
minasotawhat is a blog...00:42
minasotaDoes anyone else feel anxious about technology?00:43
cyberangerIt varies00:43
superflycyberanger: what's your blog UR?00:52
cyberangerright now that'll 403 but that'll be resolved in an hour or so00:54
superflycyberanger: I use Nikola (and have used Pelican in the past) for generating blogs and static sites.01:05
Unit193We talked about that a tad, I wasn't able to say useful enough things about it. :P01:06
cyberangersuperfly: I don't have the first post yet, but I did get the blog itself up01:29
cyberangerBashBlog atm01:29
* cyberanger is open to another setup if it is right for the job.01:29
cyberangerSame for anyone else who wants to take a look, https://zachgibbens.org (Awaiting the first post, otherwise setup now)01:31
cyberangerCurrently using disqus for comments, will likely switch to a self hosted isso in the near future01:33
cyberangerSince my next home blocks disqus and a lot of other sites01:35
cyberangerWhat do you all think?01:45
cyberanger(I see a bunch of hits in my log, so I know some of you looked ;-) )01:45
superflycyberanger: what self-hosted comments would you use?02:16
cyberangersuperfly: thinking this https://github.com/posativ/isso02:20
* cyberanger hasn't outright decided, just know I'd have to VPN out of China to use Disqus02:24
superflycyberanger: looks interesting02:53
wrstHmm who let superfly in here?02:58
wrstHowdy Omnifrog02:58
Omnifroghiya wrst02:59
superflywrst: you, a long time ago02:59
wrstHow are things going?02:59
wrstsuperfly: want was wrong with me ? :)02:59
wrstWhat even02:59
OmnifrogI defeated the evil Lowes customer service counter today03:00
Omnifrogactually they were very helpful03:00
cyberangerOmnifrog: the one in Gunbarrel?03:01
cyberangershould have gone north, better customer service03:01
cyberangerbut hey, you survived03:02
OmnifrogI had a push mower that blew it's self up (2 inch hole on the side wall of the engine block)03:02
Omnifrogthey sent it out to a warranty service place who rejected the claim03:03
cyberangerOh wow, didn't take you out in the blast did it?03:04
Omnifrogturns out, that service center created evidence that voided the warranty03:05
Omnifrogbut I know mowers like the back of my hand. and.... I had pics03:06
cyberanger...avoiding the warranty, yeah take pics03:06
cyberangerHate shady outfits that pull that crud03:06
Omnifrogactually I dont know the back of my hand that well. I never really look it it03:06
Omnifrogbut it's a useful phrase03:07
superflythe nice thing about Arizona? I don't need a mower 'cause there ain't no grass...03:07
Omnifrogso, long story short - I walked away with a new and upgraded mower in the box03:09
Omnifrogonly took 2 hours of escalating all the way up to the store manager03:10
Omnifroghey, that's not a bab outcome03:11
cyberangersuperfly: Yeah, your in the sandy part of AZ03:12
superflyOmnifrog: just that it took 2 hours03:12
superflycyberanger: somewhat03:13
OmnifrogI would rather sped 2 hours of my time than lose 400 bucks03:13
OmnifrogAND I got an upgrade out of the deal03:14
Omnifroglarger engine. bigger gas tank. larger rear wheels. more power. engine that hasnt exploded03:16
Omnifrogwin win03:16
Omnifrogand variable speed drive03:17
Omnifrogthe warranty period stars anew starting from today !03:18
OmnifrogI have 2 years of coverage again03:18
cyberangerDoesn't the larger engine negate the gas tank though?03:20
cyberangervariable speed drive is nice03:20
wrstNice Omnifrog , I hate going to Lowe's, the customer service always leaves a bit to be desired03:20
superflyIs Home Depot any better?03:24
cyberangerEh, it's a store by store issue. The ideals of corporate america leaves a lot to be desired03:26
Unit193wrst: ...Really?  It's pretty good here.  Granted, TrueValue or the smaller ones are better, but big box ones here work out pretty well.  Just walk up to the old guy, not the young girl at the front if you have questions. :P03:29
cyberangerI miss Valu Home Centers & Builders Square03:30
cyberangerThe former is local to Erie, PA (maybe regional) and the latter went belly up years ago03:30
Unit193superfly: Also, might be interesteing to see your front lawn.03:31
Omnifrogmine was a case of pure fraud by a 3rd party warranty servicing company though03:33
Unit193Yeeeeah, not cool...03:34
OmnifrogI'm just pleased that the Lowes management folks at this store recognized that it was a fraud and just gave me a new replacement03:35
OmnifrogI still want to expose the fraud though03:35
Unit193Indeed, sucks though. :/03:35
superflyI see a april fools day prank on Google maps... play pacman03:37
Omnifrogthe outfit is called AltAquip out of Kennesaw GA03:37
cyberangerthey jumped the gun (or is your gear still set to Joburg?03:37
superflycyberanger: nope, I'm all AZ time03:38
Omnifrogthey are (right now) a Troy-Bilt service center03:38
superflycyberanger: I think they just rolled it out worldwide at the same time03:38
OmnifrogI intend on fixing that03:38
cyberangersuperfly: ^ Still 20 minutes for EDT, 2h 20m for AZ I thought)03:38
cyberangerUsually they check the TZ, I'm set to UTC and see the Christmas & New Years stuff 5 hours ahead of local due to that03:39
cyberangerOmnifrog: heard of the firm, ugh03:39
superflyUnit193: https://www.google.com/maps/@32.2315102,-110.8194039,3a,75y,172.57h,85.56t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shjoC4SSt_VJW8S-sRdko9A!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DhjoC4SSt_VJW8S-sRdko9A%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D327.09424%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i665603:39
Unit193There's some life-ish stuff!03:41
superflySure, but no real grass. The people who actually have grass must pay a truckload in water bills03:41
Omnifroggrass is over rated03:42
Unit193Sure, nicer to play on when you're a kid, but no way is it worth it.03:43
superflyMy wife's folks installed fake grass in the back yard. It's actually really good, but it still gives me a rash -_-03:43
Unit193(Note: I say this mainly because I dislike mowing, can't handle heat.)03:44
Omnifrogin a suburb it's fine in small quantities. If you have pets grass in a mine field.03:45
superfly^^ what he said03:45
Omnifrogon a large bit of land grass is like a parasite03:45
Unit193I don't have pets or kids, or a wife, or anything. :P03:46
* cyberanger has spent too much time messing with dnsmasq today.03:46
Unit193Ohio, so grass everywhere really.  And of course have to keep it neat.03:47
Unit193cyberanger: I've used that! :P03:47
cyberangerUnit193: I've got it set to use dnscrypt as the upstream, except for a list of 12k+ chinese domains, they use 114dns.com03:49
cyberangerAnd to fix some fake A records that take the place of NXDOMAIN, and some adblocking03:50
cyberangerJust need to get IPv6 working on it now.03:50
cyberangerI'd head to Alaska and trade the lawn mower for a snowblower03:51
OmnifrogI need to find an 80's playlist to chill out to03:51
cyberangerthen I would trade the snowblower for a snowboard03:51
Unit193cyberanger: I don't really want to have to shovel the roof, but I've done that before anyway.03:52
cyberangerOmnifrog: Pandora?03:52
OmnifrogNo !03:52
cyberangerOmnifrog: Spotify03:52
Omnifrogum, NO03:52
cyberangerOmnifrog: 8-Track?03:53
Unit193Isn't that one dead?03:53
OmnifrogI have my own music collection thank you03:53
Unit193Ah!  Google Music!03:53
cyberangerUnit193: Yeah, since the late 70's03:54
Omnifrogno, 20 years of collecting03:54
Unit193Hah, and I meant the site.  My grandpa had 8tracks.03:54
Unit193Records don't count as dead since they still make players, and a record shop recently opened where my sis lives, in IN.03:54
cyberangerI think I have two but no player03:57
cyberangerI do have a few records and can play them at least03:57
cyberangerOmnifrog: got Roxanne by The Police on that playlist?03:58
Omnifrogof course03:58
Omnifrogthe playlist (music collection) is almost 2 TB in size03:59
OmnifrogI was 30 years old when Napster came out >.>04:00
* cyberanger had the radio on too loud to hear that...<whistles innocently />04:02
OmnifrogI don't really care for Roxanne that much though04:02
OmnifrogI used to a long time ago04:03
superflyYou mean Roxette?04:05
superflyYou were talking 80s music... but then again, I think Roxette was more 90s, hey?04:07
superflyOh, 1986-on, not too off target.04:08
cyberangerYeah, Bowie's Rebel Rebel is playing here now (seems fitting considering I'm loading up on censorship circumvention tools while it's playing)04:12

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