
flocculantakxwi-dave: no booty 64 bit today ... and bst means no ubuntu from today yet - if you get chance have a look at ubuntu see if that boots later07:08
PaulW2Uflocculant: Both 64 and 32 bit images for today boot here. On hardware. Don't do VMs.09:09
akxwi-daveflocculant: both iso's boot fine here 10:43
akxwi-daveusing  qemu/kvm10:44
akxwi-daveUbuntu 64 boots fine as well from todays iso11:01
flocculantok thanks PaulW2U akxwi-dave 11:23
flocculantdefinitely not working here on qemu11:27
akxwi-daveflocculant:  i've been using zsync here at home to get the iso..  I'll quickly download by  http and check that12:22
akxwi-davenew http download iso works as well..12:32
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
flocculantstill fails here - makes the next few weeks real easy for me ;)15:28
flocculantupdated kernel in the meantime too15:28
flocculantakxwi-dave: 32 bit works - 64 bit fails to run even on a new vm - no idea what's up there lol19:51
akxwi-daveouch  not good.. i'm using the same methods as you (your scripts to be precise..19:52
flocculantthis is built with the virt machine manager - not running from commands 19:53
* flocculant can't even remember those lol19:53
akxwi-daveyup those ones .. the boots alias and  kvm commands to start em up19:54
flocculantfound notes :)19:55
flocculanttrying that19:56
flocculantmaybe it's me dragging kernels from proposed :D19:58
akxwi-daveyou tried just uding the iso to boot withour the vm runnung?19:59
flocculantkvm -m 2048 -hda /mnt/Data/KVM/xub64.qcow2  -cdrom /mnt/Data/iso/Xubuntu/17.04/kvm/zesty-desktop-amd64.iso -boot d -smp 119:59
akxwi-davetry just kvm -m 2048 -cdrom /mnt/Data/iso/Xubuntu/17.04/kvm/zesty-desktop-amd64.iso20:00
flocculantsame ;)20:01
flocculantkilled the oldest kernel I had yesterday as well - all I have now is current and -proposed20:02
flocculantboots older than that zesty :p20:04
flocculantoh boo - what did I do to this install lol20:06
flocculantactually - looks like dodgy iso20:11
flocculantkernel panic again :D20:12
flocculantwell that at least proves it's local to me :D20:15
flocculantakxwi-dave PaulW2U - dodgy virtual drive :)20:22
flocculantthanks chaps :)20:22
flocculantknome: when are we getting 17.04 slideshow btw?20:24
knomethe "new" stuff is in main, just need an upload20:25
knomeshould push for one this week20:25
flocculantokey doke20:25
knomeugh, we are that late in the cycle20:26
knomebut yeah, i'll take care of it...20:26
knomewe only updated the version number and some other typos20:26
flocculantno changes to wording? 20:26
knomehmm, new version uploaded 19 hours ago20:27
knomeflocculant, ^ says 17.04, so our updates are in20:28
knome(thanks cyphermox!)20:29
flocculantmore than typos then :p20:29
flocculantI'll check that in the morning20:30
knomeit's too long since we did the changes, i don't even remember what i've pushed :P20:30
knomebut yeah, it should be in...20:30
flocculantobviously wasn't at 2am :D20:31
knomeprobably 3am ;)20:31
flocculantha ha 20:32
cyphermoxknome: ah, awesome thanks for letting me know :)20:34
knomewe really should get our stuff together :D20:34
knomeor maybe more people should be allowed uploads on that package *cough* bluesabre *cough*20:34
Unit193cyphermoxâ‹® Thanks for the mail too. :P20:34
cyphermoxbah, the translations are always an issue for this20:35
knomeagain, it would help if more people could upload it -> would likely mean more uploads early enough20:35
bluesabreevening all21:39
bluesabreknome, cyphermox, awesome you guys :)21:42
cyphermoxbluesabre: hey hey23:54

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