ZorroDaCat | hi guys | 02:03 |
ZorroDaCat | I was wondering how I can help your project. I would like to contribute either by testing some stuff | 02:06 |
ZorroDaCat | documentation (I speak FR...as in Frog language) | 02:07 |
ZorroDaCat | or even coding. | 02:07 |
ZorroDaCat | I'm so fucking tired of X11 | 02:07 |
ZorroDaCat | it has been a problem in my life from day zero with Linux.... back to my slackware days with kernel 1.2.13 in the 90s... | 02:09 |
ZorroDaCat | I really hope that X dies forever | 02:10 |
ZorroDaCat | it's just stopping Linux to evolves | 02:10 |
ZorroDaCat | its a pain in the ass...in the early 2000s i had moved to Mac OS/X because I could finally have a bash prompt and a nice graphical (accelerated) UI......thanks Quartz... | 02:11 |
ZorroDaCat | I'm trying KDE5 Plasma these days...its nice and fast but it keeps on bugging when you search for an app...everything disappears and restarts...reminds me of windows 95 /NT era when you had to kill explorer.exe and restart it...same crap ! | 02:15 |
ZorroDaCat | ok ill stop talking | 02:15 |
ZorroDaCat | nobody is listening anyway | 02:15 |
ZorroDaCat | hey | 02:18 |
duflu | ZorroDaCat: Agreed and welcome. But this time of day only Asia/Australia/NZ is online :) | 02:42 |
ZorroDaCat | ok thanks | 02:42 |
ZorroDaCat | np | 02:42 |
duflu | ZorroDaCat: You are free to dive into the code and start hacking ideas. Although we would also appreciate some work on tidying up and triaging the bug backlog bugs.launchpad.net/mir | 02:43 |
duflu | ZorroDaCat: http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/index.html | 02:44 |
ZorroDaCat | im from Montreal...GMT-5 (NYC time) .... Thanks I'll check that out and come back | 02:44 |
duflu | Nice place. The team was there for a meeting last year | 02:45 |
ZorroDaCat | Should I use the latest 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) to get in sync with all you guys..?? Yeah cool place..but still winter here... | 02:49 |
duflu | ZorroDaCat: Yes the unwritten rule is Unity8/Mir development is only active on the current Ubuntu development series. So 17.04 right now | 02:51 |
duflu | Although lp:mir does build and run fine in 16.04 still | 02:51 |
duflu | And probably 16.10(?). However being neighter LTS nor the bleeding edge 16.10 gets ignored. Which some may find surprising given its the current stable release | 02:53 |
duflu | neither :) | 02:53 |
duflu | it's | 02:53 |
* duflu stops correcting his spelling | 02:53 | |
ZorroDaCat | ok i need to reinstall my box anyway...was trying KDE5 on Mint 18 (16.04-based)...will switch to pure ubuntu...and follow the rules | 02:54 |
ZorroDaCat | do you think it's going to be a display server war with Wayland like beta/VHS back in the days ? | 02:59 |
duflu | I don't think it's really a war. People will choose Ubuntu or Fedora or something else. The display server they get is just a consequence of that. So nothing is really new | 03:00 |
ZorroDaCat | I see.. but what about nVidia/AMD supporting one or the other in proprietary drivers? | 03:01 |
duflu | I think we'll have 100% coverage within a year. You will be able to use any driver with any display server | 03:02 |
ZorroDaCat | Wow impressive....I guess both will follow Mir since the most popular distros are all based on ubuntu.... | 03:02 |
duflu | I don't think Ubuntu actually has that much influence on Nvidia. They are a very big company. However they are slowly working toward interfaces that will allow everyone to play together | 03:03 |
duflu | In Mir we're lookin at supporting the proprietary Nvidia driver this year | 03:04 |
duflu | It's in progress | 03:04 |
duflu | And actually much of the code is already started. You can find it in the source tree as src/platforms/eglstream-kms/ | 03:05 |
ZorroDaCat | okay.... im just thinking outloud :) intel seems to contribute more and more code the last few years with <intel graphics for linux> initiative | 03:10 |
ZorroDaCat | i mean for intel graphics of course | 03:11 |
duflu | Certainly Intel is a very big open source contributor. But they have to be if they want to sell hardware | 03:13 |
ZorroDaCat | im not a gamer but im thinking about getting a new intel cpu with integrated graphics...i only got an old amd quad core (kabini:low power APU) at the moment...with a gt710 nv card.. | 03:13 |
ZorroDaCat | yeah | 03:14 |
duflu | ZorroDaCat: The nouveau driver is a problem right now for Mir/Unity8. If you can avoid using it please do. | 03:14 |
ZorroDaCat | ok i could use the builtin radeon from the APU....np... | 03:15 |
duflu | Yeah I think the open source radeon driver is much more solid | 03:15 |
ZorroDaCat | i also got my wifes mid-2012 macbook air with intel graphics...but I've never tried linux on it...dunno if she would be happy that I partition/dual boot her laptop , eh LOL :) | 03:17 |
ZorroDaCat | btw who makes the best desktop PCs right now for ubuntu...system76? | 03:19 |
ZorroDaCat | ok going to bed.....good morning to all of you...thanks again duflu | 03:23 |
duflu | ZorroDaCat: Laptops are personal choice :) Later... | 03:24 |
duflu | also a personal choice | 03:25 |
duflu | RAOF: Can I assume we stopped using connector_id because it's not unique? | 03:59 |
duflu | Have I asked this already? Don't remember | 03:59 |
RAOF | duflu: I'm not entirely sure whether it's unique or not (it probably is). | 04:00 |
RAOF | I stopped using connector_id because it's easier to pass in a drmModeConnectorUPtr. | 04:00 |
* duflu wonders where those numbers come from. Maybe dev nodes? | 04:01 | |
RAOF | They're drm identifiers. | 04:02 |
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RAOF | They mostly get assigned by drm core when the driver says “and I've got an output”. | 04:02 |
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hikiko | hello :) | 07:52 |
hikiko | alan_g, and other mir people, I dist-upgraded and ran miral-shell and received a segfault, here's the bt: | 07:52 |
hikiko | https://pastebin.com/print/CqEL9vZT | 07:52 |
hikiko | any ideas if I am missing some package, or what this could be? | 07:53 |
hikiko | maybe it's normal to see this when I am not root? | 07:54 |
* alan_g looks | 08:02 | |
alan_g | hikiko: it isn't normal. Are you using miral-shell from the archive or a local build? | 08:06 |
hikiko | alan_g, from the repository but when I am root it's fine | 08:06 |
hikiko | I am also running on a schroot | 08:06 |
hikiko | I don't know if that's relevant | 08:07 |
alan_g | what's the commandline? | 08:07 |
hikiko | just miral-shell | 08:07 |
hikiko | without parameters | 08:07 |
alan_g | what is the console output | 08:10 |
alan_g | ? | 08:10 |
hikiko | https://pastebin.com/raw/vmXKAwZh | 08:12 |
hikiko | alan_g, ^ | 08:12 |
alan_g | hikiko: that looks like a failure to open the X socket - but I don't see how that leads to the backtrace | 08:15 |
hikiko | no idea either | 08:16 |
alan_g | But then I don't use schroot much | 08:16 |
hikiko | alan_g, it shouldn't be schroot | 08:16 |
hikiko | because I could start miral-shell before | 08:16 |
hikiko | with the same settings | 08:17 |
alan_g | Can you start a normal X11 app? Say gedit? | 08:17 |
hikiko | yes alan_g | 08:18 |
hikiko | everything else is working | 08:19 |
alan_g | Does mir_demo_server fail the same way? | 08:23 |
hikiko | let me check | 08:23 |
hikiko | alan_g, how can I run mir_demo_server? | 08:24 |
hikiko | do I need to build mir? | 08:24 |
hikiko | or it's somewhere installed? | 08:24 |
alan_g | sudo apt install mir-demos && mir_demo_server | 08:24 |
hikiko | yes | 08:25 |
hikiko | exactly the same message | 08:25 |
hikiko | https://pastebin.com/hBxnjgKY <- alan_g mir_demo_server message | 08:26 |
alan_g | thanks for confirming that. | 08:27 |
alan_g | I don't have a quick solution - can you log a bug (including the schroot setup)? | 08:28 |
alan_g | Sorry. | 08:28 |
alan_g | The bug should be against Mir. | 08:29 |
hikiko | no problem alan_g :) I ll log it in a while, thanks a lot! | 08:29 |
hikiko | yes, it's obviously not miral | 08:29 |
hikiko | here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1677523 | 08:57 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1677523 in Mir "mir_demo_server segfaults in schroot" [Undecided,New] | 08:57 |
alan_g | hikiko: thanks | 09:05 |
hikiko | yw | 09:15 |
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alan_g | WTF?! I just updated zesty and miral-shell now crashes on startup | 10:25 |
alan_g | Server supports 2 of 10 surface pixel formats. Using format: 3 | 10:25 |
alan_g | terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::range_error' | 10:25 |
alan_g | what(): wstring_convert::from_bytes | 10:25 |
alan_g | Oh, it's std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t>> | 10:31 |
hikiko | alan_g, yes | 10:59 |
hikiko | same here | 10:59 |
hikiko | and I have this error: | 10:59 |
hikiko | https://bugs.launchpad.net/miral/+bug/1658159 | 10:59 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1658159 in MirAL "miral-shell depends on default cursor theme being installed" [Low,Fix released] | 10:59 |
hikiko | although | 10:59 |
hikiko | dmz is installed | 11:00 |
alan_g | hikiko: I'm working on a fix, but miral-kiosk and 'miral-shell --window-manager tiling' will work in the meantime | 11:18 |
hikiko | let me try | 11:18 |
hikiko | mmm no | 11:19 |
hikiko | alan_g, miral-shell --window-manager tiling doesn't work | 11:19 |
hikiko | same error | 11:19 |
alan_g | I'm talking about the std::wstring_convert<> error | 11:20 |
hikiko | oh ok | 11:24 |
hikiko | I'll try to get a look at the other one alan_g it shouldn't happen, I have your fix here | 11:25 |
hikiko | maybe I can collect more info if I build mir | 11:26 |
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* alan_g finds C++ locales and facets less confusing now than at the start of the day. (But still thinks it is too hard.) | 14:20 | |
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bregma | there's a very good reason C++ locales and their facets are rarely used in production code | 15:01 |
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=== JanC is now known as Guest23500 | ||
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camako | tjaalton, will X+O be getting the new Mesa as well? | 19:33 |
tjaalton | camako: you mean X+Y? yes, but not necessarily the new mir patches | 19:35 |
tjaalton | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/ubuntu/updates doesn't have it | 19:35 |
camako | tjaalton, xenial+overlay | 19:35 |
tjaalton | I don't know | 19:36 |
camako | hmm we use that in CI | 19:36 |
tjaalton | what's an overlay? | 19:36 |
tjaalton | in this context | 19:36 |
camako | just the overlay PPA | 19:36 |
tjaalton | still a mystery to me :) | 19:37 |
tjaalton | this will end up in xenial-updates | 19:37 |
camako | tjaalton, ok forget the overlay part :-) | 19:37 |
tjaalton | with whatever mir related you need | 19:37 |
camako | so it'll be in xenial, correct? | 19:37 |
tjaalton | right now it's still using the old patch because the new mir isn't there | 19:38 |
tjaalton | yes | 19:38 |
tjaalton | some time after zesty is released | 19:38 |
camako | Ah ok | 19:38 |
camako | thanks | 19:38 |
camako | tjaalton, why the dependence on zesty? | 19:39 |
camako | just curious | 19:39 |
tjaalton | I just want it to be on a release first | 19:39 |
tjaalton | and since it's kinda part of the backport stack, just not renamed anymore | 19:40 |
tjaalton | actually, there is some pressure to push mesa to -updates earlier | 19:45 |
camako | ok | 19:46 |
=== Guest86599 is now known as RAOF |
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