
jnprrhythmbox has stopped using the top-corner notifications, and started giving popup windows00:07
jnprhow or where do i start to try to fix this?00:08
jnprlike, when a song changes, a little warning window pops up00:09
jnpri have no idea how this happened.00:09
jnpri've poked in rhythm box settings, but doesn't seem like there's anything there00:10
redblade7i heard that the ubuntu installer for the next version was getting rid of the swap partition for a swap file12:24
redblade7is that true, and will xubuntu do the same?12:24
BadGuyAlexchecking out xubuntu and configuring IRC account in Pidgin. There's irc.ubuntu.com given by default (wow, ubuntu has its own IRC server!)17:23
BadGuyAlexand guess what? irc.ubuntu.com is the same as chat.freenode.net, except the certificate is not valid.17:24
xubuntu07wI need help20:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:08
xubuntu07wwhen i try to install xubuntu it says that it couldn't install grub20:10
xubuntu70wHi. Can I copy the xubuntu ISO to a NTFS partition and boot from there? AFAIR KNOPPIX had / has such an option...20:16
xubuntu07wi have installed xubuntu and the wifi doesn't work, it doesn't appear any aditional driver and i tried to rfkill unlock all.20:38
xanguaYou mean it doesn't appear after suspend? Or doesn't work at all22:22

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