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chatter29 | hey guys | 00:30 |
chatter29 | allah is doing | 00:30 |
chatter29 | sun is not doing allah is doing | 00:30 |
chatter29 | to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger | 00:30 |
krytarik | Hi chatter29. | 00:30 |
chatter29 | hi | 00:30 |
Oderus | ello. having wifi troubles with staying connected I believe related to my upload speed. anything above 20kb/s and it crashes. I have a thread started here https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?71631-Wifi-Blues/page1&s=50fdbb118872fb976d61fb482547c30e if anyone can take a look it would be appreciated. thank you. | 00:50 |
krytarik | !crosspost | Oderus | 00:50 |
ubottu | Oderus: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 00:50 |
Oderus | my apologies, krytarik | 00:51 |
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noaXess | Good Morning | 05:37 |
Tottel | Yo, how do I do if I lost a widget in KDE? ;o It says I got 1, but I cannot find it. | 06:06 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:09 |
Tottel | Morning! | 06:09 |
lordievader | Hey Tottel | 06:09 |
Tottel | How you doing | 06:10 |
lordievader | Doing good here, how are you? | 06:11 |
Tottel | I'm doing just fine^^ | 06:12 |
lordievader | Good to hear :) | 06:12 |
Tottel | Except that my KDE Connect widget is playing hide and seek :P | 06:13 |
lordievader | There is a widget for that? | 06:14 |
Tottel | Ye, it's nice | 06:14 |
Tottel | Having a box on your desktop, showing your phones notifications and all that | 06:14 |
Tottel | Pretty nice when you got your phone in the other room charging on silence ^^ | 06:14 |
lordievader | Too bad KDE connect doesn't work on this network -.- | 06:15 |
lordievader | Or that KDE connect works over ipsec. | 06:15 |
Tottel | How come? | 06:15 |
Tottel | Special network? :P | 06:15 |
lordievader | University network, they have a /16 network. | 06:17 |
Tottel | ah | 06:17 |
lordievader | Probably done a couple of tricks to 'prevent' this. | 06:17 |
Tottel | I guess the over-IP part is a security thing | 06:18 |
lordievader | Over-ip? | 06:18 |
lordievader | You mean ipsec? Yes, ipsec is a vpn technology. | 06:19 |
Tottel | Ye, that KDE Connect only works over local | 06:19 |
Tottel | Gotta reboot, brb | 06:22 |
hateball | lordievader: KDE Connect needs to be on same subnet to work | 06:27 |
hateball | even if you are on the same subnet, it's likely the network enforces client isolation | 06:27 |
lordievader | Indeed | 06:31 |
Tottel | Hum, I rebooted and my transparent taskbart went solid? | 06:31 |
noaXess | hey all | 06:31 |
noaXess | lordievader: i think i found the issue of kdialog layout.. kdialog is using Qt 4.8 and eg. dolphin and so on are using Qt 5.6 | 06:35 |
lordievader | noaXess: That could very well be the issue. | 06:35 |
lordievader | Though, kdialog on my Gentoo box also comes from the plasma4 slot. | 06:36 |
lordievader | I.e. most likely uses Qt4.x | 06:36 |
noaXess | hm... so thats a main issue | 06:37 |
lordievader | What version do you have? | 06:37 |
noaXess | version of Kubuntu? | 06:38 |
noaXess | 16.04 | 06:38 |
lordievader | No, version of kdialog. | 06:38 |
noaXess | wait | 06:38 |
noaXess | 1.0 | 06:39 |
noaXess | details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24279408/ | 06:39 |
noaXess | lordievader: you said, you are using chromium, right? | 06:39 |
lordievader | noaXess: No, I have Chrome installed. | 06:40 |
noaXess | if you are on any webpage, right click and select Save as... how the dialog looks like? | 06:40 |
noaXess | can you provide screenshot? | 06:40 |
lordievader | noaXess: On my Gentoo box I have version 4.14.29 compiled against Qt 4.8.6. | 06:40 |
lordievader | noaXess: http://imgur.com/a/bjZZu | 06:42 |
lordievader | Do not that this is on Gentoo, not Kubuntu. | 06:42 |
noaXess | okey.. i see.. hm.. | 06:42 |
noaXess | something is wrong here.. | 06:42 |
noaXess | wait.. yesterday i found something.. about application style | 06:44 |
hateball | noaXess: this is my chromium save on 16.04 http://imgur.com/oDHUKvz | 06:44 |
noaXess | this is how it looks if Widget Style Breeze is used: http://imgur.com/iFjbnTz | 06:44 |
lordievader | note* | 06:45 |
noaXess | and this is, if Widget Style GTK+ Style is used: http://imgur.com/LZQ17IH | 06:45 |
noaXess | lordievader: strange right? seams Breeze is not complete.. or similar | 06:47 |
noaXess | other thing is.. i have enabled single click to open folders/files in dolphin.. but that is not working in kdialog's | 06:48 |
lordievader | noaXess: Could you create a new user and see if that one has the same problem? | 06:49 |
noaXess | thtas good plan.. will check that.. | 06:49 |
Tottel | So what you up to? | 07:12 |
lordievader | noaXess: What version of Chrome are you using, perhaps that explains the differences? | 07:52 |
* lordievader is using 58.0.3029.33 | 07:53 | |
noaXess | lordievader: 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit) that from | 07:56 |
noaXess | from google repo | 07:56 |
noaXess | lordievader: so you are using beta versino? | 07:57 |
lordievader | Yes | 07:57 |
lordievader | Using is a big word though. | 07:57 |
noaXess | btw.. same prob is in chomium.. same kdialog layout | 07:57 |
lordievader | And in another user? | 07:58 |
noaXess | not yet tested.. need to work between ;) LOL | 08:27 |
lordievader | Same here ;) | 08:54 |
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noaXess | lordievader: now.. tested with new user and it's new generated profile: all works as it should, also single click in kdialog... seams in my own profile some damaged config files.. | 11:29 |
lordievader | noaXess: Indeed, if a new user works correctly... it is some config file. | 12:09 |
noaXess | lordievader: now.. which config is it.. ufff.. | 12:10 |
lordievader | grep for something like kdialog? | 12:10 |
noaXess | grrrrr... can't find which config or even script does make that issue.. | 12:28 |
noaXess | lordievader: i already found kdialogrc, but has nothing to do wiht | 12:28 |
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noaXess | it's some style stuff missing.. | 12:29 |
noaXess | how can i reinstall eg. Breeze app style? | 12:29 |
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noaXess | lordievader: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS | 12:59 |
noaXess | at last i got IT.... /home/noaXess/.config/Trolltech.conf had some wrong configs in.. renaming, start eg. kdialog or LibreOffice Writer and open anything.. DONE.. FIXED | 13:00 |
hateball | 1 problem down, a million to go! | 13:01 |
noaXess | yeah... | 13:02 |
noaXess | hey hateball | 13:02 |
lordievader | noaXess: Nice, good work. | 13:05 |
noaXess | search and fix.. config by config file.. | 13:05 |
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noaXess | :D https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2357144&p=13627132#post13627132 | 13:49 |
hateball | noaXess: :) | 13:57 |
xfu | What's the shortcut to un-fullscreen Okular? | 14:14 |
noaXess | xfu: ESC | 14:24 |
=== VandammepireRoey is now known as MostHighEvilRoey | ||
various_accounts | icibon for progress of a copy operation you can pipe the file through pv e.g https://askubuntu.com/questions/215505/how-do-you-monitor-the-progress-of-dd | 14:48 |
R13ose | Anyway to improve kubuntu in general? | 15:03 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> http://kubuntu.org/contribute-to-kubuntu/ | 15:08 |
R13ose | Are there a list of tickets? | 15:37 |
faLUCE | does myfile pass to stage area when I do git add myfile? | 16:16 |
faLUCE | (hello) | 16:16 |
soee | what are you trying to do ? | 16:20 |
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faLUCE | soee_: sorry, wrong channel | 17:23 |
kiorky | hi i borke my sddm + kde setup somehow (u16.04), now my sddm greeter is balck and grey | 17:53 |
kiorky | without any icon or background | 17:53 |
kiorky | even if i reinstalled every qt/sddm/kde package related package, i cant make it revive | 17:54 |
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kiorky | http://www.cryptelium.net/bordel/20170330_195833.jpg | 18:03 |
kiorky | here is a screen of it | 18:03 |
Snowhog | Kiorky What is it you are showing us with the image? | 18:14 |
kiorky | Snowhog: that sddm is terribly broken | 18:14 |
kiorky | black and grey | 18:14 |
kiorky | Snowhog: http://i.imgur.com/2YlfFiK.png | 18:15 |
kiorky | Snowhog: it hsould look like that | 18:15 |
kiorky | Snowhog: you missed that: | 18:16 |
kiorky | 19:53 <kiorky> hi i borke my sddm + kde setup somehow (u16.04), now my sddm greeter is balck and grey | 18:16 |
kiorky | 19:53 <kiorky> without any icon or background | 18:16 |
kiorky | 19:54 <kiorky> even if i reinstalled every qt/sddm/kde package related package, i cant make it revive | 18:16 |
Snowhog | Kiorky Have you tried installing a different sddm theme just to see if a new theme works correctly? | 18:19 |
kiorky | Snowhog: well, the pb seems related to Qt | 18:21 |
kiorky | because if i login inside a kde/plasma session | 18:21 |
kiorky | Snowhog: its also borken | 18:21 |
kiorky | panels are transparent/greys and all window bars and menus too | 18:21 |
kiorky | Snowhog: another theme (maui) | 18:26 |
kiorky | is also broke | 18:26 |
kiorky | Snowhog: so its also borken with another theme | 18:33 |
Snowhog | Kiorky You can try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data sddm xorg xserver-xorg-core && sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm | 18:33 |
kiorky | Snowhog: done a lot of time | 18:34 |
kiorky | first things i did | 18:34 |
kiorky | Snowhog: (from those specific pkgs, to the whole kde & qt stack to my full set of pkgs...) | 18:34 |
Snowhog | Have you tried creating a new user and logging in to that account? Same results, or no? | 18:35 |
kiorky | Snowhog: yeah, by the way no user here are involved | 18:35 |
kiorky | as it is the greater itself | 18:36 |
kiorky | but even with emptying the cache config & kde folder of /var/lib/sddm | 18:36 |
kiorky | doesnt cahnge a thing | 18:36 |
Snowhog | And you don't remember what you were doing right before this issue presented itself? | 18:36 |
kiorky | Snowhog: removing the intel ppa | 18:37 |
kiorky | ( https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers ) | 18:37 |
kiorky | normally in 1 year things have evolved, stock kernel is enought now to run my t450 without bleeding edge | 18:38 |
Snowhog | So things were fine before you removed that PPA, yes? You removed the PPA and logged out/rebooted and the problem presented? | 18:39 |
kiorky | Snowhog: i have to force remove some packages (ofc i quoted everyone of them and bring them back after) | 18:40 |
kiorky | but yeah, that's the starting point of failure. . | 18:41 |
Snowhog | Kiorky Have you attempted to readd t he PPA and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? IF things were fine with the PPA, then adding it back might fix things, and then you can figure out what to do that won't break things again. | 18:42 |
kiorky | Snowhog: back to oibaf intel stuff without any change | 19:16 |
kiorky | still broken | 19:16 |
Snowhog | Kiorky Hmm. Are there any Warnings or Errors given when running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 19:18 |
kiorky | Snowhog: nope. | 19:19 |
Snowhog | kiorky It's been awhile, so not sure if it is still installable, but can you install kdm (the greeter that preceded sddm) and select it as the default? | 19:22 |
kiorky | Snowhog: wont fix the problem, my plasma session is borken as well | 19:24 |
kiorky | the problem is the same between sddm & my plasma kde session | 19:24 |
kiorky | if i fix one, i fix the other :( | 19:24 |
Snowhog | Kiorky Well, if this were happening to me, and I'd spent as much time on it as maybe you have, I'd backup my important stuff in my /home directory and re-install Kubuntu and electing to have the /home partition formatted during installation. | 19:26 |
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