't understand | 06:40 |
j4f-shredder | the first thing I do is create a user and add it to sudoers | 06:40 |
Rubin | if someone shows you a command, or you see one part of a tutorial | 06:40 |
Rubin | read it, look at the man pages | 06:40 |
Rubin | google it | 06:40 |
Rubin | figure out what the commanddoes and why its needed | 06:40 |
ausafali88_ | @Rubin just started memtest86+, will notify you of results ASAP after it completes. | 06:41 |
j4f-shredder | but, I meant, which are the mai ncommands that could destroy your system? | 06:41 |
j4f-shredder | chmod chown? | 06:41 |
Rubin | there arent any | 06:41 |
j4f-shredder | those two commands should be applicable only to home directories? | 06:41 |
Rubin | its not that simple | 06:41 |
Rubin | if yourun 'chmod -R' that changes every file in every subdirectory | 06:41 |
Rubin | you would never ever do that unless those files were something you were making, or you really knew youwanted to do that | 06:42 |
j4f-shredder | I did sudo chmod -R 777 /usr | 06:42 |
Rubin | yes. no idea what motivated you to do that | 06:42 |
Rubin | the modes exist for good reason | 06:42 |
j4f-shredder | I wanted to run mame and I hadfile permissions issues with the roms | 06:42 |
j4f-shredder | placed under that directory | 06:42 |
Rubin | right. so instead of figuring out the permissions, you just said 'hey lets just smash it with a bat until it works' | 06:43 |
Rubin | do you know the difference between /usr and ./usr ? | 06:43 |
j4f-shredder | no | 06:43 |
Rubin | you should avoid using the sudo command at all | 06:43 |
Rubin | until you learn more | 06:43 |
Rubin | is a good place to start | 06:43 |
Rubin | dont be so impatient | 06:43 |
j4f-shredder | I mean ./usr must be a created folder | 06:43 |
himcesjf | Rubin: Okay, I commennted the required link in conf file and restarted network-manager and netowrking service and killed dnsmasq. Now, things seems to be normal | 06:43 |
j4f-shredder | and /usr is to share common data | 06:44 |
himcesjf | line* | 06:44 |
Rubin | no | 06:44 |
Rubin | go read about it | 06:44 |
Rubin | himcesjf, yay | 06:44 |
himcesjf | Rubin: Talking to me? | 06:44 |
Rubin | no | 06:44 |
himcesjf | okay | 06:44 |
himcesjf | Rubin: Thanks! | 06:44 |
Rubin | glad it was easy | 06:44 |
j4f-shredder | I will check it out | 06:45 |
himcesjf | Rubin: I hope it won't create any more issues | 06:45 |
j4f-shredder | but just for the record, it's the first timeI hear about that ./usr folder | 06:45 |
Rubin | nah, unlikely unless future updates change something unexpectedly | 06:45 |
j4f-shredder | are you sure it's on ubuntu 16.10? | 06:45 |
himcesjf | yeah | 06:45 |
Rubin | j4f-shredder, paths that start with / are absolute | 06:45 |
Rubin | pathts that dont are relative | 06:45 |
j4f-shredder | ohh yeah, you meant that | 06:46 |
Rubin | so ./usr/ would be a directory named 'usr' in the current directory | 06:46 |
j4f-shredder | I thought it was a special directory | 06:46 |
Rubin | hile '/usr' would be the root usr directory | 06:46 |
Rubin | anyway go read that filesystem link i sent you | 06:46 |
j4f-shredder | I am | 06:46 |
Rubin | andthen take the tutorial | 06:46 |
j4f-shredder | I fiirst have to reinstall this | 06:46 |
Rubin | and then begin again ;) | 06:46 |
j4f-shredder | let's hope it's the last time | 06:47 |
j4f-shredder | thanks | 06:47 |
Rubin | the only difference is.. as you get better.. | 06:47 |
j4f-shredder | till later | 06:47 |
Rubin | you KNOW when you are doing something stupid in advance | 06:47 |
Rubin | hehe | 06:47 |
j4f-shredder | hah | 06:47 |
j4f-shredder | sadly...I don't most of the times | 06:47 |
j4f-shredder | I take the risk | 06:48 |
Rubin | hang in there, its a learning experience | 06:48 |
j4f-shredder | and then I cry | 06:48 |
Rubin | are you youngish? | 06:48 |
j4f-shredder | No, I'm a stupid 29 year old | 06:49 |
Rubin | at least you didnt fry any hardware | 06:49 |
Rubin | good luck | 06:49 |
j4f-shredder | thanks | 06:49 |
j4f-shredder | one more thing, for a home pc | 06:49 |
j4f-shredder | do you use the default ubuntu partitions? | 06:50 |
j4f-shredder | oryou set them yourself? | 06:50 |
Rubin | yeah | 06:50 |
Rubin | i used to set them myself but i dont bother anymore | 06:50 |
Rubin | just one partition for everything | 06:50 |
j4f-shredder | ok, I will go with that, I have an extra HDD disk to support the ssd | 06:50 |
j4f-shredder | so no prob | 06:50 |
Rubin | oh | 06:50 |
Rubin | how big is the ssd? | 06:50 |
j4f-shredder | 240 | 06:50 |
j4f-shredder | HDD 1tb | 06:51 |
Rubin | so i'd put / on the ssd with everything, and then mount the other drive as /data or something | 06:51 |
Rubin | then i put large things like steam on /data and make symlinks | 06:51 |
Ben64 | i put steam on ssd for those sweet load times | 06:51 |
Rubin | my ssd is too little for steam | 06:51 |
Rubin | i also put Photos and Downloads and spotify-cache | 06:52 |
Rubin | anything like that | 06:52 |
Rubin | Android... | 06:52 |
Rubin | all that stuff | 06:52 |
j4f-shredder | Android-studio as well? | 06:52 |
Rubin | yeah | 06:52 |
j4f-shredder | I just use atom | 06:53 |
j4f-shredder | and android-studio | 06:53 |
j4f-shredder | so I put it on the ssd | 06:53 |
Rubin | your ssd is bigger than mine | 06:53 |
j4f-shredder | but they update it every 20 days | 06:53 |
j4f-shredder | 240 is the perfectsize | 06:53 |
j4f-shredder | 500 istoo much | 06:53 |
Rubin | mines 80gb | 06:53 |
j4f-shredder | ast least for a coder | 06:53 |
Rubin | gotta be judicious | 06:53 |
Rubin | also | 06:54 |
Rubin | /usr/* is OWNED by ubuntu | 06:54 |
Rubin | hands off | 06:54 |
Rubin | never ever ever monkey with anything in there | 06:54 |
Rubin | custom system-wide packages go in /usr/local/ only, or in /opt | 06:54 |
Rubin | or in your home directory if they are only for you | 06:54 |
Ben64 | pretty much don't mess with stuff outside of /home | 06:55 |
Rubin | except you can make /data if you want ;) | 06:55 |
Rubin | and mount your hard disk there :) | 06:55 |
j4f-shredder | that's what I did | 06:56 |
j4f-shredder | with this installation | 06:56 |
Rubin | things in /etc/ are system wide cofiguration files | 06:56 |
Rubin | sometimes youedit them, but you always know you can break things if you do | 06:56 |
j4f-shredder | I just touch /etc/hosts | 06:57 |
Rubin | why? | 06:57 |
j4f-shredder | and /etc/apache2 | 06:57 |
j4f-shredder | just to configure virtual hosts | 06:57 |
j4f-shredder | and stuff | 06:57 |
j4f-shredder | and to give domain names | 06:57 |
Rubin | oh so you can use special names with the local apache for testing? | 06:57 |
Rubin | thats reasonable | 06:57 |
j4f-shredder | I can give a same IP multiple names | 06:58 |
Rubin | yeah | 06:58 |
j4f-shredder | and use it to redirect to different folders | 06:58 |
Rubin | yep | 06:58 |
j4f-shredder | otherwise I should create different subfolders within a folder | 06:58 |
j4f-shredder | or use different ports | 06:58 |
j4f-shredder | for different projects | 06:58 |
j4f-shredder | which for some reason I could do on windows but not on ubuntu | 06:59 |
Rubin | you can do all of those on apache | 06:59 |
j4f-shredder | yes, but I like the multiple names solution | 06:59 |
Rubin | yeah nothing wrong with that | 06:59 |
j4f-shredder | that's when I'm working on php | 06:59 |
j4f-shredder | I'm doing a startup and I use nodejs | 06:59 |
j4f-shredder | which is far easier to configure since it's like an autocontained server | 07:00 |
j4f-shredder | and you can execute it as a respawnable daemon | 07:00 |
j4f-shredder | you just specify the port | 07:00 |
j4f-shredder | and then your are good to go | 07:00 |
Rubin | yeah | 07:00 |
j4f-shredder | apache is quite obsolete in that sense | 07:00 |
Rubin | i just spent my evening fighting with a python program that works that way | 07:00 |
Rubin | i sure wish it just used apache | 07:00 |
j4f-shredder | in terms of virtual hosts I mean | 07:00 |
j4f-shredder | I mean, it's not obsolete, it's just more annoying and pointless nowadays | 07:01 |
Rubin | and slower sometimes, yes | 07:01 |
j4f-shredder | last versions of frameworks are autocontained | 07:01 |
j4f-shredder | you can do that with a ubuntu package | 07:02 |
j4f-shredder | you select a folder and you can create an apache server on it | 07:02 |
j4f-shredder | and expose it on a certain port | 07:02 |
j4f-shredder | I don't remember the name | 07:02 |
Rubin | problem is, apache is maintained. 20 years from now i can get a version of it that still is secure or can be configured securely.. but this python thing uses a framework that hasnt been updated in forever and doesnt expose hooks to disable insecure features | 07:02 |
Rubin | so while apache is still safe and secure, this python thing is insecure now because it got left behind | 07:02 |
j4f-shredder | yes | 07:03 |
Rubin | (ssl problems) | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | good point | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | check out that package | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | I'm telling you | 07:03 |
Rubin | node? | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | great for quick testing | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | nono | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | it's an apache self contained server | 07:03 |
Rubin | oh | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | you navigate to a folder | 07:03 |
j4f-shredder | and set a server on that folder | 07:04 |
Rubin | whats it called? | 07:04 |
j4f-shredder | you serve the folder basically | 07:04 |
j4f-shredder | http-server or something like that | 07:04 |
j4f-shredder | you can also use a php built in server | 07:05 |
j4f-shredder | I think it's quite new | 07:05 |
j4f-shredder | I'm not sure | 07:05 |
j4f-shredder | cd /path/to/your/app php -S localhost:8000 | 07:05 |
j4f-shredder | quick solution | 07:05 |
j4f-shredder | I'm not sure if you can make a daemon out of that | 07:06 |
Rubin | interesting, i didnt know about that one | 07:06 |
Rubin | i have our env at work all tricked out with proper dev platforms though | 07:06 |
Rubin | i never need t orun them on my own workstation | 07:06 |
Rubin | your way is more hip these days | 07:07 |
Rubin | but i know too much to think its a good idea ;) (IE i'm old, get off my lawn) | 07:07 |
j4f-shredder | yes, that's the way a LOT of people do it right now | 07:07 |
j4f-shredder | mostly with deployment strategies | 07:07 |
j4f-shredder | when you escalate something horizontally | 07:08 |
j4f-shredder | you can deploywith flightplan for example | 07:08 |
j4f-shredder | and on the remote server you execute the daemon | 07:08 |
j4f-shredder | with that type of command | 07:08 |
j4f-shredder | on all the app instances | 07:08 |
Rubin | mmhmm | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | you avoid having to configure multiple virtual host files | 07:09 |
Rubin | you kids and your cloud application instances | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | on most cases | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | you wont need to escalate | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | just for startups over 40000 users or so | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | and in that case | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | you won't need to worry about that | 07:09 |
j4f-shredder | you will have someone taking care of that | 07:10 |
j4f-shredder | I think even more users | 07:10 |
j4f-shredder | depends on the queries you make mostly | 07:10 |
Rubin | yeah my setup is not that scale | 07:10 |
j4f-shredder | mine neither | 07:10 |
Rubin | i have 14 users but they need huge ammount of resources each | 07:10 |
j4f-shredder | but it's good to know that kind of stuff | 07:10 |
j4f-shredder | if you do internal systems for companies you may never need it | 07:11 |
Rubin | so i run into weird scale problems where i need to scale things that dont parallel at all | 07:11 |
j4f-shredder | like what? | 07:11 |
j4f-shredder | sessions? | 07:11 |
Rubin | very complex postgres queries | 07:11 |
j4f-shredder | ohhh yes | 07:11 |
Rubin | throwing nodes or CPUs does nothing | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | I'm doing quite demanding queries and it's a drag to handle that | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | you a) add indexes | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | b) search on postgres docs for an optimized function | 07:12 |
Rubin | b) rewrite everything to work better :) | 07:12 |
Rubin | its an architecture problem | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | most of the times they added new functions on new versions | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | like for example json_agg | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | or GROUPING SETS | 07:12 |
Rubin | you throw high frequency cpus and fast spinning hard disks at it | 07:12 |
j4f-shredder | LATERAL JOINS | 07:13 |
j4f-shredder | great stuff to know | 07:13 |
j4f-shredder | Rubin: yeah, most of the times you solve it improving reusability on queries | 07:13 |
j4f-shredder | or putting indexes on foreign keys | 07:13 |
j4f-shredder | and stuff | 07:13 |
j4f-shredder | for example lateral joins let you reutilize previous calculations | 07:14 |
j4f-shredder | another really good one is the FILTER statement | 07:14 |
j4f-shredder | since I discovered it I use it all the time | 07:14 |
j4f-shredder | you can make one single set of joins and on the select make multiple filtering without having to run multiple subqueries | 07:14 |
j4f-shredder | talk to you later, I will reinstall this once and for all xD | 07:15 |
Rubin | later | 07:15 |
* Rubin reading about filters | 07:15 | |
Rubin | thatmay be useful | 07:15 |
himcesjf | Rubin: Do you mind talking in PM? | 07:19 |
Rubin | himcesjf, i don't usually like to, because things often help other people | 07:20 |
Rubin | but if you have secrets to tell me, thats the best place | 07:20 |
himcesjf | heh | 07:20 |
Rubin | im in #ubuntu-offtopic as well if its just not relevant here | 07:20 |
B105PH3RE | quit | 07:55 |
NeoFrontier | Hello i'm using Ubuntu 14. I compiled a program from source and its working fine when calling it from the command line. I want this program to be called when clicking on a file type it knows. But since I installed from source the system GUI does not seem to know this program. | 08:17 |
NeoFrontier | How do I link this program to its file types for auto launching when clicked on the file type it knows ? | 08:18 |
MoonBot | I wish I knew | 08:19 |
MoonBot | maybe someone else will chime in | 08:19 |
NeoFrontier | A bot on the moon ? | 08:21 |
MoonBot | haha leftover username from my Python IRC bot - side project | 08:22 |
MoonBot | I usually go by Moon on other IRCs | 08:22 |
NeoFrontier | Well it looks like you have to manually create a .desktop file for it. | 08:24 |
NeoFrontier | *frowns* | 08:24 |
Zenom | Hi | 08:25 |
Zenom | May I ask you is this a correct command? "echo “sirius4N:12322:v:0:27500:0:0:0" >> channels.conf" | 08:25 |
Ben64 | you got a weird quote in there | 08:26 |
Zenom | it's ok now? echo “sirius4N:12322:v:0:27500:0:0:0" >> channels.conf | 08:26 |
Ben64 | still weird quote | 08:26 |
Zenom | well what's the right command? | 08:27 |
Ben64 | use a normal double quote instead of that one you got there before the s | 08:27 |
Zenom | now? echo sirius4N:12322:v:0:27500:0:0:0 >> channels.conf | 08:27 |
Ben64 | :| | 08:27 |
Zenom | Ben64, Would you please write me down here? | 08:28 |
Ben64 | you used “, instead use a normal one, like " | 08:29 |
Zenom | aha thanks | 08:29 |
Zenom | Thank you Ben64 | 08:30 |
johnflux_ | Hi all | 09:23 |
johnflux_ | How can I install libicu55 in kubuntu 16.10 please | 09:23 |
adrian_1908 | johnflux_: so you need version 55, rather than the latest? | 09:26 |
Dworf | hello | 10:11 |
Dworf | what would be the right/easy way to start moving mysql table 1 with 1 row (ID = 0) to another table to start logging it? | 10:12 |
Dworf | the table that needs to be moved is changing values every 10 minutes, and i would like to transfer those values to another table next free row once an hour for example | 10:13 |
blackflow | Hello. Need help determining which packate to file a bug against (or check if it's filed already). Every time I resume from suspend the desktop background is noise (like random pixel colors, static), and there are similar noise boxes as artefacts around windows and buttons and active graphics elements. Ubuntu 16.10, Unity. | 10:29 |
blackflow | *package | 10:29 |
ubuntu-tr | hi | 10:47 |
ubuntu-tr | ii removed /var/log files It would be a loss | 10:48 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:22 |
ausafali88_ | How can we determine package for a bug? | 11:22 |
ausafali88_ | for filing a bug. | 11:23 |
ducasse | that really depends on the bug. | 11:24 |
ausafali88_ | if my system hangs then how can i determine which package is faulty? | 11:25 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
ducasse | if you're talking about a complete freeze i'd suspect a kernel/driver problem. try looking at the logs from the previous boot when the system is back up. | 11:27 |
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod | ||
MWM | I was wondering if a fix was for an issue was being implimented in Plasma 5.9 for 17.04...different wallpapers for different virtual desktops | 12:30 |
MWM | I searched around a bit, but didnt see anything in the official release notes | 12:30 |
Dreaman | kubuntu chanel | 12:32 |
hfp | Hi all, I have an issue with wifi on all my ThinkPads (t410, and 2x x230): when returning from sleep, more often than not, the wifi won't work anymore. Sometimes I can flip the switch to kill RF and turn it back on and it works, other times I have to reboot. I found a few bug reports and tried `wap_cli resume` but it didn't work. Any ideas? | 12:32 |
Dreaman | !kubuntu | 12:33 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces. See for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde | 12:33 |
MWM | right but Kubuntu is an official flavor right ? so its okay to ask about here? The only reason I ask here is because kubuntu channel is usually empty. Thanks though | 12:33 |
ducasse | !ubuntu+1 | MWM | 12:34 |
ubottu | MWM: Zesty Zapus is the codename for Ubuntu 17.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 12:34 |
MWM | Oh... my apologies. How embarrassing. Ill wait a couple weeks and check it out :) | 12:35 |
Hammit | i'm having problems resolving dns on my network. The problem seems to be NetworkManager or resolvconf or dnsmasq or some combo :) | 12:37 |
Hammit | I'm not sure how to further investigate and fix the issue tho...some help would be appreciated | 12:37 |
tatertots | Hammit: what are you doing that leads you to believe you are having dns issues? | 12:41 |
tatertots | Hammit: what address and or url/uri are you unable to resolve? | 12:42 |
Hammit | tatertots: i'm pinging some vm's i have running on the machine and i get 'Name or service not known' | 12:42 |
Hammit | tatertots: the vm's are ubuntu servers and they can all ping each other via name, but my desktop can't ping the servers by name, only ip | 12:43 |
tatertots | Hammit: lets talking about some language that's used for this so we can speak on common grounds and terms....there's hostOS and guestOS | 12:44 |
tatertots | Hammit: what is the hostOS? | 12:44 |
Hammit | hostOS is ubuntu 16.10 (MATE) | 12:44 |
tatertots | Hammit: and what software are you using to run these vm's you speak of? | 12:44 |
Hammit | virtualbox | 12:45 |
Hammit | bridged networking | 12:45 |
tatertots | Hammit: are you chatting from the host now? | 12:45 |
Hammit | i'm chatting from the hostOS | 12:45 |
tatertots | Hammit: in terminal> vboxmanage list vms long|nc 9999 | 12:46 |
tatertots | Hammit: did you get a url/link? | 12:47 |
Hammit | tatertots: yes | 12:48 |
tatertots | Hammit: share url/link here | 12:48 |
Hammit | unfortunately, the long list contains personal/private info | 12:49 |
Hammit | in the descriptions of the vms | 12:49 |
tatertots | Hammit: oh okay | 12:49 |
tatertots | Hammit: good luck with that then | 12:49 |
Hammit | the vms are fine tho | 12:49 |
Hammit | it's the hostOS that is the problem | 12:50 |
tatertots | Hammit: fix your virtual network infrastructure and you should be fine | 12:50 |
Hammit | tatertots: this is not a virtual problem or virtualbox issue | 12:51 |
Hammit | tatertots: i was using the vm's to prove that i could resolv on my network ok | 12:52 |
tatertots | Hammit: just fix it...if you don't know where to start..rebuild it can't share any info that might allow another person to aid you're on the hook for fixing it yourself by yourself | 12:52 |
tatertots | Hammit: you made the clean it | 12:53 |
Hammit | ??? | 12:53 |
Hammit | r u a troll? | 12:53 |
=== coffeeguy is now known as `8core | ||
tatertots | Hammit: so you seem to be confident on what its NOT...but do you have at least a guess or clue as to what it IS? | 12:56 |
tatertots | Hammit: there's a #vbox chat room and #networking chat rooms on freenode by the way..just fyi | 12:57 |
Hammit | tatertots: i can't ping hosts on my local network | 12:57 |
Hammit | tatertots: does that make it simpler for u? | 12:57 |
tatertots | Hammit: are you pinging by numerical IP address? yes or no | 12:58 |
Hammit | tatertots: no | 12:58 |
tatertots | Hammit: if no...are you able to ping by numerical IP? | 12:58 |
Hammit | tatertots: yes | 12:58 |
tatertots | Hammit: then fix your DNS...DNS isn't a ubuntu problem...its a DNS problem | 12:58 |
tatertots | Hammit: does that make it easier for you? | 12:59 |
Hammit | tatertots: so you can't help with DNS problems? looks like i came to the wrong place for help | 13:00 |
Hammit | tatertots: where should i go? | 13:00 |
tatertots | Hammit: in terminal> nslookup|nc 9999 | 13:00 |
tatertots | Hammit: if you're so super secret you can't even share better go learn networking enough to help yourself | 13:01 |
`8core | hi i have a bunch of directories i'd like to remove what is the systax? | 13:01 |
Hammit | tatertots: | 13:01 |
ducasse | `8core: 'rm -r dir1 dir2 dir3 ...' | 13:01 |
`8core | aah thanks ducasse :) | 13:02 |
tatertots | Hammit: that's from the hostOS? | 13:02 |
Hammit | tatertots: it's from my ubuntu desktop i'm running. no vm's. no hostOS or guestOS | 13:03 |
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=== rumble is now known as grumble | ||
tatertots | Hammit: looks like you just need to get a handle on managing your may have grown accustomed to it being managed for you but as your networking endeavors grow in complexity so should your ability to manually manage your DNS resolution both forward and backward | 13:04 |
tatertots | Hammit: you'll ultimately need to either have enough info between your ears to do this or break down and accept you will need to expose some network information to someone who does have enough info between their ears....there's a #networking chat room on freenode, if i haven't mentioned that already | 13:06 |
Hammit | tatertots: you're a troll | 13:06 |
Hammit | tatertots: it's ok. i'll avoid ubuntu super troll channel for help | 13:07 |
tatertots | Hammit: just edit your /etc/hosts files | 13:08 |
tatertots | Hammit: its a simple mans / poor mans method of being able to ping using names instead of numbers | 13:08 |
tatertots | Hammit: that's gonna be your path of least resistance to be honest | 13:08 |
tatertots | Hammit: you wont become a network whiz kid in 24hrs or from youtube/google | 13:09 |
tatertots | i was actually trying to help you out there dude...but oh well | 13:10 |
newcoder | Can we do dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb1 to make bootable ubuntu live ? | 13:56 |
ioria | nope .. of /dev/sdb | 13:58 |
newcoder | of=/dev/sdb1 | 13:59 |
newcoder | or of=/dev/sdb1 ? | 13:59 |
ioria | newcoder, you can't use partition, but the entire device | 13:59 |
newcoder | ioria: Are you sure? | 14:00 |
ioria | newcoder, sudo dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | !dd | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | !info dd | 14:02 |
ubottu | Package dd does not exist in yakkety | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | ioria, I've used of=/dev/sda2 for example copying one partition to another on the same drive | 14:05 |
ioria | BluesKaj, fot that, yes not for a bootable ubuntu iso | 14:06 |
newcoder | BluesKaj: To copy from one partition to another partition? | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | yes, or from a usb with an iso image to a partition, newcoder...make sure the target partition is not mounted | 14:08 |
ioria | You need to write to the disk path because isohybrid prepends a partition structure to the ISO. | 14:08 |
ioria | newcoder, ^ | 14:09 |
BluesKaj | newcoder, but resizing and moving partitions is usually the safest method | 14:11 |
newcoder | dd if=ubuntu-17.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb , it's running | 14:11 |
BluesKaj | newcoder, yes that will use the whole disk | 14:12 |
mclns | Help | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | mclns, ask | 14:13 |
mclns | Pls hw do i install chrome on ubuntu?? | 14:13 |
newcoder | The dd command is taking a lot of time. | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | mclns, download chrome for their site , it'll be in deb form just click on it after it's finished downloading and it will use the built in installer to install itself | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | for= from | 14:17 |
mclns | Yea. I already downldd it doesnt install itself | 14:18 |
mclns | Lemme try it again and tell u what it says | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | mclns, does the chrome file end in deb? | 14:20 |
BluesKaj | filename rather | 14:21 |
BluesKaj | mclns, if it's long error don't paste it here , use pastebin | 14:22 |
lunaticedit | Hey, after upgrading ubuntu to 4.8.0-42, my video and network drivers are totally broken, I had to select the -41 version to get back online and get my second monitor working | 14:23 |
lunaticedit | I'm not using custom drivers so I have no idea what I can do to fix it other than keep using the older kernel | 14:24 |
lunaticedit | Is there anything I can do, or is ubuntu just not compatible with my computer out of the box now | 14:27 |
newcoder | After dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb , not booting, MBR error | 14:30 |
newcoder | Press key to boot from floopy | 14:30 |
BluesKaj | newcoder, did you use if=/path/to/ubuntuiso ? | 14:31 |
newcoder | Yes | 14:32 |
newcoder | ubuntu.iso is in current directory | 14:32 |
BluesKaj | then use ~/ubuntu.iso | 14:33 |
tatertots | lunaticedit: are you chatting from the computer right now? | 14:35 |
mclns | Pls i dwnloadd the deb file of how do i install it?? | 14:40 |
lunaticedit | tatertots: Yeah | 14:40 |
mclns | I ddwnldd frm chrme official webst | 14:40 |
lunaticedit | I switched to the previous kernel version (41 instead of 42 | 14:40 |
lunaticedit | this laptop has an intel chipset and no discreet graphics | 14:41 |
lunaticedit | and until the -42 update everything worked out of the box | 14:42 |
BluesKaj | mclns, click on it takes a few secs for the installer dialog to appear | 14:42 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: where did you get -42 from? | 14:42 |
tatertots | lunaticedit: are you on 16.04? | 14:43 |
lunaticedit | it's the kernel version, 16.10 | 14:43 |
lunaticedit | 4.8.0-41-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:27:17 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 14:43 |
lunaticedit | -42 being the problem one obviously | 14:43 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: no, the latest release is -41. I think -42 is in proposed updates, ie. not yet released | 14:43 |
lunaticedit | then maybe i have the wrong settings telling it to pull unreleased updates :-? | 14:44 |
morningbird | unatended updates are not working | 14:44 |
tatertots | lunaticedit: do you upgrade anytime you see higher/bigger numbers? that your methodology? | 14:44 |
morningbird | i need help | 14:44 |
lunaticedit | tatertots: I upgrade when ubuntu pops up a dialog telling me to install updates | 14:44 |
mclns | Blueskaj, i cliked on it buh, it shows d install dialog after which i cliked install, nottn happns | 14:45 |
mclns | Pls can i install it usin the terminal.. | 14:45 |
lunaticedit | this is a vanilla install, no tinkering whatsoever. Ubuntu shows a "hey you have updates click install to install now", I click it. that's my methodology | 14:45 |
tatertots | lunaticedit: use the kernel that works...obtain logs and technical details from the ones that don't. | 14:46 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: do you have yakkety-proposed repository activated? Check the Settings -> Software & Updates -> Developer options tab | 14:47 |
BluesKaj | mclns, is the installer still showing the panel and desktop? | 14:48 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: also note the warning on that tab | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | in the panel and desktop | 14:48 |
lunaticedit | I'll check. I never changed whatever it's currently set to | 14:48 |
mclns | Yh | 14:48 |
lunaticedit | blackflow: It's not checked | 14:48 |
lunaticedit | it's fine, I'll just keep using the older kernel for now | 14:49 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: please pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy linux-generic" | 14:49 |
lunaticedit | sec | 14:50 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: I wouldn't say it's fine. You shouldn't have gotten the -42 revision in default / general use case settings. So if you got it, that means you're tracking the proposed repo somehow, and you have to decide if that's what you want. | 14:50 |
lunaticedit | | 14:51 |
lunaticedit | | 14:52 |
BluesKaj | mclns, so what's happening ? | 14:53 |
lunaticedit | don't know why I said nano instead of ls but you can see -42 is in the list of kernels | 14:53 |
mclns | I wanna try usin d terminal.. | 14:54 |
mclns | Dd apt install chrome | 14:54 |
mclns | Ddnt work | 14:54 |
lunaticedit | chromium | 14:54 |
mclns | Pls tell me the cmnd to use | 14:54 |
lunaticedit | chrome isn't part of the standard repo | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | mclns, sudo dpkg -i /pathto/chromebrowser | 14:55 |
mclns | Aii | 14:55 |
blackflow | lunaticedit: please check just "apt-cache policy" and see if you have yakkety-proposed in there, also check /etc/apt/sources.list | 14:56 |
mclns | It say error processing archive /pathto/chromebrowser | 14:57 |
lunaticedit | no and no | 14:58 |
lunaticedit | but it's fine i'll just not use that kernel version | 14:58 |
lunaticedit | thanks for trying guys | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | mclns, don't copy and paste /pathti/chromebrowser , that's just an example you have to use the real path , most likely /~/Downloads/nameofpackage | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | mclns,c kook in nautilus adreesbar for the exact synatax | 15:00 |
BluesKaj | look | 15:00 |
mclns | Blues, it says chrome depends on libappindicator1, however libappindicator not installed | 15:06 |
mclns | Thats the error it says | 15:06 |
BluesKaj | mclns, install libappindicator | 15:07 |
BluesKaj | sudo apt install libappindicator | 15:07 |
mclns | Blueskaj, whats the cmnd fr installing libappindicator | 15:10 |
BluesKaj | mclns, read above | 15:11 |
mclns | Blueskaj, its workn now...the right cmnd was apt -get -f install | 15:17 |
mclns | It installs libappindicator when ur root | 15:18 |
mclns | Else include sudo in the cmnd | 15:18 |
BluesKaj | mclns, yes it was a dependency | 15:18 |
mclns | Thnks blueskaj fr ur help | 15:18 |
BluesKaj | mclns, what's the exact name of the chrome package, right click on it and choose properties, then copy from the addressbar and paste it here | 15:19 |
BluesKaj | should look something like google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 15:21 |
BluesKaj | mclns,^ | 15:21 |
mclns | | 15:23 |
BluesKaj | ok where is it located , in Downloads folder? | 15:23 |
mclns | Yhp | 15:23 |
BluesKaj | ok, in the terminal, sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb | 15:24 |
mclns | Yhp.thnkz bluekaj | 15:25 |
rizonz | hi guys | 15:34 |
zenguy | i'm a guy :) | 15:35 |
zenguy | zen-guy | 15:35 |
chuck66 | hey | 15:35 |
rizonz | zenguy: zen = sexy, so I accept it :P | 15:35 |
rizonz | I'm thinking about moving back to ethX | 15:35 |
rizonz | I really cannot handle the ensX in a right way with foreman so I wonder, is it and will it stay supported ? | 15:35 |
blackflow | rizonz: | 15:40 |
blackflow | rizonz: check the "I don't like this..." section. As for "will it stay supported", that depends on systemd, but I don't see why not. At least it should be through the lifetime of LTS | 15:41 |
rizonz | blackflow: ok, but is it not possible to have all ens ones names like ens0, ens1 .... instead of ens3, ens6.... | 15:42 |
blackflow | rizonz: did you check that link? | 15:43 |
rizonz | blackflow: yap readin it again, I know it from the past | 15:44 |
rizonz | blackflow: so we cannot control that ? | 15:46 |
blackflow | rizonz: so the point #2 of "I don't like... " suggests making your own mapping scheme | 15:46 |
blackflow | rizonz: but I think the better question is why can't you handle default maps? | 15:46 |
rizonz | blackflow: that is doable | 15:48 |
rizonz | but why are there 2 mac adresses in it ? | 15:48 |
blackflow | rizonz: ? | 15:50 |
rizonz | blackflow: check examples: | 15:52 |
blackflow | rizonz: you mean two as one under [Match] and the other under [Link] ? | 15:53 |
rizonz | yap | 15:53 |
blackflow | rizonz: I guess you can set whatever MAC you want through [Link]. The [Match] one matches actual MAC reported by hw | 15:54 |
rizonz | blackflow: but that maps thingy works on all systemd systems ? | 15:55 |
blackflow | rizonz: I suppose you only need a new Name under [Link] | 15:55 |
blackflow | rizonz: it should, yes, that's the point of systemd :) | 15:55 |
rizonz | yeah I know | 15:55 |
rizonz | erm ok, issue is... when do I need to apply it in preseed or kickstart | 15:55 |
OneM_Industries | So... | 15:59 |
blackflow | rizonz: not sure what you're asking | 15:59 |
OneM_Industries | Trying to use the built-in bluetooth of a laptop, and it looks like every time I pair with and try to connect with a device (A phone), the bluetooth daemon crashes. | 16:00 |
OneM_Industries | Any ideas? | 16:00 |
OneM_Industries | After looking at dmesg, it's a segfault. Lovely. | 16:02 |
Gegsite | hey, so after suspend I got now these glitches | 16:10 |
rizonz | blackflow: idea ? | 16:11 |
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blackflow | rizonz: ? | 16:26 |
rizonz | blackflow: when to apply it in the preseed, during the finish with some cat << EOF ? | 16:27 |
blackflow | Gegsite: | 16:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1667158 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-375 (Ubuntu) "Regression: Borders of windows and desktop background are displayed badly after suspend/resume" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:27 |
blackflow | rizonz: sorry, I don't know | 16:27 |
rizonz | ok no prob | 16:28 |
Gegsite | blackflow, thanks, so it is a known problem | 16:28 |
blackflow | rizonz: hm, you mean preseed for the target installation? | 16:34 |
rizonz | yap | 16:37 |
rizonz | in the finish script I think | 16:37 |
skypce | hello al | 16:37 |
skypce | all | 16:37 |
skypce | i was formated a compaq nx9020 | 16:37 |
skypce | very old machine | 16:37 |
skypce | i have problems with acpi | 16:38 |
skypce | i was installed ubuntu mate 16.04 from alternate cd | 16:38 |
blackflow | rizonz: I've never used preseeding but I know what it does. So, you need the installer itself to be aware of the new mappings? You don't mean target config you'll reboot into, and need new maps after the reboot? | 16:38 |
skypce | when i boot the machine suspend i need press a key for continue | 16:38 |
skypce | any idea | 16:38 |
skypce | ? | 16:38 |
dury | hi there all | 16:40 |
rizonz | blackflow: need to find out | 16:40 |
dury | gesss.. guys wanna boot an .iso file from grub2 how can? I will save a cd in that way see? | 16:41 |
zenguy | hmm this is strange i had to hit the install button a few time to get vlc to install in the software center | 16:42 |
OerHeks | zenguy, softwarecenter is not the fastest application, install synaptic, detailed softwarecenter and excellent search/filter options | 16:43 |
zenguy | ok OerHeks ty :) | 16:43 |
zenguy | will do o7 | 16:43 |
OerHeks | * once softwarecenter does install, it is even fast as .. | 16:43 |
OerHeks | but the 1st transaction, i know, it is horrible... | 16:44 |
dury | OerHeks, can you assist please? | 16:44 |
OerHeks | dury, only if you have grub 2, you can isoboot , there is a wiki about it > | 16:45 |
dury | OerHeks, thanks indeed.. see what I can do... yeah grub2 running over here though | 16:46 |
maarhart | latest version of ubuntu, no sound, in sound settings my output seems to be "Dummy Output" | 16:49 |
maarhart | same issue with the previous version. upgrading didn't do the trick | 16:49 |
maarhart | I found a temporal solution on the web but after a restart I get the same problem again | 16:49 |
maarhart | help anyone? | 16:54 |
paracusia | hello, im trying to build a very fast repo server with 14x NVMe(each 1,5gb/s writespeed), but mdadm raid-10 and zfs-raid10 only gives me around 2,2gb/s writespeed - already tried newest kernel - any ideas? | 16:54 |
maarhart | the solution is killall pulseaudio && pulseaudio --start | 16:55 |
maarhart | but how can I really fix this issue? | 16:55 |
blackflow | paracusia: is the cpu saturated? | 16:55 |
paracusia | blackflow, only with mdadm its saturated on one core while resyncing(when tried raid6) | 16:55 |
blackflow | paracusia: how many controllers are those ssds connected to? are ssd per mirror pair on different controllers? | 16:57 |
paracusia | blackflow its a brandnew embedded system with controller in backplane from supermicro - i didnt check the controller pair - will do that now, thanks for that hint :) | 16:58 |
andydufresne | my nvidia driver was upgraded to 375.39. it boots into a black screen. that is not an issue with 340.102. any ideas on how to get 375.39 to work? | 16:59 |
paracusia | blackflow, how to see which device is attached to which controller? | 17:00 |
maarhart | if anyone can help me with this, wait a sec, I'm rebooting | 17:00 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Show is the heardware in a pastebin ' lspci -vnn | grep -i VGA ' . Match the correct driver to the card . | 17:03 |
blackflow | paracusia: not sure, without checking actual cabling | 17:03 |
paracusia | okay :) | 17:04 |
blackflow | paracusia: maybe with lshw | 17:05 |
rizonz | blackflow: I think link is tha way to go :) | 17:06 |
rizonz | pretty easy as well | 17:06 |
andydufresne | thank you Bashing-om | 17:06 |
paracusia | blackflow, u have experience with very fast storage servers? maybe another solution is better? | 17:07 |
blackflow | paracusia: we have ZFS storage in production, but I wouldn't call it "very fast" :) just regular mirror and striped mirror vdevs of spinning rust | 17:09 |
blackflow | paracusia: but the usual bottlenecks are either the sata controllers, or the cpu overhead in calculating parity or checksums with zfs | 17:09 |
paracusia | okay, but with 14 drives the speed should be around 8gb/s at least, right? | 17:10 |
paracusia | 14* 1,5gb/s | 17:10 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Nvidia do recmmend the 375 version driver : . How about we purge and see what the system will install ? What release are you running ? | 17:10 |
paracusia | blackflow, cpu is a powerful xeon | 17:10 |
dury | failed to boot both default and fallback entries | 17:11 |
blackflow | paracusia: that depends on actual bandwidth considering the number of controllers and ports used | 17:11 |
blackflow | paracusia: eg. if you have 2 controllers, 6GBps each, that's 12GBps of bandwidth for all the ports involved, theoretical maximum bandwidth | 17:13 |
paracusia | i understand blackflow thank you :) will check these infos now | 17:13 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: i'm running 16.04.2. i did do sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* and then sudo apt autoremove and rebooted. i then chose 375.39 from the GUI and rebooted. but it then reboots into a blank screen. if i then go back and choose 340.102 all is well. i am able to access the gui via Remmina remotely in either case, but the connected display is blank for 375.39 | 17:14 |
paracusia | blackflow, this mainboard has special connectors for the backplane, seems like the nvme are directly attached to the board | 17:17 |
paracusia | if you want to have a short look: | 17:17 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Is there a depreciatd config file at play here - ' ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf ' and also a PPA ? such that a update of the system installs the 375 version driver ? | 17:21 |
blackflow | paracusia: PCIe connectors? | 17:22 |
paracusia | think so, blackflow | 17:23 |
blackflow | paracusia: I don't know then, you'll have to check bandwidth per lane and how many lanes are involved. Sorry, that's a bit out of my area | 17:26 |
paracusia | blackflow, thank you anyway for your help mate :) | 17:26 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: i do not have an xorg.conf file, but only a xorg.conf.failsafe file. not sure why. a while back i had installed ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa but did a ppa-purge of it. not sure if that caused this problem. | 17:27 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Not sure to this time that ppa-purge will also remove the source . What shows ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' ? ( I have in mind still for the sytem to install the driver from our repo ) . | 17:28 |
OerHeks | sudo ubuntu-drivers list # or directly: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | 17:29 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: andydufresne Man after me own heart :) | 17:29 |
OerHeks | maybe you need 'nomodeset' for you card to work, but install the driver first, and see | 17:30 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: here is a paste bin of the command | 17:32 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: driver PPA still at play " deb xenial main " disable it . and we do the OerHeks thingy . | 17:33 |
paracusia | blackflow, <- mainboard layout shows the smallest lane with 16gb/s - cant be the bottleneck - maybe you have one more hint for me? :)) | 17:34 |
andydufresne | OerHeks: here is the output from sudo ubuntu-drivers list | 17:34 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: how do i disable that PPA? | 17:34 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: Real odd listing ^^ , no ? | 17:35 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Got a GUI ? then best from the "software sources " . | 17:35 |
OerHeks | I guess if the 304-updates did not give issues, use that version ? | 17:37 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: I do have a GUI. Is that in "software sources"? | 17:37 |
andydufresne | i mean "software & updates" | 17:38 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Should be ,, I do not run your GUI .. and my memory kinda hazy . | 17:39 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: what's interesting is xenial is not checked. so it is disabled already? | 17:41 |
OerHeks | purge that ppa if you don use it, now you have broken lists. | 17:42 |
andydufresne | OerHeks: ok, i 'removed' from the gui. is there any additional command i need to run from the CL? | 17:44 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: What has changed in "ubuntu-drivers list" Now only shows for the most recent driver : . (my result ) . | 17:44 |
HankMoody | Ookay. I've gotten some WEIRD issue with Samba. Last night I mounted a file for the first time since samba was upgraded (running Ubuntu 16.10). When I connect on my iMac (El Capitan) once I go two folders deep into the share it shows as empty. For example: if /media/TV/ is the share once I delve into /media/TV/TV/(Insert show here) it shows up as empty with 0 files, but with the correct free space. If /home is loaded once I go into | 17:45 |
HankMoody | /home/user/Downloads it shows up as empty. This rings true with every share I access from my Mac. With a Windows machine when I get to the point that the Mac shows the folder as empty, Windows tells me to check I have the correct permissions - which I do. I've written them recursively as 777 with chmod and chown as root:user, also recursively. I've googled the shit out of it and I can't seem to find an answer that fits. Any help is | 17:45 |
HankMoody | appreciated - especially since I and other users use the shares quite frequently. That reminds me when I try to access the shares as turdferguson (dummy user account w/ no CLI) I get the same issue regardless of 777 or 775 permissions. Again any help is appreciated. I'm totally stumped on this one. Ooops, forgot to mention that the newly upgraded Samba version is 2:4.4.5 | 17:45 |
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deadevilboy | hi there guys | 17:50 |
deadevilboy | any good and free android debugger (ARM architecture) for Ubuntu? or should I use GDB? | 17:50 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: OerHeks We know the 375 version does not work, Nvidia says the 367 version will also work : . Wamt to give it a try ? | 17:50 |
deadevilboy | 375 doesn't work on ubuntu? | 17:51 |
Bashing-om | deadevilboy: So far only in this use case of andydufresne :) | 17:51 |
deadevilboy | oh... I didn't catch the whole conversation.. but mine is running 375 on ubuntu 10.04 LTS | 17:52 |
OerHeks | Bashing-om, not sure, i think that GT 430 runs best with 340-updates. | 17:52 |
deadevilboy | I only needed to disable secure boot | 17:52 |
HankMoody | I was gonna say, it works fine on this machine... Ahhh that makes sense. | 17:52 |
deadevilboy | so ubuntu could install 3rd party software | 17:52 |
OerHeks | deadevilboy, maybe there is an ARM version of androidstudio,? | 17:53 |
deadevilboy | and everything goes smooth.. otherwise.. I was always listening my gtx 980 ti vents running...grrrr | 17:53 |
deadevilboy | OerHeks, well... I mean.. I wanted a disassembler/debugger | 17:53 |
deadevilboy | like IDA Pro | 17:53 |
deadevilboy | but IDA demo doesn't have android server connection | 17:54 |
deadevilboy | Hooper is a paid service too | 17:55 |
deadevilboy | maybe radare2? | 17:55 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: OerHeks my i did do an ubuntu-drivers autoinstall. it is running 375, but my system does not like it (blank screen). i did a nomodeset earlier and that did not help. 340 and 301 do work properly. should i just choose 1 of those, or try 367? | 17:56 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: If 340 works for ya . why fix it ? | 17:57 |
Bashing-om | !info nvidia-367 xenial | 17:58 |
ubottu | nvidia-367 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-375): Transitional package for nvidia-375. In component restricted, is optional. Version 375.39-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 17 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf) | 17:59 |
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deadevilboy | andydufresne, I guess bashing is right | 17:59 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: you are right. i'll go back to 340. it is very strange though why 375 is causing problems. i wanted to see if i had something misconfigured that would help now and in the future | 17:59 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: ^^ what have they done ? "Transitional package" | 17:59 |
Bashing-om | now points to the latest driver ! | 18:00 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: what would be the best way to install and try 367? do i do a sudo apt-get purge nvidia-* and then sudo apt-get install nvidia-367? | 18:01 |
deadevilboy | andydufresne, do u have UEFI? | 18:01 |
deadevilboy | or MBR? | 18:01 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: I see no way presently " apt list nvidia-367 >> nvidia-367/xenial-updates,xenial-security 375.39-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 | 18:01 |
andydufresne | deaddevilboy: not sure. easy way to check? | 18:02 |
deadevilboy | bios :D | 18:02 |
deadevilboy | lol | 18:02 |
deadevilboy | kidding | 18:02 |
deadevilboy | but u can also check there | 18:02 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: thanks, i will just choose 340 then. it works. | 18:03 |
deadevilboy | u can go to disks | 18:03 |
deadevilboy | open it | 18:03 |
deadevilboy | and check the boot partition | 18:04 |
deadevilboy | and see if it says UEFI or MBR.. | 18:04 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: Yeah . presently I am going to have to alter troubleshooting/installing procdedure for nvidia drivers ! | 18:04 |
andydufresne | deaddevilboy: what are your thoughts on this? if it was one or the other what are you looking for me to do? | 18:04 |
andydufresne | Bashing-om: yeah the nvidia drivers have always been a confusing subject for me on how to get them properly configured | 18:05 |
deadevilboy | well.. first.. go to your BIOS | 18:07 |
Bashing-om | andydufresne: This is a new one on me that we no longer have access to other drivers " apt list nvidia-367 >> nvidia-367/xenial-updates,xenial-security 375.39-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 " . Yikes ! | 18:07 |
deadevilboy | and disable secure boot | 18:07 |
deadevilboy | then try to install nvidia drivers from 3rd party | 18:07 |
deadevilboy | software properties -> Additional Drivers... and u should see NVIDIA drivers there.. X - server or Nvidia | 18:08 |
deadevilboy | but first u should disable secure boot on your BIOS | 18:08 |
deadevilboy | give it a try | 18:08 |
andydufresne | deaddevilboy: thank you | 18:09 |
Basketball | i got sent to some ubuntu-unreg | 18:09 |
deadevilboy | With Secure Boot active, Ubuntu 16.04 requires that all kernel modules be cryptographically signed. However, third-party kernel modules are not signed in this way. Thus, Secure Boot prevents their from being loaded | 18:10 |
deadevilboy | give it a try and see if that is the problem | 18:10 |
deadevilboy | because I didn't experienced black screen.. however, whenever I tried to login, I couldn't start gnome | 18:10 |
deadevilboy | it asked me in a loop to login again | 18:11 |
deadevilboy | after disabling secure boot, I reinstalled nvidia 375 drivers and everything went fine | 18:11 |
ZeloZelos | curious, why does libwineffects1abi4 do, "library used by effects for the kde window manager" if i have removed wine, can i remove it? | 18:12 |
deadevilboy | so first remove secure boot and then use the additional drivers menu to add your nvidia 375 drivers | 18:12 |
deadevilboy | andydufresne, give us some feedback then | 18:16 |
andydufresne | deadevilboy: after thinking about it I am just going to go the easy route and choose 340. for my application it is fine and it is supported | 18:17 |
deadevilboy | you can give it a try.. if something goes wrong just ctrl alt F1 | 18:18 |
deadevilboy | purge nvidia-375 | 18:18 |
deadevilboy | and use de x-server | 18:18 |
andydufresne | it is a bit more challenging as it is an xbmc htpc installation. so not connected to a keyboard with easy access to bios | 18:20 |
deadevilboy | oh.. I see your point | 18:20 |
deadevilboy | then u should stick with 340.. if it is running ok.. I see no need to update | 18:21 |
deadevilboy | if you have told me.. oh.. I use windows and I want to play games.. then u should use the last drivers | 18:21 |
deadevilboy | the only reason I installed nvidia drivers was because of the fans | 18:21 |
deadevilboy | nvidia ti fans make a lot of noise | 18:21 |
andydufresne | yeah that makes sense. this one isn't for gaming, so less important to have the latest. just running high def video | 18:22 |
=== LennyKitty is now known as Guest71483 | ||
deadevilboy | that's right.. | 18:25 |
deadevilboy | It would make sense if u need it to play demanding games.. not to use it on ubuntu :D | 18:25 |
dcweb | I want to force all new created files to a specific user and group. Is it possible? | 18:29 |
Ben64 | dcweb: short answer no. long answer - explain exactly what you want to accomplish | 18:31 |
ZeloZelos | if i am using gnome, using this page | 18:32 |
ZeloZelos | instead of "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" i would replace ubuntu-desktop with gnome? | 18:33 |
HankMoody | I guess you could just create them with that user, but something tells me that's not exactly what you're looking at. | 18:33 |
k1l_ | ZeloZelos: sudo apt purge nvidia* | 18:34 |
k1l_ | ZeloZelos: that should do | 18:34 |
ZeloZelos | ah ok | 18:34 |
HankMoody | ZeloZelos: ^^ | 18:34 |
ZeloZelos | thats what i did | 18:34 |
dcweb | I have a folder in my /var/www directory. I created a symlink into a user's account and I want to avoid permission issues while I (root) and him (user) are working inside the same directory since root is overriding the permissions and results in user unable to edit the file. | 18:34 |
ZeloZelos | now the update manager wont update nvidea, or should i restart 1st? | 18:35 |
k1l_ | ZeloZelos: that removes all nvidia. but its still runing until restart | 18:35 |
HankMoody | dcweb: leave the ownership by root and change the group to the user that he's using | 18:35 |
ZeloZelos | ahhh ok, wish me luck | 18:35 |
HankMoody | I have done that with my media server with root having the ownership, the group under my user, and then leaving the files readable and executable by a third user (turdferguson) or anyone else really, but there's no other users on the box. | 18:37 |
dcweb | thanks HankModdy, I'll try that. I'll probably have to add www-data to that group as well. | 18:37 |
HankMoody | No problemo. Full disclosure I'm having a batshit fit with either my samba server or some permissions I fucked up somewhere. I'm leaning pretty heavily on the newest samba update I did the other day though. | 18:38 |
dcweb | I know the feeling :-) | 18:38 |
HankMoody | But, the samba/media server had been running swimmingly for 8 or 9 months before this issue starting up the other day. | 18:39 |
benbebeb | yo | 18:39 |
HankMoody | I've got no clue what the fuck is wrong. Loading the share from a Mac only two folder "levels" are accessible before it says there's nothing in there and on Windows after two folder "levels" it says permissions aren't set properly - but they are. I've never used Samba permissions before, just set the server's permissions and it worked fine. | 18:40 |
dcweb | HankModdy, I remember a long time ago I had a similar issue. The problem was that my Windows username and password was not exactly similar has the one on my other machine. I think they need to match. | 18:42 |
Ben64 | HankMoody: chill with the language in here | 18:42 |
HankMoody | Ben64: Mea culpa, just unbelievably frustrated and exhausted with this. | 18:43 |
dcweb | But it's been so long I haven't played with Samba so I can't help much more. | 18:43 |
=== nikhil_ is now known as Guest13167 | ||
Soul_Sample | hey! menus on some of my applications don't merge with the titlebar but show regularly. any idea why this could be happening? | 18:45 |
HankMoody | dcweb: yeah I read some people had that issue somewhere, but that's not the case here, I intentionally made them the same. And to boot they've worked just fine for so long. It essentially just up and quit on me after an upgrade. I had literally been using it every day, plus a few other friends logged in via the turdferguson account and grabbed stuff from there. | 18:46 |
wklm | hello everyone :) | 18:47 |
Guma | I was wondering how do you control which network interface should be default gw when both are DHCP | 18:47 |
Guma | on 14.04 | 18:47 |
Guma | Ubuntu server 14.04 | 18:47 |
HankMoody | Guma I THINK by default it assumes that eth0 would take precedence before eth1, etc. I could be incorrect though. | 18:48 |
OerHeks | Guma, one way to find out | 18:49 |
HankMoody | Guma - I'm having something of the same issue myself. My box needs to route both my VPN client and a separate VPN server through one device. That's next on my LOST after tackling this samba issue. | 18:52 |
aditya3098 | okay, I couldnt find any mention of this online, this has been driving me nuts. Is there some kind of vimrc hack in recent ubuntus to automatically make files readonly while opening? | 18:54 |
zzzsojeffrey | Is anyone here running Intel HD Graphics on a laptop? | 19:03 |
k1l_ | zzzsojeffrey: i bet a lot user do | 19:04 |
unknwn1 | + | 19:04 |
geirha | aditya3098: I doubt that | 19:04 |
unknwn1 | why? it's most common graphics adapter on a laptop nowadays | 19:05 |
zzzsojeffrey | I'm having a really confusing time trying to wrap my head around OpenGL | 19:05 |
zzzsojeffrey | On windows, I can run OBS or other programs that require a certain version of OpenGL, but I can't on Ubuntu :/ I'm assuming this is a driver issue | 19:06 |
=== Guest34301 is now known as Mosene | ||
ZeloZelos | zzzsojeffrey: i'd bet the driver version are pretty far apart | 19:07 |
k1l_ | zzzsojeffrey: the driver for intel is included into the linux kernel. so what is the exact issue there? | 19:07 |
ZeloZelos | soo thats why i cant install ubuntu !!!! | 19:09 |
ZeloZelos | my nvidea is broken and i am using the other one built in (nvidea m and ms config) | 19:09 |
zzzsojeffrey | If I run glxinfo, it says my OpenGL version is 2.0, and the programs I'm trying to run require 3.0 and above, and I could run those programs with my windows drivers, and can't on these drivers, but I'm not sure if I installed the intel drivers properly on ubuntu. | 19:10 |
k1l_ | zzzsojeffrey: you installed intel drivers manually? | 19:11 |
zzzsojeffrey | Unless the drivers available for ubuntu don't support OpenGL 3.0+ | 19:11 |
zzzsojeffrey | I downloaded the intel graphics update tool for linux from intels website | 19:11 |
zzzsojeffrey | But even before I did that, it still didn't work with proprietary drivers that came with the OS | 19:11 |
k1l_ | then ask them what opengl version they support | 19:11 |
OerHeks | ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers gives OpenGL 4.4+ | 19:14 |
tomreyn | hi there, i'm looking to confirm whether any x370 boards (ryzen) will actually do ecc on linux with edac. | 19:17 |
=== dekon_ is now known as mrY | ||
=== mrY is now known as mrY_ | ||
X220 | hi | 19:19 |
mrY_ | hi X220 | 19:19 |
ioria | tomreyn, | 19:24 |
tomreyn | ioria: thanks, i saw this one, but it's not as official to me as an edac --verbose output would be ;) | 19:25 |
ioria | tomreyn, right | 19:25 |
tomreyn | so ideally i'm looking for someone who actually has this setup | 19:25 |
pabed | hello guys , is there vsphere client for ubuntu? | 19:25 |
mrY_ | pabed: afraik there is only web interface, its working in chrome | 19:26 |
wedgie | pabed: not really. The web interface for the newer versions works passably well for most things though. What version of esxi? | 19:27 |
pabed | wedgie: 5.5 | 19:27 |
Bashing-om | pabed: ' apt search vsphere ' give any joy ? | 19:29 |
pabed | you mean there is vsphere web client for ubuntu? | 19:29 |
wedgie | no, there is a web client on esxi and vcenter | 19:30 |
mrY_ | | 19:31 |
pabed | there are many packages when I search it , which is equal vsphere client ,I need to create and manage and monitor and log vms and hyervispr? | 19:32 |
pabed | hypervisor* | 19:33 |
pabed | this is the output of search | 19:36 |
pabed | wedgie: and if I want to use web base , I have to install vcenter on server and after I can browse server IP from ubuntu while vsphere client does not need the server that connect to it | 19:41 |
JustAnotherIdiot | my dns stopped working | 19:56 |
JustAnotherIdiot | the internet works just fine | 19:56 |
JustAnotherIdiot | my router's dns works just fine | 19:56 |
gorilla | la bella e la bestia | 20:16 |
gorilla | list | 20:16 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest72995 | ||
Lukker | hello guys | 20:17 |
Lukker | i am new to Ubuntu | 20:17 |
Bashing-om | !manual | Lukker | 20:20 |
Lukker | while i am installing Ubuntu desktop , should the layout of my keyboard be in english since the OS is in english.I am located in a dutch country | 20:20 |
ubottu | Lukker: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. | 20:20 |
Guest72995 | I have data on windows 10 but am unable to access it. Please refer to my question on askubuntu. Thanks LINK -> | 20:22 |
Haris | hello all | 20:23 |
Haris | I have mysql install on 14. Something's watching over it. Whenever I stop it, its instantly restarted. Is that apparmor or something else like another watchdog ? | 20:23 |
Haris | I tried stopping apparmor service, but that didn't help. We are taking services down for a organization wide reboot cycle for servers | 20:24 |
Haris | this is a repl master. I have to keep mysql down during this activity | 20:24 |
Haris | how do I do it the proper way | 20:25 |
minimec | Lukker: You can change the keyboard on the first boot screen 'Try Ubuntu' and so on, pressing the F3 key. | 20:25 |
Lukker | #minimec thanks | 20:26 |
Lukker | i now that i can change it later on | 20:26 |
minimec | Lukker: If you already booted the Ubuntu install stick, press the 'win' key and type 'keyboard' or 'settings' | 20:27 |
TuxMasterSLZ | Hi! I need some help with hplip and a laserjet cp1025 color | 20:27 |
Haris | guys ? | 20:27 |
ioria | Lukker, you need only a keyboard layout or the entire language pack ? i mean, you can use ubuntu in engly and use the dutch keyboard | 20:28 |
Lukker | i know that .I was just wondering that if my life will be difficult with special characters if i use dutch keyboard layout | 20:30 |
tomreyn | Haris: there is #ubuntu-server also. mysql server won't restart automatically if the service was stop using initscripts / systemd by default. | 20:30 |
ioria | Lukker, nope | 20:30 |
Lukker | i see....i deleted windows and i will stick with linux .Glad that i have done that.Nice to meet so many nice people here | 20:31 |
Lukker | :) | 20:31 |
anddam | I installed conky using some config from wiki (IIRC), it worked fine but I didn't realize it stops being shown whenever I touch an icon on Desktop/ | 20:31 |
anddam | I didn't have any icon before now | 20:31 |
rizonz | does systemd link map overwrite ip address or bootprotcol on nics as well ? | 20:31 |
TuxMasterSLZ | anddam, try these settings on .conkyrc | 20:39 |
TuxMasterSLZ | | 20:39 |
TuxMasterSLZ | from: | 20:40 |
=== NetXplor is now known as netxplor | ||
cisstrd | ubuntu 16.10 64bit up2date -> how do I set these keyboard layouts - I found it in settings, but all the japanese keyboards either have completely latin letters (don't appear to change anything), or the japanese (macintosh) layout looks like this | 21:03 |
billy-jon | hello. i have an old qemu ubuntu vm (using kvm hardware) which i am having trouble getting xwindows to boot on. i believe the problem started when i updated qemu. at first, where x windows would normally load, i would get a black screen with a few randomly colored dots. then i added to the virsh xml config for the vm a device with type='vga', and xwindows will now partially boot. however i never get the desktop. i see what i believe is the | 21:06 |
billy-jon | background, but no icons or toolbars ever appear. i have checked every log file i know of but i cannot find any error to explain this. | 21:06 |
billy-jon | i was hoping someone here might be able to help me troubleshoot this issue | 21:06 |
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netxplor | hummm | 21:06 |
=== KaraKarga is now known as Karga | ||
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=== poster is now known as Poster | ||
Bashing-om | Lukker: Another thought : why don't you simply rely on ibus for your different input languages? | 21:20 |
Bashing-om | Ctrl + Space turns ibus on | 21:20 |
Bashing-om | Alt+Shift switches input languages | 21:20 |
N3X15 | I really need to adjust my autoident script to handle the unregged channel properly. | 21:28 |
Jkings777 | Hey-- so i want to know where i can find the bootloader as EUFI but i jutst bought it dell tower inspiron-- so i would like to install ubuntu dual boot on this, please? | 21:33 |
jigcan | how to duplicate audio from webcam to multiple programs? | 21:34 |
Bashing-om | !dualboot | Jkings777 | 21:35 |
ubottu | Jkings777: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - Macs: | 21:35 |
Jkings777 | Thanks. @ubottu | 21:36 |
dondon | i have a usb drive that i plugged into my computer. i created a gpt table and a microsoft basic data partition using fdisk before formatting it with exfat. copying files onto and off of this partition works well on linux, but when i plug the drive into a windows 10 machine, it mounts, shows the correct disk space used, but shows no files | 21:39 |
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minimec | jigcan: You can load the plseaudio loopback module 'pactl load-module module-loopback' and then connect the webcam microphone to the loopback device probably with the 'pavucontrol' software. | 21:44 |
OerHeks | pavu +1 | 21:45 |
OerHeks | dondon, try creating that exfat partition again on windows 10, and copy again? | 21:47 |
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jigcan | mimimec: the loopback sends the microphone audio through my speakers, I don't see a way to use it as a copy of the microphone input | 22:03 |
=== Guest66975 is now known as jasonfr | ||
Basketball | bazhang, i almost got the calendar to work | 22:07 |
Basketball | bazhang, i used compiz to set up california (a calendar app) to open at locked cordinates on start up and to be on the bottom "layer" | 22:10 |
Basketball | this works great when there is only one monitor plugged into my pc but when I add another monitor (of a different size) it doesnt work | 22:10 |
Basketball | | 22:10 |
minimec | jigcan: Hmm... Long time I did this kind of stuff. Probably you have to load a 'null-sink' too 'load-module module-null-sink', and then point the loopback to the null-sink. You should then be able to choose the null-sink monitor as input device. | 22:14 |
jc_ | Hi! | 22:14 |
theorem | I am using apport-collect and I want to send data to a bug report, but it's hanging on "Waiting to hear from Launchpad about your decision..." | 22:17 |
theorem | how do I force it to try the credentials ? | 22:17 |
Harris_ | anything... | 22:20 |
mikeymop | how does one add multiple public rsa keys to /.ssh/authorizedkeys? | 22:20 |
theorem | one per line | 22:21 |
mikeymop | i appended the 2nd pub key but it rejects me | 22:21 |
theorem | and it's authorized_keys2 | 22:21 |
mikeymop | ok, i'll add a page break thanks | 22:21 |
mikeymop | oh not two in one file? | 22:21 |
wedgie | two in one file, sepreated by a newline | 22:21 |
theorem | the name of the file is "~/.ssh/authorized_keys2" | 22:21 |
bekks | You can add as many as you want, in one file. | 22:21 |
=== Harris_ is now known as Basketball | ||
k1l_ | theorem: only for you. usually its not named with 2 at the end | 22:22 |
theorem | k1l_: it's always worked. | 22:22 |
slawek | please room ubuntu pl | 22:23 |
bekks | !pl | slawek | 22:23 |
ubottu | slawek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 22:23 |
slawek | #ubuntu-pl | 22:23 |
k1l_ | theorem: the standard is not to name it with 2 at the end | 22:23 |
k1l_ | slawek: "/join #ubuntu-pl" | 22:24 |
slawek | tnx kil | 22:24 |
mikeymop | hm, that doesn't work either, I think the issue is my WSL client actually | 22:24 |
de-facto | how can i *completely* disable that stupid TRIM-my-whole-SSD-at-once approach from Ubuntu? it freezes my system beyond any reaction | 22:25 |
Basketball | i used compiz to set up california (a calendar app) to open at locked cordinates on start up and to be on the bottom "layer" this works great when there is only one monitor plugged into my pc but when I add another monitor (of a different size) it doesnt work | 22:26 |
minimec | jigcan: This video describes the capabilities of null-sink/loopback quiet well... | 22:27 |
OerHeks | de-facto, do not use discard in your fstab? and check out cat /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim | 22:27 |
de-facto | OerHeks, yes i added discard, but i dont want it to max out IO when doing some berkerk TRIM it all at once | 22:28 |
de-facto | when i just have discard it shouldnt do that all at once, right? | 22:29 |
theorem | well, hmm | 22:29 |
k1l_ | then remove the trim cronjob | 22:30 |
de-facto | k1l_, is it just that one? i did "sudo rm /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim" | 22:32 |
k1l_ | de-facto: are you sure it comes from trimming? | 22:33 |
de-facto | nope | 22:33 |
de-facto | but what else could max it out so it completely freezes it? actually i cant access the system when it does that | 22:34 |
de-facto | so only guessing and disabling stuff seems to be my only option | 22:34 |
k1l_ | look at logs and processes | 22:34 |
k1l_ | like running out of ram, heavy swapping, some processes running amok,... | 22:35 |
theorem | how can I get apport-collect to skip sending me to a browser ? | 22:36 |
theorem | I only have CLI and Launchpad doesn't play well with it. | 22:37 |
de-facto | k1l_, i did not add any swap yet for that reason... | 22:39 |
k1l_ | so you are running out of ram and that makes the system unusable? | 22:40 |
Basketball | i used compiz to set up california (a calendar app) to open at locked cordinates on start up and to be on the bottom "layer" this works great when there is only one monitor plugged into my pc but when I add another monitor (of a different size) it doesnt work | 22:40 |
auvajs | hello, how can I connect to a distant server via sshpass and perform a command on that server? | 22:42 |
de-facto | k1l_, i dont think so, because it occurs directly after boot and with no programs launched. if some would run ammok it would just kill it | 22:42 |
de-facto | its IO because the HDD constantly lights, then it freezes, but just came back. thats why i think its some kind of index or cronjob. my first susbect is that fstrim | 22:43 |
auvajs | sshpass -p "pass" ssh command doesn't work | 22:43 |
k1l_ | de-facto: what does dmesg/syslog tell about it? | 22:44 |
de-facto | nothing unusual, i will have to find out more info | 22:51 |
=== PanicAtTheKernel is now known as jq | ||
Tameiki | Hello, I have on my laptop a VM where I try to download audio with youtube-dl in flac. On my laptop, it works, but on the VM, I have "invalod audio format specified". (with the same link) (flac audio format is supported). System and youtube-dl are correcly updated. Did I miss a package ? | 23:05 |
doebi | | 23:34 |
OerHeks | BkWd84l ? | 23:35 |
acheron-a | doebi, did that happen on rusume from suspend? | 23:35 |
Esatron666 | Hello, could anybody help me with my bluetooth issue. I installed Blueman and it worked fine until I restarted my computer. Now when I try to pair with my USB speaker, I ger the message "#ubuntu". I tried to search for an answer online but could't do or did not understand any of the answers. Any help? | 23:38 |
Esatron666 | Sorry, the error message is "Connection Failed: blueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError: Protocol not available" | 23:40 |
Esatron666 | And not USB speaker, I mean bluetooth. | 23:40 |
OerHeks | Esatron666, maybe this fix works for you too | 23:42 |
Esatron666 | I'm able to do the first command but the second gives me "Connection failure: Connection refused pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused" | 23:43 |
Brawhalla_ | Does anyone happen to know of a program that can compile multiple clips and upload them to Google Classroom / Youtube without a watermark? | 23:44 |
slawek | ] | 23:44 |
slawek | ubuntu-pl ? | 23:44 |
Brawhalla_ | How about; does anyone know of anywhere I could ask about any programs that compile clips without watermarks? | 23:46 |
OerHeks | Brawhalla_, many video-editors can do that, but the 'watermark' part is questionable | 23:47 |
Brawhalla_ | OerHeks: Yeah, this was strictly supposed to be a "professional" video to turn in. By professional I assumed a big watermark plastered on the corner wasn't gonna go very well | 23:48 |
Jordan_U | Brawhalla_: No video editor in Ubuntu's default repositories is going to leave a watermark in your videos. | 23:52 |
Brawhalla_ | Jordan_U: Could you explain to me what Ubuntu's default repositories are? I'm not very good with technology at all and I was recommended here by another chatroom that didn't know much about programs like that. | 23:52 |
OerHeks | Brawhalla_, that would be non-linux software, haven't seen such in our repos | 23:52 |
OerHeks | | 23:52 |
Jordan_U | Brawhalla_: Are you currently using Ubuntu as your operating system? | 23:53 |
Brawhalla_ | Jordan_U: I mean, is Windows 10 an Ubuntu system? If not so, am I not supposed to be here? | 23:53 |
tomreyn | "currently" | 23:54 |
Jordan_U | Brawhalla_: Windows 10 is not an Ubuntu system, and this channel is indeed only for support with Ubuntu. | 23:54 |
Brawhalla_ | Ah, sorry about that then. Do you mind me asking if there's any specific place I should go for support with my issue? | 23:54 |
Jordan_U | Brawhalla_: ##windows would probably be able to help. Do you know how to join ##windows from here? | 23:55 |
OerHeks | ubuntu on windows ?? | 23:55 |
Brawhalla_ | Jordan_U: Yes, thank you very much!! | 23:55 |
OerHeks | !ubuwin | 23:55 |
ubottu | Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows. | 23:55 |
Jordan_U | Brawhalla_: You're welcome. | 23:56 |
Dreaman | use virtualbox or wine | 23:56 |
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