
flickeringscreenHi everyone, i'm struggling with ubuntu.  I was using studio with no problems but wanted to try other versions. i tried to download some other distros but they wouldnt work for me. (grub would not install, extensive googling showed it was to do with efi boot loader or something01:06
flickeringscreenanyway, i have downloaded ubuntu mate and it seems to have installed okay but now i get a weird screen flicker (my other boot option windows 10 is fine)01:07
flickeringscreenany ideas?01:07
flickeringscreeni tried unity first this did the same, i also tried lubuntu with the same problem.01:08
flickeringscreenlive versions of mint and lxle work fine but will not install01:08
flickeringscreeni did try and google this but the fix seemed to be rolling back the kernel but i have no idea on how.  im a basic user with linux, comfortable with copy past to terminal byt anything more difficult than that and i'm stuck01:10
flickeringscreenbrb, need to restart01:15
flickeringscreeni'm back.01:19
flickeringscreenhi nomic01:19
nomicis it flickering all the time01:19
nomic= hardware01:19
flickeringscreenkind of01:19
nomic ... graphics card01:19
nomicchk connections01:19
flickeringscreenintel integrated01:19
flickeringscreenits a laptop01:20
nomicvga cable etc01:20
flickeringscreenalso if i boot to windows its fine01:20
nomicis it old01:20
nomicwut is machine brand/type01:20
flickeringscreeni said that a lot.01:20
flickeringscreenits an asus x751l01:20
flickeringscreennot that old, about a year01:20
flickeringscreenruns windows 10 fine01:21
nomicafter install01:21
nomicsudo apt update01:21
nomicthen sudo apt upgrade01:21
nomicbrings it up to date01:21
flickeringscreen225 packages updating01:22
flickeringscreenthe screen flickers a bit, then its okay, then flickers again, happens least in mate01:23
nomicso you have just done it, now01:23
nomicwell. after those massive updates, it requires reboot01:23
flickeringscreenmost in unity, though i may just be getting used to it01:23
nomicmaybe problem gone01:23
flickeringscreenhope so :)01:23
nomicthere are "effects"01:23
nomic= compiz .. which can be turned off01:23
nomicyou may solve it by turning compiz .. or "effects" off .. if this does not work01:23
nomicalso .. this place is not too busy all the time ... post on forum01:24
nomicis efficient01:24
flickeringscreenI will try that too.  its weird as ubuntu studio was okay yesterday, I've spent 24 hours trying to work it out01:24
nomicwhat is 'ubuntu studio'01:24
flickeringscreenits a version of ubuntu01:24
nomicif you have not updated with apt upgrade01:25
nomicthat is a major thing, that youw should do every so often01:25
flickeringscreenanother of their oficial flavours01:25
nomic.. right away after an install01:25
flickeringscreengood to know.  as i said earlier, i'm not as good with linux.01:26
nomicbecause you have no updates .. your system = the release ver .. upgrade (226 packages) .. is bringing everything up to current01:26
nomicas with windows01:26
nomicwhich doesn't ask you01:26
flickeringscreennot good enough to roll back a kernel at least01:26
flickeringscreenits updating now.  hopefully this will fix it :)01:27
nomicstick around - tell what happens01:27
flickeringscreenwill do01:28
* nomic ditched 'ubuntu' with unity .. I have xubuntu/xfce .. have mate on a raspberry pi (server/desktop)01:28
nomictried mint a few weeks ago .. found it to be too slow (compared to xubuntu)01:29
flickeringscreenyeah.  i used lxle for a while, thats really good01:29
flickeringscreenand ubuntu studio is good too, comes pre-installed with a lot of good programs01:30
flickeringscreeni just got an error at the end of the upgrade01:32
flickeringscreenSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:32
flickeringscreenrestarting now01:33
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flickeringback again01:38
flickeringthe screen still flickers01:38
flickeringwhen updating it had a problem installing tzdata 2016j-0ubuntu0.16.1001:39
nomicur going to have to open a post in ubuntu forums01:41
nomicturn desktop effects off01:41
flickeringwill do thanks01:41
flickeringhow do i do that?01:41
nomicthat is a .. .. that may solve it01:42
nomicdesktop effects = compiz etc01:42
nomicthere are insructions01:42
flickeringok thanks01:42
flickeringill look it up.01:42
flickeringi appreciate your help01:42
nomicnp. this place not always busy, far from it .. busier is #ubuntu01:43
nomicforums is very busy & is the help end point01:43
nomiclearn to use it .. open account, post in relevant place01:43
flickeringokay thanks :)01:46
red_can someone help with getting sound to work05:37
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=== Guest58208 is now known as JD_88
JD_88Hi guys, please can anyone help me with allowing Silverlight? I have been following videos on youtube, but I have a problem with it. Thank you for your answers.09:36
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Astro7467JD_88: if you want silverlight for Netflix, it isn't needed anymore. AFAIK Netflix will play in Chrome & Firefox natively now10:40
JD_88Astro7467: Hi, thank you for your answer. I am running ubuntu mate on rapsberry pi3 and when I donwloaded chrome in package installer it says ... ERROR:Wrong architecture amd64, so i can not install chrome .. i do not need the silverlight for netflix but for something similar. for one website where i can watch tv.11:17
JD_88when I try to follow tutorials on the web how to enable silverlight it ends with the message that it is unable to locate package pipelight-multi.11:19
JD_88could anyone help me solve this problem? thank you11:20
sachinaHey guys, I disabled my lightdm using "systemctl disable lightdm.service" , how do I enable it again, "systemctl enable lightdm.service" is not working.12:21
sachinaHello guys, I disabled lightdm and now when I enabling, it is not autostarting, I have to manually start it using "systemctl start lightdm.service"12:33
Astro7467@JD_88: I understand for silverlight to work, you need pipelight, which in turn needs WINE. No WINE for Raspberry Pi AFAIK.12:36
sachinaHey guys, I disabled my lightdm using "systemctl disable lightdm.service" , how do I enable it again, "systemctl enable lightdm.service" is not working.12:58
JD_88@Astro7467: So you are saying that there is not any solution how to enable Silverlight on Raspberry Pi right? That is a shame. Thank you for your help.13:09
dooleyHello, anyone here can help with storage issues?14:08
dooleyouroumov, are you here14:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:08
dooleymy system us ubuntu mate on a 220 GB ssd and normally 100 gig free, this morning I have less than 50 gb free. in DUA it shows total for / as 102 GB, I have 40 GB free. so where is the rest suddenly? I had this happen before with a Kodi error and log files of 40 gig but I dont see that this time14:12
dooleyWhat can take up space on the system disk outside of the / folder ?14:13
ouroumovdooley, I don't know, but you can investigate.14:17
alkisgdooley: if you delete a 50 mb log file that is still in use, it'll only be freed once the app stops using it, e.g. after reboot14:17
alkisg*50 GB14:18
alkisgOr in general, with any file that is in use14:18
dooleyok, thanks, I will try a reboot. How are you doing ouroumov14:19
ouroumovI'm good, how about you? (btw please avoid unruly private messages in the future)14:20
dooleyok, I figured they would not want general chat in the room. sorry again. I am good also14:24
ouroumovdooley, if you have a disk resizing issue, this is not offtopic14:28
ouroumovdisk space *14:28
dooleywell I have closed all that is running and am going to restart. Thanks again, and I will return and let you know14:29
dooleyOk, I follow14:29
dooley_ouroumov, the space was recovered after a reboot. thanks to alkisg for the answer.15:13
=== mohammad is now known as Guest34910
RyanTGI'm a little confused.  If I install eclipse and then I install eclipse-pydev, shouldn't eclipse be offering me the option to create a Python project?20:00
RyanTGAnd I just realized that I should have asked that in an Ubuntu dev channel not on Mate.20:01
RyanTGAnd #Ubuntu just told me to ask #eclipse20:11
RyanTGAnd #eclipse is apparently full of ghosts20:25
alkisgIt's sunday20:29
RyanTGIt's not like I get to try Linux development at work where I'm stuck with C# on Windows.20:34
RyanTGI love Linux, and I've been using Mate since Win10 came out at home, but for the life of me, even getting started devloping anything beyond hello world on Linux rapidly runs into the weeds.20:35
alkisgThere are thousands of tutorials out there20:35
alkisgIt's also true that visual studio is light years ahead of the similar linux tools20:36
RyanTGI know.  And I have VS Code installed, but I'm trying not to use MS tools for this.20:40
RyanTGI don't even care that eclipse is years behind current, hell I use VS 2010 at work.  I just wish when I installed a package on an LTS that it would actually work.20:41
RyanTGJust looked at developer.ubuntu.com.  Talk about cart before the horse.  They start with how to make a snap.  That's great.  Now if only I could write something to snap.20:48
RyanTGThis ubuntu-make thing looks promising.20:52
RyanTGWell that was not helpful.  Apparently umake only supports vs code and lighttable.20:55
RyanTGI'm done for the day.  apt-get purge eclipse21:18
RyanTGToo bad nobody has made a snap package of eclipse.21:20
Corrosiv0Hola a todos21:21
RyanTG@alkisg of those thousands of tutorials, how many are from truly trusted sources vs people something just happened to work for21:23
kaytrmI am looking for some help in getting my Raspberry Pi setup for headless operation.  It is currently connected to a TV with keyboard and mouse.  I have enabled SSH but I cannot connect from my Win10 pc.  I am using Bitvise SSH Client 7.27.23:25
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