
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
diamondsatlastIs ubtouch based on an android container of kitkat 4.4?06:36
=== JanC is now known as Guest25494
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
CoderEuropeWhat the heck is Logdog ? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/26/12-ways-to-hack-proof-your-smartphone-privacy-data-thieves19:57
dobeywhat the heck20:24
sebsebsebdobey: hmm?20:25
dobeynot sure why he asked that in here20:26
sebsebsebdobey: since Ubuntu touch is to feature incomplete to be able to do most of the things in the article :D h eh20:28
dobeysebsebseb: well it's an article about android/ios, and the thing he asked about specifically says it's an android/ios app20:29
dobeyshould go ask the authors of it what it is20:29
anddamI see there are no ubuntu phones sold atm, what's a good device to try it?20:31
sebsebsebanddam: nexus 4/5 I guess if go20:31
dobeygoogle nexus4 or meizu pro 520:31
sebsebsebmeizu pro 5 no longer being sold20:31
sebsebsebor nexus  from manfacutreds20:32
dobeyyou can buy an android one and convert it20:32
sebsebsebyeah that's true20:32
dobeythe android pro 5 is avaialble20:32
* sebsebseb was thinking of doing that for the fhd tablet :d, I have the hd20:32
dobeyanyway, time for more beer :)20:32
* sebsebseb doens't really have spare cash for this kiknd of thing right now20:32
sebsebsebwel maybe for htose20:32
anddamI recently switched to ubuntu as main system on laptop, and I'm wondering how the sync with an ubuntu phone is20:33
sebsebsebanddam: have you tired unity 8 preview ?20:33
sebsebsebon the desktop20:33
anddamnot sure, how do I check the unity version?20:33
anddamI'm using 16.04 on desktop20:33
sebsebsebwell which version of ubuntu did you install ?20:33
sebsebseboh 16.04 hmm20:33
sebsebsebanddam: 16.10 has a buiilt in unity 8 preview20:33
sebsebsebthat's what hte phone runs unity 8 and tablet20:34
sebsebsebanddam: I tried out the unity 8 preview, in ubuntu 17.04 beta 2 yesterday as well, development version as well20:34
sebsebseband wow that has improved quite a bit since that 16.10 version20:34
sebsebsebit seems20:34
sebsebsebor enough to see differences :d20:34
anddamI'm more interested into the syncing thing, I come from macbook + iphone and the sync was a bit "caged" but flawless20:34
sebsebsebanddam: the idea is to converge it all together, phone, tablet, and desktop,  and everything will run the same stuff basically, but that's not quite there yet20:34
anddamyes, I got the idea about converging20:35
anddamI like that20:35
sebsebseb16.04 is boring and not really for  this trying of stuff though20:35
anddamI'd actually like to have a single device to carry, dock it and have it became the computer20:35
sebsebsebunless your on a ubuntu 16.04 based ubuntu perosnal of course, on some phone or tablet running ubuntu :d,  that's the  converging of things together, they are working on brining hte phone and tablet onto a 16.04 LTS base,  it's still based on ubuntu 15.04 for now, and  on freeze, only security updates now basically20:35
sebsebsebanddam: they are working on replacing the old click packages with snappy as well20:36
sebsebsebnexdock style?20:36
sebsebsebI have a nexdock20:36
sebsebsebanddam: its ok , but20:36
anddamI'm just seeing it has changed, on website20:36
sebsebsebneed the correct hdmi cales etc20:37
sebsebsebor wireless convergence set up20:37
anddamI meant I'd like to dock my phone into a "stupid" laptop with battery, keyboard and screen20:37
sebsebsebanddam: theres a newer nexdock coming, but that's quite different it seems20:37
sebsebsebuses some intel cARD thing20:37
anddamyes, that's what I'm referring to with the change on website20:37
anddaman Compute Stick20:38
anddams/an /a /20:38
sebsebsebI am not quite sure what the differenc e really is there20:38
sebsebsebthe first one was just. like a lap top20:38
sebsebsebwith a screen, web cam, and rather than a standrda keyboard, a bluetooth keyboard built in20:38
sebsebseband trac k pad20:38
anddamoh Intel Compute Card is a net thing, my bad20:39
sebsebsebanddam: can plug in say the ubuntu tablet into the nex dock, but then it goes black on that, and that's just for control, and works on nex dock20:39
sebsebsebanddam: anyway cloest you can get to something like the phone and tablet right now would be unity 8 on the desktop20:39
sebsebseband then installl your own programs into it as well using snapps20:39
sebsebsebanddam: 16.04 lts eh.  17.04 next month20:40
sebsebsebok that's not lts, but has a more up to date built in by default unity 8 preview20:40
anddamok, thanks for the info20:40
sebsebseband it sounds like your soeone who would be ok with the stanard normal versions anyway :d20:40
anddamhow's Touch on phone for everyday use?20:40
sebsebseb9 months of support for normal ubuntu that's it20:40
sebsebsebthen meant to upgrade to next if haven't already20:40
sebsebsebused to be 18 months like most distros20:40
sebsebsebanddam: yep that's what I been doing for what nearly two years now :d20:41
sebsebsebusing a ubuntu device as my main device20:41
sebsebsebso I have the first commerical phone,  the bq 4.520:41
sebsebsebthe Meizu MX 4 as well20:41
anddamhow'd yuo rate the UX?20:42
sebsebseband the Ubuntu M10 HD  as well,  the white one in hd, rather than black in fhd.  actsually that's away for repair right now with a guy I know20:42
anddamfor everyday use20:42
sebsebsebsince I cracked the screen enough20:42
sebsebsebbut I have been using that tablet,  for about a year20:42
sebsebsebas my main device, with a bluetooth keyboard20:42
sebsebsebthe logitech k48020:42
sebsebseband I have a few phones as well, but the MX 4 since getting it has been my main phone20:42
sebsebsebUbuntu phone yep20:42
sebsebsebanddam: yes \Ubuntu touch is fine and great for daily use, unless you want to run lots of commonly known android apps for example20:43
sebsebsebthere aren't that many apps for Ubuntu touch20:43
sebsebseband most of them are web apps as well20:43
sebsebsebhowever can get normal linux software working as well, there are ways :d  by deafult hd some demo programs on tablet, Libre Office.  gimp. gedit.20:43
sebsebseband something else ah yes firefox20:43
sebsebsebbut those were stuck to the old 15.04 versions since how its done20:44
anddamI wouldn't dare running gimp on a phone20:44
anddamI basically need a proper phone/contacts handling20:44
sebsebsebwell thats not on the phone20:44
sebsebsebby default20:44
sebsebsebbut was on the tablet yes20:44
anddammessaging/telegram/whatsapp/whatever people use for IM20:45
anddamlikely dropbox20:45
sebsebsebuh these are programs you want ?20:45
sebsebsebapps ?20:45
anddambasically that's all I use20:45
sebsebsebyou use whatsapp?20:45
anddamI do20:45
sebsebsebno whatsapp with ubuntu touch20:45
sebsebsebwell the ubports guy unoffically  bought ito ver maybe osme how, i read something20:46
anddamwhen most of your contacts use it your hand is forced20:46
sebsebsebbut its' bsICALLY out20:46
sebsebsebyou want whatsapp and ubuntu touch isn't it20:46
sebsebsebtelegraph hardly anyone uses20:46
anddamI use Telegram a lot20:46
sebsebsebdropbox some web based one you can use i guess20:46
sebsebsebor something20:46
* sebsebseb has never used telegrapm, and got the impression no one really usese it but ubuntu geeks20:47
anddamgotta go, thanks for the info20:47

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