
echosystmi've added a service to systemd00:31
echosystmi can manually start it no problems00:31
echosystmhowever, it never starts on boot00:31
echosystmsystemctl enable myservice does nothing00:31
echosystmany ideas?00:31
ChmEarlechosystm, any `WantedBy=`?00:45
ChmEarl[Install] -> WantedBy=multi-user.target00:47
echosystmokie doke00:47
ChmEarlechosystm, if you know how it needs to sequence, there are other keys to use00:48
echosystmChmEarl: that fixed it00:53
drabanybody around familiar with hp switches way of doing trunking/lacp?02:29
drabI had lacp on 4 ports and bonding with lacp on the host02:30
draband it worked02:30
drabbut you can't have dhcpsnooping on a dyn trunk which is what enabling lacp will give you02:30
drabso I have to set up a static trunk, but then I'm not sure what on the server side02:31
lordievaderGood morning.06:14
patsTomscould I make local repositories mirror on my raspberry?06:19
hateballprovided it has ample storage, yes06:24
zioprotohello Openstack folks. We are facing a new Neutron bug ad SWITCH. I found that it is a known bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/163254008:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1632540 in neutron "l3-agent print the ERROR log in l3 log file continuously ,finally fill file space,leading to crash the l3-agent service" [Undecided,In progress]08:11
zioprotowe see this bug in Mitaka but it looks like it is still present in master08:12
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zioprotojamespage: are you online ?08:58
zioprotojamespage, coreycb we are facing some neutron sync issue between neutron-servers and agents because of the time change from CET to CEST in the night of 26th of March. Let me know if you faced any similar issues. We had a small 3 minutes time window when the time changed where neutron thought all its agents where offline since 1 hour. This caused a lot of09:00
zioprotoload. Neutron tried to recreate all routers and reapply all iptables rules. I am still reading logs ...09:00
ivokszioproto: i'm not jamespage or coreycb, but are you sure those are related to time?09:34
ivokszioproto: time tracking in unix is done with unix clock, and date presented to user is almost just translation into human readable format (+ some mangling like DST)09:35
ivoksleap seconds are more likely to cause issues like this09:36
zioprotothere is a race condition well this happened exactly when the time changed from CET to CEST, yes it could be a leap second issue09:41
zioprotoI just figured out I have heartbeat_timeout_threshold=0 in my neutron.conf, this could be the source of trouble09:41
ivoksleap seconds in 2017 are scheduled for june and december, iirc09:42
zioprotoso, it is not a leap second :)09:43
ivoksit's not09:43
ivokswe've always had incrementing leap seconds so far09:43
ivokswhich are fairly simple and uneventful09:44
ivoksproblem will be when we will have to do a negative one; which means that earth rotation has slowed down09:44
ivoksbut in any case, don't get date to get in your way09:46
ivoksthat couldn't have caused that issue09:46
ivokstime tracking is based on time pased since unix epoch, and that is not impacted by DST09:46
zioprotook, I am still debugging the issue, I will report here when I am sure that happened09:50
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fnordahlxnox: ping?11:07
xnoxfnordahl, hello11:08
fnordahlxnox: hi there.11:08
fnordahlxnox: re LP: #164296611:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1642966 in cups (Ubuntu Yakkety) "package cups-daemon 2.1.3-4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164296611:08
fnordahlxnox: the SRU'ed package caused just that error here now apport-info in LP: #167638011:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1676380 in cups (Ubuntu) "package cups-daemon 2.1.3-4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167638011:09
fnordahlxnox: ftr, the update has now been pulled.13:45
zulcoreycb; ping do we really need this? https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/keystone/tree/debian/patches/add-version-info.patch, keystone is the only package that does this and my devops side of me you really dont want server banners to be identified in production13:58
freakynlHi, anyone know why a minimal server install has open-iscsi, lxcfs and snapd running by default?13:58
zulcoreycb: i know why we added it but its something we started and dropping it makes keystone so much more easier to maintain13:59
coreycbzul, i'm not really sure if we can drop that or not. you may want to run it by james.14:00
zioprotohey there14:00
zulcoreycb: ugh14:01
zioprotohey guys the ubuntu packaging for neutron still includes a cron job /etc/cron.d/neutron-l3-agent-netns-cleanup14:02
zioprotoI found another race condition when this cronjob deletes namespaces and other parts of neutron want to apply iptables rules to it forever14:03
zioprotoI will open soon a bug14:03
zioprotojust wondering, why this cronjob ? other distributions dont ship it AFAIK14:03
coreycbzioproto, i think we may have dropped the cron jobs in a recent release14:04
coreycbzioproto, checking14:04
zioprotothat would be great, for sure is still there in Mitaka :)14:04
tom___Hi, i use ubuntu server 16.04.2 but it takes unusually long to start the server. See the full dmesg (http://paste.ubuntu.com/24260947/) and the lines which seem to hang somehow (http://paste.ubuntu.com/24260952/).14:06
zioprototom___: check if you have weird udev rules14:09
tom___zioproto: are udev rules capable to delay the boot process that much?14:11
zioprotoyes we had a problem like that when we upgraded Trusty to Xenial14:12
zioprototom___: we had a line that we added it looked like14:13
zioprototom___: KERNEL!="sr*", IMPORT{builtin}="blkid"14:13
zioprotothis was in our custom file in /etc/udev/rules.d/14:13
zioprotoin trusty it was no problem14:13
zioprotoin xenial there was a delay at boot for 120 seconds14:14
tom___Do you remember which udev-rule was the problem?14:15
tom___zioproto: It is a clean install with no custom udev rules. Should I add one myself?14:15
zioprotothis problem was very special for our setup14:16
zioprotobecause we create symlinks for disks in /devv14:16
zioprotoso no matter if the the disk is /dev/sda or /dev/whatever14:16
zioprotowe create symlinks to /dev/sra14:16
zioprotoyou most probably dont have our same problem14:17
zioprototom___: just make sure you dont have custom stuff in udev because that could be a root cause for slow boot14:17
tom___zioproto: no there is nothing like that. I found somewhere that the raid controller could be the problem as i have one but dont use it. But adding raid=nodetect as boot parameter didn't help anything.14:18
coreycbzioproto, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/162366414:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1623664 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Race between L3 agent and neutron-ns-cleanup" [Undecided,New]14:22
coreycbzioproto, they haven't been dropped yet14:22
zioprotooh, so not even in master, right ?14:24
coreycbzioproto, correct14:25
zioprotocoreycb: but that bug is fixed with the patch I merged in Barcelona14:25
zioprotoI mean router deleting is not a problem anymore14:25
zioprotonow I triggered a similar condition14:25
zioprotoif you have a glitch in rabbitmq14:25
zioprotothe neutron server asks all l3agents to reapply security groups14:26
zioprotoand you fail apply the iptables rules in a namespace that does not exist because the cronjob deleted it14:26
zioprotoI am writing a neutron patch to make the code more robust again doing stuff on namespaces that are gone for some reason14:26
zioprotobut the real bug here is that cronjob14:26
zioprotocoreycb: I cant make a patch that creates again the namespace, to have the cron again coming and deleting the namespace, we have to find a common design between the neutron devs and the ubuntu packaging14:28
coreycbzioproto, it looks to me like namespaces are cleaned up my neutron and neutron-lbaas upstream code these days so i think we can drop these cron jobs14:35
zioprotook, but we need a fix at least for Mitaka ? what about Newton ?14:38
coreycbzioproto, we'd have to start at pike and work our way back with SRUs14:43
zioprotocoreycb: this patch needs a lot of love, but this is the key idea https://review.openstack.org/45027114:44
zulzioproto: can you open up a bug about dropping the netns cron stuff please?15:30
coreycbzul, we can use this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/162366415:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1623664 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Race between L3 agent and neutron-ns-cleanup" [Undecided,New]15:59
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zulcoreycb: okie dokie16:29
zulcoreycb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24261969/16:51
coreycbzul, looks good. i'd just update the changelog message to say that upstream now cleans up netns.16:55
coreycbzul, neutron-lbaas needs an update too16:55
zulcoreycb: ack16:56
mike-zalwhat is host server key? can't find anything on that :( . it sounds like the key of the host computer where my VPS is, but what it has to do with my VPS?17:49
naccmike-zal: in what context? ssh key?17:49
mike-zalwell, when I connect to my server with ssh through filezilla, I got a meesage:17:50
mike-zalhost server key is unknown. you have no guarantee that server is the one you want.17:51
mike-zalthen I have some details about the host: name of the server, hostkey algorith and some fingerprints17:52
mike-zalhmm... it seems like it's about my VPS key, because as host I see name of my server17:53
mike-zalbut strange thing is: I don't have any keys yet17:53
mike-zalI can connect to the server when I agree to trust it anyway17:54
mike-zalstill, I am confused by the message17:54
naccmike-zal: can you be clearer where the error is? you say 'host' and 'VPS'17:54
naccmike-zal: if you ssh from your machine to the VPS, do you see the same error?17:54
mike-zalnacc: in filezilla, it shows when I try to connect with my VPS17:54
mike-zalin terminal it's all good17:55
mike-zalit also works with filezilla, the difference is that I get this warinig message17:55
naccmike-zal: sounds like something to ask filezilla about?17:55
mike-zalnacc: I hoped that some commone server knwolege would explain it17:56
naccmike-zal: if ssh doesn't say it can't find the host key, then i don't know why filezilla does17:56
mike-zalnacc: also, I was wondering if that is not the reason why krusader won't connect to my server. it always klaims about some changed keys17:56
naccmike-zal: it's not good for your keys to be changing17:57
mike-zalnacc: the thing is, I don't have keys17:57
naccmike-zal: what do you mean? sshd won't run without there being a host key (afaik)17:58
mike-zalwhen I was connecting through root on krusader, all was well. but when I blocked root and try to log with a user, it won't let me17:58
blackflowmike-zal: that's the host's signature key. accept it the first time you connect17:58
naccmike-zal: i think you're confusing your VPS' host key and your local ssh keys17:58
mike-zalyes, you are right17:59
mike-zalI knew that something was missing for me ;)17:59
mike-zalok, must look what is this host key then17:59
blackflowit's the host side of key exchange algorightm17:59
mike-zalnow I know that's not about ssh keys, I know what to look for, thanks :)18:01
mike-zalfound this: https://www.vandyke.com/solutions/host_keys/host_keys.pdf18:01
blackflowwell, it _is_ about ssh keys, just on the server side :)18:02
blackflowit's not about public key authentication, specifically.18:03
mike-zalthen can you refer to me some good source on this? I never knew about tis host key and no article mentioned it before, or at least not in a clear manner18:04
mike-zalI never creates that key, never messed with anything related to it, or at least not awarely.18:05
blackflowmike-zal: man ssh   then /HOST KEYS18:05
sarnoldthe sshd startup script normally creates the host keys on first boot18:05
naccmike-zal: iirc, sshd creates keys on start if they are not present18:05
sarnoldsome people generate the keys in their host automation script and ditribute the keys to hosts tht way18:05
mike-zalok. then maybe this host key is the "key" why krusader won't connect to the VPS that way, although strangely it had no issues with root user18:07
mike-zalit's not a big issue, there are plenty of ways connecting to server then krusader but I just don't like not to know what is it ;)?18:08
mike-zalok, I start to unserstand it slowly. I did changed some things during server setup i cryptographic keys, just as articles suggested. so I guess that's the change that causesed krusader to complain.18:13
mike-zaland filezilla just checks the key and I must remeber it during first connection and if it doesn't change "by iteslf" in future, it's all good18:14
mike-zalups, I meant: filezilla must remeber it18:14
sarnoldthis is often called "TOFU", "trust on first use"18:15
naccmike-zal: right, the host key is like a fingerprint of the remote server. you locally (at some point) said 'remember this server is saying to trust its identity as being this key' and then you hanged the key18:17
mike-zalso this is merely first connection info, on filezilla part, hence the message, "host server key is unknown" and it gives me possibility to remeber it18:21
naccmike-zal: presumably18:21
naccmike-zal: yes, host key checking assumes you know when the keys change, i guess18:21
sarnoldand if it's unknown because it's the first time you've connected to it, then that makes sense. if it's unknown and you've connected to it before, then perhaps someone is running a man-in-the-middle attack on you.18:22
mike-zalno, it's first connection18:22
mike-zalbut it is possible that before I had the chanse to secure server, someone got in and I didn't notice it.18:22
mike-zallet's assume to worst case scenario: where to look for traces of that?18:23
mike-zalis there any way to check date of last change on file that holds that host key? where is it located?18:26
mike-zalsarnold: during my ssl setup, I installed some cryptographic packages as suggested on article. could they have changed it?18:28
sarnoldmike-zal: it shouldn't -change- those files, the host key should be generated very nearly at machine creation time and then never again. of course there's a chance that e.g. new sshd packages support curve 25519 keys and older ones didn't, so that key gets created at a reboot..18:29
patdk-wkthe issue is, if someone got in there, and was able to change those files18:34
patdk-wkthey got root access18:34
patdk-wkand they could change the timestamps on those files also18:34
zulcoreycb: we should be good now18:53
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ThiagoCMCHey guys! I'm facing a weird problem here with Ubuntu 16.04 HWE, I'm trying to enable 2 x 1G Hugepages, like this: "default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=2"22:46
ThiagoCMCHowever, after "update-grup ; reboot", the /proc/meminfo shows "HugePages_Total:     121"! WTF...22:47
ThiagoCMCServer have 128G, what is preallocating those extra 119 x 1G hugepages?22:48
ThiagoCMCI just want 2, not 121!22:48
keithzgHmm I swear I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/mail-filtering.html but even with "$sa_tag_level_deflt = -999;" I'm not seeing any spam info headers in emails being sent to and then delivered by the server in question, and nothing is showing up in the mail log to indicate Amavis is actually checking anything.22:53
naccThiagoCMC: `cat /proc/cmdline` and `cat /proc/meminfo` and `hugeadm --pool-list` in a pastebin?22:56
sarnoldI've never seen hugeadm before; thanks nacc22:58
naccsarnold: np, helped write it way back when :)22:59
sarnoldnacc: ha! :D22:59
naccthere's also hugectl for manipulating programs with hugepages22:59
nacca la numactl22:59
* keithzg seems to have discovered that the problem was just that running `mail` from the mail server itself was bypassing things; via SMTP things seem fine, which is fair enough. Time to de-verbose the loglevel settings!23:01
sarnoldkeithzg: woo :)23:02
keithzgsarnold: This is the thing I kindof love about the Linux side of my daily job; most of the time the solution is simple and I just need to stop and think what *I* am doing wrong ;)23:13
sarnoldkeithzg: hehe, that's not a bad place to be ;)23:14
ThiagoCMCnacc, here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24263955/23:17
sarnold32 TB VmallocTotal -- oy :)23:19
naccThiagoCMC: hrm, `dmesg | grep Huge` ?23:19
naccsarnold: i think that's the kernel default23:19
naccsarnold: it's true on my lappy too23:19
sarnoldawww. mine too.23:20
sarnoldnow I'm dissapointed again.23:20
naccThiagoCMC: i tentatively think it's this line: DirectMap1G:    131072000 kB23:20
naccthat's 125 1G pages (oddly not 121 :))23:21
ThiagoCMCThat's creepy! dmesg output:23:23
ThiagoCMCHugeTLB registered 1 GB page size, pre-allocated 2 pages23:23
naccThiagoCMC: i think it's because you changed the default hugepages size23:24
ThiagoCMCHmmm... How I did that?  lol23:24
naccerr, default_hugepagesz=23:24
naccthat's probably not recommended23:25
ThiagoCMCWeird because I've used this before... just like this...23:25
naccas it will also mean THP uses 1g pages by default23:25
ThiagoCMCI see...23:25
ThiagoCMCI'll try to remove that line23:25
naccThiagoCMC: on the same machine and kernel?23:25
ThiagoCMCsame machine, previous kernel (4.4)... I also tried 4.4 couple hours ago, same result...23:27
ThiagoCMCI'm seeing that people set default_hugepagesz23:27
ThiagoCMCRedHat docs, DPDK docs...23:27
naccThiagoCMC: i mean, changing the default_hugepagesz to 1G is intended to be very intentional23:28
naccrhel's kernel is also ancient, i assume23:30
naccand behavior changes23:30
ThiagoCMCI know...  =)23:30
ThiagoCMCBy removing that "default_huge...", it is different now!23:30
naccThiagoCMC: 2 ? or some other number?23:30
ThiagoCMCLook: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24264024/23:31
ThiagoCMCWeird that "grep on meminfo" doesn't show the 1G ones...23:32
ThiagoCMCBut I think I'm okay with it...23:32
naccThiagoCMC: right meminfo ony shows the default huge page size23:34
naccThiagoCMC: and then the directmap values23:34
ThiagoCMCThank you!23:37
naccThiagoCMC: yw!23:38
drabhi, anybody around that uses something like rundeck or stackstorm?23:38
drabI'm trying to figure out something that can allow me to "package" a set of commands and workflows to end over to operators23:39
drabbasically a web frontend to ansible + a bunch of scripts23:39
drabstackstorm seems promising as it could do that and then more, but I'm wary of possible complication, it seems overall fairly new23:40

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