
TurBossI'm using virt-manager to add a nfs pool04:37
TurBossis posible to specify the nfs version 3 in this case (old nas)04:38
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DocMAXhelp! i accidently deleted the "mods-enabled" folder... how can i reastore at least the defaults? (ubuntu 16.04 running)13:37
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drabsarnold: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/165462420:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1654624 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "dhcp apparmor profile complains about lxd client" [High,Confirmed]20:30
drabsarnold: that says you'd be inclined to give an advice on irc... ;)20:31
drabwhat I don't get is why I don't see these problems on xenial on my test host20:31
drabbut I'm seeing them on the host I just set up for prod...20:31
drabsame xenial instance generated by ansible so diffs should be 0, but something obviouslty is different20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1660836 in linux (Ubuntu Zesty) "apparmor auditing denied access of special apparmor .null fi\ le" [Undecided,Fix released]20:33
drabalso this seems related, it says fixed, but I have the right kernel adn still seeing the issue20:33
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