
jopairAnyone online that may be able to answer a simple question?02:36
jopairI get err:11 on the "amd packages" of the lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/stable/ ubuntu xenial/main02:38
jopairI see that some people say that I could just keep the error and see it every time, in case a future update depends on it, but I'd rather it go away.02:39
jopairwhen I go to sources.list.d and try to edit the file inside, it is just one line for the entire main structure02:40
jopairany help would be appreciated...02:40
wgrantjopair: That PPA doesn't provide packages for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. You probably want to remove the relevant file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/02:52
jopairi don't see it in there03:04
wgrantjopair: Perhaps in /etc/apt/sources.list instead?03:06
tewardyou could always find out using grep -i -r 'lightdm-gtk-greeter-team' /etc/apt/03:09
tewardyou could always find out using this command: grep -i -r 'lightdm-gtk-greeter-team' /etc/apt/03:09
tewardoops double post sorry03:09
jopaircool. that works03:12
jopairshould i remove the entire repo?03:13
jopairI'm not seeing a way to just remove the amd64 part03:14
tewardjopair: I would remove the entire repository, if the PPA doesn't provide the repositories.,03:15
tewardwhere're you seeing err:11 by the way, "no amd packages" or something else?03:15
teward(I came in late sorry)03:15
jopairwhen i do apt-get update03:15
jopairmost of them are fine... but then there is a 404 error on the amd6403:15
jopairubuntu xenial/main amd6403:16
jopairthis time i just did it it is err:803:16
tewardjopair: Can you include the full error message and output and put it into a pastebin on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link?03:19
tewardif I'm right it's 404ing on the releases file, and that's a repo you should remove as wgrant suggested because that PPA doesn't have 16.04 packages.03:19
jopairIs a screen shot acceptable? I'm working thru a vm and its' CLI only03:26
wgrantjopair: amd64 is your system's architecture.03:29
jopairit should be i38603:29
wgrantIt's only going to complain about amd64 because it's only looking for amd64.03:29
jopairand i386 does not show up as an error03:30
wgrantjopair: Your system is 32-bit?03:30
wgrantThat doesn't seem likely.03:30
jopairokay, well let's say for arguments sake it is 64-bit, is there a way to get rid of the error?03:32
wgrantRemove the line referencing the repository.03:32
wgrantThe architecture in the error message is a red herring; it's reporting a single architecture because it's only looking for a single architecture.03:33
jopairthe entire main repository? I don't see one specifically for amd6403:33
wgrantThe entire repository with 'lightdm-gtk-greeter-team' in the URL03:33
wgrantThe architecture is not specified in sources.list unless you're doing something strange; each repository supports several architectures, and apt just looks for the architecture that the system is using.03:34
jopairI see nothing in my sources.list.d03:35
tewardjopair: does the grep command i gave earlier show anything?03:36
tewardgrep -i -r 'lightdm-gtk-greeter-team' /etc/apt/03:36
jopairdouble checked spelling...03:38
jopairits not in there.03:38
wgrantIt has to be there somewhere03:40
wgrantCan you pastebin the full output of "sudo apt-get update"?03:42
jopairI'll try to clone the machine to one with a gui and make that happen03:42
wgrantwhy do you need a GUI?03:42
jopairWell, if I knew how else to do it, i'd be glad to03:43
wgrantrun the command, copy the output into paste.ubuntu.com in a web browser03:44
jopairI'm not trying to be difficult here, but that doesn't seem possibly the way the VM is setup03:45
wgrantah, you're not SSHed in?03:45
wgrantcan you ssh in?03:46
wgrantor screenshot03:46
jopairI can screen shot. but would I still be able to paste into pastebin?03:47
wgrantno, you'd have to upload the image somewhere03:47
wgranteg. imgur.com03:47
jopairthats as far as it will let me capture. for some reason the VM is a bit glitchy and doesn't allow scroll... lame I know03:52
wgrantAh, so by the look of it it might actually be deliberately set up in an obtuse way for the course?03:52
jopairI don't think it was intentionally done that way. At least I can't think of a logical reason to have it done this way.03:54
jopairUnless there's some sort of a memory concern... but it seems counter productive as I can't see the entirety of long lists03:55
wgrantOh, no, lack of scrolling on a VGA terminal is standard.03:58
wgrantBut the fact that the repository isn't listed anywhere in /etc/apt, combined with the fact that that's a PPA that wouldn't make sense on a graphical system when this seems to be text-only, is a bit suspicious.03:59
jopairat one point I think I tried to install some sort of interface, so that I could still view websites or get into applications if needed. they should be completely removed though04:01
jopairi think xterm04:01
jopairno that's not right, but something of the sort04:02
jopairxorg ... if that matters04:05
jopairI appreciate the effort. I'll keep looking around for an answer.04:36
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
wxltrying to mitigate an issue i am having with launchpad and the email interface for bugs as i'm getting bad signatures. my situation is a little weird as a i have a bit of layers: gmail client sending as @ubuntu.com using mailvelope to encrypt. trying to figure out where the problem is. um, help? :)05:25
wxlmost recently this was used on bug 167507105:26
ubot5bug 1675071 in Lubuntu-Tweaks "PCManFM hangs when changing LXmenu-applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167507105:26
wxli know there are some problems with mailvelope and gmail due to gmail's weird line wrapping in plain text mode. however, i kept the lines artificially short to mitigate that05:27
wxlthis resulted in a good signature at least as far as i could tell using mailvelope in the outgoing mail (previous attempts had failed in this way)05:28
wgrantwxl: Have you tried Ccing the email to yourself and verifying the signature?05:42
wxlwgrant: that's a good idea. thanks for the hint05:42
=== JanC is now known as Guest25494
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
hggdhhello, got spam from three LP accounts on a LP mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~thenut-d, https://launchpad.net/~andrew-bknown, and https://launchpad.net/~spq14:37

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