=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen | ||
jnewt | i can't get out of the mate desktop and into a command line. when i do sudo service stop lightdm, i just get a blinking cursor or some line about blocks being clean. no prompt. if i remove quiet splash vt.handoff from the linux line in grub and add single, i get a garbled mess of tiny text that I can't read. I am trying to get to the command line to update my graphics driver which nvidia says can't be done from the de. | 03:18 |
jnewt | i need to update my graphics driver in order to try to fix a host of other issues (core dump when running apps over vnc / rdp, disappearing bars from the desktop, etc.) | 03:19 |
jnewt | v16.04 | 03:19 |
ubuntu-mate | any ideas on how to get wifi to work if the hardware button doesn't work on this HP laptop? | 04:05 |
lhtd | why does the partition table header gets damaged when I boot ? | 09:24 |
lhtd | Caution: invalid backup GPT header, but valid main header; | 09:24 |
lhtd | regenerating | 09:24 |
lhtd | backup header from main header. | 09:24 |
PRI4B-10 | hola | 13:59 |
PRI4B-10 | hola fer | 14:00 |
DarkPsydeLord | hola | 14:06 |
=== Menzador is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Menzador | ||
nomic | z.z. | 16:25 |
mojumbo | is there a reason gcc is not packaged with the distro? After installing I then installed my NVIDIA driver which it promptly complained b/c it couldn't build the kernel mods | 17:13 |
mojumbo | I had to immediately apt-get gcc | 17:14 |
Menzador | mojumbo: GCC isn't considered an essential part of the system at install time. | 17:15 |
Menzador | (since everything's prebuilt) | 17:15 |
Menzador | mojumbo: Also, I'd probably install build-essential instead of just gcc itself | 17:16 |
mojumbo | actually, in the Linux world it is since every driver install is built - pretty much as a module at install time | 17:17 |
Menzador | But that's because the modules come pre-built and are copied over by ubiquity (the installer) at install time. | 17:18 |
Menzador | Also, NVIDIA's drivers are proprietary, which means Ubuntu can't ship them because they're built independent of the system's package management functions | 17:19 |
mojumbo | sure. I'm not saying that you should ship with NVIDIA drivers | 17:19 |
Menzador | Well, what else do you expect? If the script screams at you, meet its demands and try again | 17:20 |
mojumbo | I'm just saying, in many instances, gcc would appear to be fairly important | 17:21 |
=== huhlig_ is now known as huhlig | ||
mate|71313 | What is the life cycle of Ubuntu MATE 16.04? | 18:16 |
Menzador | mate|71313: At least until 2019, if not 2021. | 18:19 |
DarkPsydeLord | mate|71313, Support ends April 2019. | 18:23 |
mate|71313 | Well with Ubuntu dropping support on 32 bit I am going to have to back track to LTS. I wondered if I should do mate. Or stay on budgie. | 18:25 |
DarkPsydeLord | mate|71313, well i never used budgie before but i know i love mate :) | 18:27 |
Menzador | DarkPsydeLord: Wait, where did you find that on our Web site? | 18:28 |
Menzador | I combed it! | 18:28 |
Menzador | Oh never mind, I found it. | 18:29 |
Menzador | Yes, mate|71313 - support is only for 3 years | 18:29 |
Menzador | on LTS systems | 18:29 |
mate|71313 | Budgie is 3 years as well. I might as well go bare bones. | 18:31 |
mate|71313 | Or Mint (Yuck) | 18:32 |
Menzador | Ubuntu and Kubuntu are 5 years each | 18:32 |
mate|71313 | Lubuntu is 3 as well. | 18:33 |
Menzador | Basically, only Ubuntu and Kubuntu do 5 years; the others (unless specifically stated) are 3 years | 18:34 |
mate|71313 | This piece of junk prolly wont last 5 years but what if it does. | 18:40 |
mate|71313 | LoL | 18:40 |
mate|71313 | Thanks for your help. Have a great day | 18:51 |
DarkPsydeLord | its at the download section Menzador :) | 19:08 |
Menzador | DarkPsydeLord: Yeah, that's where I found it. | 19:17 |
joseph | Hi all - anyone have any experience using Citrix Receiver, in particular SSL error 4 ? | 21:13 |
joseph | Long shot I know | 21:13 |
SATA24 | Hey. Is anyone there? | 21:18 |
SATA24 | Hey, I was wondering in anyone could help me with the installation of Ubuntu-Mate onto a MicroSD card for use in a raspberry pi zero. I have tried several times, but the pi zero just hangs on boot within 5 seconds of powering on every time. | 21:20 |
SATA24 | Is anyone online? | 21:22 |
SATA24 | Can anyone hear me? | 21:23 |
Talikkaf | We can hear you. I cannot help you. | 21:29 |
SATA24 | Do you know if anyone can? | 21:29 |
Talikkaf | of course many can :p | 21:30 |
Talikkaf | did you find any relevant info via Google about similar problems? | 21:30 |
SATA24 | Not yet. I followed the instructions on the Ubuntu-Mate webpage exactly, however. | 21:31 |
Talikkaf | Sometimes the install medium can get corrupted. | 21:31 |
SATA24 | So how do I ensure that it does not get corrupted? | 21:31 |
Talikkaf | I don't know. Check the md5 sum and burn the image to a different flash drive. (probably the problem is somewhere else, though) | 21:32 |
SATA24 | I checked the sha sum of the archive when I downloaded it, and it was okay. I don't know where to find a sum for the unpacked .img file, however. | 21:33 |
SATA24 | Also, I only have one drive. | 21:33 |
Talikkaf | Perhaps you can try an older release of ubuntu mate 32 bit | 21:34 |
SATA24 | I thought those were only for x86 architectures? | 21:34 |
Talikkaf | http://askubuntu.com/questions/703070/does-ubuntu-work-on-a-raspberry-pi-zero | 21:36 |
Talikkaf | I don't know enough of the architectures. Your device seems to be unable to run Ubuntu Mate. | 21:36 |
Talikkaf | You should use raspbian and not mate on that zero, if I understood the article correctly | 21:37 |
SATA24 | I tried, but it kept hanging whenever I ran "sudo apt-get upgrade". | 21:38 |
Talikkaf | and 'sudo apt-get update' also? | 21:39 |
SATA24 | Yes. | 21:39 |
SATA24 | I did Update, then Upgrade. | 21:39 |
SATA24 | It gets stuck on "reading (something or other) lists: 40%" and just sits there. | 21:39 |
nicklas_ | will you be able to upgrade ubuntu mate to 17.04 just like any other ubuntu derative? | 23:49 |
nicklas_ | also if youve added your own reposes, will they stay or get removed? | 23:50 |
nicklas_ | if they stay, will they change to new release automatically? | 23:50 |
nicklas_ | or do you need to change release? | 23:50 |
nicklas_ | if they dont stay, i want to copy the apt folder before upgrading | 23:51 |
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