
various_accountsI'm using the trusty ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ubuntu/ppa14:45
various_accountsfor firefox nightly builds14:45
various_accountshowever the last version was built 10 weeks ago...14:46
various_accountshave the nightly builds moved?14:46
ricotzvarious_accounts, better additionally add https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next17:55
ricotzthe current workflow won't result in successful trunk/aurora builds of firefox/thunderbird for trusty17:56
various_accountsoh, so aurora is synonymous with trunk?=18:46
various_accountsI was hoping to keep `firefox` as the stable and `firefox-trunk` as the unstable19:00
various_accountsI guess I'll just write a cron to download the nightlies from the homepage for me19:00
various_accountsunless somebody else has already done so??19:01

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