
LinDolhi all00:54
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
LinDolUbuntu Gnome 17.04 release notes in Wiki was fixed to announce?05:41
LinDolI mean05:41
LinDolIf it is freezed05:41
LinDolI want to translate to Korean language for announce 17.0405:41
darkxstjbicha, does anyone still use slack?09:27
darkxst(ive not logged in there for a long time!)09:27
jbichadarkxst: it got quiet enough on slack that I haven't bothered to log in there recently either12:53
jbichaI also wasn't happy that slack limits the number of old messages they show unless someone pays them, and Ubuntu's slack has already passed that limit12:55
jbichaI think Solus and Ubuntu Budgie use gitter.im, and GNOME has started using matrix.org as a layer on top of their IRC channels12:56
=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella

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