lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:37 |
baizon | hi lotuspsychje | 05:37 |
lotuspsychje | hey baizon, did you manage to update bios? | 05:37 |
baizon | lotuspsychje: nope | 05:38 |
lotuspsychje | wow, 107mb ubuntu base update | 05:40 |
baizon | again? | 05:40 |
baizon | again kernel | 05:40 |
lotuspsychje | .71 kernel | 05:40 |
lotuspsychje | lets read the ubuntu news :p | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | http://news.softpedia.com/news/new-ubuntu-kernel-update-patches-a-single-vulnerability-affecting-all-versions-514401.shtml | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | this is why baizon :p | 05:46 |
baizon | yeah, i heard about that a day ago | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/03/reset-ubuntu-desktop-default-settings | 05:49 |
baizon | havent done that since 14.10 :D | 05:55 |
lotuspsychje | hehe | 05:55 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | hey lordievader how are you? | 06:09 |
lordievader | Doing good here, how are you? | 06:09 |
lotuspsychje | great here tnx | 06:10 |
lordievader | lotuspsychje: What is #lotuscomputers? | 06:11 |
ducasse | morning all | 06:23 |
ducasse | lordievader: it's lotus' new business venture | 06:23 |
lotuspsychje | lordievader: feel free to join | 06:26 |
lotuspsychje | !info linux-image-generic xenial | 07:16 |
ubot5 | linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB | 07:16 |
lotuspsychje | botsync is pretty fast these days | 07:16 |
lotuspsychje | morning ikevin | 07:42 |
ikevin | hi lotuspsychje | 07:45 |
ikevin | how are you today? | 07:45 |
lotuspsychje | great man, how about you ikevin | 07:45 |
ikevin | all good here :) | 07:45 |
lotuspsychje | ikevin: ready for rocknroll support :p | 07:46 |
ikevin | lol, always :p | 07:47 |
pauljw | Hi everyone | 13:20 |
OerHeks | hi Paul | 13:22 |
pauljw | OerHeks | 13:25 |
ducasse | hi pauljw, OerHeks | 13:26 |
pauljw | hi ducasse | 13:26 |
OerHeks | "31 march: World Backup Day" .. really? | 15:04 |
acheron-a | reminds me, i need to do one this morning | 15:07 |
OerHeks | sure it can wait another day .. | 15:09 |
OerHeks | 1 april :-D | 15:09 |
acheron-a | all done | 15:17 |
andreschandiaf | First time on this kind of interface.. | 15:36 |
andreschandiaf | I need to do a social question to ubuntu(ers) | 15:36 |
andreschandiaf | Any body there? | 15:36 |
nacc | andreschandiaf: yes, but no one is obligated to respond | 15:37 |
acheron-a | whats that? | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | good afternoon to all | 15:37 |
acheron-a | hello lotuspsychje | 15:37 |
andreschandiaf | Ok, thanks, there it goes | 15:37 |
lotuspsychje | hey there acheron-a | 15:37 |
andreschandiaf | I'm a happy Ubuntu user since 2006, and I'm engaged in some way with a social project of bringing opportunities and development for a small indigenous community of the south of Chile, the mapuche. | 15:38 |
andreschandiaf | A group of them tells me they have an offering from (sorry I have to write this word even though I don't want) Microsoft. | 15:38 |
lotuspsychje | andreschandiaf: nice to hear | 15:38 |
lotuspsychje | andreschandiaf: a bit like munich .gov germany | 15:38 |
andreschandiaf | They are offering to form teenagers, make them digitally capable for them to have better opportunities at work-related level, with some kind of certification, but this will attach them to Microsoft for the rest of their lives... I can ask for more details if necessary. | 15:38 |
andreschandiaf | Well, the thing is, is there any similar project from Ubuntu that does similar things, and in this way give freedom to people instead of condemn them to Microsoft. | 15:39 |
pauljw | hey lotuspsychje | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | hey pauljw | 15:41 |
OerHeks | andreschandiaf, there is a history ubuntu+microsoft, also oracle, also ibm and more .. https://insights.ubuntu.com/tag/microsoft | 15:41 |
andreschandiaf | what I can find there? | 15:42 |
lotuspsychje | check your invite nacc, OerHeks pauljw | 15:42 |
OerHeks | lots of articles about ms & u, i think bug 1 is no longer valid | 15:42 |
ubot5 | bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 15:42 |
andreschandiaf | Oh, you mean similar projects to what I'm looking for? | 15:43 |
OerHeks | ehm, no, i just point at this, because you feel like not trusting microsoft, if they offer an internship or schooling, that is not bad. | 15:44 |
andreschandiaf | Yeah, I know, the bad thing is attach them forever to Microsoft, give them no alternative insight | 15:45 |
OerHeks | That could not be true, not working with opensource software .. | 15:49 |
DArqueBishop | "Attach them forever to Microsoft"? | 15:51 |
DArqueBishop | Yeah, no. | 15:51 |
andreschandiaf | Well, at least is what I've been informed from this community, the schools where they would be trained would have to buy licences for 5 years..... | 15:51 |
andreschandiaf | I have exageratet, but anyway, 5 years | 15:51 |
DArqueBishop | I know it's cool and hip to hate Microsoft, but the reality is that they're here, have a significant dominance of several markets, and are not going to go away anytime soon. | 15:53 |
nacc | and you can use 'bash' in it | 15:53 |
nacc | tbh, compared to what i remember at a Bill Gates talk 20 years ago, they are significantly more amenable to OSS than they used to be | 15:54 |
andreschandiaf | Ok, so no alternative? | 15:56 |
acheron-a | probably not something we can answer | 15:59 |
acheron-a | more like a question for Canonical management | 16:00 |
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andreschandiaf | How do I readch Canonical management? | 16:02 |
acheron-a | i'd check the main website | 16:03 |
andreschandiaf | Ok, thanks, off I go.. | 16:04 |
acheron-a | good luck with it | 16:04 |
daftykins | that guy felt wrong even typing 'Microsoft'... what an absolute idiot | 16:41 |
nacc | some people feel stronger about it than others -- idealism vs. realism? | 16:43 |
acheron-a | oh, well | 16:43 |
ducasse | daftykins: i think that was just to show he had what he thought was an appropriate amount of hate for them. | 16:45 |
acheron-a | i'm really liking unity once i used it for a while | 16:45 |
daftykins | well anyone taking that approach just looks like a child | 16:48 |
ducasse | i agree, i just think it is common to assume that all linux users loathe ms. | 16:49 |
daftykins | just shows they couldn't drive it to me ;D | 16:49 |
acheron-a | the push to kill win7 and making the update process so cumbersome brought me to try linux. i was was on Mint for about 9 months but they do some odd stuff with the Cinn DE since 17.3 and decided to come back to Ubuntu | 16:51 |
acheron-a | mostly issues with sound in mint, just on their Cinn DE, too, all the KDE and the others were fine | 16:52 |
daftykins | wise move, there's no good reason to go near Mint | 16:52 |
acheron-a | then i started looking at the dconf settings, oh what a mess in there | 16:52 |
daftykins | not sure what you mean on the update front though, there *were* big delays on checking and installing for new installations, but those are easily resolved once you have specific updates on first (Windows 7 and 8 that is) | 16:52 |
acheron-a | i think they lost focus when the decided to start writing their on x-apps and there is nothing wrong with e-vice, gedit and totem | 16:53 |
acheron-a | "there's no good reason to go near Mint", why do you say that daftykins? | 16:55 |
ducasse | because there aren't any, and mint introduces problems of its own? | 16:57 |
daftykins | because everything they did different is available directly on ubuntu, without using their modified repos which hold back security updates and cause problems all the time | 16:57 |
acheron-a | its pretty tempting for a new linux user but i agree from my personal experience | 16:57 |
daftykins | it is a *JUNK* distro | 16:57 |
acheron-a | every time you bring up an issue, its always the users fault or their hardware | 17:03 |
daftykins | acheron-a: me specifically? yes because i gave over 10 years of support in #ubuntu | 17:07 |
daftykins | and Mint is a joke which creates problems. | 17:07 |
daftykins | especially as they couldn't get help from Mint channels so would pretend to be running ubuntu... | 17:08 |
daftykins | i might have misunderstood what you just said though | 17:08 |
acheron-a | well i am done with it after struggling with sound issues and the latest grub2 install failure, i never get those issues on any other popular distro and DE | 17:09 |
daftykins | were you trying to say that i personally only ever classify Linux problems as the person or their system? :D | 17:10 |
acheron-a | they said to unplug the lan to fix that, why don't they fix the installer? | 17:10 |
daftykins | haha yeah that's pretty bad | 17:10 |
acheron-a | its busy in the background trying to put in place the new grub2 release and so it fails | 17:11 |
acheron-a | there was a new grub2 release recently | 17:11 |
daftykins | ah well you don't seem to be responding directly so i give up | 17:12 |
acheron-a | i'm good | 17:12 |
daftykins | is there any reason why? you make some stupid comment about my assistance and then refuse to back it up? | 17:13 |
daftykins | plus you're new. | 17:13 |
acheron-a | i never made any comment about your support, i was talking about Clem | 17:14 |
daftykins | about what? | 17:14 |
daftykins | < acheron-a> every time you bring up an issue, its always the users fault or their hardware <--- this one? | 17:14 |
daftykins | is there someone in here talking that i've got on ignore or something... i only see us | 17:14 |
acheron-a | every time you bring up an issue, its always the users fault or their hardware <-- yes, i was talking about the Mint Dev team | 17:15 |
daftykins | oooooh as in when you raise an issue with them, i'm sorry i misunderstood | 17:16 |
acheron-a | but its a junk disto | 17:17 |
OerHeks | mate seems to be populair | 17:18 |
EriC^^ | if mint is a junk distro, what is kali then? :D | 17:18 |
OerHeks | but now it is in our repos too, no need to install mint. | 17:18 |
OerHeks | kali is a backdoor to hackers | 17:18 |
acheron-a | just for example, there is an error in the cs_sound.py file for 18.0 Cinn DE, but i would have to wait until after the first big update to copy the corrected cs_sound.py file into /usr/share/cinnamon/cinnamon-settings/modules/ because the first would overwite it with the bad one! | 17:19 |
acheron-a | https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?p=1237676#p1237676 | 17:19 |
acheron-a | thats just ONE instance | 17:19 |
acheron-a | why couldn't they put the corrected one in the update? insane | 17:20 |
acheron-a | and over it | 17:20 |
OerHeks | why would they read their own forum? | 17:21 |
acheron-a | because Mint is perfect | 17:22 |
acheron-a | if there is something wrong, its all on 'you' | 17:23 |
daftykins | EriC^^: i can't even remember of Kali is back on a debian base now or still on ubuntu | 17:24 |
daftykins | *remember if | 17:24 |
daftykins | all those wannabe hackers... ;D | 17:24 |
pauljw_AOD257 | heheh... | 17:25 |
daftykins | acheron-a: well there are ways around that with APT, but i don't see why they didn't just update the package | 17:25 |
acheron-a | i see Debian missed its release date | 17:33 |
pauljw_AOD257 | is it better to on time, or to be ready? | 17:37 |
daftykins | indeed, fixed first | 17:38 |
acheron-a | i'd rather have it good than on time | 17:39 |
pauljw_AOD257 | yep | 17:39 |
acheron-a | troubleshooting bugs wastes a lot of time | 17:39 |
* daftykins chuckles at the 847MB firmware download for his clients LG OLED TV | 17:40 | |
pauljw_AOD257 | :) | 17:40 |
acheron-a | those tvs sure look nice | 17:41 |
daftykins | mm the B6 is amazing, got it over here in tax-free land for £2,400 back in December | 17:41 |
EriC^^ | man i want an oled | 17:51 |
nicomachus | I want amoled | 17:52 |
EriC^^ | what's that? | 17:53 |
nicomachus | they have some really cool android apps that work with amoled and can turn off a percentage of the pixels on the screen to save battery | 17:53 |
nicomachus | basically only Samsung phones. They do real true black, though, because they actually turn off a pixel to render black | 17:53 |
EriC^^ | aha | 17:55 |
daftykins | the Nexus 4 of mine was AMOLED, rubbish in the sun | 18:00 |
nicomachus | daftykins: really? I thought Samsung was the only one making them | 18:05 |
daftykins | samsung like to hold that rep but nope, years old kit | 18:06 |
daftykins | the Nexus 4 was made by LG back years ago :> | 18:06 |
nicomachus | too bad LG didn't use it in my Nexus 5x | 18:06 |
EriC^^ | i think my phone is also amoled come to think of it | 18:06 |
EriC^^ | it's a very cheap samsung j-ace something the cheapest version | 18:06 |
EriC^^ | it is very rubbishy in the sun, can't see much, also when the battery gets to like 5% or so it becomes almost useless | 18:07 |
daftykins | hehe | 18:09 |
daftykins | sounds about right | 18:09 |
EriC^^ | the camera on this sucker is impressive though, i got to admit | 18:10 |
EriC^^ | ducasse you wanna work on that ppa-purge addition thing? | 18:13 |
ducasse | EriC^^: too late for me, i'm afraid, i'm just finishing up on a few things before heading to bed. ask me a bit earlier tomorrow, i'm pretty useless in the evening :) | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | no worries :) | 18:19 |
daftykins | that about getting ppa-purge into the default repos or something? | 18:20 |
ducasse | improving it to work on non-launchpad ppas etc | 18:20 |
daftykins | oic | 18:21 |
ducasse | is it troll hour again already? :) | 18:35 |
nicomachus | ducasse: guess so | 18:37 |
daftykins | does it ever end? | 19:08 |
ducasse | no, they just go away for long enough to regroup. | 19:11 |
daftykins | ;) | 19:12 |
daftykins | ducasse: just removed the majority of the spare Mischief from my top bed sheet :P | 19:12 |
daftykins | good fistful of fur | 19:12 |
ducasse | i found out the other day that luna has a secret nest on top of some sweaters in a closet, i swear there was enough of her there to knit a new one. | 19:14 |
ducasse | (a new sweater that is, knitting a cat would be more involved) | 19:16 |
daftykins | XD | 19:17 |
OerHeks | wildpenguin a.k.a. now known as CrazyTux | 19:57 |
daftykins | o0 | 20:02 |
daftykins | that nick rings a bell | 20:02 |
nicomachus | I've seen CrazyTux | 20:09 |
daftykins | and lived? well that's a good sign | 20:09 |
nicomachus | I mean, I kinda lived. | 20:10 |
OerHeks | my crazy tux .. https://www.dropbox.com/s/71wm136pidiq3f1/2016-tux-wood.JPG?dl=0 | 20:10 |
OerHeks | nicknaam woody | 20:14 |
pauljw | nice OerHeks, did you carve him? | 20:14 |
OerHeks | No, found it at a fleemarket somewhere, could not resist taking him home | 20:15 |
OerHeks | or her | 20:15 |
pauljw | :) | 20:16 |
pauljw | just following the rules of the english language... | 20:20 |
nicomachus | english has RULES?! | 20:30 |
OerHeks | int. english? | 20:36 |
OerHeks | caveman-english? | 20:37 |
OerHeks | cartoonnetwork-english? | 20:37 |
pauljw | heheh... yep, it does. so does science, but the PC crowd ignores them, too. | 20:48 |
Bashing-om | Water restored to the house - That Is a Good Thing | 21:05 |
daftykins | \o/ | 21:07 |
daftykins | where'd it go!? | 21:07 |
daftykins | Bashing-om: also wb :D | 21:07 |
Bashing-om | Oh daftykins The water was there, just not making it to here :) - Replaced the pressure switch at the well head . ( still to do is replace the water line permanently from the well to the house ) // And glad to be back on IRC - bout time ! | 21:10 |
daftykins | ah har | 21:11 |
* acheron-a xD * | 23:43 |
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