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FrancisANDRE | Hello Launchpad | 13:47 |
FrancisANDRE | I have an issue building a recipe with git | 13:48 |
cjwatson | FrancisANDRE: what's the issue? | 13:55 |
FrancisANDRE | The log states: fatal: Couldn't find remote ref HEAD | 13:56 |
cjwatson | oh, the question you filed | 13:56 |
cjwatson | saw it but hadn't had a chance to look into it yet | 13:56 |
FrancisANDRE | Yes | 13:56 |
FrancisANDRE | https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/601357 | 13:56 |
FrancisANDRE | ok | 13:57 |
cjwatson | just trying to reproduce it locally now | 13:59 |
FrancisANDRE | ok thanks for having a look at it | 14:00 |
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=== JanC is now known as Guest23500 | ||
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mvo | I couldn't find it on the LP help, I wonder if there is a way for the code importer from svn to also pull in the external. I'm wonderng because I would love to auto-build a snap from lp:josm but the repo has some external items it seems and those are not in the code import. wonder if there is a way to get them somehow into LP too? | 16:29 |
cjwatson | afraid not, I think you'd probably have to pull those in explicitly in snapcraft.yaml somehow | 16:32 |
mvo | thanks cjwatson | 16:32 |
cjwatson | FrancisANDRE: answered now | 16:35 |
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mapreri | is it possible to configure a git repo to send emails with diffs to a mailing list, without having that mailing list exist as a user? | 18:56 |
mapreri | (user or team) | 18:56 |
dobey | mapreri: i don't think so | 19:25 |
dobey | mapreri: ie, i don't think there is any way to "subscribe" someone who is not a user/team to a "branch" on lp | 19:26 |
mapreri | ack | 19:28 |
cjwatson | Also that kind of git subscription isn't implemented yet | 19:35 |
mapreri | cjwatson: if that's the case, what's the "revision notification" thing I can see on the details of my subscription? | 22:05 |
mapreri | I now notice that before I didn't specify that I was interested in what can be called commit emails, emails for every commit containing the diff of them. | 22:06 |
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