
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else09:45
MutantTurkeycrazy rain13:23
pleia2awesome rain \o/13:28
rmg51I had to cut my walk short because of the rain13:47
waltmanIt was like the end times there for a while13:54
ChinnoDogI didn't know it would be raining during the end times.17:44
ChinnoDogOr maybe just raining frogs.17:44
jthanChinnoDog: didn't you watch Noah?17:45
jthanoh wait17:45
jthanthat wasn't the end times, ultimately17:45
jthanseemed like that's where it was going though!17:45
MutantTurkeyi walked out of the hous this morning17:45
MutantTurkeyit was really comin down17:45
ChinnoDogNot for Noah. He had all those delicious animals.17:45
MutantTurkeyofc my rain jacket was in the car ;)17:45
ChinnoDogNoah was probably enjoying unicorn jerky that entire trip.18:03
ChinnoDogjthan: And yes, I did watch Noah.18:05
jthanChinnoDog: did you enjoy it?18:29
jthanand do you like Darren Aronofsky as a general rule?18:30
ChinnoDogjthan: Movie was just ok. I don't really know anything about Darren Aronofsky.18:42
pleia2I started watching Noah on a plane once but it got really strange18:44
pleia2I thought maybe I was hallucinating due to exhaustion so I stopped18:44
waltmanIf they're going to show that on a flight, they should really let you smoke the same stuff the filmmakers were smoking when they made it.18:57
ChinnoDogThe stewardesses would probably appreciate that. Keep those passengers calm.19:02
teddy-dbearlet's here it for second hand smoke :-D19:15
PennthI've got a paradoxically unmellow reaction to pot smoke. It gives me migraines and the pain makes me want to lash out.20:26
waltmanIt's not quite that bad for me, but I don't like the smell either.21:33

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