
stokachuso anyone have any insight as to the recent jump in github stars on juju?00:43
stokachulooks like 200+ in the last couple of days00:44
stokachualso been on the Go trending list00:44
stokachuwallyworld: ^ you  notice that yet?00:46
wallyworldstokachu: no I haven't but that is good news00:47
stokachuyea it is, im interested to see what drove the traffic00:47
wallyworldstokachu: maybe 2.2 beta1 memory fixes enticing people to grab it00:47
stokachumaybe the graphs on there00:47
thumperwell, nate finch did write a blog post00:55
thumperabout juju00:55
thumperand mentioned it on twitter, and lots of gophers follow him00:55
thumperand it is the biggest open source Go project00:56
axwthumper: I'd say almost certainly nate's blog post, it was on HN front page for a while01:12
stokachumakes sense01:28
wallyworldbabbageclunk: standup?01:31
babbageclunkbugger sorry01:32
thumpermy state tests have gotten very unreliable02:37
thumperprobably something I did02:37
thumperbut not sure what02:37
* thumper looks deeper02:37
thumperso much for "quick fix"02:38
* thumper sighs02:49
thumpersee related panic is a big fat lie02:51
thumperwhen the panic is in tear down02:51
thumperyep, definitely something I have done03:05
thumperbut I'm struggling to figure out which change broke it03:05
thumperwell, the good part is I have a repeatable failing test that I haven't touched03:07
thumpernot directly anyway03:07
* thumper thinks he has an idea...03:07
axwawesome. we have bootstrap command tests that are "passing", but are completely broken because they're using the wrong gc.C03:11
* axw head desks03:11
thumperaxw: awesome03:13
thumperwell, I have isolated my test failure down to something that shouldn't cause a failure03:13
thumperso that's kinda goodish03:13
thumperok... moved a few lines...03:23
thumperoh fuck...03:25
thumperthink I have found a bug in our state runners code03:25
thumperparticulary the situation when we try to stop workers before they have fully started03:26
thumperthis makes no sense03:29
axwwallyworld: can you please review this trivial one: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/715306:29
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cmarshi, can i get a review of https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/7157 ?21:31
menn0cmars: i'll take a look22:36
cmarsmenn0, thanks22:36
babbageclunkwallyworld: What's the best way to determine whether a relation is cross-model from inside a RelationUnit?22:54
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i'd have to look at the code, but in general, you need to see if the other end is a remote application. there's watcher code which does something similar to that as there's a remote relations watcher from memory22:56
babbageclunkwallyworld: The only way I can see is to go through the endpoints calling RemoteUnit on the unitnames and if it works then it's remote.22:57
wallyworldremote unit doesn't mean what you think it does22:57
babbageclunkwallyworld: ah22:58
wallyworldremote unit in this context is the other end of the relation regardless of model22:58
wallyworldfrom a relation unit you get the relation22:58
wallyworldfrom a relation you get the endoints22:59
wallyworldyou then look to see if the endpoint at the other end has a remote app22:59
wallyworldendpoints have applicationname as an attribute22:59
babbageclunkwallyworld: ok, I'll use that.22:59
wallyworldthere should be code already to do that sort of thing22:59
babbageclunkwallyworld: thanks!22:59
wallyworldi'll have a look and see if i can dig something up23:00
wallyworldbabbageclunk: there's no specific code as such that can be reused, but the above is the general approach23:04
babbageclunkwallyworld: cool - I'll put a IsCrossModel (better name?) method on Relation.23:05
wallyworldi think that's ok23:05
cmarsmenn0, thumper thanks for the review, updated https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/715723:53
menn0cmars: will look soon23:54

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