
bigsec30How do I have my IP remove?00:13
slavanapHello. Anyone familiar with Epson Dot Matrix printers configuration and testing here?00:18
lukkan99free succ00:23
louperivoisHello, I have problems to configure my Canon P-150 scanner on Mint. I compiled a driver for Linux but I don't think it gets loaded.00:34
jimkayanyone use hexchat on ubuntu00:42
acheron-ajimkay, yes, using it now00:42
louperivoisso we can see you dont come for a problem with Hexchat00:44
Jordan_U!mint | louperivois00:50
ubottulouperivois: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:50
louperivoisi do00:50
Jordan_Ulouperivois: You do what?00:51
louperivoisim asking this question on 3 different channels00:51
louperivoisthe problem is the same for debian, ubunto and mint00:51
Jordan_Ulouperivois: In the future please do not ask your questions about Linux Mint here.00:51
jimkayhey acheron-a00:55
acheron-ajimkay, hi there00:55
jimkayI get an error when I start HexChat saying it doesn't have write access to config, and it doesn't save any configuration00:58
jimkayany idea?00:58
jimkayexact error is this "You do not have write access to /home/jimkay/.config/hexchat. Nothing from this session can be saved."00:59
acheron-ahave you checked the permissions of that directory?00:59
jimkayI googled but didn't find much00:59
jimkaythat'd probably be a good idea. I forget the command to use for that01:00
jimkayhaven't used linux in years01:00
minimecjimkay: The folder is probably .HexChat or .config/HexChat in your /home directory.01:01
jimkayYou do not have write access to /home/jimkay/.config/hexchat. Nothing from this session can be saved.01:02
acheron-achown -c root:yourusername /home/*/.config/hexchat01:03
minimecjimkay: I would go with 'chown -R $USER:$USER /home/jimkay/.config/hexchat'01:04
jimkaychanged ownership of '/home/jimkay/.config/hexchat' from root:root to root:jimkay01:04
jimkaywas that it?01:04
OerHeksjust delete that folder, and restart hexchat. that chown command misses -R01:05
acheron-athat should do it01:05
jimkayok, how do I delete that folder? sorry am noob01:06
jimkayI'm still getting the error01:07
cfoch-alwaysis this the right channel to ask about "bazaar"?01:12
PerigeeCould someone help me troubleshoot bluetooth connectivity? For some reason my Logitech MX Anywhere 2 mouse does not show up when scanning for devices. But, I know it works, as my phone can pick it up. Running Ubuntu 16.04 on a new Dell XPS 13.01:12
PerigeeI can find other bluetooth devices though, such as my phone, from my laptop.01:13
Perigeeits weird01:13
minimecPerigee: http://askubuntu.com/questions/741330/how-do-i-get-logitech-mx-anywhere-2-to-work-in-16-04-bluetooth-smart01:13
Jordan_Ucfoch-always: If you're referring to the revision control system, and if you're using it in Ubuntu, then it's on topic here. I'm not sure if this is the best channel to get an answer, but I don't off hand know of a better one.01:14
jimkayhexchat is cool, I wish it would save my settings01:15
cfoch-alwaysMusiic: hola01:16
MusiicQuien es mujer :v01:16
=== jimkay is now known as Cane
Canedoes anyone know how I change my sudo password in terminal01:17
Perigeeminimec: nothing coming up on scan, so it looks like my problem may be a bit different.01:17
minimecPerigee: Is the mouse in 'connecting mode'?01:19
Perigeeminimec: Yea01:20
Perigeeminimec: Phone picks it up01:20
Perigeeminimec: I'm wondering if it's a "smart/LE" issue01:20
Perigeefrom what I'm reading01:20
tatertotsPerigee: let me guess...you only have 1 single bluetooth device to work with right?01:21
tatertotsPerigee: if someone were to ask if your computer can pair with any OTHER bluetooth device your response would have to be "i don't know" because you only have that bluetooth mouse correct?01:22
Perigeetatertots: No, I have a ton. Not sure if I have other LE ones though, as I'm not sure which are. I can turn my phone on into discovery mode and it shows up. I can probably try other devices too if needed01:22
tatertotsPerigee: does your computer pair with any OTHER bluetooth devices? yes or no...if you don't know...find out01:23
Jordan_UCane: *Carefully* run 'sudo chown -R "$USER:$USER" /home/jimkay/.config/hexchat' and in the future never run applications as root unless you *know* both that the app needs to be run as root *and* that the app was designed to be run as root. (For hexchat neither are the case).01:23
minimecPerigee: You may be right with that 'smar/LE' suggestion, although there seems a way to get these devices discovered and connected. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/157698601:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1576986 in Canonical System Image "UT does not discover bluetooth smart (BLE) devices" [High,Fix released]01:24
minimecPerigee: That guy seems to be able to connect the mouse but complains that not all the 'features' (batt stat indicator) are available.01:26
jimkaythanks, it worked. not sure how I ran it as root.01:27
minimecPerigee: I forgot the link of the second bug on launchpad... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/167323001:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1673230 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "No power indicator for Logitech MX Anywhere 2 wireless mouse" [Undecided,New]01:31
Perigeeminimec: tatertots: So I can pair to my Plantronics headset as well, though I believe that is not LE either.01:32
PerigeeI'll check the links01:32
j4f-shredderhey, how do I install driver for intel i5 graphics?01:35
j4f-shredderI have i5 459001:35
j4f-shredderfor some reason vmware doesnt recognize direct3d from thehost01:35
j4f-shredderit comes with onboard graphics HD 460001:36
minimecPerigee: Oh. I see now that the first bug was filed for 'ubuntu touch'... I don't now if this also applies to normal ubuntu.  I01:37
minimecPerigee: Do you use the dongle that comes with the mouse? If not, is your bluetooh receiver on your computer BLE compatible?01:38
minimecOups... I 'lost' an hour 30 min. ago. Guess it's 'bed time'...01:40
rizonzsomeone using systemd.link ? My intefaces don't get renamed on mac match and link name change01:43
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jimkayhow do I change my sudo password01:45
tatertotsj4f-shredder: driver for your intel graphics is already in use, no further action or human intervention is required01:46
j4f-shredderI'm usign ubuntu 16.1001:48
j4f-shredderthe thing is that I need to activate it on vmware01:48
flickeringhi all, is it possible to downgrade from version 16.10 to 16.04 without a fresh install?  i have a problem with my screen flickering.01:48
j4f-shredderwhen I turn on the machine01:48
j4f-shredderit says that 3d is not activated from the host01:48
tatertotsj4f-shredder: then you should activate 3d acceleration for the vm01:50
jimkayhey Musiic01:52
j4f-shredderno 3d support is available from the host01:52
tatertotsj4f-shredder: if that is fact..then you're are "blank" out of luck01:53
CountXuanI'm first time to use this .01:53
j4f-shreddersudo apt-get install libtxc-dxtn-s2tc001:54
j4f-shredderthat is what im supposed to install01:54
jimkaydoes anyone know how to change user password in ubuntu01:55
jimkayI'm trying to change the password that get's asked when doing sudo.01:56
tatertotsj4f-shredder: what ever you do, if it doesn't change the fact that "no 3d support is available from the host" you are still ultimately "blank" out of luck01:56
seednodepasswd, or passwd [username] if run as someone else01:57
rizonzmhh systemd rename interfaces doesn't work as espected01:57
jimkaythanks seednode it worked01:58
jimkayam so noob01:59
jimkaynext ill ask if you can wipe my butt01:59
CountXuanwho can tell me which e-mail client is much better one; my English is not bad ..... who can help me01:59
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j4f-shreddertatertots: I already fixed it02:03
j4f-shreddergedit $HOME/.vmware/preferences02:03
j4f-shredderand you add mks.gl.allowBlacklistedDrivers = "TRUE"02:04
j4f-shredderon the host machine02:04
LibertyWeNeedHi, my mom is getting a new laptop. A lenovo T470 with Huawei LTE 4G built in. Will this functionality work if I put Ubuntu on it?02:38
LibertyWeNeedOr does she need to use windows?02:39
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LibertyWeNeedactually I might have got the brand name wrong, It probably isn't huawei, but if anyone has an answer please advise .02:49
* tatertots looks into the magic future revealing crystal ball in the center of the table02:50
* tatertots rubs the crystal ball to activate it's future revealing powers02:50
* tatertots chants ohm nah ho....ohm nah ho02:51
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: when you are in physical possession of the computer...test it an find out02:52
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sfdebugdoes anyone here lives on usa?03:02
CodeMouse92__!offtopic | sfdebug03:07
ubottusfdebug: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:07
sfdebugCodeMouse92__, do you know a channel where can i talk with ppl that lives on usa?03:07
CodeMouse92__sfdebug: There are some in that one, AND in this one. Ppl from all over the world in fact. But, unless it's a support question, it doesn't belong in this room. :)03:08
magical_powersok, so something has happened where I can no longer put files on a usb via the gui03:09
magical_powersubuntu 16.0403:09
magical_powershave all the permissions, write protection isn't on. I can touch files in a command line, but I cant make files via gui03:10
ac2Hey, this is a rather broad question but does anyone know if EVGA graphics card are compatible with ubuntu?03:15
VolundSO I'd like to be able to 'listen' to my Line-In. I've only found on way to do this>>> pactl load-module module-loopback03:16
Volundthe problem therein is this also listens to a Mic...03:16
VolundAre there other methods I'm overlooking?03:16
Bashing-omac2: Why would they not be ? ( I run an EVGA nVidia GT710 card ) .03:17
aduuwhere is the ubuntu-vagrant room?03:17
chuck66ac2: ubuntu supports NVIDIA graphics cards of any brand03:17
aduwhen is this going to get looked at? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/156923703:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569237 in cloud-images "vagrant xenial box is not provided with vagrant/vagrant username and password" [Undecided,New]03:19
ac2Bashing-om: hey, the gt710 is the one I was looking at, do you use it for multiple displays?03:19
LibertyWeNeedtatertots, mother won't let me take windows off it unless It is garenteed. She is a school teacher so she needs the computer working. By the way I got the model wrong it was t46003:20
ac2chuck66: thanks chuck good to know03:20
Bashing-omac2: No I do dot use but one display ( several work spaces in 2 displays )  But the card has 3 ports out .03:22
ac2Bashing-om: sorry mind claifying, so you only use two of the ports for multiple displays...03:25
Bashing-omac2: My bad terminology . NO, I have but the one monitor that I can switch between 2 dispalys ( TTY7 and TTY8 in which I have 4 work spaces in each ) .03:27
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: best to leave it be then..try not to force linux onto friends and family...let them come to the linux side on their own free will03:28
LibertyWeNeedThey are willing, but only if it works.03:28
LibertyWeNeedBecause They got a thinkpad instead of buying a new macbook pro which was too expensive03:29
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: you can't make any such guarantees03:29
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: so don't get yourself caught up in that fight03:29
LibertyWeNeedI just thought someone here may have had experience doing this before.03:29
Bashing-omLibertyWeNeed: What you do is boot up a liveUSB - If all works and all like what they see. then for the 1st year one dual boots . Never a good idea to go Windows cold turkey !03:30
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: consumers / end users have this uncanny ability to nit pick and find that one little thing that doesn't work without linux knowledge or some fiddling...once they find that...and they will...they will beat you up with it03:30
ac2Bashing-om: it sounds like you're running a type of virtual enviornment03:31
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: so don't put yourself in that situation03:32
tatertotsLibertyWeNeed: do what you will...but don't say i didn't tell you so03:32
Bashing-omac2: Nope .. all bare metal . X is very versatile .03:32
LibertyWeNeedBasing-om, sounds like a good and safer idea. to try booting off a USB rather than installing it just to test it out.03:33
LibertyWeNeedtatertots, I agree with you03:33
ac2Bashing-om: you're running xUbuntu?03:33
LibertyWeNeedHow do I create a live USB? Do I just use an ubuntu installation usb or is this something different?03:34
Bashing-omLibertyWeNeed: 'buntu is very considerate and provides a "try ubuntu" mode :)03:34
LibertyWeNeedDoes that have the same full functionality as a native install on the hardware?03:35
LibertyWeNeedOr is it temporary?03:35
Bashing-omac2: Actually I multi-boot . but yes, xfce is my prefered DE .03:35
Bashing-omLibertyWeNeed: There can be varing levels of "persistence" if one makes up a liveUSB . Performance will be no where close to that of the install to hard drive .03:37
ac2Bashing-om: nicce, thanks for all the tips, still a tad confused on how you're using the graphics card's multiple outputs on one monitor to create multiple workspaces03:39
blockheadcan anybody help me an issue with a bluetooth headset, pulseaudio and a2dp?03:39
flyinprogrammer(i don't think this was ever actually sent, but sorry if it was already!) ok smart wizardry folks, someone want to explain these iperf3 results to me? http://pastebin.com/6YayrDgW  tl;dr i'm getting 60k+ retries between 2 virtualbox machines03:41
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Bashing-omac2: in xfce4: one can do ' ctl+alt+f2 ; startx -- :1 ; ctl+alt+f8 ' . Then you have full GUIs running in both TTY7 and TTY8 .03:47
blockheadW: [pulseaudio] module-bluetooth-device.c: Profile not connected, refused to switch profile to a2dp03:49
blockheadcan somebody help me understand this?03:49
vimvw▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ pilotauto: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:54
qmiupzn▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Wobbli: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:54
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-nnucvy:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ RadioNova327: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
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* dzzrvwp ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ craptalk: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
duyptb▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ desti_T2: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
-hrvmmlm:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ yubinr: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
* zvlzf ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ac2: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
kpqvbqjh▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ rimd2r: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
* mvgpfbx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ kpqvbqjh: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
* dfxdrjny ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ philipballew: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
-dwiciixj:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ pavlushka: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
* attlg ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ hvn0413: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
-efkuxw:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Random832: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
fuakbr▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ashimema: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
-ttayj:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Melatonina: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
ttayj▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ stianhj: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
elibua▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ bedeho: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
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rklozwg▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ colints: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:55
dondonim going to miss u when ure gone03:56
-fkzeft:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ mizu_no_oto: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:56
* pklegzc ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ dustinspringman: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:56
* bavhrhlr ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bas: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:59
* bavhrhlr ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ chachasmooth: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:59
-bavhrhlr:#ubuntu- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ evade: LATE NIGHT TITTY PARTY GOING ON NOW SHAKE IT BITCHES NEW TOR IRC quicktalkeh676te.onion/6697 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄03:59
akishi all. Does 14.04.5 is fully supported until 2019?04:47
ChaiTRexakis: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases04:50
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etotientzWhen i run lspci -vnn | grep Network i get Ralink wifi driver but still my wifi does not work on ubuntu.05:05
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:14
toast13Hi. I've installed Ubuntu 17.04beta2 with an encrypted home. Now I've got the problem that the swap file cannot be mounted and the boot process waits 90s to continue. Any solution available?05:32
cfoch-alwaysdoes someone use bzr here?05:33
lotuspsychjetoast13: #ubuntu+1 for zesty issues plz05:37
lotuspsychjecfoch-always: best to ask your real question to the channel with all details, so others can try to help05:38
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cfoch-alwayshow do I see my current branch in bazaar?05:40
cfoch-alwaysor is it just the name of the current directory?05:42
lotuspsychjecfoch-always: man bzr showing anything usefull?05:51
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pooinassIs unity 8 going to come with in 17.04?06:28
lotuspsychje!info unity8 | pooinass06:34
ubottupooinass: unity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component main, is optional. Version 8.14+16.10.20160922-0ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 3129 kB, installed size 4667 kB06:34
lotuspsychje!info unity8 zesty06:34
ubottuunity8 (source: unity8): Unity 8 shell. In component main, is optional. Version 8.15+17.04.20170321-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 3141 kB, installed size 4768 kB06:34
lotuspsychjepooinass: newer version so it seems06:35
SemiNusI formatted a microSD-Card using "cfdisk" to the type "b W95 FAT32"  - when I try to mount it, I get the error: "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,"06:35
SemiNus^ any kind of help would be appreciated06:35
EriC^^SemiNus: did you run mkfs on it?06:35
lotuspsychjeSemiNus: have you tried formatting it with gparted?06:36
SemiNusEriC^^, no - am I supposed to?06:36
EriC^^mkfs.fat /dev/sdxY06:36
SemiNuslotuspsychje, no, I sticked to the shell so far06:36
EriC^^SemiNus: yes, that only sets the partition type (which really means nothing)06:36
SemiNusEriC^^, thank you for the tip.  I format it now (using the command you told me)06:36
SemiNus# mkfs.fat /dev/sdb106:37
SemiNusmkfs.fat 4.0 (2016-05-06)06:37
SemiNuslooks good06:37
SemiNusmounted successfully =)06:37
SemiNusthank you!06:37
EriC^^no problem06:37
SemiNussorry for bothering, I got one more problem06:38
SemiNusthe sd-card is fat32 formatted and should not know anything about user rights / permissions06:38
SemiNushowever, when I try to write the card with user privileges, I cannot write it06:38
EriC^^SemiNus: when you mount it as root it gets all the perms set to root06:39
SemiNusthat was _never_ like that06:39
EriC^^so you have to do gksu nautilus to copy files or use sudo from the terminal06:39
SemiNusI always mounted my external drives as root and used them as user06:40
EriC^^from the terminal? or mounted them from the filemanager?06:40
SemiNusEriC^^, I do not use the graphical tools at all06:40
SemiNussudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb106:40
SemiNustouch /mnt/sdb1/foo06:41
EriC^^maybe it mounted them with 777 as permissions?06:41
SemiNusah, wait I have an idea06:41
SemiNusI should chown /mnt/sdb1 to user06:41
ausafali88_anyone knows how to troubleshoot Ubuntu Random freeze issues?06:43
ausafali88_When everything freezes, mouse SSH etc. and even no logs are writeen.06:43
SemiNusEriC^^, thank you for your help!06:45
SemiNushave a great day!06:45
EriC^^thanks you too!06:45
pooinassI had to uninstall Ubuntu for like 6 times just because I wasn't able to update update because of some key error06:49
rymax99pooinass, you 'uninstalled' ubuntu because of what's likely a missing key for whatever repo you were using?06:54
rymax99that's very fixable without having to re-install the OS06:54
pooinassI tried everything. Tried fixing the keyring error and yet it was still persisting06:54
lotuspsychje!details | ausafali88_06:54
ubottuausafali88_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:54
rymax99definitely something that's fixable without resorting to that06:55
ausafali88_@ubottu version is 16.10, Errors: No errors are displayed, sceen just gets stuck, mouse pointer does not move. Steps: Have reinstalled graphic drivers andrun memtest86+ without any avail, Hardware Version: Dell XPS 870007:00
ausafali88_as per this link, i reach the last point "power-cysle the machine".07:00
dieterdthere was last week a bug with glibc/libc last week, hitting pts2 and very rarely freeze.07:03
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: what kinf of graphics drivers did you reinstall?07:03
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: wich driver version? wich card chipset?07:04
ausafali88_Am using default Dell XPS 870007:04
ausafali88_Processor isi5-466007:05
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: sudo lshw -C video to see driver= version?07:05
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: unclaimed means not installed07:08
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: check your additional drivers section07:09
azizLIGHTsomething is churning my hard drives (i have / on ssd) and i want to know what it is and whos doing it07:10
azizLIGHThow do i see what files are being written to/read from currently and their paths07:10
ausafali88_@lotuspsyche....currently its Xorg...should i change to NVIDIA?07:11
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ausafali88_@lotuspsyche ...?07:12
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: you need to check wich driver version is available for your card first, check additional drivers07:12
tatertotsausafali88_: are you able to reproduce this "freeze" at will? or is it a random intermittent occurrence07:13
ausafali88_Additional drivers are nvidia 375.3907:13
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: ok, install 375 and reboot?07:14
tatertotsausafali88_: had the symptom been observed immediately after installing ubuntu? or did the symptom begin to occur more recently?07:15
ausafali88_installed these drivers yesterday but to no avail...07:15
ausafali88_Ubuntu on my other systems working fine.07:15
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: what do you mean, not available?07:15
tatertotsi think the user means they installed the drivers yesterday and still had lockups/freezes07:16
tatertotsif i had to guess07:16
ausafali88_yes exactly.07:16
ausafali88_no avail..means to no use.07:16
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: but lets first start with a working driver, keeping it unclaimed is not supposed to be07:16
ausafali88_ok...doing that..07:17
ausafali88_hope this goes well, this is our main virtuilization server..07:17
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: wait? 16.10 server?07:18
tatertotsausafali88_: random lockups/freezing and it's your main server?.....seems odd...wouldn't that be disruptive07:18
tatertotsausafali88_: and non reliable07:18
ausafali88_yes it is...07:18
ausafali88_and it is affecting my reputation here...07:19
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: choose an LTS version for a server07:19
tatertotsausafali88_: well i guess its a good thing its not a production/commercial environment with paying customers then....or you'd be in the red07:19
cfhowlett+1 for LTS only server suggestion07:19
tatertotsausafali88_: does the symptom occur with other versions of ubuntu?07:20
ausafali88_It occured with 14.04..07:20
ausafali88_but went away with driver installation..07:20
ausafali88_but it is not going now..07:21
tatertotsausafali88_: 14.04 lts would have been supported until 2019...any particular reason you decided to ditch something that worked?07:22
ausafali88_ditched that for advanced software...and now am ditched in an advanced way..beyond my understanding.07:22
tatertotsausafali88_: lol..well its good to see you have a healthy sense of humor about it07:23
ausafali88_has it anything to do with Processor drivers,,because i can see Unknown:Unknown device after that iin Additional Drivers.07:24
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: using non-lts ubuntu version for a production server is not really stable thing to do..07:24
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: how about you reinstall ubuntu server 16.04.2 freshly and try again?07:24
ausafali88_Using processor microcode firmware from Intel CPU intel-microcode(proprietary)07:25
ausafali88_can we drag this thing till 17.04 is released..07:25
ausafali88_any tip.07:25
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: 17.04 is also non-lts07:25
ausafali88_so this doesn't occur till 17.04 is relased.07:25
ausafali88_muy goodness.07:26
ausafali88_ok..will try to move to LTS.07:26
lotuspsychjeausafali88_: if your going to install servers for daily use, you can install random versions07:27
ausafali88_now display is a lot neater and UNCLAIMED is not listed in lshw.07:30
pooinassHow to change the Ubuntu repository to the Debian one?07:35
lotuspsychje!debian | pooinass07:36
ubottupooinass: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!07:36
cfhowlettpooinass, if you want debian stuff, install and use debian07:36
jinxi1how do I set a screensaver?07:46
lotuspsychje!info xscreensaver | jinxi107:46
ubottujinxi1: xscreensaver (source: xscreensaver): Screensaver daemon and frontend for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.34-2ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 531 kB, installed size 2227 kB07:46
jinxi1why is it optional?07:47
lotuspsychjejinxi1: ubuntu ditched screensavers by default a long time ago07:47
jinxi1lotuspsychje, what is the replacement?07:47
lotuspsychjejinxi1: screen going to black07:48
jinxi1Something still needs to save my screen ;-)07:48
cfhowlettjinxi1, ditched = no longer needed or used07:48
kostkonjinxi1, because tft lcds don't suffer from permanent burn-in07:48
lotuspsychjejinxi1: but its your system, install xscreensaver without problems if you want ( i love the matrix one)07:48
lotuspsychjejinxi1: you might need some tuning with disabling gnome-screensaver, and add xscreensaver as startup job with some arguements07:49
lotuspsychjejinxi1: xscreensaver -no-splash as startup job07:53
questions123hey everyone, quick question (ubuntu 16.04): did the network manager change icons? mobile broadband showed up as 4 vertical bars in the taskbar when connected until the last update, now its showing the wifi arcs; its a little irritating07:57
night-hackshi everyone08:14
night-hacksi run this command on my server:  lsof -i tcp:109908:15
night-hacksand i get:   TCP afshar.test.com:rmiregistry-> (ESTABLISHED)08:16
night-hackscan anyone translate this output since it's odd for me.08:16
sonu_nkHi, i am facing one issue. my website is not working on my windows pc if its open on ubuntu pc.. may be there is some DNS issue when i am accessing website on ubuntu pc...08:17
night-hackssonu_nk: ping the websites ip08:18
night-hackssonu_nk: ping from your ubuntu machine08:18
sonu_nknight-hacks, issue is this : if i am accessing the application on ubuntu then it will not to access website on another pc (windows, ubuntu )08:19
night-hackssonu_nk: you mean ssh ?08:19
ducassenight-hacks: what about the output don't you understand?08:19
night-hacksducasse: is my ip and afshar.test.com:rmiregistry is my friends ip !08:20
ducassenight-hacks: and? it means there is an active tcp connection between them.08:21
oulankaIs there some drawback to keeping dotfiles in a git repository, with symlinks leading from their locations (so say ~/.bashrc symlinks to ~/dotfiles_git_repository/.bashrc)? Is there some other clearly better to keep dotfiles in a git repository?08:21
night-hacksducasse: but it's the output on my server,, how it knows i have active connection to my friends ip !08:22
sonu_nk if i have one connection and two or more pc connected on one internet connection .. then issue : i am accessing the application on ubuntu machine.. then if i will open the website with browser on windows ..it shows timed out ..means website can only run in any one pc at a time.. this issue with only ubuntu .08:23
night-hackssonu_nk: i had such a problem on machines, then disabled dhcp and configured interfaces static on my linux machines08:25
night-hackssonu_nk: is your network infrastrauctures based on windows ?08:25
sonu_nknight-hacks, i am at home. and here no network .. just a internet wire connected in modem and 2 pc connected with modem ..thats it...08:26
night-hackssonu_nk: then disable dhcp, use static interfaces, and configure default gateways and subnetmasks properly08:27
ducassenight-hacks: the command you ran above was executed on afshar.test.com08:28
night-hacksducasse: no, on !08:29
ducassenight-hacks: check that.08:29
night-hacksducasse: dude, i'm sure08:29
sonu_nknight-hacks, what to do ? i am not much aware about ubuntu08:29
Cyber_AkumaI am trying to configure the grub2 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT setting so the menu does not display automatically, but no matter what I do it's still displaying on boot.08:29
ducassenight-hacks: then what does 'host afshar.test.com' on that machine say?08:29
night-hacksducasse: that's excatly my question08:30
ducassenight-hacks: then run it.08:30
night-hacksducasse: run what ?08:31
ducassenight-hacks: as i said, 'host afshar.test.com'08:31
night-hacksducasse: that's a windows machine08:31
ducassenight-hacks: run it on the machine you ran lsof on.08:32
sonu_nkany indian here.. plz ?08:33
night-hacksducasse: afshar.test.com has address
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ducassenight-hacks: that is all it said?08:33
ducasse!in | sonu_nk08:34
ubottusonu_nk: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India08:34
night-hacks ducasse: and has address
night-hacksducasse: these two outputs08:35
sonu_nknight-hacks, i am looking for more help :)08:35
ducassenight-hacks: you have some dns misconfiguration.08:36
night-hacksducasse: on my server ? or my network ?08:36
night-hacksducasse: or you mean ip conflict ?08:37
ducassenight-hacks: either on the machine you ran the commands on or elsewhere.08:37
night-hacksducasse: that host is the ip address of the network admin08:38
night-hacksducasse: he may messed it up08:38
ducassenight-hacks: that's possible. try 'sudo lsof -n -i tcp:1099' instead08:49
night-hacksducasse: with -n it says:>
ducassenight-hacks: ok, so that command was run on, and when the host looked up the name for that address it got afshar.test.com08:59
night-hacksducasse: so it's just me connected to that port09:01
ducassenight-hacks: yes, it can't know anything else.09:02
dieterdxubuntu 16.04 has an damaged ldconfig, which does not work in chroot qemu.09:12
dieterd# ldconfig -v09:16
dieterd/sbin/ldconfig.real: 1: /sbin/ldconfig.real: Syntax error: "(" unexpected09:16
vitalka1289помогите с русификацией lubuntu09:21
ducasse!ru | vitalka128909:21
ubottuvitalka1289: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:21
art__Is anyone dual-booting from a USB ram stick?   I have Win7 but wish to boot to Ubuntu 16 on another HDD.09:22
art__Truth is, its Ubuntu 14.04, but I I don't want to do a bootloader on that drive C:09:23
art__My question is, whether to boot to U16 from SystemRescue USB or the PenLinux thing?09:26
art__PenDriveLinux   YUMI  XBoot  etc. Or SystemRescueCD on a RAM drive. Any recommendations anyone?09:29
manonales86how can i add a workspace switcher to the menubar in 14.04 LTS?09:46
art__hi, manonales86    seems quiet here09:46
bazhangmanonales86, is this unity or another shell09:49
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bazhangmanonales86, or are you using the gnome-session-fallback, eg gnome 'classic'09:51
OERIASbasic question here....09:51
OERIAS4k or 1080p09:51
OERIASfor ubuntu?09:51
bazhangOERIAS, for what? hardware?09:52
bazhangOERIAS, does your card support that?09:53
OERIASbazhang, for a notebook09:54
bazhangOERIAS, does your notebook support it09:55
OERIASthe notebook supports it09:55
bazhangOERIAS, what HD content did you have trouble with on ubuntu09:55
bazhangmanonales86, the answer on adding workspace switcher depends if you are using unity or something else09:56
jinxi1firefox does not scale correctly on my 4k monitor.09:57
jinxi1Is this a known issue?09:57
OERIASbazhang, i remembered a while back that ubuntu did not support 4k properly09:57
OERIASjinxi1, I use Chromim09:57
tatertotsOERIAS: are you using the computer right now?09:58
jinxi1me too, but I need a second browser.09:58
bazhangyes it supports 4k09:59
OERIAStatertots, no, I will be purchasing this pc soon09:59
bazhangthats a hw support issue, however,09:59
OERIASi see10:00
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OERIASi remember a while back with a Dell preloaded with Ubuntu, the scaling of the applications was off.10:01
manonales86bazhang, i am using unity.10:03
bazhangunity-tweak-tool manonales8610:04
bazhangto get what you wanted10:05
manonales86bazhang, thx10:06
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:13
IsraHello, I have installed Zesty and I have noticed that I can not install the beta version of skype or Discord10:27
IsraTrying to install discord using the command line gives me this:10:27
IsraUnpacking discord-canary (0.0.15) ...10:28
Isradpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of discord-canary:10:28
Isra discord-canary depends on libgconf-2-4; however:10:28
Isra  Package libgconf-2-4 is not installed.10:28
Isra discord-canary depends on libappindicator1; however:10:28
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for zesty chat Isra10:28
Isra  Package libappindicator1 is not installed.10:28
MonkeyDustIsra  type   /j #ubuntu+110:29
IsraThank you it worked10:29
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MonkeyDustAdd3r  it works, use the #test channel10:44
cariveridoes anyone know let's encrypt and used certbot?10:50
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MonkeyDustcariveri  guess that's not for this channel ... https://certbot.eff.org/10:59
cariveriMonkeyDust: I also tried httpd channel. sine it is about using apache2 with ssl.11:06
ducassecariveri: did you try #letsencrypt?11:07
cariveritrying now. thx11:08
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WXZI've got a 16gb flash drive, I want to create 3 live usbs using it: 2 ubuntu, 1 windows.. is that possible?11:34
MonkeyDustWXZ  yes https://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/11:40
MonkeyDustWXZ  not sure about Windows, tho11:41
WXZMonkeyDust: at least you gave me the proper term to google11:47
storcaHello guys, I have a problem with apache which displays me "403 forbiden" on a index.php file. Note that index.html works11:52
MonkeyDustWXZ  are you now in linux or windows? for windows there's Yummi or Yumma or so11:52
WXZin linux now, I've got windows installed too on a dual boot11:52
storcaI've installed php and libapache211:54
marrenarreHi. I need to make my Ubuntu partition smaller so I can install Windows, but when I try to resize it in GParted, I’m not able to decrease the size.12:00
stanodoubleaahello, i tried to reformat a partion, now the partion has dissapeard and I cant find it anywhere12:01
MonkeyDuststanodoubleaa  in a terminal, type   lsblk -f    and paste the outcome here, to show it to the channel ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/12:03
stanodoubleaaMonkeyDust https://paste.ubuntu.com/24253234/12:05
MonkeyDuststanodoubleaa  is the partition you want in that list?12:06
stanodoubleaaI use to use windows but I had one 500gb partion and I wanted to remove everything on the partion but now I cant find it12:06
MonkeyDuststanodoubleaa  you formatted it as what file system type?12:08
stanodoubleaathe default12:09
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MonkeyDuststanodoubleaa  what's the outcome of   df -h /dev/sda212:11
stanodoubleaait is the ssd I think, I really need to free up some space on it lol12:13
ioriastanodoubleaa, 99% ?12:13
stanodoubleaabut it was a 500gb partion on a 1tb harddrive12:13
stanodoubleaaI only had a ssd for a while12:14
stanodoubleaaso it filled up12:14
ioriastanodoubleaa, if you're on ubuntu right now, paste   df -h   and sudo parted -l12:15
MonkeyDusta lot of space, i'm jealous12:18
ioriastanodoubleaa, if you run  sudo apt autoremove   ? what it says ?12:18
ioriastanodoubleaa,  btw, i think your missed partition is sdb212:19
stanodoubleaawait sorry12:19
ioriastanodoubleaa,  without the question mark , please12:20
stanodoubleaayes I just doing that now12:20
ioriastanodoubleaa,  check df -h12:22
ioriastanodoubleaa,  only 1% .... run it again12:24
ioriastanodoubleaa,  autoremove , i mean12:24
stanodoubleaaReading package lists... Done12:25
stanodoubleaaBuilding dependency tree12:25
stanodoubleaaReading state information... Done12:25
stanodoubleaaand it is at 90 percent12:25
stanodoubleaabecause of programs12:25
stanodoubleaasteam games etc lol12:26
stanodoubleaavery full because i didnt have any other hard drives for a long time12:26
ioriastanodoubleaa,  remove (or purge) what you can ...12:26
stanodoubleaaI want to move it to the 500gb partion I formatted12:27
stanodoubleaabut I cant12:27
stanodoubleaabecause the reformatted partion isnt showing12:27
ioriastanodoubleaa,  btw, i think your missed partition is sdb212:28
ioriastanodoubleaa,  is without a fs12:28
stanodoubleaaok so i add a file system to it?12:28
stanodoubleaaand it should show?12:28
MonkeyDuststanodoubleaa  type   sudo apt install gparted ... then run gparted from the menu12:29
stanodoubleaai am running it12:30
ioriastanodoubleaa,  you can use gparted, be sure it's not mounted12:30
MonkeyDuststanodoubleaa  up right, select sdb12:30
stanodoubleaayes one partition is unknown12:31
sachinaHello guys, I disabled lightdm and now when I enabling, it is not autostarting, I have to manually start it using "systemctl start lightdm.service"12:31
ioriastanodoubleaa,  give it a fs12:31
stanodoubleaashould i use ntfs?12:31
ioriastanodoubleaa,  as you wish, ntfs does not support permission12:32
stanodoubleaanow there is 3mb of unallocated?12:32
stanodoubleaaisnt this normal though?12:32
ioriastanodoubleaa,  paste sudo parted -l again12:33
tatertotssachina: are you using the computer right now?12:33
rizonzis someone using systemd-networkd on ubuntu ? I need reliable ethX names12:34
tatertotssachina: in terminal>     sudo apt install inxi pastebinit12:35
tatertotssachina: when it's done...say so12:35
ioriastanodoubleaa,  and your /dev/sdb3  is full .... (not secure, but  my personal opinion)12:35
tatertotssachina: in terminal>     inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit12:36
tatertotssachina: share url/link here12:36
stanodoubleaayes I have another 1tb hd somewhere12:36
stanodoubleaagoing to free some space up12:37
ioriastanodoubleaa,  so if you want to mv stuff, mount your sdb2 somewhere and cp it over12:37
stanodoubleaado i mount it in gparted?12:37
BluesKajrizonz, run ip add, check the .2 entry it's thenew name for eth012:38
ioriastanodoubleaa,  nope12:38
rizonzBluesKaj: erm, ok need to check12:38
tatertotssachina: sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service12:39
marrenarreHi. I need to make my Ubuntu partition smaller so I can install Windows, but when I try to resize it in GParted, I’m not able to decrease the size.12:39
BluesKajmarrenarre, using a dpaarted live media, if si tru unmounting the ubuntu partition then resizing12:42
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marrenarre“si tru”?12:42
* BluesKaj needs more light12:42
BluesKajmarrenarre, so try12:43
stanodoubleaasorry im trying to follow online but i cant do it12:43
BluesKajmarrenarre, using a gparted live media, if so try unmounting the ubuntu partition then resizing12:44
ioriastanodoubleaa,  what's wrong ?12:44
stanodoubleaaI cant mount the partion12:44
ioriastanodoubleaa,  how are you mounting it ?12:44
oulankaIs there some drawback to keeping dotfiles in a git repository, with symlinks leading from their locations (so say ~/.bashrc symlinks to ~/dotfiles_git_repository/.bashrc)? Is there some other clearly better to keep dotfiles in a git repository?12:45
marrenarreBluesKaj: All I see is a greyed-out “Mount” option.12:47
marrenarreThe installation is encrypted, by the way.12:47
ioriastanodoubleaa,  you're not mounting a partition ....12:48
BluesKajmarrenarre, are you on live media?12:48
marrenarreBluesKaj: Yes.12:48
stanodoubleaayes I am?12:48
ioriastanodoubleaa,  sdb it's the entire device12:48
ioriastanodoubleaa,  are you in your home ?12:48
ioriastanodoubleaa,  mkdir mountpoint12:49
ioriastanodoubleaa,  sudo mount  /dev/sdb2  mountpoint12:49
BluesKajmarrenarre, encryption could be the problem , not familiar with partitioning encypted volumes12:50
ioriastanodoubleaa,  paste 'mount' command output12:50
marrenarreBluesKaj: Darn. Well at least I sort of know what to search for then. Thanks anyway.12:51
ioriastanodoubleaa,  now it's mounted ; copy what you want in there, and umount with   sudo umount mounpoint12:52
stanodoubleaawhy unmount it?12:52
stanodoubleaahow do I get it like a normal drive i can use?12:53
ioriastanodoubleaa,  because it's not in fstab, so you need to mount and umount  when you're finished12:53
stanodoubleaacan i make it a normal drive now?12:54
ioriastanodoubleaa,  what is a normal drive ?12:54
BluesKajmarrenarre, this might help  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions12:54
stanodoubleaathe rest is a pic of a harddrive this is a pic of a idk card with the name mountpoint12:55
stanodoubleaahow do i change mountpoint into a harddrive icon12:55
ioriastanodoubleaa,  oh, automount under media you mean ?12:56
stanodoubleaai dont know?12:56
marrenarreBluesKaj: Yeah, I found that too, thanks. Seems like a minor hassle though. Any way I could just decrypt it permanently and then do the normal procedure? I’m willing to give up encryption.12:57
ioriastanodoubleaa,  ok, sudo umount mountpoint and reboot ... nautilus should mount under /media i guess12:57
stanodoubleaaBut how do i get it like it was ?12:58
ioriastanodoubleaa,  how it was ?12:58
BluesKajmarrenarre, yeah that would probly make the partition acessible to gparted and it's options12:58
stanodoubleaaI had it like a normal partion but i wanted to remove everything, now it s a mountpoint. I want a norml empty partion12:58
ioriastanodoubleaa,  sdb2 is empty , you just formated it with ntfs12:59
stanodoubleaasorry if im not making sense im not good at this12:59
stanodoubleaawait i will take pic12:59
stanodoubleaaioria, https://i.imgur.com/WrEQLy5.png13:03
stanodoubleaasee the different icons?13:03
ioriastanodoubleaa,  yes, because you mounted in ~/mountpoint ....13:03
stanodoubleaai have no idea what that means13:04
stanodoubleaawhat do i do to make it normal?13:04
ioriastanodoubleaa,  can you paste   /etc/fstab13:05
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ioriastanodoubleaa,  sudo umount mountpoint and reboot and see if it  automounts13:08
ioriastanodoubleaa,  it should give you a different icon13:08
stanodoubleaabut does the icon mean anything?13:09
ioriastanodoubleaa,  the first two are automatically mounted under /media (/dev/sdc1 on /media/alex/New Volume), the third has been manually mounted13:10
sachinaHey guys, I disabled my lightdm using "systemctl disable lightdm.service" , how do I enable it again, "systemctl enable lightdm.service" is not working.13:10
marrenarreBluesKaj: Thanks for the help.13:10
stanodoubleaaok, so there technially the same I get you, I thought it was temporary moint point13:11
ioriastanodoubleaa, yes13:11
stanodoubleaasorry for my stupidity I just wanted to learn13:11
ioriastanodoubleaa, yes, it'a atemp mountpoint, unless you edit fstab13:11
stanodoubleaaanyway i will reboot13:11
OerHekssachina, how do you tell "systemctl enable lightdm.service"  is not working?13:11
sachinaI tried that and rebooted, lightdm is not autostarting13:12
stannodoubleaahello, thankyou very much it worked13:13
OerHekssachina, with sudo?13:14
sachinaI did without sudo, I was root.13:14
OerHeksso you enabled it, but did you start? sudo systemctl start lightdm.service # and switch to ctl alt f713:15
ioriastanodoubleaa, good job13:15
sachinado I have to start it after enabling?13:15
sachinaI am already in gui!13:16
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OerHeksduhh .. already in the gui ..13:16
* OerHeks facepalms13:16
sachinaI have manually started this using "systemctl start lightdm.service"13:17
OerHeksthis might be the missing part: sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target13:18
sachinaok let my try that13:18
DocMAXhelp! i accidently deleted the "mods-enabled" folder... how can i reastore at least the defaults? (ubuntu 16.04 running)13:30
DocMAXwhy is nobody speaking??????????13:34
DocMAX6 billion people in the world an noone speaking13:34
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acheron-apeople are here, i dont know how to help you with your problem13:35
OerHeksIf someone knows the answer, they will respond DocMAX13:35
OerHekswhat did you find sofar?13:35
DocMAXeven apt --reinstall install apache2 doesnt work13:36
MonkeyDustDocMAX  is that a server? if yes, try #ubuntu-server13:37
OerHeksrecreate that folder, and look at the permissions of mods-available ( hint)13:38
OerHeksand ubuntu-server is a good idea too13:38
prajwal_hello anyone13:48
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prajwal_software center is not working can anyone help me13:50
OerHeksprajwal_, try to run updates, that might have updates pending13:54
OerHeksprajwal_, if that is not fixing it, reinstall softwarecenter?13:56
BliepoHey everyone! I have a server which also functions as router but I have a bit of a problem. I use dnsmasq for DNS on the LAN side. I want dnsmasq to do 'split horizon' DNS: I want to return the gateway IP for my domain name on the LAN side and on the loopback interface I want it to point to
BliepoNow I excluded the loopback and WAN interface from dnsmasq, but now DNS is working for my LAN side, but not on the server (if I try to ping google it doesn't work)13:57
BliepoWould using bind9 be my only option in this scenario?13:58
carlosis there someone nearby?14:04
selckinyell really loud and find out14:04
carlosis there some one?14:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:07
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reactormonkI need python-twisted 17.1.0 - cleanest way to get it into a 16.04?14:10
reactormonkEh oops, it's a debian.14:10
yellabs-r2hello all14:20
yellabs-r2is there a way to measure the speed of a bluetooth dongle ( with ubuntu )14:21
shomonhi, I've tried upgrading to the latest ubuntu and it managed to reboot and not install any networking, so the only way I might have of adding the remaining packages is to put them in a usb.. where can I get these all together?14:47
barendshomon: The latest Ubuntu. Do you mean 17.04?14:49
shomonor can I find out from this half-installed computer which remaining ones are needed?14:49
jwtyHey, i tried install ubuntu and debian but after all things done they will not boot and have same issue14:51
jwtyFor example in blackscreeen shows this again, again and again14:54
jwtyAny help?14:54
shomonjwty: from searching for that error message online you get a few hits.. seems to be usb driver related14:56
jwtyThere is not usb port plugged14:56
OerHeksjwty, we need more information, describe your system please, especially your videocard14:57
jwty@shomon its same problem woth debian and ubuntu14:57
jwtyIts Qualcomm14:57
shomonsame with the results I found in my search.. seems to be distro independent14:58
jwtyWhich means?14:58
jwtyWindows boots normally but debian or ubuntu not booting14:58
OerHeksusb issues with windows ( 10? )  disable fastboot, tons of posts on the internet15:00
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
jwtyIam using dualbooting like 5 yeaes15:03
OerHeksjwty, then describe your system, what windows, what hardware..15:04
OerHekssure it is not windows 10 then :-D15:04
lpn_why i can't install vim?15:05
jwtyI had windows 10 and 64bit15:05
lpn_something error15:05
jwtyOerHerks now i removed windows completely just debian15:05
lpn_can someone help me ?15:06
adrian_1908lpn_: how to you try to install it, and what error do you get?15:06
lpn_from apt15:08
lpn_apt install vim15:08
jwtyIpn_ apt-get15:09
adrian_1908jwty: apt is fine.15:10
adrian_1908lpn_: so what's the problem?15:10
OerHekswaiting for your system specs, jwty15:10
ZoderUckhello who uses microsoft sql on ubuntu ?15:10
jwtyIts intel graphics15:10
jwty64 bit15:10
lpn_o_o   it works now15:11
lpn_but why15:11
lpn_i have tried for a long time15:12
adrian_1908well that's good to hear. always make sure to `apt update` prior is all i can think of :)15:13
lpn_thanks all the same15:14
jwtyOerHeks its intel 440015:18
jwty64 bit system architecture, intel graphics card  440015:19
implitewas hexchat made in python "Python interface unloaded FiSHLiM plugin unloaded"?15:31
sebsebsebimplite: hi15:32
dixsonhoeppHi, I need the calibration of the monitor permanently15:33
winter_I am having trouble getting my microphone to work.15:34
winter_Discord does not recognize it, so does Firefox.15:34
impliteyou need to tell discord what audio device to use15:35
impliteits somewhere in your settings15:35
winter_Only accepts "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo"15:35
Menzadorwinter_: What is your mic plugged into?15:36
winter_The mic plug.15:36
winter_mic in*15:36
winter_PulseAudio Volume Control seems to recognize it but I am not entirely sure.15:36
winter_I am using Xubuntu if that helps.15:36
Menzadorwinter_: If it's in the microphone jack, Built-in Audio Analog Stereo is correct15:36
winter_Discord is not transmitting anything.15:37
winter_or it is?15:37
Menzadorwinter_: So there's no mic output?15:37
MenzadorOr I should say the bar doesn't move when you speak into it?15:38
MenzadorUnder the Input Tab there should be a volume control15:38
winter_is there any way to listen to my transmitted voice to see if it works?15:39
implitehave you tested another audio recording program just to see if you can get anything from this mic?15:39
MenzadorNot that I know of, at least not within PulseAudio15:39
winter_only noise comes through15:41
winter_only noise15:41
winter_on audacity at least15:41
implitedo you have another computer to test this mic on?15:42
implitemaybe it is a bad mic?15:43
winter_i can dualboot windows15:43
impliteI would just try sound recorder there just to see if you get anything... then we can rule out if it is a bad mic15:44
winter_.....and as it turns out, its because i actually turned off mic output15:45
winter_on my headphones15:45
winter_well, that settles it15:45
winter_im dumb15:45
implitewe have all done this before15:45
MenzadorLol :) At least it's fixed15:45
winter_still though, thanks15:46
implitewb lol15:46
implitewe have all done that before so np15:46
winter_one more thing15:47
winter_is there any way to improve performance on amd graphics cards?15:47
winter_i am using the pre-installed drivers15:48
winter_i was playing pro skater 4 on the dolphin gamecube emulator15:48
winter_and mvp 2005 on vmware15:48
winter_and it always feels like im playing it at sub-30 fps15:48
winter_other emulation works fine for the most part though15:49
implitethere is a nice new amd driver coming out soon that will really help the performance15:49
winter_where can i find news on it?15:49
impliteyou will see it in your updates15:50
implitewhen its ready15:50
winter_awesome, cant wait15:50
implitebut what is your issue?15:50
winter_its just something im wondering about15:50
implitelow fps?15:50
winter_as i said a lot of other stuff works fine15:50
winter_except for nfs underground 2 on wine15:50
winter_i have been getting into linux since january and im always stoked to see improvements15:50
impliteyou should look into wine bottles and play4linux15:51
MenzadorThat's Wine, which is an application layer as opposed to an emulator15:51
winter_i know15:51
Menzadorimplite: Do you mean PlayOnLinux?15:51
winter_i should probably see if i can run it on playonlinux15:51
impliteyes playonlinux15:51
winter_playonlinux is a huge improvement over wine15:52
Menzador(The latest League of Legends script allows for awesomeness on Linux) :)15:52
winter_well, improvement as in it helps wine15:52
winter_not into LoL, but it let me run Diablo 315:52
winter_thats a good sign15:52
impliteits all about handling wine bottles15:52
impliteplayonlinux couldnt do it without wine15:53
impliteyou get the right set of wine bottles and you can run anything you want ;)15:53
DelysidHello everyone, I've been having an issue with my hp laptop and compactibility with linux in general, including ubuntu. I have two problems: random freezes and inability to power off my laptop (literally have to manually hold power off button). Which steps should I take in understanding the issues and hopefully resolving them ?16:03
sebsebsebDelysid: hold on a min, just doing soething then get back to you16:09
sebsebsebDelysid: ok16:10
sebsebsebsethu: hi16:11
sebsebsebDelysid: which lap top?  or more speically,  ram,  proccesser?16:11
sebsebsebalso which version of ubuntu ?16:11
sebsebseband if any other distros what have you tried ?16:11
sebsebsebDelysid: how old is the lap top as well? what graphics card does it have even ?16:12
ZoderUckwhich of your technicians uses rasberry pi with some kind of database ?16:12
Delysid4 gigs of ram, it  has quad-core atom processor. I have tried 14.04, 16.04, 16.10 ; also fedora, kubuntu/lubuntu16:14
DelysidAnd it has integrated graphic card16:14
sebsebsebIntel graphics ?16:14
sebsebsebwhen you sya freeze16:14
sebsebseba kernel panic ?16:14
sebsebsebDelysid: like a proper error screen, and then a re boot I guess?  yes  Linux does actsaully have something a bit like the blue screen of death in Windows, but not quite the same16:14
sebsebsebalso its rare to get kernel panics16:15
sebsebsebunless faulty hardware for example16:15
DelysidI don't really get any feedback, it just stops working completely16:15
sebsebsebhow does it stop working complerlty? a big freeze and not working ?16:15
DelysidI have to hold the power off button to power it off. Windows runs normally, and so does linux as a virtual machine16:16
sebsebsebis that a virtual machine inside windows ?16:16
DelysidBut I don't really want to depend on windows to run linux16:17
sebsebsebDelysid: ok can you lspci and put the output from terminal onto pastebin16:17
sebsebsebthata could be a good start16:17
sebsebsebyes in linux I mean16:17
sebsebsebthat will give more of an idea about your hardware what you got16:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:17
sebsebsebDelysid: indeed  running Wndows at all, generallhy isn't that great16:18
sebsebsebbut sometimes there is reason to16:18
DelysidWill running lspci on a virtual machine be accurate or should I set up a dual boot real quick ?16:19
RandomNoobHelo guys. I created clonezilla image of my ubuntu. When I am trying to restore that image from usb flash drive I cant choose it. Even there is not an choice of restoring16:19
k1lDelysid: lspci only sees the "fake" hardware provided by virtualbox.16:21
sebsebsebDelysid: indeed that's the fake stuff if done in a virtual machine,  not the real hardware16:21
sebsebsebDelysid: can also get hardware info from Windows16:21
sebsebsebat the moment16:21
sebsebsebk1l: did you see the original issue above? they have a odd issue wehre Linux keeps on crashing,  but  Windows works ok on there16:22
DelysidThat's what I thought, I'll get it from windows, it's quicker16:22
sebsebsebeven a virtual machine of Linux inside Windows16:22
k1leven the vm crashes?16:22
dixsonhoeppHow to calibrate the monitor permanently?16:22
sebsebsebk1l: the vm woriks when inside Windows, but a pshyicall install of Linux, and crashes after a bit, it seems16:22
mguydixsonhoepp: do you mean load a saved calibration at every boot up?16:23
DelysidMy linux vm doesn't crash. Only if it's run as a main os16:23
k1lwell, we need to look into the syslog/dmesg from the session when it crashed.16:23
sebsebsebDelysid: have you got a pshyicall ikjnstall of Linux set up now, or you meant you would set up now dual boot?16:24
sebsebsebDelysid: but k11  for example will be more knowledgable in helping you with your particular issue16:24
mathrock74can somebody tell me why the meta package linux-image-generic in xenial is version when linux-image-4.4.0-67-generic is already available?16:24
sebsebsebmathrock74: where?16:25
mguyIs there a page to preview unity themes?16:25
DelysidI'm running only windows currenly, I can set up a linux real quick and get back to you with logs ?16:25
sebsebsebmathrock74: and old kernels stay installed unless you remove them16:25
sebsebsebDelysid: yep that's what k11 meant, get the actsaul crash error message, from when it crashes16:25
sebsebsebthe real install16:25
k1lDelysid: its hard to tell what happend. so having the logs from an install after the crash happend can shed some light16:25
DelysidOkay no problem. Any version of ubuntu you want me to install in particular ?16:26
mathrock74sebsebseb: in the official repositories16:26
k1lDelysid: 16.04.2 or 16.10 will do16:26
sebsebsebDelysid: 16.04 or 16.1016:26
dixsonhoeppmguy Yes, and do not To get lost wshen I run a game, etc16:26
dixsonhoeppmguy: Yes, and do not To get lost wshen I run a game, etc16:27
k1lmathrock74: here you see the versions: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta16:27
k1lmathrock74: see the 4.4.70 is in proposed. which is the repo for automated testings which you shoould not enable if you are not automatic testing stuff :)16:27
NarcM93hello there16:28
sebsebsebNarcM93: hi16:28
NarcM93how are you guys16:28
DelysidI'll go with 16.04.2 because LTS, 64bit. I'll get back to you guys when it crashes.16:28
sebsebsebDelysid: yeah16:28
dixsonhoeppHi, I need the calibration of the monitor permanently16:32
mathrock74linux-image-generic was on 4.4.0-67 for a short time, they should remove the 4.4.0-67 packages from the repositories when they botch kernel updates (again), last time they did (correct meta package version and remove faulty(?) kernels)16:37
k1l!info linux-image-generic xenial16:41
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB16:41
k1lmathrock74: i guess #ubuntu-kernel guys can give you more detailed answers16:43
mathrock74k1l: it's ok, im only a little bit annoyed cause they obviously botched the kernel update two times in a row in xenial. this shouldn't happen in a lts version. my desktop box at work always gets these "short time" kernels, when i start my laptop at home, they're already gone16:47
k1lmathrock74: yes, there were some issues with kernel updates, but i dont know the specifics. but you are right, that should not happen16:47
SopaXorzTakerCanonical, you suck17:00
SopaXorzTakerHelping Microsoft monopolize Linux17:00
SopaXorzTakerI am sick of this17:00
SopaXorzTakerguys, don't use Ubuntu.17:00
piercedwaterwhat should we use17:01
sebsebsebSopaXorzTaker: helping them monopolise Linux how?17:01
SopaXorzTakerpiercedwater, Arch, Debian, openSUSE, Fedora17:01
k1lSopaXorzTaker: this is not appropriate in here.17:01
sebsebsebSopaXorzTaker: that Ubuntu in WIndows 10 thing, doesn't do that17:01
SopaXorzTakersebsebseb, well, they are their so-called partners now17:01
sebsebsebOpen SUSE,  had one with Microsoft before,  and I think even Redhat has a iltlte one more recently,  but this is off topic  and won't respond more17:02
SopaXorzTakerAnd their damn "<3 Linux" campaign is just an attemt to monopolize the market17:02
SopaXorzTakerWell, Redhat is actually a monopolist too17:02
SopaXorzTakerbut they're contributing GPL code at least17:03
k1lplease keep this channel clear for technical ubuntu spport. thanks17:03
nichlasSopaXorzTaker: I agree not to trust MS wrt Linux. But thats not the fault of canonical?17:03
SopaXorzTakerk1l, I wish to be banned from this channel, not going to use Ubuntu anymore :P17:03
SopaXorzTakerI actually am ban-evading now, I've been banned there before17:03
SopaXorzTakerfor exactly the same discussion.17:03
MonkeyDustSopaXorzTaker  stop17:04
impliteomg drama.... dont hate people...17:04
sebsebsebthey got quieted17:06
k1ldont mind the trolls :)17:06
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chuunyY a quelqu'un,17:20
OerHekschuuny, english only please, and what has a log to do with ubuntu support?17:21
chuunyThis is where we discuss17:22
chuunyor not17:22
OerHekschuuny, oke, have fun there, please don't spam this channel, thanks.17:23
fuzzyhornshi all. i'm using xmodmap to try to give myself a hyper key. i found these settings and they worked for me until i restarted: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jabbalaci/dotfiles/master/.Xmodmap17:24
fuzzyhornsi tried reapplying them with xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap and no dice17:24
fuzzyhornsi followed the troubleshooting guide on the ubuntu site but didn't make any headway17:24
fuzzyhornsanyone manage to have a caps lock hyper key consistently working?17:24
guest12345How can I access my files from my hard drive using a live CD? It keeps telling me I don't have permission and I am trying to back up.17:25
guest12345I mean the files of my hard drive17:26
sebsebsebguest12345: file permissions17:26
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:26
chuunySorry this is the first time I come on Hexchat. I do not know.17:26
OerHeksfuzzyhorns, add sleep 4 && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap &  to ~/.bash_profile  ?17:27
fuzzyhornsOerHeks: but wouldn't using "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" now work?17:28
OerHeksyes it should17:28
fuzzyhornslike not even rerunning that is working for me which is what confuses me17:28
sebsebsebguest12345: you could become root, and move everything over etc etc to a Linux,  but then root  would own everything, and you would have to chmod later17:29
sebsebsebI mean nautilus via sudo17:29
sebsebsebguest12345: its basically since the live cd doesn't own your home folder on hard drive17:29
guest12345sebsebseb: is it ok if I PM you?17:29
sebsebsebguest12345: maybe, but may be able to get more help here17:30
sebsebsebguest12345: or might have to come back here later depends17:31
sebsebsebok pm me17:31
fuzzyhornshttps://gist.github.com/mooreniemi/12d5b756f820bf8c8e9227d942122c76 output looks right to me, too17:31
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OerHeksrele-vance,  is there a ubuntu support question in that url?17:48
DJonesrele-vance: Wrong channel, this is Ubuntu support17:48
DelysidUpdate: just freshly installed it, imma play around until it freezes.17:50
OerHeksnext winter? go for it, Delysid17:50
Delysidhaha you know it17:54
DelysidWell this is weird.. It's not freezing now. However it still gets stuck on power off18:02
=== evade_ is now known as evade
sebsebsebDelysid: ok18:04
DelysidJust rebooted it, let me share the log so we can at least tackle that problem18:04
sebsebsebDelysid: stuck on power off could be another issue,  but you can jsut power off  linux via the power bugtton without much issue, anyway :d18:04
sebsebsebits not windows18:04
DelysidLmao you are right18:05
DelysidGuys, something came up I have to leave. I'll get back with you tomorrow with some logs because I'm sure it's gonna freeze eventually18:21
fuzzyhornstrying to use xkb -- how would i map caps lock to hyper l?18:22
SmashcatAnyone here use Steam on Linux with an Nvidia GPU? Seems like it's broken in 16.0418:35
implite@smashcat I use amd but i have 16.04 and steam on both linux and wine18:37
implite@smashcat what is your problem?18:37
Smashcatimplite: Yeah, It seems like it's just broken with Nvidia. Not a big deal as I have a Windows gaming PC, but was just interested in trying steam on Linux. It crashes out with "can't load swrast driver". I think the steam client on linux is really old, and wants old libs18:38
MonkeyDustimplite  you can drop the @ ... type 2 characters of a name, then hit tab to autocomplete18:47
duryhi there channel :-)18:49
duryanonymous23, can you help, if you don't mind please?18:50
MonkeyDustdury  start with a question18:50
anonymous23what's happen : dury18:51
duryMonkeyDust, anonymous23, one sec. please18:51
einsteinIn my laptop why the hell doesn't jupyter recognise python3.5 , and even in virtualenv the jupyter doesnt get installed now, earlier everything was perfect , and now as hell18:59
duryMonkeyDust, anonymous23, all right guys found it... I want to boot this iso http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/test/xenialpup/xenialpup-7.0.8-uefi.iso from grub2 I've tried with not success can you assist me18:59
einsteinIt says kernel is not found or recognised , and I do pip install --user jupyter that too fails, everything fails even in the virtualenv18:59
duryMonkeyDust, anonymous23, should I edit grub.cfg or what?19:01
k1ldury: this is an explanation on how to use grubs iso boot feature: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot19:02
anonymous23dury: how many dist have you on your pc19:03
duryanonymous23, you mean distros, don't you?19:04
ioriadury if you want to boot an iso from grub you can also use  the grub-imageboot  package19:05
ioriainfo grub-imageboot19:05
anonymous23dury: distro19:05
ssimaginghello all19:05
duryall right19:05
ioria!info grub-imageboot19:05
ubottugrub-imageboot (source: grub-imageboot): boot iso, harddisk and floppy images with grub2 and syslinux memdisk. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6 (yakkety), package size 4 kB, installed size 42 kB19:05
duryioria, so sudo apt-get install grub-imageboot is it right?19:07
ioriadury right, then you make sudo mkdir /boot/images , cp the iso in there, update grub and reboot19:07
AssociateXHello again.19:08
ioriadury  when you reboot, you'll see your iso in grub19:08
AssociateXIf I want to kill the desktop envioronment to get back to the DM, how do I do that via cli?19:09
duryioria, sure? does it work?, did you test it? anyway I'm going for it19:09
ioriadury  yes, with mini.iso on xubuntu 16.0419:09
duryioria, all right :-)19:10
durysee what's happen19:10
ioriadury  after coping your iso in /boot/images, run sudo upadte-grub2  and check if it sees the iso19:11
pkletyany romanians here?19:13
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro19:13
spm_dragetHow can I set the desktop language via commandline? Installing 'language-pack-de' and 'language-pack-gnome-de' still left me with a default english desktop. I'd like to set it via commandline.19:19
MonkeyDustspm_draget  scroll down http://askubuntu.com/questions/133318/how-do-i-change-the-language-via-a-terminal19:20
spm_dragetMonkeyDust: Ah thanks! Worked!19:24
israphialHello! So, Ubuntu stock uses Unity. However, in my system monitor, I'm noticing that the process gnome-software is always at the top of my memory usage. I don't understand why it19:32
israphialWhy it's like that, shouldn't I only be using unity stuff, not gnome stuff? I'm not sure why both unity and gnome are actively running.19:32
MonkeyDustisraphial  unity is a compiz layer over gnome319:33
sebsebsebisraphial: yeah that's GNOME 3 in the background19:34
sebsebsebisraphial: Unity is deafult insteada of the GNOME inteface, GNOME Shell19:34
ioria!info gnome-software19:34
ubottugnome-software (source: gnome-software): Software Center for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.20.1+git20170208.0.a34b091-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 254 kB, installed size 1127 kB19:34
israphialWait! So can I switch to a Unity GNOME DE right now without needing to install the big GNOME and GNOME-shell packages?19:34
sebsebsebisraphial: not quite19:34
sebsebsebisraphial: the big GNOME stuff if you call it that is the backgorund19:34
sebsebsebthe GNOME base19:34
sebsebsebisraphial: you can go to GNOME Shell and give that a try, in the installl you got now though19:35
sebsebsebas well as lots of other interfaces etc as well19:35
sebsebsebKDE, XFCE, and what not19:35
israphialI cannot switch over to it, I don't have the option to in my login. Would I need to apt-get install gnome & gnome-shell in order for that to work?19:35
anddamis there a Unity program handling handwriting signatures, akin to macOS' Preview.app?19:35
k1lgnome-software is the new software center for ubuntu.19:36
sebsebsebisraphial: yes should add to the log in screen as an option, and I would suggeset instalilng  to try gnome.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop  since that's a more full proper GNOME expereince as well19:36
ChrisGKwhat is this19:36
k1lisraphial: if you want the gnome-shell, install the gnome-shell package.19:36
israphialI cannot currently do that, sebsebseb , I am currently using internet that is locked to an extremely slow speed.19:36
k1l!ontopic | ChrisGK19:36
ubottuChrisGK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:36
israphialBut I will note that and install it when I can.19:36
sebsebsebisraphial: well maybe just gome shell on your slow intenret, but willl still put in some other pakcages19:37
sebsebsebChrisGK:  a ubuntu support channel19:37
israphialthat would be gnome-shell, correct?19:38
sebsebsebisraphial: yeah19:39
k1lisraphial: that installs the gnome shell, yes19:39
israphialgonna check the size of it, see if I can actually get it downloaded in a reasonable amt of time.19:39
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israphial25 mb, I can do that.19:40
voozeI'm trying to setup a 11TB (10 TiB) partition in ubuntu vm (Proxmox KVM host system) but when using parted it shows only 9,4T usable out of 10T on sdb1. I created it with 2048KiB 100% so it should be use all space right?19:42
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michelb_can i put echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/applemc.768/fan2_manual and echo 2000 | sudoo tee /.../..../.../fan2_output intoo a script that loads on startup? so that my fan drops to 2000rpm at startup?19:47
mclnsUbuntu beginners19:54
mclnsWer to find them can be on their list of available channels19:55
k1lmclns: the ubuntu beginners channel was shut down. you can ask the questions in here19:59
spm_dragetIs there a ppa for recent versions (5.7 or 5.8) of QT for xenial?20:02
RyanTGWhy am I not seeing Python development options if I installed eclipse-pydev?20:05
RyanTGStill only seeing C and Java.20:06
bekksRyanTG: Maybe ask the eclipse channel?20:08
RyanTGThe eclipse channel is going to tell me to use the eclipse installer script first instead of the .deb from Ubuntu.  I'm trying to stick to everything being packaged and supported or why bother with the LTS?20:09
turistaHello every!20:11
turistaI've a question, I download this game called 'singularity'; but it only open when I start up (I log in the system)20:11
turistaafter it comes up with a black screen and it does not start :-þ20:11
turistasome ppl tell me that it has something to do with the video memory or something a like but I dunno, what ya think?¿20:12
RyanTGHave you tried starting it from the command line and piping the output to a file so you can see if it's throwing any errors?20:13
M2Nch3rHello all. Had a question, Do I have to configure my USB "Sound Card" for my Razer Kraken headset to get it working after bootup?20:15
M2Nch3rSo far, when Ubuntu boots, the USB headset doesn't work until I unplug and plug it back in20:16
M2Nch3rI'm thinking whatever process Ubuntu boots up doesn't include "loading" the soundcard that is my USB Headset20:17
M2Nch3rI technically have drivers someone built for razer products on my system, but I was hoping someone might be able to direct me to some reading material in configuring sound cards20:18
M2Nch3rResearch inlcuding direction to modifying alsa-base.conf in /etc/modeprobe.d20:18
M2Nch3rI do see a list there, and I was able to verify that Ubuntu recognizes it since it's showing in lsusb20:18
M2Nch3rCould anyone give me any tips with dealing with USB headsets on Ubuntu that don't work on bootup20:20
M2Nch3rIt does work after unplugging and plugging back in20:20
turistaOk, I tried to start the 'singularity' game from the shell but it does not do something20:23
turistaI also can't cancel with ctrl + c cuz it show something like C^20:23
M2Nch3rrazer kraken headset (via USB interface). Is there a reason why it only is selectable in sound options after replugging it back in?20:30
georgianHey guys20:34
dixsonhoeppHello friends, I am presented with a problem and I can not find a solution. I want to keep the screen color calibrated. I have calibrated it with these two applications: Xcaliber, Nvidia x server settings.But every time I run for example a game in full screen, the screen color returns to defaut. I have to re-calibrate the color.How do I make the calibration I give the monitor default20:37
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Victor83Hello, is anybody use skype for linux beta?20:52
Bashing-om!17.04 | Victor8320:54
ubottuVictor83: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) will be the 26th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in April 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+120:54
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LiftLeftmy dns doesn't working20:55
de-factohmm how come python-farstream was DELETED?! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/yakkety/amd64/python-farstream20:56
k1lde-facto: it was deleted in the developing phase. maybe it didnt work20:57
de-factogreat so now i cant have any video in gajim anymore?20:58
k1lde-facto: it even links the bugreport in the explanation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-good0.10/+bug/157549620:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575496 in telepathy-qt5 (Ubuntu) "removal of gst-*0.10 packages" [Undecided,Fix released]20:58
Bashing-om!details | LiftLeft20:59
ubottuLiftLeft: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:59
de-factoyes i read it its a deletion report20:59
LiftLeftI dunno working now20:59
k1lde-facto: ok, please dont misuse this channel for your rantings if you already know why it was deleted.21:00
Bashing-omLiftLeft: Ain't 'buntu wonderful ? - self healing at work :)21:00
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SemiNusI have absolutely no idea what channel I could ask my question in.  Since I use Ubuntu as OS,  I hoped to find help here.21:09
SemiNusYesterday, I bought a D-Link router (DIR 615)21:09
Bashing-omSemiNus: ubuntu; then ask and see .21:09
SemiNusit's a cheap router, but it should do what I need:21:09
SemiNusmy cellar has a very bad mobile internet reception (and I use mobile internet here)21:10
SemiNusso I placed my TP Link mobile router into the window, so that it has a good enough reception21:11
SemiNusthe other router (D-Link, _not_ TPLink) stands next to my working PC21:11
SemiNusmy goal with the D-Link router is to connect to the other WIFI network (of the TPLink router in the window) and pass the WIFI connection to my computer via Ethernet21:12
k1lSemiNus: that sounds like a question for ##networking or ##hardware21:12
SemiNus[TP Link => WIFI]  ----->  [D-LINK router]  ------>  ethernet to PC21:12
SemiNusk1l, awesome, I did not know these channel existed21:13
SemiNusthank you!21:13
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dieterdqemu 2.7.1 on arm host does fail all new i368 chroot guests, xubuntu 16.04-17.04, linux mint 18.1 tested;21:19
dieterdldconfig is not working.21:19
dieterdbash: /sbin/ldconfig.real: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error21:19
dieterdWith 14.04 all was working21:19
fribi'm having trouble using japanese text input in wine apps. anyone know how to resolve this?21:32
ppfso, i'm just trying to use distcc. but it isn't distributing21:32
sebsebsebfrib: I think you can put Windows fonts real ones, into a fonts folder in the .wine in home possibly21:32
ppfi.e., no compile jobs are ever generated on the build slave21:33
sebsebsebfrib: also I belive theres a microsoft fonts package in the repos, that may apply to wine as well21:33
ppfneither end produces any log messages21:33
fribsebsebseb, you mean in winetricks right21:34
sebsebsebfrib: look in the hidden .wine folders anything in there for fonts?21:34
sebsebsebfrib: and yes winetricks can possibly be used for this21:34
sebsebsebbeen ages since I used that htough21:34
sebsebsebor wine21:34
ppfwhats up with that? what do i need to do to make it produce worthwile messages? or, better, jobs?21:35
fribsebsebseb, the thing is it shouldn't be a font issue it's the text input I can't do21:35
sebsebsebfrib: I don't know then21:35
sebsebsebI guess the programs don't work so well with japenise in wine :d21:35
fribsebsebseb, ok thx21:35
sebsebsebfrib: o h yeah by the way may not be that active but you can try #winehq as well21:35
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:35
RyanTGSo if I wanted to write some Python for distributing on Ubuntu 16.04 using ONLY the official deb packages, what do I install?21:41
RyanTGdisregard. bad question.21:41
RyanTGI left out the part about wanting to use Eclipse for the intellisense.21:42
gaddafi_00Google that21:42
k1l!google | gaddafi_0021:42
ubottugaddafi_00: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.21:42
RyanTGOh, thank you. I was totally unaware there was a search engine I might try before coming to a support channel.21:42
=== linuxmodder_ is now known as linuxmodder
NarevI have been trying to get wow working under ubuntu for 2 weeks now21:51
NarevI have tried numerous how-tos, tutorials, and videos...21:52
NarevInstalled playonlinux and numerous versions of wine21:52
NarevI was hoping to god someone here could help21:52
NarevIs this one of those "No one actually talks" channels?21:53
RyanTGThat or they'll tell you to Google it.21:54
NarevOh I've googled it21:54
NarevI've followed every different one21:54
Narevwatched the videos21:54
NarevIn the videos it works, mine does not21:55
k1lfor wine issues better ask the wine specialists21:55
k1l!wine | Narev21:55
ubottuNarev: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:55
RyanTGWhat if the wine specialists suggest you use Arch instead because it works better there?  Will the #ubuntu channel really have helped then?21:56
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k1lRyanTG: the issue is, that wine is not a program ubuntu can fix. ubuntu is shipping wine, not making it.21:57
RyanTGk1l: That implies anything not made by Canonical should be compiled from source so you can be sure you have all the latest bug fixes. Might as well be using Gentoo at that point.21:58
RyanTGNarev: What's your wine problem?21:58
k1lRyanTG: i think you are more unhelpfull now than what you actually complain about.21:59
RyanTGk1l: Would it be easier to list the software this channel does help with?22:00
clackamasRyanTG:  Go to http://www.winehq.com and review their problem list for the version of Wine you have installed.22:01
k1lRyanTG: good luck with getting your issue solved.22:01
RyanTGk1l: Nobody here was going to solve my issue anyway since Ubuntu doesn't make Python, Eclipse, Git, C, Java, Node.JS, or really most of the tools a developer wanting desperately to get away from Windows would be using.22:12
katakaioNarev: You may have already seen this, but here's a write-up for playing WoW using Wine under Ubuntu specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft22:13
RyanTGAh, I missed the wow part earlier.22:18
jiffeis there a way to search for repository packages which contain files which contain certain text ?22:22
k1lfor files: yes. but text in file, no.22:23
tomreynjiffe: not really ubuntu, but they share a lot of packages, so you could try this: https://codesearch.debian.net/22:24
bocephusAnychance I can get pointed in the right direction.  I can not switch between my headphones and speakers.  I have to unplug my headphones22:30
jnjDoes anyone know how to have three monitors for xfce 4.12?22:33
bocephusjnj, not sure if this helps: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-use-multiple-monitors-in-xubuntu.html22:34
jnjbocephus: thanks but didn't really work - when I cant get the third monitor up but I do have two22:35
bocephusjnj,  so it only detects two monitors? Does the third show anything?  Might want to double check the input source on the monitor22:36
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bocephusjnj, Does your 3rd monitor just show the "power save" mode or whatever?22:37
jnjbocephus: my third monitor is actually my laptop22:40
histojnj: What?22:41
histojnj: how are you using your laptop as a third monitor?22:42
jnjhisto: I'm not, but I would like it to be. I have two monitors connected to my laptop, I was just wondering if it was possible for me to also have the display on my laptop as well. It's currently turned off.22:42
histojnj: how are the two monitors connected?22:44
jnjhisto: One monitor is connected to the vga port and the other monitor is connected to the hdmi port via a htmi to vga adapter22:44
histojnj: most laptops can't dual screen like that. They can either clone the screen to an external output or extend the screen.22:44
Bizzehjnj: you can get usb2vga adapters, which is essentially a USB GPU that is JUST powerful enough to present a desktop22:45
Bizzehyou can use these to add as many screens as you have USB ports22:45
Bizzehmanaged to get 5 of these running 5 different screens using a powered hub running off a laptop at work22:46
PR1M3-1NST1NCTI cant find my wordpress  URL22:47
SpacePotatoBearHi, I had 2 drives that where in an intel raid array (raid 0), i'm trying to add them to a mirrored ZFS pool22:47
histoBizzeh: why?22:47
MWMI am trying to troubleshoot conky and need a Ubuntu to english translator:  http://conky.sourceforge.net/faq.html advises to make a change to ~/.xinitrc.  ~/xinitrc doesnt seem to exist already though?22:47
jnjhisto: Oh, well I do have my laptop dual screening. I have two vga screens, I just can't get the display on my laptop (I'm assuming that you meant in terms of my laptop screen not working)22:47
jnjBizzeh: Noted - I'll try to get those then!22:47
SpacePotatoBearI keep getting errors and I think it has to do with left over meta data. SO how can i do a full wipe, incluidng metadata22:47
Bizzehhisto: because we had them around...22:47
Bizzehusually only have 1 per laptop, but we wanted to see how many we could connect up, and we maxed out the hub22:47
archpcwhats the current state for Ubuntu on AMD R9 GPUs?22:48
tomreynSpacePotatoBear: you're saying intel raid array, so i assume it's a proprietary fakeraid? if it was mdadm, you could --zero-superblock22:53
hfpHi, is there any way to disable the touchpad permanently on my laptop? I can disable it on the command line manually, and I put the command into Startup applications; but it comes back enabled everytime the machine wakes up from sleep or reboots. Any suggestions?22:54
SpacePotatoBeartomreyn, yea mdadm isn't helping, I'm using dd now.22:54
SpacePotatoBearhfp, xserver settings, I did something similar for turning acceleration off, and configuring my trackpoint22:54
SpacePotatoBearhfp, I hope this helps https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics22:55
tomreynSpacePotatoBear: if you really want to do a full wipe then either do an ata secure erase (https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ATA_Secure_Erase) or dd if=/dev/zero22:56
SpacePotatoBearyea I'm usind dd if=/dev/zero of=/disk/path22:56
tomreynbut most likely metadata is in either first or last sectors.22:56
tomreyn(or both)22:56
hfpSpacePotatoBear: thanks I'll check this out22:56
SpacePotatoBearwe'll find out.22:56
rizonzI wonder what shall I do, mount a virtual disk for an ubuntu mirror or mount some iscsi or NFS ?22:58
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KalElWill anyone be able to read my text files or open office sheets if my account is password protected?23:27
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tomreynKalEl: depends: do you have an encrypted home directory?23:32
KalElNo I haven't encrypted it23:33
tomreynthen anyone who can read files in your home directory can access them23:34
just_some_guyI have a couple of questions about ubuntu server, is this the right channel for that kind of discussion?23:35
tomreynKalEl: i.e. file system permissions still apply, but only when your system is booted normally. if the computer can be booted by other means or the disks are connected to a different computer, and you do not use full disk encryption, then file system permissions can be overcome.23:36
blkadderjust_some_guy Probably. :-)23:36
tomreynjust_some_guy: there is #ubuntu-server for this purpose23:36
tomreyn(but i guess you can ask here, too.)23:37
just_some_guyOK well I don't want to tread on anyone's toes so just yell if you want me to move haha23:37
just_some_guyI have a fresh install, and I'm just running it as a test to learn some linux stuff because I am relatively inexperienced. Unfortunately I only have wifi here at home23:39
just_some_guySo I want to connect it up to the wifi but all I have is a netgear usb dongle, and no drivers23:39
just_some_guyI tried to copy ndiswrapper over on a usb stick, and then make install but it seems I don't have make installed23:40
blkadderHave you checked to see if the device is supported?23:40
just_some_guyYeah I guess I am asking for it a bit maybe, there are threads where people have managed to get it to work with some difficulty but I don't think it is officially supported23:44
blkadderWith native linux drivers or via ndiswrapper?23:45
just_some_guyvia ndiswrapper, so I guess not23:45
tomreynthis really sounds like you should replace this piece of hardware by something supported23:46
tomreyndo yourself a favor.23:46
just_some_guyyeah I guess23:48
just_some_guyOh well never mind, thanks for the advice23:49
leslie__hi all23:54

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