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dufluOh dear. Guess what happens when you hotplug a monitor in to U8?07:08
dufluYour primary monitor "becomes a touch pad"07:08
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m0n5t3r__it's been tried with the Motorola Atrix, didn't exactly take off09:59
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dufluI was referring to a desktop machine running Unity8 :)10:01
dufluAnyway, good night10:01
javier4abeato: I'm here again. I added the driver struct to my networg-restration.c copying it from rilmodem, and passing it my customized ril_netreg_probe. The problem is that every other fields of this struct is initialized by some functions defined as static inside the original rilmodem/network-registration.c. The only solution I found is to copy all these10:45
javier4functions in my mtk2/network-registration.c. It seems a bit dumb to me: replying almost the whole file just to add another state to the delayed_register function...10:45
abeatojavier4, you would need to remove the static keyword from them and add the declaration to the new header file10:46
javier4abeato: yes I know that way. My doubts are about the whole procedure: is it possible that this is the right way? How plugins integrate with core? Original mtk2 plugin is really small, where are all the other functions needed for a modem to work? It fallbacks to rilmodem? And how?10:59
abeatojavier4, there are examples in the mtk driver, that do overrides11:02
abeatojavier4, it is just a matter of doing the same11:02
javier4Yes, but it doesn't override network-registration functions. One of the drivers that ships its own network-registration.c is hfpmodem. But it defines totally new functions to initialize its driver struct fields, then it doesn't need to reuse rilmodem one. Anyway, I'll try to "unstaticize" rilmodem functions and see what happens. I fear (for you) that we will11:07
javier4meet again. Thanks again.11:07
javier4abeato: ^11:07
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nonothi guys, i'm currently seeking for infos, do you know the frequency time sync on the ubuntu touch's calendar ?13:37
nonotsay me if my phrases is incorrect i have a poor english13:38
dobeyyou mean the time between sync runs for calendar to google/ownclouwd/etc?13:39
dobeyi think it might be hourly13:39
dobeyassuming no local changes. don't recall if local changes cause a sync directl or not13:40
dobeyrenatu: ^^ do you know?13:40
nonotyes with external services.13:40
renatuyes local changes auto sync it13:41
renatuaccount poold check for remove changes every 5 minutes. (only works for google accounts, owncloud accounts need manual sync to remote changes)13:42
nonotrenatu do you have a source link about that ?13:44
renatunonot, account-poold?13:44
dobeynot pool13:46
nonotabout no sync w/ owncloud renatu13:46
renatunonot, this is the account-polld source code: https://code.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/account-polld/trunk13:47
nonotthanks renatu i will check that13:47
renatunonot, this is the caldav plugin: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/account-polld/trunk/view/head:/plugins/caldav/caldav.go13:48
renatuI was wrong, it does check for events changes.13:48
renatubut if I remember correct it does not detect event deletion13:49
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brunch875hello, ferdie14:53
ferdieHi. Is this the official devs RC?14:54
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ferdiebtw. I think the porting guide needs to get updated. Almost bricked my phone14:56
dobeywell, cyanogenmod doesn't exist any more either, so yeah. could use some updates14:57
ferdieHow many people here have a ub phone anyways?14:59
brunch875I have one!15:00
brunch875But that's a trick question, since popey probably would make up for all of us15:00
dobeylots of people do15:01
ferdieI've been looking everywhere online.15:01
ferdieSold out15:01
ferdieI'd take it as a good sign if I were Meizu15:01
brunch875ferdie: if you want to get an ubuntu phone, I'd put my eye on the fairphone 215:02
brunch875they have a community port15:02
ferdieHave you seen the price on that thing?!15:02
brunch875it's just fair!15:03
ferdieAlso, I can't live without a fingerprint scanner15:03
ferdiescreen size is also an issue. I've been using 5.7' practically all my life15:03
brunch875right now the development is heavy on the desktop side with all the snappy and mir desktop. I wouldn't expect new phone models right away15:05
ferdieBut, how's everyone's first-hand experience been?15:05
brunch875ferdie: I got an aquaris e4.5 as soon as it was released. Had to bite my tounge every now and then since the store isn't as big as on android15:06
brunch875lack whatsapp and such15:06
brunch875on the other hand the phone was very responsive15:06
brunch875and the battery life is just loooooong15:07
dobeyi have a laptop with a smaller screen than that15:07
brunch875I remember using the phone for python development when my laptop broke, as a replacement15:07
davmor2dobey: yeah but you are ever-so-slightly crazy ;)15:07
brunch875which is something that couldn't have been done on an android15:07
ferdieBut what about the phone's stability?15:07
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ferdieI read somewhere it has network issues15:08
brunch875ferdie: no network issues on me15:08
brunch875I did experience some GPS connectivity issues when I got it15:08
brunch875but then it was patched15:08
ferdieAnd the videos I've seen on yotube show it to have an aweful frame-rate15:08
dobeyseems lik you're just looking for things to complain about, to me :)15:09
brunch875then the video's framerate must've been low15:09
dobeyi mean, the e4.5 and e5 are not high-end phones.15:10
brunch875the only real thing I can complain about is libertine containers living in .cache15:10
brunch875which I wipe often15:10
brunch875it's like a tic15:10
dobeythere was definitely a notable difference in speed between even my nexus 4 and nexus 5, with ubuntu on them15:11
ferdieAnd what about the snaps?15:11
ferdieAre they just as efficient?15:11
brunch875the ubuntu phone doesn't use snaps, does it?15:11
ferdie...as on the desktop?15:11
dobeysnaps are just packages, and ubuntu phone doesn't use them yet15:11
brunch875I'm using hexchat right now on snaps15:11
brunch875snaps are awesome15:11
dobeystill lots of things that need to be worked out to get snap based images for phones15:12
ferdieI can imagine... <315:12
ferdieReally? So what about desktop mode?15:12
ferdie...is it real?15:13
brunch875on the phone?15:13
brunch875It is real, but it still needs work15:13
davmor2ferdie: yeap15:13
dobeythat what you expect that might mean, and what it actually means, might be wildly different15:13
dobey"windowed mode" is more appropriate15:14
ferdieOkay. let me rephrase that. Is the "windowed mode" just as effective?15:14
ferdieI imagine it crashing every now and then15:14
brunch875define effectiveness15:14
brunch875oh, no. It works well15:15
brunch875even on the aquaris e4.5, which isn't meant to use it15:15
dobeywell i mean, you get windows you can move around like a normal PC, instead of full sized apps15:15
dobeybut it's all still relatively new code and so plenty of possible issues15:15
dobeyyou can run unity8 on your computer today if you want15:16
ferdieOkay... wow15:16
dobeywould really recommend doing it on a machine with a touch screen, if you have one, and want to try unity815:16
ferdieI know. still very unstable(last time I tried which was like 4 months ago)15:16
dobeythere are still lots of assumptions in the code and designs that are valid for phones/tablets, but not normal PCs, so yeah, still some issues15:17
delijatiwe need also a "Dockingstation" like Samsung DeX  :/15:20
ferdieReally? why?15:23
ferdieWhat's wrong with direct USB?15:23
delijatiferdie: its like connecting via ssh ... i would like to use it as a desktop .. as it already is == unity 815:24
delijatiferdie: like this https://1.f.ix.de/scale/geometry/696x500/q75/imgs/71/2/1/7/1/5/3/0/_DSC9260-9e07552cea6ca23a.JPG15:25
dobeywell with m10 tablet you just plug in hdmi and usb/bt kb/mouse and you have it. nexus 4/5 should work with slimport adapters, and meizu pro 5 can do aethercast display15:25
delijatii mean come on i have a full blown desktop with libertine ... but i can't use it15:25
delijatianyone tried the slimport with the BQ phone ?15:27
ferdie_Hello, once again!15:39
ferdie_What's canonical's next step now that they've released it to very few phones??15:40
ferdie_Do scopes really work as well as they're supposed to?15:44
lotuspsychjeferdie_: scopes running nicely on ubuntu-touch15:45
lotuspsychje!devices | ferdie_15:46
ubot5ferdie_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices15:46
ferdie_yeah, but most of them are old phones and some haven't been updated in years. besides. the Pro 5 has a fingerprint scanner!15:48
lotuspsychjeferdie_: there's a page on ubuntu's website saying canonical will bring a new device...but nobody knows whats it gonna be15:49
lotuspsychjeferdie_: we cant look into the future to see wich manufacters will jump along on ubuntu-touch15:50
ferdie_Mark keeps saying ubuntu-touch isn't their main target at the moment, which I think is just simply sad. I mean, I think if their cloud services are okay, they should try on something new. b ut what do I know15:57
lotuspsychjeferdie_: i would love more action in the ubuntu phone world, but hey..what can we do other then wait?16:00
lotuspsychjeferdie_: my ultimate dream is that ubuntu-touch will be installable on any device in the future, would make my day!16:01
* brunch875 smears the 'arm chip situation' on lotuspsychje's face16:06
lotuspsychjebrunch875: what do you predict will happen mate?16:07
ferdie_But, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you recomend an ubuntu phone to a noob at it's current state?16:07
lotuspsychjeferdie_: i use my BQ 4.5 as daily driver16:07
brunch875lotuspsychje: ideally ARM is forced to standardize by comissions or we get something like the w3c consortium16:07
lotuspsychjeferdie_: that really depends how much your tied to your fav android apps or not?16:07
lotuspsychjebrunch875: meaning?16:08
brunch875meaning it becomes easier for the OS to handle drivers16:08
brunch875so we finally rid of the android part16:08
lotuspsychjebrunch875: so we see a bright future?16:09
brunch875I suppose (:16:09
brunch875give it 20 years16:09
lotuspsychjesounds cool for sure loll16:09
ferdie_lotuspsychje: I wonder why Mark himself and people at Canonical don't use it as their main phones. I think that's a liablility16:09
lotuspsychjei cant wait 20y for new ubuntu phones16:09
lotuspsychjei need them now :p16:09
ferdie_me toooooo!16:09
farthorsereading all of this stuff seems so sad16:09
brunch875ah, but time flies :p16:10
lotuspsychjeand BQ stopped to deliver grrr16:10
farthorsebtw, hi guys16:10
farthorseand gals16:10
brunch875'nevening farthorse16:10
farthorsehas anyone here worked on reverse engineering drivers (perhaps to port to Ubuntu Phone)?16:11
lotuspsychjefarthorse: the XDA forums are nicely for ports, maybe take a look?16:11
farthorsegoogling now16:12
farthorse*duckduckgo'ing now16:12
ferdie_binging now (i think I'm the only human on earth who bings)16:20
dobeydelijati: bq e4.5 and e5 don't support slimport, nor mhl16:21
ferdie_Wait. Is porting android ROMs somewhat similar to ubuntu phones?16:24
m0n5t3ris anyone working on supporting smart watches? I'm pretty sure the $10-ish Chinese things don't use Google's android wear thingy, but having something to show notifications while away from the phone / comfuser is still useful20:45
lotuspsychjem0n5t3r: there was one brand that support on ubuntu-touch, but forget its name20:46
m0n5t3rI just got one of these http://www.banggood.com/M26-Bluetooth-R-Watch-SMS-Anti-Lost-Smart-Sport-Watch-For-Android-p-935314.html20:47
m0n5t3rI assume it's one of those things that are perpetually on sale, I paid 15 USD a month ago, now it's 18...20:48
m0n5t3rthe computer thinks it's a phone, but I'm not sure what that means anyway, I've never been able to do more than browse files over BT with phones (either Android or my current BQ Aquaris)20:50
NotKitm0n5t3r, those kind of watch have the same hardware as MTK-based feature phones20:52
m0n5t3ryeah, there is a mediatek 6-something-something inside20:54
m0n5t3rI didn't have time to look for a serial port :D20:54
dobeythere's a way to use a pebble with ubuntu20:55
lotuspsychjeyeah pebble, tnx for the remind dobey20:55
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