
=== sirmacik_ is now known as sirmacik
=== sirmacik is now known as Guest10357
studio-user266why no handbrake in studio16:09
OvenWerkswhat is handbrake?16:10
studio-user266video conversion/encoding16:11
OvenWerksIt is in the repo so apt install handbrake16:12
* OvenWerks is not a video user so would not have missed it.16:14
OvenWerksI have added you suggestion to see if people who do video creation agree16:15
kebbanalex_Hello! Is there anyway to make alsa_in and alsa_out automated so they automaticly connect all audio devices to jack?18:21
OvenWerksyes. but nothing "done" and ready to go.18:21
kebbanalex_Ok, thanks18:22
OvenWerkssee http://gareus.org/blog/jack2dbus for some ideas of detecting devices.18:24
OvenWerkssee http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh for some more.18:27
OvenWerkssee http://www.ovenwerks.net/paste/autojack for how I do it on my system.18:28
OvenWerkskebbanalex_: ^^^18:29
kebbanalex_Oh, ok18:31
tim167hi, I can zoom in on my screen using Alt+scroll, but is there a way to do that so that the zoom area does _not_ follow my mouse cursor?20:57
OvenWerksIn this case you will probably get a faster answer in #xubuntu20:58
OvenWerksI don't know20:58
tim167OvenWerks, thanks20:58

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