
db2 times pass than I am here.00:02
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kgbdb__: ok it survived the hardest start... fine, all is dandy then00:03
kgbthe graphics issue.. when you have time and that's that :)00:03
kgball is well, be excellent!00:04
j117Ubuntu 16.04 has vim compiled for Python3 but not 2. That breaks YouCompleteMe's auto-completion. Is there a way to get it to work with both versions of Python or just Python 2?00:05
kgbdb__: sure it's fine, that double login is 99% looking for the one X and then the other nvidia X which is active... so no biggie, everything is working00:09
mach20xrunning Kernel -71 still freezes when plugging in the wifi adapter/dongle00:09
db__kgb, what should I google to read some about it00:10
mach20xonly -62 seems to work, all other kernel iterations fail in the same manner00:10
kgbdb__: here are mine, proprietary... that window is from the Xfce Ubuntu shell so a little different: http://i.imgur.com/9XyEJ6m.png00:11
kgbbut don't change anything, who knows if some config files are locked by previous user - for whatever reason (we *did* fix everything)00:11
mach20xA good source to get a handle on the issue is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1666421 but I don't see a fix as of yet00:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1666421 in linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) "kernel 4.4.0-63 with USB WLAN RTL8192CU freezes desktop" [High,Fix committed]00:12
flay18Algum Brasileiro aqui...00:12
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db__I see00:13
mach20xI can assure ubottu that it has not fixed it for my machine using the edimax dongle :P00:13
kgbdb__: ah, why not.. whenever..:) bt we (rly) did do everything, so i'm not sure if there IS a better way (blacklisting manually could be a disaster - and it's depreciated anyway)00:13
db__HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.00:14
kgbmy secreenshot? :-000:14
kgbthis one? https://preview.ibb.co/ekpjyv/9XyEJ6m.png00:15
db__I saw it now00:16
db__all looks fine there :)00:16
kgbhere's a not fuzzy one, not sure what happened: https://imghost.io/images/2017/04/01/9XyEJ6m.png00:17
kgbcool, you can check if yours is showing "proprietary" and not Nouveau (that 3rd option)00:17
j117Is anyone using Vim with auto-completion (YouCompleteMe) on Ubuntu 16.x? I haven't been able to get it working on any Ubuntu 16.04 computers yet.00:18
mikelissAnybody able to help me debug a service script? I'm trying to start it up, but whenever I do it fails to log anything and it doesn't fork the background processes it is supposed to. I've tried running it with sh -x and that doesn't show any errors. When I run sudo service celeryd start, it says that it started fine, but it doesn't work.00:18
kgbdb__: alright, i gotta GTHO it's like past 2am (lolz)00:18
mikelissYesterday it was working fine, but after I ran sudo service celeryd kill, it won't start any more.00:18
db__me too00:20
db__thank you so much00:20
db__where do come from anyway00:20
kgbdon't mention it :) tc00:20
db__Best one00:20
db__good night00:21
kgbi did try sending a pm, for the record. :) gn00:21
* Mihajlovic jumps00:46
atomidoes anyone know why the source repo doesn't contain the later 4.10.x branches for example http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.10.8/SOURCES00:50
atomiaccording to that file 4.10.8 should be at git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack sha 3fdae700a3615f6fd657b3326a61572464a7870700:51
atomi4.10.4+ are all missing00:51
atomilooks like the repo was abondoned 2 weeks ago :/00:52
Gerenis it ok running ubuntu on windows 10's powershell bash mode ?01:01
hggdhGeren: yes01:03
kode54not the best option01:03
kode54and you can't run daemons, all processes die with the shell session01:03
wastrelhow do you even get windows 10 can you download an iso01:03
AssociateXFor some reason logging in at the main DM, whatever it's name is, takes a long time. I type my password and it just hangs there for like 15 or 20 seconds. Same with once I'm longed in, I open konsole and log in for sudo foo and it takes a long time for it to authenticate. Why is that?01:13
AssociateXSame with once I'm logged* in01:14
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hitman1PC running very very slow01:18
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hitman1simple command like ls, opening man pages is taking 10-15 seconds to execute.01:18
wastrelwhy do you think01:19
hggdhhitman1: run uptime and give us the output01:19
hitman1don't know01:19
wastrelsomething is making a load average01:21
hggdh yep01:22
hitman1what is it ?01:22
wastreldid you open system monitor or top01:22
wastrelmaybe a process is using up cpu or disk io01:23
hggdhhitman1: how many cores in this system?01:23
hggdhhitman1: something is eating up your cores01:24
vkku[m]Can I migrate from Windows to Ubuntu without losing my data(without backup, no temporary hard disk)01:24
hitman1what thing01:24
hitman1chrome is using more - what I see01:24
hitman1what is the threshold for a process for memory it can use ?01:25
hggdhhitman1: I do not understand your question01:26
hitman1Like chrome is using 9% of mem01:26
hggdhhitman1: that's not much01:26
hitman1I want to know what is the max value it can use where beyond that value system freezes?01:27
hggdhhitman1: pretty much the whole available memory. it all depends on what else is running in the system.01:28
hitman1Now system is running normally.01:28
hggdhhitman1: for comparison, my Chrome is right now using ~1.7G of main memory01:29
hitman1But I only have 4G of memory as total and I think you have more.01:29
texlaWhile trying to install Ubuntu dukto I got the following error:E:type "deb' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/source.list.d/dukto.list E:cache->open () failed..both package manager and updates are unuseable01:29
hitman1And I am using pentium dual core processor.01:29
Mihajlovicso old machine01:30
hggdhhitman1: again: something was running and eating up CPU. What, we have no idea01:30
hitman1And I want to know how to know what slowed down my system ?01:30
hitman1If it happens again in future01:30
hggdhhitman1: since it is now apparent it was CPU starvation, when it happens again run htop and find out what is using CPU01:31
Mihajlovicyou can check which process holds CPU or MEMORY by 'top' command.01:31
hitman1Thanks hggdh01:31
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tripelb14.04 wont showme one of the partitions on my drive. other thingsw, like a fedora disk does. I thinkthat windows does too. what up?  how to show it in terminal to find the problem?01:36
kenrin14.04 won't show what?01:37
kenrinIn what,  disk druid,  gnome disks,  gparted ?01:37
tripelbNautilus will not show sda7. which would be called 60g drive even tho is is 55.9 --- it is /home to this 14.04. could that be why?01:39
kenrinnautilus doesn't show drives that are already mounted probably01:40
kenrinI thought you meant it didn't show up under df -h or something01:40
tripelbit shows it under lsblk01:40
tripelbIforgot df-h01:40
tripelbtried it. df -h output is confusing. lsblk is clear.01:42
tripelbtho it doesnt show used and available01:42
krytariktripelb: Btw, if you just spilled your password into the channel, make sure to change it.01:43
tripelbI did not show my password.01:43
kenrinif its h3ath3r you did01:44
tripelbthose are all bash commands01:44
tripelboh yes. I thought I was in console. Thanks, I will.01:44
tripelbwhat do I do /msg nickserve help password didntwork01:45
kenrindo a /msg nickserv help01:46
kenrinshould be the set cmd01:46
wedgieand don't use your girlfriend/daughter/mother's name as a password :P01:46
kenrincould be *her* name01:47
tripelb Syntax: SETPASS <account> <key> <newpass>  --- what is key? account is tripleb01:47
wedgieeven worse01:47
tripelbHow about my boyfriend?01:47
wastrelkey is old pass01:47
tripelbI am awoman01:47
tripelboh ok01:47
krytariktripelb: "/msg NickServ set password <newpass>"01:47
texla While trying to install Ubuntu dukto I got the following error:E:type "deb' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/source.list.d/dukto.list E:cache->open () failed..both package manager and updates are unuseable01:48
tripelbarg. this failed  /msg nickserv setpass tripelb h3ath3r newpass01:49
kenrinDo what krytarik said01:49
tripelbok I got setpass from /msg nickserv help01:49
wastrel /wi 1901:50
tripelbdone. my password is now newpass01:51
kenrintexla: you probably just need to remove the quotes from the .list file01:51
tripelb  /joke01:51
plgosis there a way to view pdf files in terminal01:51
kenrinOn line 1 that is01:52
tripelbkrytarik, thank you so much01:53
texlakenrin, I removed "deb' still the same01:53
kenrinpaste your dukto.list01:53
krytariktripelb: You are welcome.01:53
tripelbi want abashcommand for .. what is the sda for the partition I am innow?01:55
tripelbit is the / amirite?01:56
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wedgietripelb: ''pwd'' will tell you where you are... or am I misunderstanding your question?01:57
tripelbI am in the process I am gonna install fedora and before I erase a partition Iam quadchecking that it is the correct one and everything is backed up. Because my mind can slip up. This keeps me from error.01:57
texlakenrin, http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/colomboem/xUbuntu_15.04/ /'01:58
wedgietripelb: you can look to see what is mounted by looking in /etc/fstab01:58
kenrinjust put a deb http://blahblahblah01:59
kenrinno "01:59
wedgieand you can find what devices map to each UUID you see there by doing: ''ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid''01:59
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j4f-shredder_My ethernet is not working02:00
tripelbwedgie, ls /etc/fstab  just echoed /etc/fstab  === I cansee what is mounted in Nautilus02:01
j4f-shredder_I have two connections unmanaged and one that never gets to connect02:01
j4f-shredder_It stays in connecting state02:01
wedgietripelb: try ''cat /etc/fstab''02:01
kenrinI'm not sure that last lone / should be there either,  if it still doesn't work take that out02:01
j4f-shredder_The internet connection is fine, in fact I have another ununtu 16.10 notebook that work with this same ethernet cable02:02
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tripelbOK new question wedgie  can I rename my partitions so I I will know them as Pam and Jenny and never getconfused02:03
Jordan_Uj4f-shredder_: What version of Ubuntu are you using? What do you mean by "two connections unmanaged and one that stays in connecting state"? Where are you seeing these connections?02:03
j4f-shredder_On both machines02:04
wedgietripelb: not that i'm aware of.02:04
j4f-shredder_If I go to the connection icon and I put edit connections I can see 3 "wired" connections02:04
j4f-shredder_One has the ON switch and the other two anything02:05
Jordan_Utripelb: You can add a filesystem label that will show up in the output of "blkid". The device name will still be /dev/sdXY but you'll be able to more easily find the device name. Also, OS installers will usually list a filesystem's label next to the partition containing that filesystem.02:05
j4f-shredder_I had a router when it was working fine, then my router burnt and I had to connect directly the isp provider modem to my machine using the ethernet cable02:06
j4f-shredder_Since then I cannot make internet work02:06
wedgiej4f-shredder_: does the modem provide DHCP?02:07
j4f-shredder_Its a desktop pc02:07
j4f-shredder_It seems that somehow it saved the router ethernet connection02:07
tripelbJordan_U,  wedgie fedora tells you less when you are installing. basically I need to know the sdax already and the nautilus-thing they have doesnt tell me. and I had forgotten lsblk.. prolly tired. BUT fedora recognizes my wifi hardware so I dont have to be on ethernet when I install it.02:07
tripelbi installed ubuntu and had no wifi. :(02:08
j4f-shredder_I plugged it Modem--》Router-》Pc and now is Modem-》Pc02:08
t5uhi, I am trying to troubleshoot one of my friends HP laptop, Ubuntu 14.4 LTS, seems to crash irresponsively, screen freeze and kernel seems dead, syslog shows nothing, last entry regarding network scan then reboot log, is it a hardware issue ?02:08
Jordan_Uj4f-shredder_: It's likely that your modem will only connect to one ethernet card (by MAC address) or that it's expecting PPPoE, which requires more configuration on the PC side, including entering your DSL username and password.02:09
j4f-shredder_And why my laptop with also ubuntu 16.10 accepted it in one go?02:10
j4f-shredder_Without any config02:10
texlakenrin, Removed quotes from both line ends package manager and update now working Thanks for the help02:10
j4f-shredder_I plug the ethernet cable and it works02:11
kenrinNp,  watch those typos~02:11
Jordan_Uj4f-shredder_: It might not use PPPoE but might still only allow connecting to one MAC address.02:11
j4f-shredder_Ohh, I will get a new router on monday02:11
j4f-shredder_Perhaps this is not worth it02:12
kenrinYou usually have to reset a modem when connecting a different device02:12
Jordan_Uj4f-shredder_: You might use one of your working machines to share internet to the others. It's not hard to setup.02:12
kenrinUnless it is also a router02:12
j4f-shredder_I already have that, but no wifi card on my desktop02:12
j4f-shredder_I created a hotspot bash script02:13
j4f-shreddersudo nmcli device wifi hotspot con-name my-hotspot ssid my-hotspot band bg password Bcnim$02:15
j4f-shredder_Thay is my sctopy02:15
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jackson54321This linux switch is tough!! 3 weeks in and I am totally flustered lol02:28
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GallowglassHi. I've got a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.2 on a system I just cobbled together. Install went fine and wirelessly. When rebooted, it had no network interfaces. (ethernet is connected to mobo port, mobo is nvidia) Wireless shows in iwconfig but no interface in /etc/network/interfaces.02:56
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wastrelgenerally you would  lspci | grep -i net03:04
tatertotsGallowglass: are you using the computer right now?03:04
Gallowglasstatertots: I have it booted. I'm irc'ed from my laptop03:06
Guy1524hey guys, seemingly out of nowhere on a ubuntu 16.04 on an imac 2010, the unity launcher doesn't show opened applications and ALT+TAB doesn't either.  (when I open an application, it works, but doesn't show as open on the launcher)  loging out and in again fixes it until the next reboot03:07
Guy1524any ideas03:07
wastreldid you apt-get update03:10
Gallowglasswastrel: If you're asking me, then the answer is that I can't - both wireless and wired connections have no interfaces associated with them.03:12
tatertotsGallowglass: did the computer have internet connectivity while booted to livecd/liveusb? yes or no03:13
Gallowglasstatertots: It's an Ubuntu Server install, so I never really took it to LiveCD mode, but the installer went through connecting to the wireless successfully and downloaded updates.03:14
PipeItToDevNullGallowglass, You need to configure with WPA_Supplicant03:14
GallowglassPipeItToDevNull: Doesn't come standard, looked up the package and it and many dependencies are missing... lotta downloading via another computer. I guess I *could* try all that, but it will be a lot of trouble to do it.03:15
PipeItToDevNullAh, sec03:16
PipeItToDevNullDoes the command nmcli work03:16
tatertotsnot on a ubuntu "server" edition install...nmcli isn't there by default03:17
GallowglassPipe: 'nmcli' is not installed.03:17
PipeItToDevNullGuess you dont have any wifi support, it is a server after all03:17
tatertotsGallowglass: is the computer "hardwired" right now with a ethernet cable? yes or no03:17
Gallowglasstatertots: Yes, it's hard-wired to a network with connection. That port is integrated to the motherboard, and the mobo is nvidia. I'm afraid the device isn't detected because a proprietary driver is needed.03:19
tatertotsGallowglass: you better boot livecd/liveusb, where according to your own testimony, there'd be at least a probability of having connectivity.  In your current situation you have no connectivity at all wired/wireless or otherwise and can do absolutely nothing03:21
wastrelGallowglass: lspci | grep -i net03:22
implitewastrel: does that list the devices?03:23
Gallowglasstatertots: Okay. While I'm at it, this machine is intended to be a server, but would installing desktop Ubuntu be so different?03:23
Gallowglasswastrel: details coming03:24
wastrelit lists whatever pci devices the kernel sees03:24
GallowglassBridge: NVIDIA Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a3)03:24
GallowglassNetoer controller: Ralink corp. RT2800 802.11n PCI03:24
Gallowglass*network controller03:25
tatertotsGallowglass: installation process would be similar but end result of the installation and the packages that would be resident not so similar03:25
energizeris it normally a good idea to wait a bit after a new release comes out before installing03:25
bazhangenergizer, did you mean LTS or non03:26
bazhangthats nine month support cycle for non LTS energizer03:26
Gallowglasstatertots: In order to avoid crazy amounts of manual downloading, maybe installing the Desktop is the best idea. I think I'll have to put that disk in anyways, since I didn't see a live environment on the Server disk menu03:27
tatertotsGallowglass: understand that in your current situation you have do nothing, you couldn't download anything or install anything from the internet, so there's little value in you staring it the screen hoping to do something in the current state of this system03:27
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wastrelthat seems to be a really old card03:27
wastreland it works with the install image03:27
tatertotsGallowglass: yes the desktop edition03:28
wastreli don't know why it woudln't work with 16.0403:28
bazhangenergizer, were it to be a LTS, then waiting on a point release perhaps03:28
bazhang16.04.1 for example03:28
energizeri see03:29
Gallowglasstatertots: Yes, off to grab my Desktop disc, as no live environment for server.03:29
Didact69Hi everybody!!!03:30
Gallowglasstatertots: I'm burning up a new copy, and I'll install that instead. Any major recommendations/actions to take while in LiveCD mode to avoid this situation?03:34
tatertotsGallowglass: hardwire the computer with ethernet cable if possible, you'll have an opportunity to establish network connectivity during installation and or while in livecd/liveusb environment.03:38
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Gallowglasstatertots: Okay. Got that already. I'll drop out for a while now, and come back if I have more problems.03:40
GallowglassThanks, tatertots, wastrel and all03:41
Probandoconsulta estoy probando ubuntu mate03:46
Probandopara pasarme de ubuntu 16.04 lts03:46
hggdh!es | Probando03:46
ubottuProbando: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:46
Probandoalguien me puede decir si tiene compatibilidad completa con los archivos DWG03:46
hggdhProbando: we use English here03:47
Probandoalguien me puede ayudar03:48
Probandocomo cambio de canal03:48
Probandoa español¿?03:48
hggdhProbando: /join #ubuntu-es03:48
Probandoubuntu mate Has compatibility with DWG files????03:51
ProbandoCan somebody help me03:51
ProbandoCan someone help me how can you tell if ubuntu mate has file compatibility DWG03:53
PipeItToDevNullThis is IRC. It is slow. Calm down.03:53
ProbandoWhere I can have help to know if it suits me to install the operating system I am Ubuntu user 16.04 LTS03:54
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ProbandoWhere I can have help to know if it suits me to install the operating system I am Ubuntu user 16.04 LTS04:00
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Guy1524can I re-ask my question, i asked it an hour ago04:07
Jordan_UGuy1524: Yes. I would say 10 minutes is more than enough time (unless you're asking for the 50th time).04:13
Basketballis there a way to save a file to the google drive folder from a program04:24
PipeItToDevNullIs this a trick question?04:26
PipeItToDevNullFrom a brief read up it is a location like any other, just save a file there and it will be synced up04:28
BasketballPipeItToDevNull, in gnome i cannot figure out how to save to the network drive04:30
PipeItToDevNullHow are you attempting to do it04:31
BasketballPipeItToDevNull, it doesnt show up in the save locatiojn04:32
Guy1524seemingly out of nowhere on a ubuntu 16.04 on an imac 2010, the unity launcher doesn't show opened applications and ALT+TAB doesn't either.  (when I open an application, it works, but doesn't show as open on the launcher)  loging out and in again fixes it until the next reboot04:39
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cicisagendoes anyone have any recommendations on a free VPN service?04:51
cicisageni don't have a credit/debit card to pay for one right now04:51
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surveyorTorguard. They don't keep logs or throttle torrents.05:04
Jack235Hey I have a question I was hoping for help with, super newbie here. I installed hexchat from my user account and everytime I open it gives me two error messages explaining that I do not have write access for logs.. It sucks because nothing will save.05:04
Jack235So I uninstalled and installed as root05:05
Jack235now those messages appear but everytime I run Hexchat it says that I am stupid to run as root05:05
Jack235I cant win05:05
cicisagendon't run hexchat as root05:08
Ben64don't run pretty much anything as root05:08
cicisagendefinitely anything that connects to the internet.05:08
cicisagenYou need to change the write permissions on the log file.05:09
azizLIGHThow come 'Additional Drivers' dialog box on 14.04 lists ppa gpu drivers as open source05:10
Jack235cicisagen How do I change the write permissions on the log file05:11
Ben64Jack235: what is the exact error, and what did you come here for originally05:14
jfmdnhow can I limit the syslog size?05:35
baizonjfmdn: http://askubuntu.com/questions/184949/how-do-i-limit-the-size-of-my-syslog05:37
KiickiWhat Proprietary driver does Ubuntu actually use for the Catalyst? The Ubuntu fglrx or just Linux fglrx? Since there's a difference at least on the AMD site. The Linux version has only 1 driver where the Ubuntu one lists like 8 different ones. Even has a 44 page tutorial on how to install it -.-05:39
KiickiUbuntu: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/previous/detail?os=Ubuntu%20x86%2064&rev=15.905:40
KiickiLinux: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/previous/detail?os=Linux%20x86_64&rev=15.905:40
Ben64Kiicki: its the same driver05:40
Ben64but you should use the one that ubuntu provides, if you get it from amd.com you're on your own05:40
KiickiWhat do you mean by same? clearly something more is added on the Ubuntu version05:41
baizonKiicki: linux = .tar.gz(.zip), ubuntu = .deb05:42
Kiickibut why does the Ubuntu link show 8 drivers and the Linux one only 1?05:43
baizonKiicki: https://wiki.debian.org/Packaging05:43
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jfmdnbaizon: it doesn't answer the question though05:45
KiickiActually I see that I only need 4 of them. I will try them and see how they compare to the standard fglrx that comes with Ubuntu05:45
Ben64don't do it05:45
Kiickimaybe they are the same05:45
Kiickimaybe not05:45
Ben64use ubuntu's05:45
KiickiIt is Ubuntu version05:46
Ben64use the version that comes with ubuntu05:46
Kiickijust not the standard one that is listed in drivers05:46
baizonKiicki: i guess we will see you in a few min with a question "my linux isnt booting" :>05:46
Ben64then you're on your own, good luck!05:46
baizonjfmdn: so what is your question then?05:46
jfmdnhow can I limit the syslog size?05:47
Kiickibaizon It's not booting, help05:48
energizerHow can i make a subfolder of a drive into my home folder05:53
Ben64energizer: not sure what you mean?05:54
madpropsis there anything i'd miss if i install the beta2 instead of waiting for the final release?05:54
energizerBen64 i have a drive mounted, and i want a particular folder on it to be my new home folder05:54
Ben64madprops: it will upgrade to final05:55
Ben64energizer: you'd have to set that up in fstab. what filesystem is it?05:55
baizonmadprops: less buggy05:56
baizonjfmdn: use logrotate05:56
energizerben64 you mean like ext4?05:57
Ben64cool, why a subfolder though instead of the whole partition?05:58
energizeri suppose i could reconsider that05:59
energizerwhat are the downsides05:59
Ben64it'd be in two places at once, it would rely on the parent being mounted before home could mount06:00
energizeroic id have to have two separate lines in fstab, first mount UUID to /media/drive then mount /media/drive to /home ?06:00
Ben64well you said subdirectory so it'd be /media/drive/home to /home06:02
alkisgenergizer: since you mention /media, I'm guessing that drive is removable? Do you plan to have this drive always connected when your pc is booted, or sometimes it'll be removed?06:07
energizeralkisg: not removable, just an example06:08
energizerwhere was i supposed to moutn nonremovable06:08
alkisgNonremovable drives are usually specified in /etc/fstab, and are used for things like the whole /home, or the whole /srv etc. But sure you can use /media too if you like, it's just that usually removable media goes in /media.06:09
energizerrebooting, wish me luck...06:12
hashtagsandro_ wget http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript/buduscript_3786_2808.tar.gz && tar xvzf buduscript_3786_2808.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat2 && rm -vf buduscript_3786_2808.tar.gz && cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh06:14
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anddamthat's pro stuff06:27
anddamI'd need someone to reproduce the non-working of magnifier feature in 16.04 Unity06:27
anddamspecifically System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Universal Access   has   "Turn zoom on or off", "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" already set but using their shortcuts won't have any effect06:28
anddamfurther more, installing compizconfig-settings-manager and running it displays the Enhanced Zoom Desktop component as present, but its zoom in and zoom out feature have no shortcuts. Setting those allows the use of magnifier06:30
anddamodd thing is that setting the same shortcuts via System Settings now inhibits the feature again, i.e. System Settings is hiding Compiz magnifier by trapping the shortcuts and then doing nothing06:31
quardIs there a way to make Ubiquity installer not complain about the /boot folder being part of a rootfs on an encrypted partition?06:35
anddamah I think this is the issue, System Settings > Universal Access in unity lacks the "zoom" section at https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.6/figures/users-system-settings-universal-access.png06:49
energizernot perfect...07:04
energizerlooks like some configuration stuff is missing07:04
energizerim missing themes and launcher icons07:05
fribI apparently have this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/871630/cant-send-audio-to-amazon-echo-via-bluetooth (initally thought it was this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1608820 but realized that it only happens with the echo). But the strange thing is that it only started happening as of yesterday morning. Before that the echo didn't cause this problem. Can anyone recommend a07:05
fribsolution? thanks07:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574324 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1608820 pulseaudio crashes when connecting to bluetooth headphones (due to ubuntu changes?)" [High,Fix released]07:05
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blackflowfrib: have you had any updates yesterday morning?07:27
phi_can someone help me make the printer to work07:28
phi_I can't make it work on ubuntu07:28
fribblackflow, like from where?07:30
blackflowfrib: to software07:30
blackflowfrib: you say it stopped working as of yesterday morning. what happened yesterday morning? did you have any updates?07:30
fribblackflow, oh actually i think that's irrelevant because I reproduced this problem on both 16.04.1 and 15.04 live usbs07:31
fribit seems, oddly enough, to be an issue with the device itself07:31
blackflowbut it worked fine until..... yesterday morning?07:31
frib2 days ago i did a 16.04.02 reinstall07:31
fribblackflow, "fine" let say ya haha, it didn't NOT work07:31
phi_cups server say the job is completed but the printer does not print anything07:31
fribi always have to go to bluetoothctl and do connect MAC etc..07:32
blackflowfrib: well you're giving different information now, than in your original question, and I totally lost you.07:32
fribbecause the unity-control-center "on/off" button is always greyed out07:32
fribblackflow, I didn't realize I Was07:32
fribI linked to a post saying that the echo pairs but won't play audio07:32
fribthat remains the case07:32
blackflowphi_: checked the printer that it's ready to print? no jam? paper in? maybe there's a button on it you have to press to start printing received jobs?07:33
fribblackflow, I added the part about having to use bluetoothctl because I thought the fact that it seems to be a strange way of having to connect the device might be relevant07:33
fribbut I guess blueman could substitute unity-control-center as well, so maybe not07:34
friblong story short, as of yesterday morning the echo pairs but only plays audio on *first* connect07:34
blackflowfrib: well, I quote you: "But the strange thing is that it only started happening as of yesterday morning. Before that the echo didn't cause this problem. Can anyone recommend a solution?"07:34
fribyes correct07:35
blackflowand I was referring to that part. If you had any changes "as of yesterday morning" :)07:35
fribno as of yesterday morning nothing has changed, though I've tried several things07:35
blackflowmaybe Echo updated?07:35
fribblackflow, I wasn't aware that Echo did updates07:36
fribbut i did try to "hard reset" the device07:36
frib(to no avail)07:36
blackflowfrib: "Your Alexa device receives software updates automatically over Wi-Fi. These updates usually improve performance and add new Alexa features."  From here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/help/id=20160221007:37
blackflowis that the device?07:37
fribblackflow, yes, the echo, the tall one07:38
blackflowbecause, if you didn't update software on Ubuntu, and it just stopped working one morning, logic dictates the device itself then changed.07:39
fribblackflow, yea it would seem, although the slightest thing can change without one even knowing it07:39
blackflowif you _did_ do updates on that morning and right before it stopped working (you can check via /var/log/apt/history.log), you have more info on possible causes.07:39
fribjust as echo updated unknowingly, i might have done a apt-get upgrade that broke something07:40
fribblackflow, as I said the problem persists in previous ubuntu live usbs07:40
fribso i pretty much rule that out07:40
fribalso, it doesn't happen with other bluetooth headphones that ihave07:40
blackflowso that's even more cause to think Echo changed07:40
fribso I pretty much blame the device at this point07:41
blackflowand even more :)07:41
fribbut i was thrown off by that 2nd link I gave which sounds exactly like what is happening with my echo07:41
frib(i.e. all audio / youtube playback is frozen upon A2DP connect)07:41
fribthe echo software version i am currently on is 526407:42
fribwhich is the latest07:43
blackflowfrib: btw, your headphones work just fine?07:43
fribblackflow, correct07:43
blackflowfrib: is there a history for you to check when did 5264 apply?07:44
fribblackflow, i don't see anything in the app07:45
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blackflowfrib: well, not sure what you can do then, other than ask Amazon for support.07:47
fribblackflow, yeah it seems that way thanks07:47
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frib5264 2017-03-1007:48
fribwas released 20 days ago, seems strange07:49
fribi will try another hard reset and not connect it to wifi ;)07:49
blackflowworth a shot.07:49
fribidk if it will let me connect without giving it wifi, these things tend to be very apple-esque if you know what i mean07:50
blackflowSell it and get a Mycroft :)07:51
fribblackflow, i actually have a bose bt that I always used but I forgot the power cord at my house 8 hours away T_T07:52
blackflowbummer :)07:53
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Fremanok, I'm back at it, I have my switch configured with it's vlans, I have the modem on an untagged vlan 10, the ubuntu box on a tagged vlan 10 (along with 11 and 1)08:14
Fremanconfigured with eth0.10 and eth0.11, both have appropriate ips for the networks they're meant to be able to see08:15
FremanI can't reach anything :(08:15
FremanI can see incomming tagged packets on eth0 with tcpdump but even if I say ping -I eth0.10 (modem) I don't see that packet outgoing on eth008:15
Fremannothing strange in dmesg08:17
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FMan1988maybe you can find help on ##networking08:28
Fremaneven tried bringing it up as macvlan08:30
FremanI've got this working at home on gentoo... was wondering if there was something ubuntuey I wasn't aware of08:30
laceylaneyHI Guys. Slow wifi and low signal strength in xubuntu 16.04. How can I speed up connection and strengthen signal ??08:38
MonkeyDustlaceylaney  in a terminal, type   iwlist08:39
laceylaneyok I typed that. What next ??08:40
MonkeyDustlaceylaney  maybe you need to change the frequency08:40
laceylaneyok so how do I do that ??08:41
laceylaneyTotal noob with wifi lol08:41
blackflowlaceylaney: have you eliminated possible hardware or physical causes?08:43
laceylaneyYes I have because I'm on a macbook and wireless works fine in osx08:44
laceylaneyI boot an external drive to access osx08:44
blackflowlaceylaney: well, there's not much you can do about it. one option, default power settings are for some reason lower than they should be, so perhaps try something like this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/328418/how-to-increase-power-of-wifi-adapter08:45
blackflowlaceylaney: but do mind the warnings there!08:46
Lteevanyone any good with graphics drivers?08:46
ducasse!ask | Lteev08:46
ubottuLteev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:46
Lteevwhat is support for AMD R9 390 like on Ubuntu?08:47
anddamthis is very misterious, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility#Activating_preinstalled_tools refers to "using the Gnome Assistive Technology Preferences panel, Found in the System Menu under Preference"08:47
anddamis that Universal Access in System Settings?08:47
laceylaneyThank you for the link and info. Taking a look now :-)08:47
laceylaneywhat would you recommend for setting the power at ??08:48
laceylaneymy wifi is listed as wlp3s0 & not wlan0. Take it I can just replace wlan0 with wlp3s0 ??08:50
LteevI just don't want to waste the reads/writes on my SSD if the performance is going to be garbage under linux due to poor drivers.08:55
blackflowlaceylaney: well I'm looking up but can't find how to check current setting or maximum08:57
laceylaneyI can see that my current setting is 200 but don't know how high I should go.08:58
blackflowlaceylaney: 200? that doesn't sound right. can you pastebin?09:00
laceylaneyyea give me a sec.09:00
LteevAMD R9 390 *nix driver performance versus Windows? Anyone?09:00
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Lteevor whatever the best driver package is... I don't really know what I am doing >.>09:01
laceylaneysudo iwconfig wlp3s0 give this >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/24292424/09:02
laceylaneysee the way it says Tx-Power=20009:03
blackflowlaceylaney: well, you can try set txpower to "fixed" (without quotes), that should disable power management, and then see if that Link Quality has risen. Set back to "auto" to re-enable power control.09:04
laceylaneyok thanks. Will try that now.09:05
blackflowlaceylaney: "iwconfig wlp3s0 txpower fixed"09:05
laceylaneywill I need to restart or anything for changes to take affect or show ??09:07
blackflowlaceylaney: no, but you could try to reconnect via the network manager09:07
laceylaneyok :-)09:07
lteevAMD R9 390 drivers, anyone got any info on how decent they are?09:08
ducasse!patience | lteev09:09
ubottulteev: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:09
laceylaneySignal in netow09:09
laceylaneysignal in network manager seems to have stayed the same.09:09
blackflowlaceylaney: check with iwconfig09:09
somethisHello good people ...09:10
somethisAfter Instlling Ubuntu 16.10. my usb wlan stick has gone dead ... http://imgur.com/a/shzgh09:10
somethisany suggestions on how to start fixing this issue?09:10
laceylaneyeverything appears to be the same as before.09:11
blackflowlaceylaney: then I'm sorry, I don't know what else can be tried. there aren't any other "knobs" to configure with those things.09:12
laceylaneyNot a problem. Thank you very much for your help anyway :-) Much appreciated indeed09:12
qswzI'm gettting mad with the scroll speed that can't be fucking increased :(09:24
somethisAny suggestions how to start with the silly wlan stick issue? :-) ...09:25
qswzxinput set-prop 10 275 1 1 109:25
qswzit's 1 1 1 by default09:25
qswzthe lower the faster, but 0.5 wouldn't work09:25
qswzseriously, I've searched the whole internet, there are no solution, how can it be possible? except shitty things like imwheel09:26
ducasse!language | qswz09:26
ubottuqswz: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList09:26
qswzyea sorry09:26
qswzbut seriously, it gets on my nerves09:26
qswzchrome scrolls 3 lines at a time, it's tiring09:27
qswzFF idem09:27
angel-codeHi. How do I reinstall my ubuntu with nothing imported from the current one... I have so many things corrupted09:27
angel-codehaving some crash reports09:27
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HankMoodyI would just reinstall the root partition. Provided you're done with trying to fix all of the crash related stuff.09:29
HankMoodyYour home partition will remain the same with everything in there.09:29
angel-sweI have no data to save.09:29
angel-sweAll I need to be careful is my dual boot windows09:30
qswzI can't believe none of you has problems with slow scroll speed?09:30
HankMoodyThen just pop in a Ubuntu flash drive/DVD and run through the installer again angel-swe09:30
HankMoodyqswz: scrolling where? just in pages/documents, etc.?09:30
angel-sweAnyone here can read the crash report09:30
angel-sweand tell me if its serious or not09:30
qswzHankMoody: anywhere, on web browsers09:30
qswzon file managers09:30
qswzon terminal09:30
qswzI want it faster09:31
HankMoodyqswz: Mine could be faster, but it's not too egregious.09:31
qswzyea we probably have similar speeds09:31
qswzbut I come from windows where I could set it faster, it relieves the hand09:31
HankMoodyangel-swe: If you're of the mind to reinstall because of whatever has gone FUBAR by all means. Won't take that long to reinstall, especially if you're not transferring config files, etc. over.09:32
kgbqswz: everything flies in a lighter shell like Xfce or LXDE09:33
angel-sweHankMoody, I need to download the ubuntu and install it as a bootable usb right?09:33
HankMoodyqswz: Yeah, I've used Linux or Mac solely for over a decade now. But I do know you can adjust your scroll speed in xfce. This is my first time in Unity for more than a few days.09:33
HankMoodyangel-swe: bootable USB or CD/DVD09:33
kgbunity seriously does my head in :)09:33
qswzI'm on lxde09:34
qswzlubuntu 16.10, what do you mean kgb?09:34
angel-sweHankMoody, Do I need anything else to not make any hartm to my dual windows?09:34
HankMoodykgb: Yeah, not to mention a resource hungry mofo. I haven't had Compiz in a long time though, so it's nice to see the glitter for once.09:34
kgbqswz: i can't swear in here, to explain. =)09:34
angel-swekgb hi!09:34
kgbangel-swe: hi, welcome back to the desert of real (someone used it yesterday, don't blame me)09:35
HankMoodyangel-swe: Just don't format over your Doze partition, and make sure you point to the Doze partition in your bootloader (grub comes by default).09:35
angel-swehow do I print my current parttitions so we make sure which is ubuntu09:36
angel-swethan I install09:36
angel-sweany terminal command09:36
HankMoodyIt should be rather obvious when you're looking at the partitions in the installer. Linux generally likes to do at least 3: root, home, swap. Some people like to do boot and.... Damn, I can't remember the last one...09:37
angel-sweWell now I need to find the bootable ubuntu usb or download it09:38
HankMoodyDepends, do you have one sitting around, and if so what version is on it?09:39
kgbangel-swe: the interesting thing is that the installer *will* display different options depending on what it 'thinks' it finds on the disk - that's where the difficulties come in SOMETIMES (but, usually not)09:39
qswzok thanks this guy http://askubuntu.com/a/304653/8112109:40
angell-sweI guess I found one09:49
angell-sweJust A couple of monts ol09:49
angel-swecan you please see the url if they look like ubuntu bootable usb files09:50
bekks7Why dont you just use an official bootable medium?09:51
angel-swethis is official from web site09:51
angel-swewhere else it could be09:51
bekksI dont think Ubuntu uses irccloud.09:52
HankMoodyangel-swe: The last one looks like it... But don't you already have a CD/DVD or flash drive sitting around your house?09:52
HankMoodyThey don't, but he uploaded the picture to it bekks09:52
angel-sweHankMoody, this is the flash drive09:52
bekksangel-swe: If you already copied them to your flash drive, we cannot see wether you made that flash drive bootable or not.09:53
angel-swelets try09:53
angel-swewhat should I set my biot to boot via USB09:53
kgbangel-swe: if your guy installer won't look something like this http://i.imgur.com/834SZe8.png (this is the first install, don't know what reinstall looks like), it's not a good idea to do anything thorough it manually, just btw.09:54
angel-swedoes it  call it USB or Flash drive in Bios09:54
bekksangel-swe: We dont know your exact BIOS settings either.09:54
kgbthat would be the GUI installer09:54
angel-swekgb HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.09:54
angel-swebekks, it can't have 908059856 names.. must be some common a couple of names09:55
Dreamandownload iso use rufus09:55
bekksangel-swe: So look it up in the manual of your bios.09:55
HankMoodyangel-swe: Gotcha. Yeah if you snagged it from the Ubuntu site it's the official one. What OS are you going to be writing the flashdrive on?09:55
Dreamanbios boot farst usb stick09:55
angel-swebekks, your sounds tense..09:56
angel-swemore than help09:56
bekksangel-swe: We really dont know how the manufacturer of your bios called that menu entry :)09:56
kgbangel-swe: this one? http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/how-to-dual-boot-windows-10-and-ubuntu-linux-500635-4.jpg (as long as the installer can present its automatic options that it recognizes the windows bootloader AND it can find it, things should be fine - HOPEFULLY) :)09:57
angel-sweHankMoody,  do you mean what is the other OS? dual?09:57
angel-sweits windows09:57
kgbbt i don't know about reinstall, i wipe the ubuntu partitions manually as the space had been pre-set on my HDD09:57
angel-swekgb can I run that bootable flash disk like that in ubuntu as your screenshot?09:58
HankMoodyWhat OS are you going to be using to write to your flash drive?09:58
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zeus123hello everyone, can anyone help me regarding squid3 basic authentication from internet, which is behind NAT.09:59
angel-sweHankMoody,  I am lost in your question now. Do I even need an OS installed in Flash Drive to install the ubuntu it contains?09:59
kgbangel-swe: another thing to consider is that maybe 16.10 didn't agree with your machine - parhaps it's better to stay with the long term releases LTE ubuntu like 16.04.02 (02 maintenance release atm)10:00
angel-swekgb yes it is 16.1010:00
bekksangel-swe: you need to transfer an Ubuntu install image to your flash drive, so you can boot from it and install Ubuntu from it.10:00
angel-swekgb can't I update & upgrade it after install?10:00
angel-swecan EFI be that OS?10:01
kgbsorry cant type LTS, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS it doesn't update as often but its lifecycle lasts until the next lts10:01
bekksNo, EFI is not an OS.10:01
HankMoodyIf you're wanting to reinstall Ubuntu, then yes. The Ubuntu download is going to need to be written to the flash drive with a bootable flag on it so your computer's BIOS, that way it can recognize it to being the install.10:01
kgb16.10 is the 'inbetween' and things *can* go wrong with it (special cases, again)10:02
angel-sweHankMoody, I guess I created that Flash disk with the way they show on the official site10:02
angel-sweI will reboot and check10:02
HankMoodyOkay, if that's what you did, then I'm sure it's done correctly and set to be bootable.10:02
angel-swekgb, You recommend me to download lastest version from site and install it instead 16.10?10:03
HankMoodyIt's the difference in just writing the Ubuntu download to a CD/DVD and writing it so the computer knows that it's bootable.10:03
angel-sweHankMoody,  I have a couple of USB I am just not sure if its that one or not. I will check10:03
ducasseangel-swe: if you had hardware problems with 16.10, you might try plain 16.04 instead of 16.04.2, as .2 contains the 16.10 kernel and x stack10:04
HankMoodySomething akin to writing an album of mp3s to a CD as regular files, or writing it so they can be played in a CD player - Both admittedly are old ass analogies, but it still fits.10:05
angel-sweI had no problem until my dump action10:05
angel-swekgb ?10:05
kgbangel-swe: here's how their web site has it https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop10:06
angel-swekgb, that will take some hours10:06
angel-swecan't I realy update & upgrade my current 16.10 to it?10:07
kgbit's a 1.4 GB download are you on dial-up? :))10:07
angel-sweoh I toguht it was 14 sorry10:08
angel-swestarted now10:08
HankMoodykgb: Those are dirty Russian lies, dial-up doesn't even exist anymore :P10:08
kgbneither does the kgb, yet here i am10:08
angel-swekgb can you help me to convert that file to bootable flash disk after the download10:09
kgbangel-swe: is your current flash drive bootable?10:09
angel-swekgb, i guess10:09
kgband was it an original image? :-010:09
angel-swekgb,  yes10:10
HankMoodyEh, the FSB and the SVR are the KGB just new acronyms to try and make those pussies in Ukraine fall to sleep while you guys quietly annexed part of their country :P.10:10
angel-sweI have 16.10 in the flash disk (I believe)10:10
kgbright ok, so just run it.. skip the whole downloading procedure - just make sure that there are automatic options in the GUI installer for what you're trying to do - otherwise your HDD has some funky setup10:10
kgb(and doing things manually is a pain. :))10:10
angel-swekgb, no its official files from ubuntu site10:11
angel-swelet me try10:11
Felishiahow to display latex from the terminal D: is there any supercool fancy terminal that can do dat?10:11
=== angell-swe is now known as angel-swe
kgbHankMoody: heheh not russian, bt yeah it's a tragedy what had happened in the easter block (and the world is still feeling it)10:12
angel-sweIts boot via Tails10:13
kgboh, GOD10:13
kgb:) angel-swe you're on a roll for user support these two days xD10:14
kgbangel-swe: when you boot your machine, which bootloader shows up, grub2??10:15
kgbregularly i mean, not the usb boot10:15
angel-sweNo Tails came up10:15
angel-sweI mean via usb10:16
angel-sweTails coming  up soon as I boot with that Flash drive10:16
kgbi mean not via usb, do you get a menu to load Ubuntu and then Windows somewhere under it?10:16
kgblike regularly, daily, when you had used it.. you turn it on and what happens? :D10:17
angel-sweLet me show u10:18
kgbtrying to figure out how linux had been installed previously10:18
kgbreinstall will highly depend on it xD10:18
kgbok sweet! phew10:20
kgbif you can, grab that 16.04.02 image please.. you'll be able to use quassel and everything with it......10:20
kgb*if u have time, idk.10:20
angel-sweAnd not with My current one?10:21
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kgbthat one you can easily shred :)))10:21
kgbBURN it with fire10:22
kgbbut maybe better to hold on to the usb and just use a new one for this install, you know =)10:22
angel-sweOk lets downloa10:23
kgbangel-swe: after the download, this can work for you? https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu10:24
Fremanok, so I finally have it working. Now question, how do I rename it so it's not eth0.10 but rather "lanvlan" - under gentoo this is part of the config but I can't figure out how to do it on ubuntu10:26
FMan1988lan v. lan - only tonight on pay-per-view10:26
Fremanif I manually configure it with the iproute2 package I can call it whatever I want10:27
kgbangel-swe: if that doesn't work, i've had no trouble with: https://unetbootin.github.io/ (although there are a million such programs)10:27
FremanFMan1988 meh, modemvlan better? :D10:27
FMan1988not really :)10:27
kgbangel-swe: and come back if the GUI Ubuntu instaler doesn't give you the option which your are *sure* will reinstall alongside of windows (don't run it otherwise, it'll change partitions and God knows what else. :))10:28
Fremanspoze I could just up eth0 then post-up-script it10:29
introomwhere to get the debug symbols for the kernels here ?10:36
kgbum? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Systemtap10:40
introomkgb: that doesn't cover the kernel mainline build.10:41
kgbhere? http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/10:41
=== SirMarky1 is now known as SirMarky
qswzI'm the guy who wants to increase scroll speed, has to restart, tested imwheel and it's bad (doesn't work in console, have weird behaviors sometimes)10:48
qswzif someone know how to do, it would be fantastic10:48
qswztried with libinput too, not great, it disabled touchpad tap and  the events thing didn't change scrolling speed10:50
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LOLALSwhats crack10:53
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=== SirMarky1 is now known as SirMarky
da7nielhey, does anyone know how to rename a file in terminal? I've looked it up and found people recommending "mv file1.c file2.c" but that hasn't worked for me.11:05
MonkeyDustda7niel  yes, that's the way to do it ... what happens when you try11:06
da7nielmv: cannot stat 'filename.c': No such file or directory11:07
SnipeDOGHello. Can anyone recommend a good (paid) remote support company that could help me with my Ubuntu Computer? I have a problem with my mdadm RAID array and I am afraid of data loss.11:07
PipeItToDevNullThen you are typing the name or pth incorrecty da7niel11:07
tomreynda7niel: then you're either in the wrong directory or the file is named differently11:07
MonkeyDustda7niel  so the file does not exist?11:07
MonkeyDustda7niel  does the file show, when you type    ls11:08
da7nieltomreyn: you're right, silly mistake11:08
da7nielthanks guys11:08
tomreynSnipeDOG: i bet canonical could recommend someone.11:08
SnipeDOGI have had a look on their website but it seems its only aiming for commercial customers.11:09
SnipeDOGIs anyone here who knows his way with mdadm? :-)11:09
MonkeyDustSnipeDOG  start in   #ubuntu-server11:09
SnipeDOGI run a normal Ubuntu Distro - not server.11:10
tomreyni bet several folks here have a good bit of mdadm experience.11:10
geez[m]SnipeDOG: I'm not an expert but I have been using it for 7 years in my own servers (you just barely ever have to touch it, which is why I'm not an expert). What do you need?11:10
SnipeDOGI am an Ubuntu Newbie. I usually get along googling the way - but in this case I am afraid to lose my data.11:10
MonkeyDustSnipeDOG  tip: backup first11:11
geez[m]Always backup. Everything. All the time.11:11
geez[m]No excuses11:11
tomreynand once that's done, run some mdadm experiments11:12
SnipeDOGgeez - thanks. Here is what has happened: I run a RAID5 array to store movies for my PLEX server. Recently one of the hard drives was marked as faulty. I added a spare. While it was re-shaping there was a power cut (classic!). Not the array is inactive and it says Raid Level: raid0 but further down it said "New Level: Raid5". I am completely lost and not sure what to do.11:12
SnipeDOGgeez - thats why I run a RAID5.11:12
SnipeDOGThe data is way too big to backup.11:13
tomreynwell RAID is not backup11:13
SnipeDOGVersion : 1.211:13
SnipeDOG     Raid Level : raid011:13
SnipeDOG  Total Devices : 711:13
SnipeDOG    Persistence : Superblock is persistent11:13
SnipeDOG          State : inactive11:13
tomreynyou should do both11:13
SnipeDOG  Delta Devices : 1, (-1->0)11:13
ikoniaraid 5 is not back up11:13
ikoniaspuniun: use a pastebin please11:13
MonkeyDustSnipeDOG  next time, use a pastebin11:13
tomreyn!pastebin | SnipeDOG11:13
ubottuSnipeDOG: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:13
mlkythe consoles you get from the shortcut alt+ctrl+F1-F6 are filled with the same messages about starting some daemons, how do i reset one so i can login? X is running kodi and eth0 is crashed, i know i can get internet again, by running sudo dhclient, is it possible?11:14
ikoniamlky: reset one so you can login ?11:14
mlkyusually on these consoles, there is just a login screen11:15
tomreynSnipeDOG: besides /proc/mdstat you'll also want to post information on your partitions on all drives, and mdadm.conf11:15
ikoniaSnipeDOG: shy do you have so many spares ?11:15
ikoniathey all appear to be marked as spare11:16
SnipeDOGtomreyn - can you walk me through how to do that?11:16
SnipeDOGIkonia - I noticed that too! But that was after the power cut. They are NOT spares.11:16
* geez[m] sent a long message: geez[m]_2017-04-01_11:16:47.txt - https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/khGGxFGJGtLVbVaRWelxnTcC11:16
geez[m]SnipeDOG: Is that what you did?11:16
ikoniaSnipeDOG: they are spare11:17
ikoniaSnipeDOG: hence why they are marked as spare11:17
SnipeDOGThey weren't spares before. They were properly functioning and filled with data. Only after the crash they are marked as spare now.11:17
ikoniaSnipeDOG: I suspect you are now in a high risk situation11:17
ikoniaSnipeDOG: you need to start the array to understand what state the metadata thinks it's in11:18
SnipeDOGYeah...Thats what I fear too.. Hence I need someone to help me please...11:18
ikoniaas the config files probably won't mirror the state11:18
geez[m]SnipeDOG: What's in /etc/mdadm.conf?11:18
tomreynSnipeDOG: sudo apt.get install pastebinit; cat /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | pastebinit11:18
SnipeDOGikonia - I am a newbie. I would appreciate help.11:18
tomreynSnipeDOG: sudo parted -ls | pastebinit11:19
ikoniaSnipeDOG: have a listen to what others think, I think you need to start the array to understand the reality of your metadata, to a certain extent what's in the config files at this state doesn't matter11:19
tomreynSnipeDOG: typo fixed: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; cat /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | pastebinit11:19
tomreynSnipeDOG: blkid | pastebinit11:20
geez[m]`Partition Table: unknown` :|11:20
geez[m]SnipeDOG: At this point I'm afraid to suggest anything, you definitely need someone who really knows their stuff11:22
SnipeDOGgeez - thank you for your help anyway. Much appreciated. If anyone can suggest anyone or a company I would be very grateful.11:23
kgbugh it's a PLEX, so their support? :)11:24
ikoniaplex is nothing to do with raid11:25
SnipeDOGNo its a Linux RAID array. PLEX is only the media server software that goes on top.11:25
kgbno kidding, i just googled it xd11:25
ikoniaSnipeDOG: I suspect you have an additional "thing" happen somewhere in your trying to replace the disk,11:25
ikoniaI believe you need to start the array (at risk) at understand the reality of your situation11:25
donsterhi! does anybody know where/how to get glibconfig.h on ubuntu11:26
mlkyi cant use any of my virtual consoles, because its filled with spam from what i'm guessing is from dmesg, is there a way i can use a console again? some shortcut?11:26
donster                 16.04? i have installed libgtk2.0-dev11:26
SnipeDOGikonia - I tried that but then it gave me an error - sth like "not enough to start the array"11:26
lucas-arghello all11:28
lucas-arghow can i make libinput to enable two finger scrooling??11:28
lucas-arglibinput Scroll Methods Available (285):0, 0, 1 it show read 1, 0, 011:29
lucas-argbut when i try to do xinput set-prop 11 285 1 0 0 it gives me this error11:29
lucas-argX Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)11:29
angel-sweKgb downloaded11:57
angel-sweWould you share the link again11:57
runessaHi guys!12:09
blackbird1Is there a command line to know if the live USB is persistent or not ?12:09
MonkeyDustblackbird1  did you create a persistent live usb?12:10
ioriablackbird1, try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/46840/check-if-pendrive-is-persistent12:11
blackbird1MonkeyDust: I think so, I create it with Startup Disk Creator12:12
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blackbird1ioria: that file casper-rw doesn't exist !12:14
blackbird1even syslinux.cfg !12:14
ioriablackbird1, well, try to install or write something, reboot and test, i'd say12:14
blackbird1Sorry but this is solution is bad, each time when I wanna check if the live USB is persistent or not, I have to boot on live USB --> add something --> reboot on the live USB --> check12:17
blackbird1this solution*12:18
ioriablackbird1,  so use the first 'solution', check if casper-rw exists12:18
blackbird1ioria: casper-rw doesn't exis12:19
ioriablackbird1,  ok12:19
ioriablackbird1,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence#Verifying_That_Everything_Worked12:21
irthewinnerHi guys. what's the main difference between Ubuntu (Unity) and Ubuntu Gnome (and what do you recommend for a Desktop user)12:24
MonkeyDustirthewinner  unity has the launcher on the left, gnome-shell looks different12:24
MonkeyDustirthewinner  http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ#cMfLqdM12:26
blackbird1irthewinner: I think it 's the design and how launch applications12:26
irthewinnerbut other than the UI (user interface) is there anything else different? apps / drivers / support12:26
MonkeyDustirthewinner  the repos (software sources) are the same12:26
blackflowirthewinner: I'd recommend Unity. Gnome is going the route of removing functionality in the name of simplicity or whatever, plus it's visually "fatter" while Unity is ergonomicaly more useful, IMHO.12:26
blackflowafaik you can install both in parallel and see what you prefer better yourself.12:27
irthewinnerstrange thing, because my friend had problems with NVIDIA drivers in Unity but worked great on Gnome12:28
blackbird1ioria: thanks I'll try in 2s :)12:28
blackbird1see you soon12:28
blackflowirthewinner: so one issue automatically makes the whole thing bad in comparison?12:28
irthewinnerno, I mean maybe there's a bit of difference (other than the UI I mean)12:29
MonkeyDustirthewinner  then it looks like you found a differnece12:29
harovalihi, How can I disable automatic time and date update ? I'd kill the ntp process, but there is no process by this name12:29
blackflowirthewinner: there are technical differences in compositors for example12:30
harovaliin ubuntu 16.04 lts12:30
blackflowharovali: the default is systemd-timesyncd iirc12:30
MonkeyDustharovali  in the system settings > date & time ... disable Network time12:31
amosbirdhello, could anyone help me with this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43156888/how-to-remap-keys-for-my-new-bluetooth-keyboard  ?12:31
harovaliblackflow: MonkeyDust, thanks12:32
irthewinnerthanks guys :) I will try the USB version for both destros (then I will decide which one is good for me)12:33
fenecohi, after update my hotkey to change tty (ctrl+alt+F#) changed to only (alt+F#) any idea how to change it back? I think I confirmed it on a dialog during the update but I don't know how to change it again12:33
harovaliwhat's the difference between time-sync.target and systemd-timesyncd.service ?12:35
JRSS121hi guys, I'm trying to create a USB Live CD for Kali for my ARM Chromebook, as Kali describes in their website. However, I can't get the dd commanad to work. Can someone help?12:41
MonkeyDustJRSS121  kali is noty supported here12:41
MonkeyDustJRSS121  neither is ARM12:41
JRSS121well the command is the same as any other distribution no? it's just the syntax12:41
MonkeyDustJRSS121  then try any other distribution's channel12:42
JRSS121ok thanks.12:42
ducasse!kali | JRSS12112:42
ubottuJRSS121: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)12:42
MonkeyDust'gnewsense'? prunounced as 'g-nuissance'?12:46
ducassenever even heard of that one.12:46
OerHeks.. smells like..?12:46
HankMoodyI would think it's "new sense"12:48
ducassei think their use of camelcase support that.12:49
angel-sweis fat32 Fine for ubuntu bootabke Flash disk?12:50
ducasseangel-swe: you don't need to format it first12:51
angel-sweI have some stuff in12:51
ducasseangel-swe: the boot iso has a filesystem in it, it will just overwrite12:52
numb3rmode +Z13:10
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BluesKajHI folks13:39
angel-sweKgb here?13:41
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angel-sweThis wont delete My dualboot winfows right13:54
angel-sweJust the old ubuntu13:54
ppfso, this is a repeating issue and it's a bit annoying:13:55
ppfi'm on a laptop, using wifi.13:55
ppfa couple minutes after the machine is booted, there appears to be a slight hickup in the network13:55
ppfthe ping rises by a factor 10 briefly13:56
jackhumhello peeps , i am trying to enable swipe to change workspace gestures in my dell 5520 ,13:56
ppfthe problem is that i open ssh sessions shortly after startup, and when this happens, the connections hang and i have to kill them forcefully13:56
jackhumi tried this https://github.com/iberianpig/fusuma , in lenovo ideapad and it worked properly13:56
angel-sweDid abyone seen My screenshot13:57
ppfany way to pin down the problem? or to make ssh resilient against this?13:57
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jackhumbut it is not working13:58
BluesKajangel-swe, if you're worried, use the manual partitoner (something else) and install to the ubuntu partition13:59
lucas-argwhere can i find new synptics drivers for ubuntu??14:00
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jackhumlucas-arg, are you tring to do what i am trying to do?14:01
lucas-argjackhum, i dunno what are you tryin to do?14:01
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad14:02
lucas-argwell already seen that web doesnt tell me much14:02
scatterphi can some one help me my ubuntu server has totally frozen up even after a reboot i need to figure out whats wrong with it... i have ssh access but its slow ..14:02
jackhumlucas-arg, i am trying to enable three finger swipe workspace gestures in my dell 5520 laptop14:03
MonkeyDustscatterp  do you also have physical access?14:03
ducasseppf: maybe mosh would be a good tool for you?14:03
scatterpMonkeyDust yes14:03
lucas-argproblem i have is that for some reason, ubuntu does not detects my touchpad as synaptics (even though it is a synaptics touchpad) it detects is as ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse14:03
jackhumi tried doing it , on a new lenovo ideapad , and it works , but it is not working on my laptop14:03
jackhumi tried using https://github.com/iberianpig/fusuma ,14:03
lucas-argim trying to make it work correctly that would be a start...14:03
scatterpMonkeyDust ubuntu 16 running on esxi as a vm .. 4gb of ram allocated when i last rebooted14:04
lucas-argi had to add some i8042.nomux=1 etc to make it work ok, and now im tryin to make two finger scrolling work14:04
scatterpMonkeyDust it only has lamp nothing else running on it14:04
lucas-argjackhum, did you use xinput list-props <device>?14:05
angel-sweBluesKaj: I am using ubuntu ads dualboot side to Windows 7 and want to keep it Like that. Is that choice for that?14:06
lucas-argangel-swe, windows 7 is a >10 year OS14:06
angel-sweI know that14:07
scatterpMonkeyDust i think its a memory issue14:07
jackhumlucas-arg, ?14:08
lucas-argjackhum, try xinpit list in terminal and see what options does your driver give you under linux and see if you have three finger option to enable it14:08
ppfducasse: what's it do?14:08
BluesKajangel-swe, you'll see all thepsrtitions , and format the ext4 and set the mountpoint as / (root)14:08
jackhumlucas-arg,  Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]14:09
jackhum⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]14:09
jackhum⎜   ↳ ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad14:09
ppfducasse: looks like a replacement for ssh that isn't hurt so much by connection issues?14:09
ducasseppf: right.14:09
ppfducasse: i might give it a show. actually, i'd like to understand where the network issue is coming from14:09
ppfit's 100% reproducible. independent on the wifi14:10
BluesKajangel-swe, and don't do anything to the NTFS (Windows) partition, and you'll be fine14:10
ppfalways occurs within 5 minutes of system uptime14:10
ducasseppf: of course, but mosh can be good to know about. i'm not sure what the actual problem could be, what chipset is this?14:10
lucas-argjackhum, xinput list-props 4 but copy and paste that in some paste web app or something14:11
ppfducasse: intel i514:13
ducasseppf: i mean wifi chipset14:14
ppfintel 826014:15
angel-sweBluesKaj:  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/e7g71TL9/irccloudcapture1701244308.jpg14:16
angel-sweIsnt this option what ur talking about14:16
ducasseppf: they typically work well, afaik. haven't heard of similar issues.14:16
scatterphi can some one help me my ubuntu server has totally frozen up even after a reboot i need to figure out whats wrong with it... i have ssh access but its slow .. it seems like apache2 is using 90.8% of my 4gb of memory ... is this normal ?14:18
ducasseppf: anything in the logs/dmesg?14:18
scatterpi guess not :/14:19
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ppfducasse: absolutely nothing14:21
ducasseppf: which mode are you connected in?14:23
ppfMode:Managed  Frequency:5.18 GHz14:24
ducasseppf: i mean ac, n, g etc. 5ghz, so it's either n or ac14:24
BluesKajangel-swe, no, look at the bottom of the page, Something Else, it's shouid be called Manual14:25
ppfthe chipset doesn't do ac, sadly14:25
BluesKajangel-swe, Once you choose Somrthing Else, you'll see all the psrtitions , and format the ext4 and set the mountpoint as / (root)14:26
ducasseppf: then i'm stumped, sorry. i'm sure others here know more about wifi than i do, so hang around.14:26
BluesKajangel-swe, psrtitions=partitions14:27
fyan-ravai have a problem14:32
jackhumfyan-rava, ?14:32
fyan-ravacan i past source in here?14:32
jackhumfyan-rava, no14:32
fyan-ravawhere ?14:33
ducasse!paste | fyan-rava14:33
ubottufyan-rava: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:33
jackhumfyan-rava, use something like pastebin14:33
ducassefyan-rava: but if you mean source code, you should get programming help elsewhere14:34
harovalihow do I disable NetworkManager ? I want to manage the NICs manually14:34
ducasseharovali: just configure them in /etc/network/interfaces, and nm won't touch them14:34
mustachiod_manhello my wifi's bad14:35
compdocheh, I thought you said your wife was bad14:36
harovaliducasse: aparently it keeps touching /etc/resolv.conf , i m not sure14:36
compdocI was going to say congrats14:36
ducasseharovali: resolvconf handles that14:36
fyan-ravahere my problem: http://imgur.com/a/0hqLW14:38
harovaliducasse: touché14:38
ducassefyan-rava: read the errors, it tells you what to run to fix it14:39
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fyan-ravaapt-get -f install14:39
ducassefyan-rava: exactly14:39
fyan-ravaerror too14:39
ikoniapastebin the error14:40
ikoniayou can't say "error too" as that doesn't tell us the problem14:40
ikoniaunmet dependencies.....14:42
ikoniaso a PPA has been used somewhere and now you're trying to undo it14:42
ikoniamysql is going to conflict with maria, so you need to sort that out first14:43
ikoniaremove the deb file from cache that it's trying to unpack14:43
fyan-ravaikonia: i was remove *.deb file of mysql-server, after that reboot my system, then try install mariadb but error14:44
ikoniawhy ios there a .deb file for mysql ?14:44
ikoniawhy is it not pulled from the repo14:44
ikoniayou need to clean up your package manifest14:45
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fyan-ravahow to clean ?14:45
ikoniare-read what I said14:45
fyan-ravai need to clean up my package manifest, i do not how to clean?14:46
ikoniaso mysql will conflict with maria db14:47
ikoniayou need to sort that out before trying to replace one14:47
ikoniaa.) where did mysql come from ?14:47
fyan-ravai am a student14:47
fyan-ravanew use ubuntu14:47
fyan-ravanew user ubuntu14:47
Plotznickdownloaded 16.04 onto a USB stick, trying to install on a dell laptop.  Booting from USB stick works, but can't install because it says I only have 4GB disk free -- installer never asked me to install to hard disk, it seems it's trying to install itself to USB again.  I must be missing something simple.  How do I choose install target disk?14:47
fyan-ravaMy English not good14:48
ikoniafyan-rava: ok - so how did you install mysql ?14:48
_28Kbi'm also new user, nothing works for us14:48
ikonia_28Kb: pretty sure it does14:48
Plotznickinstall prompt lets me choose language, then wifi network, then it tells me I don't have enough disk without ever prompting target14:48
SaberArthurhmm.. never encountered that problem.. can you view your disk from gparted?14:48
fyan-ravasudo apt-get install mysql-server14:49
jackhumikonia, what is package manifest ? just curious14:49
ikoniajackhum: the details of the package installed on your system14:49
fyan-ravawhen i install it, have the report remove mariadb14:49
jackhumikonia, how can i see mine /14:49
ikoniafyan-rava: ok - so can you "sudo apt-get remove mysql-server" ?14:49
ikoniajackhum: dpkg -l14:49
ikoniafyan-rava: what happens14:50
ikoniause a pastebin14:50
ikoniayou can't say "error" it means nothing14:50
ikoniayou have to show us in a pastebin the problem14:50
PlotznickSaberArthur: it seems gparted only sees /dev/sda1 mounted to /cdrom which appears to be the USB stick......very strange14:50
ducassefyan-rava: 'error' is not enough information, use a proper pastebin to show us the errors14:51
jackhumfyan-rava, i can understand your not so good english problem :|14:51
jackhumfyan-rava, dont worry , people here are by all means trying to help you14:51
fyan-ravasubprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status (1)14:51
ducassefyan-rava: paste the full output on paste.ubuntu.com14:52
SaberArthurmount the drive?14:53
ikoniathats not the full output14:53
ikoniait doesn't show us what you ran14:53
ikoniawhat was the exact command you ran to get that output14:54
PlotznickSaberArthur: only drive seen is already mounted, no device representing any other.   Googling around now for why ubuntu would fail to recognize various SSDs14:54
fyan-ravaanythings in those14:55
fyan-ravaafter install mariadb 10, i install sql-server and have that problem14:55
_28Kbi guess he did "sudo apt-get remove mysql-server"14:55
SaberArthurPlotznick: ah, so it is ssd? Hmm, afradi can't help you, never seen those things14:56
_28Kbusually apt-get purge mysql* helps14:57
OerHeksfyan-rava, line 35 + 36 .. you have some debian package installed, without telling us?14:57
OerHeksIf are sure you want to downgrade to 5.7, remove the file /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag and try installing again.14:57
jackhumi am trying to make 3 finger swipe gesture work on my ubuntu 16.04 installed on old dell 5520 ,14:57
jackhumthis is what i am trying to use , https://github.com/iberianpig/fusuma , because i made it working using this14:58
jackhumcan anyone help me to troubleshoot14:58
jackhumthis script is not detecting touch at all14:58
jackhumalso , http://paste.ubuntu.com/24293596/  ,14:59
fyan-ravai am sorry because it is the first time i using ubuntu as linux so i don't know anythings14:59
jackhumsome guy said me to tell me the output of xinput list-props 414:59
fyan-ravagood night15:00
compdocfyan-rava, before you know it, you'll be an expert like me15:00
jackhumcompdoc, you expert mate ?15:00
_28Kbi'm noob too but mysql installed as charm15:00
fyan-ravai will came back tomorrow15:00
jackhumcompdoc, if you are help me pls15:00
compdocyou betcha15:00
jackhumcompdoc, help me dude, lets put that expertise on test15:01
compdocwell, I know about the things I use ubuntu for, so not eerything15:01
jackhumany ubuntu god here , please bless me15:02
PlotznickSaberArthur: found the solution.   It was here:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/696413/ubuntu-installer-cant-find-any-disk-on-dell-xps-13-9350  apparently newer Dell XPS SSDs have some funky bios setting that makes it not possible for Ubuntu to see the drive.  Switching it to ACHI / SATA makes it possible for Ubuntu to see it.15:02
PlotznickSwitching BIOS setting warns you that it might make the existing Windows drive unbootable, but who cares?  The objective is to get Ubuntu on.  :)15:02
_28Kbjackhum have you tried http://askubuntu.com/questions/92169/touchpad-gestures-to-change-workspace15:03
_28Kbthese gesture stuff has it's standards15:04
_28Kbi was checking if those new snaps will make things easier - nope15:08
_28Kbno snap is working for me15:08
jackhum_28Kb, i tried touchegg , problem is i think my laptop doesnt detect 3 fingers touch at all , while my windows can15:09
jackhum_28Kb, 2 fingers are working fine , but i dont see any detection for 3 fingers15:10
jackhum_28Kb, its not like my touchpad doesnt detect 3 fingers , infact it can for 4 fingers too , but no luck on ubuntu15:10
_28Kbi cant't help you... my main guess is that you should find app similar to touchegg.. but working15:11
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jackhum_28Kb, well , i googled a lot about this stuff , found 1 program on github that goes by the name fusuma , i tried it on a new lenovo ideapad , it works like a charm15:13
jackhum_28Kb, but . my old dell 5520 doesnt detect 3 finger touch15:13
jackhumanyway i can check what type of drivers i am using for my touchpad ?15:14
_28Kbmaybe on touchpad manufacturer site you could find some ubuntu software15:15
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TatouWhat is a nice alternative to thunderbird?15:23
TatouMail bird looks nice But it's windows only.15:23
MonkeyDustTatou  choose one you like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EmailClients15:24
OerHeksN1, Evolution, Geary ..15:25
Armayshello i have nothing in my mountpoints when i do lsblk15:25
Armaysis that normal ?15:25
ducasseTatou: if you want a gui client claws is nice imo, for console mutt.15:25
TatouNon gui for email? :x15:25
TatouDon't get me wrong i love the cli.. but for email?!15:25
OerHeksan email-gui on a server is useless15:25
ducasseTatou: yeees? i use mutt most of the time.15:26
MonkeyDustTatou  many people never use a gui15:26
Tatouhuh.. Let's see..15:26
* Tatou loves the irssi15:26
ducasseTatou: mail is just text anyway.15:26
TatouGoing to clean the shit out of my email frst with thunderbird. So much crap in there15:27
MonkeyDustTatou  mind your language15:27
MonkeyDustyou're not at a Trump conference15:27
TatouI wish I was :/15:27
Southern_GentlemMonkeyDust,  wouldntthat have been a DNC15:28
TatouI kid. But for real, cursing is ok so long as it's not directed at someone15:28
TatouIntent is key15:28
MonkeyDustTatou  still, avoid profane words, here15:29
Tatou-_- thunderbird is struggling with my gmail account15:29
ikoniaTatou: cursing is no ok - please don't use it15:29
TatouWhy are people so offended by cursing?15:30
TatouYou give those words power when you fear them so much15:30
ikoniaTatou: keep it simple - don't use it15:30
ikoniaTatou: no one is feearing anything, the channels rules are polite converastion no swearing15:30
* OerHeks mumbles 'family-friendly'15:30
TatouIt was polite though, it was not directed at anyone15:30
ikoniaTatou: polite conversation, no searing15:30
geniiAlso, no searing15:31
TatouSee I wouldn't call swearing impolite15:31
TatouOk is it normal for thunderbird to struggle this much?15:31
ikoniaTatou: there is a comma there, polite converaation and no swearing15:31
ikoniaTatou: it's not really a debate, please just don't swear15:31
ikoniathunderbird works well, until you ask it to do more than your ram can handle15:31
TatouThis is what I mean though - a single curse word and it's derailed the entire channel15:31
TatouI've never minded cursing, but I am also in a profession where it's totally tolerated.15:32
ikoniaTatou: no, you have by arguing it, rather than just saying "sure, no problem"15:32
TatouI wish there was a nice way to load my emails into splunk..15:33
TatouWould mutt let me see clearly what is cluttering my inbox?15:34
TatouI have 28k messages -_-15:35
ducasseTatou: also check out supmail15:35
ikoniaTatou: its probably your imap server having a problem15:35
rbwhow to create a post-suspend job in ubuntu?15:35
TatouYes I imagine so ikonia15:35
TatouI just want to cut down on the junk in there.. I need to start unsubbing to things15:35
minimecjackhum: Can you 'handle' some terminal commands in case you lose the mouse or touchpad? My idea would be to replace 'xserver-xorg-input-libinput' with 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' for a try. The synaptics driver is the 'old standard' before the whole linux world switched to 'libinput'. It's worth a try I guess.15:36
MonkeyDustrbw  you mean, a job after your machine wakes up from suspend? rtcwake can do that15:37
Tatouha.. It's stuff like this.. I set myself as a recipient of error emails at work... So now i have a million of them15:38
ikoniaTatou: do you have access to the mail server - or only via a client15:39
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Tatouikonia: It's gmail15:39
MonkeyDustTatou  create a filter, that deletes every message with 'unsubscribe' in it15:39
ikoniaTatou: that is limiting, I "think" you maybe able to pre-filter in gmail, I'm not sure though15:39
TatouSo look at this.. 15k of error emails from a service I wrote at my last job..15:39
rbwMonkeyDust: yeah, when it wakes up.15:39
rbwMonkeyDust: can't it be done using systemd?15:40
OerHeks LessSecureApps gmail's option must be enabled in gmail, for any mailclient15:40
TatouI generally need to just clean up my mail etc tbh15:40
TatouI'm trying to generally clean up essential online services and whatnot right now.. Password managers, email, ynab, and I'm scripting out a lot of workflows I do daily on my personal laptop15:41
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TatouI might see if I can set up rules where it auto deletes some things after 10 days.. I want notifying, but not history..15:42
ikoniaTatou: this is probably quite a bit outside the bounderies of this channels topic/focus15:43
TatouYeah, that it is15:43
TatouThough I must say - it is great to be back on linux. Having such a nice scriptable ecosystem is fantastic15:44
ducasseTatou: sup-mail might be what you want, it's first priority is to make it easy to handle massive amounts of mail.15:45
MonkeyDustrbw  not sure about systemd, but explore the rtcwake command15:45
Tatouducasse: I'll check that and mutmail out :)15:45
ducasseTatou: 'mutt'15:46
TatouMy bad :315:47
TatouEither way, down from 35k to 3.5k so it's all good15:47
rbwMonkeyDust: according to the freedesktop documentation you can place post scripts under /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep , I'll try that instead. I'll look into rtcwake if this doesn't work. Thanks :)15:49
MonkeyDustrbw  a thank you for the system-sleep tip15:49
tuxedoWhy firefox it's restart so many time in ubuntu15:53
tuxedoWhy firefox it's restart so many time in ubuntu?15:53
MonkeyDusttuxedo  don't use too many extensions, plugins etc15:54
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=== db is now known as Guest7903
Guest7903hi. How do I install pastebinit via terminal?16:16
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=== db_ is now known as db_o_O
sickoCan someone tell me whats wrong with this python version checker http://ideone.com/t3pc0016:17
MonkeyDustGuest235  sudo apt install pastebinit16:17
Armayshello i have this error : HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.16:17
db_o_OMonkeyDust,  apt or apt-get ?16:17
Armaysbut i didnt have this pb before16:17
Armaysthe file to download exists16:18
MonkeyDustdb_o_O  since 16.04, you can use apt instead of apt-get16:18
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db_o_OI am using the lastest ubuntu.. Just installed16:18
compdocuse apt now16:18
adaviatoris there a special guide how to install & configure ubuntu server16:19
db_o_Ook done16:19
ducasse!server | adaviator16:19
ubottuadaviator: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server16:19
db_o_Oand what was the command to run it the one with update16:19
db_o_OI mean the pastebinit16:19
MonkeyDustdb_o_O  sudo apt update | pastebinit16:20
db_o_OMonkeyDust, Thank you so much16:20
sickoCan someone tell me whats wrong with this python version checker http://ideone.com/t3pc0016:21
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db_o_OHow come linux could install my all drivers on install?16:21
adaviatoroh ubuntu is still using ifup for configuring the network in ubuntu server, not some systemd solution?16:22
adaviatori expected NetworkManager16:23
ducasseadaviator: network manager is only used if you install a desktop environment.16:24
compdocsicko, your equation is bad16:24
TatouWhat I love about win10 - the nice bing daily image lockscreen images16:28
TatouIs there a nice way to get this on the ubuntu?16:28
adaviatoraight.. i assume /etc/network/interfaces will be run on reboot too and i dont need to enable anything like how i would in systemd with `systemctl enable NetworkManager`16:29
adaviatoryep it is16:31
darkadHi all, do you think it would be better a kernel 3.x for a 32bit atom n270 netbook?16:32
AssociateXHow can I tell which DM I am using?16:36
OerHekswhat DM > dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /dm$/'16:37
sickocompdoc, How can i change it. I realized that by removing the 2 it does recognize it. But i want the particular python 2 . How do i include a constant in the regex16:37
compdocsicko, you might look at using eval16:38
ducassedarkad: probably doesn't matter. a netbook is not going to be good for much anyway.16:38
AssociateXOerHeks, I see lightDM and sddm.16:39
OerHekscat /etc/X11/default-display-manager # this is more accurate16:40
OerHeksAssociateX, yes, i found that out myself 2, ldm and lightdm16:40
AssociateXOerHeks, thanks, it's lightdm16:40
darkadducasse: still searching for a solution for my old cpu16:41
sickocompdoc, can you give me a little more info? I'll follow it up16:41
AssociateXNow, why does logging into lightdm take so long? After I enter my password it sits for 20 seconds doing nothing, then logs in.16:41
ducassedarkad: what's the problem?16:41
darkad ducasse: Browsing hotmail gmail or facebook it goes very slow16:42
darkadducasse: I'm with chromium16:42
ducassedarkad: yes, it's going to be - it's an atom netbook. they're super-slow.16:43
compdocsicko, https://pastebin.com/NhmjnWWK16:43
darkadducasse: a way to not create other trash16:43
ducassedarkad: your choice, that machine will never be fast.16:45
sickocompdoc, Python_Version = $ python --version16:45
sickoso it'll give me the same output16:45
compdocwhatever works :)16:46
sickoI need to put a constant '2' in my reg ex.16:46
ioriasicko, python writes the version string on stderr, so you need  python_version=$(python --version 2>&1)16:46
darkadducasse: maybe I think that with a live slackware I can run everything on ram and probably it will be16:47
orf_Does anyone know what package provides the 'replace' command?16:47
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orf_It's a mysql command, but it's not in `mysql-utilities`16:47
orf_i.e this one: http://www.computerhope.com/unix/replace.htm16:47
ducassedarkad: how much ram does it have?16:48
darkadducasse: just 2 GB16:48
ioriaorf_, http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/amd64/mysql-server-5.7/filelist16:49
orf_a whole mysql server instance for replace :(16:50
orf_thanks ioria16:50
ioriaorf_, no poblem16:50
ducassedarkad: that cpu is 9 years old, a single-core 1.6ghz atom. it *is* slow, no matter what you do. it won't magically become a speed-monster.16:51
warrshrikei cant access my samba share from windows16:51
warrshrikeany ideas16:51
warrshrikealso it asks for a password and I dont want that16:51
MonkeyDustwarrshrike  it's because linux requires a password, for safety16:52
warrshrikeMonkeyDust: no way to disable it for samba?16:52
warrshrikeits just on local lan so no security issues.16:52
pauljwdarkad, that processor is also a 32-bit processor, you cannot put a 64-bit os on it.16:53
warrshrikealso i cant access it with password too16:53
warrshrikeany other ideas to share to windows?16:53
darkadducasse: javascript frameworks that are using amazon facebook or hotmail are too heavy and a lot of images too. Everything else works fine16:54
darkadpauljw: infact I'm on a 32 bit distro16:55
adaviatormount /dev/md127 /mnt/16:56
adaviatormount: /dev/md127: can't read superblock16:56
pauljwdarkad, and that's about as good as you're going to get.  maybe try a lighter distro, something like puppy linux or dsl.  your machine is actually at the end of its usefulness imo.  might need to look into an upgrade. :)16:58
darkadI'm wondering if my netbook would be faster with a 3.x kernel rather than a 4.x actual kernel16:59
MonkeyDustwarrshrike  type   /j #samba16:59
ducassedarkad: most likely not.16:59
TatouWhy does pushd ../../ not working in bash?16:59
TatouA bash script.17:00
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qswzsomone using imwheel? does it slow down the system?17:02
wastrelTatou: are you already in / ?17:05
wastrelthen ../../ wouldn't do anything17:05
minimecqswz: Not at all. I use imwheel for yeears now. A 'must' on my systems...17:05
quardHey, does anyone know how to bypass the Ubiquity installer error when /boot is in on an encrypted LUKS/LVM partition? The installer complains and wants an unencrypted /boot.17:06
darkadducasse pauljw, thanks17:06
pauljwno problem17:06
youssefbest tool to hack wpa2-psk?17:07
ducasseyoussef: we're not going to help you with that17:08
adaviatorcan i just rsync my suse root to ubuntu?17:09
ducasseyoussef: that should be obvious, it is most likely illegal (depending on where you live)17:09
qswzminimec: yea ok17:10
qswzI've read about libinput17:11
ducasseadaviator: the root filesystem? no, that will not work. what do you want to achieve?17:11
qswzbut too complex to set, it replace synaptics too, so more congis17:11
adaviatorduc89_, nah just the root home dir17:11
adaviatorducasse, *17:11
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youssefducasse: i live i morocco can you help me17:12
ducasseadaviator: for the root user's bashrc etc? there might be some minor stuff you will need to clean up.17:12
adaviatoryeah, all files from /root17:12
ducasseyoussef: no, we don't support stuff like that here.17:12
MonkeyDustyoussef  stop17:13
youssefducasse : ok17:13
ducasseadaviator: ubuntu and suse might have slightly different default PATH variables etc set, you really need to either test or look at the files side by side.17:13
adaviatorducasse, good to know, thanks!17:14
ducasseadaviator: things like .inputrc, .tmux.conf, .vimrc etc should be fine, though, just watch out for the shell config17:17
ducasseyoussef: no, i'm ot going to help you in pm either. nobody here is. please stop asking.17:19
sicko can anyone tell me why cut doesn't work on this "python --version|cut -c 1-4"17:20
youssefducasse: ok thanks17:22
ioriasicko,  what's the output you want ?17:22
sickoI just want the 2 or 3 so that i'll know if its python 2 or 3.and then i can use a if statment.17:23
arunpyasihello people, I have an issue with my ubuntu wifi, it gets disconnected time and again and I need to connect it again !!17:23
ioriasicko,   this ? python --version  2>&1 |cut -c 817:23
sifotI have a networking question as well, is this the best channel to ask?17:24
ducassesifot: that depends on the question, is it ubuntu-related in any way?17:24
sifotyeah, inter vlan routing on 16.1017:25
wastreli'm goig to do the dishes17:26
ducassesifot: try. if nobody answers try ##networking.17:26
sifotducasse: thanks, I'll try there first.17:27
sickoioria, yeah. This is good17:27
ioriasicko,   ok17:27
sickoThanks :)17:27
sickoI'll show you what I did when i'm done.17:27
woolfcan anyone hear me?17:29
ducassewoolf: yes, there's almost 1800 ppl here17:30
minimecwoolf: We can read you...17:30
woolfah yes I see that.17:30
woolfI'm just curious like... um... how do I register a nickname since this one is apparently already taken17:30
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.17:30
woolf!register Shroomigal17:31
woolfnope. Nothing.17:31
ducasseread the link17:31
woolfwhat link where?17:32
woolfah there sorry17:32
woolf(not wearing spectacles)17:32
=== woolf is now known as Shroomificent
ducasse!spam | vkku[m]17:36
ubottuvkku[m]: Please don't spam17:36
vkku[m]ubottu: sorry, it was a google april fools prank17:38
ubottuvkku[m]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:38
=== SirMarky1 is now known as SirMarky
Shroomificent /msg nickserv register koenyn676@doddswillem@gmail.com17:38
Shroomificent /msg nickserv register password_of_your_choice your@email.address ok so everyone saw that... SIGH17:39
ducasseShroomificent: do that in the server window/buffer - with a new password :)17:39
munchkin24Could anyone help me to understand how if I leave Ubuntu on for a few days, it will just not have any output selections in the sound options at all?17:39
jackson456Hey, I cannot remember the command to change permission of a log file17:39
jackson456something like that?17:40
jackson456Thats it!17:40
jackson456Thanks ducasse17:40
vagvafhello ppl, how can I add PHP to the PATH variable ?17:42
arunpyasivagvaf, I don't think you need to add php to the PATH variable17:49
arunpyasivagvaf, install php-cli and you can run php scripts from the command line without an issue !17:49
jackson54321Super newb here... Whenever I launch hexchat this error pops up "* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the17:53
jackson54321permissions on /home/jackson/.config/hexchat/logs/NETWORK/server.log"  I have tried chmod 777 /home/jackson/.config/hexchat/logs/NETWORK/server.log but it is not working. Any suggestions? If I run hexchat as root it goes away but running hexchat on root is dumb.17:53
ducassejackson54321: that happens _because_ you run things as root, it screws up permissions17:55
ducassejackson54321: run 'sudo chown -R $USER ~/.config'17:55
sebsebsebjackson54321: don't run root for anything17:56
jackson54321ducasse: Thank you17:57
sebsebsebjackson54321: unless you know what doing enough, and got good enough reason to.  and  root ends up owning evertyhing it touches baically17:57
sebsebsebjackson54321: and irc as root isnt secure yep17:57
ducassejackson54321: if you *have* to run a gui application as root, use gksudo17:57
sebsebsebjackson54321: yep whwat he just put17:58
SburI have a 512 GB usb key.  My system doesn't seem to recognize it any more.  lsusb doesn't show it. It is inserted in a USB 3.0 socket that worked in the past.  How do I make the computer see the usb key?  I have similar problems with my DVD writer drive, though it worked before17:58
jackson54321ducasse, sebsebseb: Thank you guys for the help. Only 3 weeks in for me and I DEFINITELY am overwhelmed17:59
SburThough the DVD burner is connected by SATA17:59
jackson54321ducasse: gksudo a program?18:01
jackson54321or a command18:01
sebsebsebjackson54321: and file permissions can be annoying sometimes,  but its all t here to protect for the users saftey.18:01
sebsebsebjackson54321: gksudo nautilus for examle would open up the file manager as root, you put in the terminal18:01
sebsebsebgksudo is installed by default18:01
sebsebsebsudo is for command line programs18:01
iorianot sure about that18:01
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:02
sebsebsebI think its  installed by default anyway18:02
sebsebsebif not18:02
sebsebsebsudo apt-get install gksudo I guess :d18:02
ioria!info gksudo18:02
ubottuPackage gksudo does not exist in yakkety18:02
ioria!info gksu18:02
ubottugksu (source: gksu): graphical front-end to su and sudo. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 50 kB, installed size 456 kB18:02
ducassesebsebseb: some desktops drag it in18:02
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sebsebsebjackson54321: how you find ouot about ubuntu ?18:03
robertzaccourHow do I use the Dell OS recovery tool on Ubuntu? Or is there a way to write the recovery image without the recovery tool?18:06
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  there's clonezilla18:07
robertzaccourHere's the tool I'm trying to use. Or get the recovery image written to a usb flash drive without it. http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/drivers/OSISO/Download?OSISOToken=dnBDZ2pXRE0yZDZudnVWcWRGanZML3dvTytjVjNlU0JCVDRUOEUxKzFUVWtFZFhqcVlJM016WlpaMitwM2I4Ng2&DriverId=TV232-WT64A&OSCode=WB64A18:07
robertzaccourMonkeyDust: But I don't currently have Windows installed.18:08
sebsebsebrobertzaccour: no the recovery partion is a windows thing18:10
sebsebsebrobertzaccour: don't think you can do much with it and linux18:10
sebsebsebalso its better to have some real install media a dvd  or usb for windows I htink18:10
MonkeyDustrobertzaccour  what's that got to do with it?18:10
OerHekshttps://launchpad.net/dell-recovery for the tool itself18:12
ppfducasse: fun fact: using a 2.4ghz n wifi right now, and the connection is keeping up18:22
amosbirdhi, what hwdb pattern should I use to match this https://paste.wentropy.com/dd8k18:23
ducasseppf: interesting. sad you can't try 5ghz ac...18:26
ppfducasse: yeah ..18:26
ricketyi downloaded android studio for my 16.04 when i downoaded it, it opend and was used. but there is no icon of any kind to click to open, is there a way to make it do that or will i be always openeing from the terminal?18:26
ducasseppf: i've had so many problems with 5ghz i just use 2.4ghz everywhere now, fwiw.18:27
ppfducasse: i'll try and use the 2.4ghz net for a bit, see what happens18:28
ppfmeanwhile, trying to mount an usb stick i get this: ntfs-3g-mount: mount failed: Device or resource busy18:29
asdfsdfsdfhow do i add http://download.bareos.org/bareos/release/latest/xUbuntu_16.04/Sources to ubuntu 16.04 server?18:29
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ducasseppf: if it's not an option long term, maybe mosh is.18:30
OerHeks!info bareos18:33
ubottubareos (source: bareos): Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.2.6-3 (yakkety), package size 17 kB, installed size 75 kB18:33
OerHeksasdfsdfsdf, it is in our repos too ?18:33
asdfsdfsdfyes but only version 14, there is already 1618:33
quardHey! What does this ubuntu icon mean? I always wondered. http://www.mobilefish.com/images/developer/ubuntu_boot_screen.gif18:34
ducasse!latest | asdfsdfsdf18:34
ubottuasdfsdfsdf: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:34
quardthe keyboard and the happy guy18:35
asdfsdfsdfi need version 16.X for compatibility18:36
OerHeksasdfsdfsdf, check their docs > http://doc.bareos.org/master/html/bareos-manual-main-reference.html#x1-370002.3.318:36
asdfsdfsdfbareos repo is good i just need to figure out how to add it18:36
trismrickety: there should be an option Tools/Create Desktop Entry... to automate creating one for you18:36
asdfsdfsdfOerHeks, yea, i try that18:37
alkisgquard, if you press that, you get keyboard (language and accessibility options18:38
asdfsdfsdfworked fine thanks OerHeks18:38
OerHeksasdfsdfsdf, have fun18:39
asdfsdfsdfit'll be fun porting my bareos database to the new ubuntu env :)18:40
OerHeksasdfsdfsdf, there are some limitations ...18:40
asdfsdfsdfboth were 16.04, not sure if postgresql database match same versions though18:41
asdfsdfsdfehm i mean 16.X18:41
ppfafter a reboot, mount is successful (sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt)18:41
ppfbut now i get this: ls: cannot access '/mnt': Transport endpoint is not connected18:41
OerHeksWe provide no libfastlz18:41
ppfthe stick is fine, works on another machine18:42
ppfthere's nothing in dmesg/syslog18:43
MonkeyDustppf  is this useful http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24966676/transport-endpoint-is-not-connected18:43
ricketyim not finding that option anywhere trism18:43
quardoh, I thought that it means having a keyboard makes a lot of people happy versus a touchscreen or something18:44
ppfMonkeyDust: i'm on yakkety. your paste refers to an ancient version of fuse18:44
blackbird1Hi guys18:49
sebsebsebblackbird1: hi18:49
thesushimanoftaohi room can i bring os issues with studio 14.04 here?18:50
sebsebsebthesushimanoftao: yes18:50
thesushimanoftaoi am using stock install, w chrome and xeoma as my only add ons outside the software center18:51
blackbird1In a persistent live USB, I create a new user (group sudo), in the terminal the authentification pass very well, but in the software-center I can't authentificate18:51
thesushimanoftaoi use software center for most of my updates but occasionally do an apt-get update18:52
thesushimanoftaoand i keep getting boot failures18:52
thesushimanoftaois there a way to reinstall over existing data so i dont have to reset up accounts and move data around?18:53
Ben64thesushimanoftao: explain boot failures18:53
thesushimanoftaostartup screen gives me the choice to "fix: etc and then only booted a couple times when iignored18:54
Ben64gonna need exact message18:54
thesushimanoftaothat was it when it failed it stopped giving messages18:55
thesushimanoftaolive cd works and still sees drive18:55
Ben64so it works now?18:55
thesushimanoftaowont boot off sdd drive18:55
thesushimanoftaoonly live cd18:55
Ben64ok what happens when you try to boot18:55
thesushimanoftaoblinking cursor top left18:56
thesushimanoftaono splash18:56
blackbird1thesushimanoftao, chroot your sdd and try to fix it from it18:56
thesushimanoftaooff of live cd?18:56
blackbird1live cd18:56
blackbird1thesushimanoftao, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot18:58
OerHeks"startup screen gives me the choice to fix: etc" sounds like you need to run fsck on those partitions18:59
OerHeksignoring those warnings at boot result in ro filesystems, grinn19:00
blackbird1thesushimanoftao, boot in recovry mode (without live cd) and try the fsck as OerHeks said19:02
blackbird1anyone could help me please19:02
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OerHeksblackfor that persistent usb, i think it is a waste of time making an other user with sudorights. it might work on a real install.19:03
thesushimanoftaojust lost my uefi cd in bios19:03
alkisgppf: try mounting /dev/sdd1 elsewhere, as /mnt might be a stall mount point. E.g. mkdir /tmp/sdd1; sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /tmp/sdd119:06
arunpyasihello people, I have an issue with my ubuntu wifi, it gets disconnected time and again and I need to connect it again !!19:09
thesushimanoftaonow getting reboot and select proper boot device error19:10
yoyodudeHey peeps, I'm trying to install the linux kernel on an official vagrant ubuntubox19:10
OerHeksyoyodude, good luck, vagrant uses its own kernel.19:11
yoyodude(I need to do some linux kernel dev so I need to run the "pure" linux kernel)19:11
yoyodudeOerHeks: I guess that makes sense why my box just stopped booting19:11
OerHeksi mean, it is not bad, but for kernel dev you would need something better than vagrant or virtualbox, KVM perhaps?19:13
yoyodudeI unfortunately am on a Mac so I pretty much have to use a VM. I'll check out KVM, thanks!19:14
xenuxDo someone know the command to launch a ubuntu installed in legacy mode from a liveusb in EFI mode ?19:14
yoyodudeNever used docker before either :(19:15
thesushimanoftaoi am afraid my ssd may have failed19:16
thesushimanoftaoi disco'd the ssd and now live cd booting19:17
acheron-athesushimanoftao, thats very rare, are you sure its not marked Read Only (RO)?19:18
thesushimanoftaonot yet19:19
breadandbutterHi! can i ask for support here or would i be better suited using the community forums?19:19
thesushimanoftaoi am booting off livecd without sdd attached19:19
thesushimanoftaobread if you are using stock installs then ask here19:20
rogierbreadandbutter, you can ask... if we can provide a solution, depends on the question/problem ;)19:20
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
BlitzerHoundHey, perfect timing implite. :319:23
breadandbutterwell, basically i want to resize my c drive into a separate partition, so i can have more data to save stuff on. But... I've only used gparted once, and my windows install is also on C: so i really don't want to screw stuff up19:23
poinkuI want to try ubuntu19:25
rogierbreadandbutter, so the drive is now fully dedicated to windows?19:25
poinkuCan I do an installation from Usb pen drive19:25
rogierpoinku: yes you can19:25
xenuxpoinku, yes19:26
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:26
OerHeksand !usb19:26
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:26
poinkurogier: Can i first download it on my android phone and then transfer iso or installation file to a. Usb pen drive using otg,  will that  work19:26
breadandbutterI'm on ubuntu right now using a wubiuefi install, so the only separate space i have is the tiny 18gb partition it came with19:27
xenuxpoinku, no i will not work19:27
rogierpoinko, i don't think so19:27
xenuxpoinku, the iso need to be put with special tools as dd19:28
poinkuxenux: Okay,  because my PC has gone to misbehaving,  with Windows 10 on it19:28
rogieryou could however, download the iso on you phone.. then tranfer the iso to a computer (via datacable).. and then burn it on a usb thumbdrive19:28
xenuxto make it bootable19:28
xenuxBe careful between legacy and EFI mode19:29
poinkuLet me read that article,  brb19:29
xenuxrogier, can I ask you something ?19:30
rogieryou can19:30
breadandbutterbut otherwise the drive is dedicated to windows, yes19:30
xenuxI have installed my Ubuntu on legacy mode19:31
xenuxNow I want to change the boot in EFI19:31
rogierbreadandbutter, i would use a livecd with gparted, to resize the drive's partition. http://gparted.org/livecd.php19:32
xenuxBut I can't found a solution for run my installed Ubuntu in EFI mode so I can install EFI with apt-get19:34
breadandbutterif i  resized from within gparted on ubuntu itself, would that damage anything? I don't have access to media19:34
implitehow do you turn on hidden folders and files in home directory?19:35
Bashing-omimplite: ctl+h ?/ what you seek ?19:36
rogierbreadandbutter, i'm not familiar with the wubiuefi thing... But i would, use a livecd or liveusb. (It's never wise to do these action on a drive that is in use.19:36
implitethanks Bashing-om19:37
impliteyes that was what i wanted19:37
Bashing-omimplite: :)19:37
rogierxenux: i've never done this... i remain with the type.. once installed19:39
xenuxok thx19:40
quardwhat's the easiest way to make a file on HDD appear as a block device as a /dev/sdX ?19:40
xenuxI don't understand why liveUSB doesn't suggest installed OS19:40
quardor /dev/mapper/xxx19:41
geirhaquard: you can use losetup to make a block device for a file19:41
quardlosetup doesn't work, the block device does not appear in the installer19:42
quardI think dmsetup needs to be used19:42
geniiquard: Is the file a hard drive image with partitions?19:42
quardI made an empty file with dd, it's 512MB large and located inside /tmp that is mounted as tmpfs19:43
quarddoing losetup /dev/loop0 /tmp/file.img will not make the device to appear in ubuntu installer19:44
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quardI've tried "mknod /dev/sdx b 7 200" and then losetup the image to that device, but it didn't work either19:45
quardany ideas? I just want a blank device to temporary install the /boot partition on it.19:46
aviraljoin /hangout19:49
Night___is it just me or is outout from ifconfig cleaner than ip19:49
ducassequard: then i think you need to make an actual block device, a partition or logical volume would be the easiest.19:49
MonkeyDustaviral  it's   /j #hangouts19:50
aviralyeah , typo :p19:50
aviralMonkeyDust thanks :)19:50
quardhow do I make "an actual block device"?19:52
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geniiman makedev19:53
ducasseor just make an empty partition19:54
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quardis mknod different from makedev?19:56
=== Xe is now known as dQw4w9WgXcQ
rogierdQw4w9WgXcQ, i like Xe better ;)20:02
dQw4w9WgXcQrogier: this nick is never gonna give you up20:02
rogiernever gonna let me down20:03
dQw4w9WgXcQrogier: i mean literally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ20:03
rogierdQw4w9WgXcQ rolled20:04
rogierehm.. rick rolled20:05
geniiPlease save the silliness for #ubuntu-offtopic so we can keep this channel clear for supporting users20:05
rogiergenii.. sure thing :)20:05
rogierbut a little fun when there aren't any questions asked.. is not that problematic i presume?20:06
Jordan_Uquard: What is your end goal?20:06
geniirogier: That's why I let it go on for a bit before remarking.20:06
rogiergenii: ok :)20:07
quardJordan_U: Install ubuntu on an encrypted HDD (including /boot)20:07
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=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
quardubiquity complains that /boot is encrypted and refuses to continue, wants an unencrypted /boot. So I am trying to give it one.20:08
Jordan_Uquard: Can you temporarily put /boot/ on a USB drive, to later move it back into your root filesystem?20:09
Jordan_Uquard: Is this a BIOS or UEFI based install? Why do you care about /boot/ being encrypted? There shouldn't be anything secret in /boot/.20:10
quardJordan_U: I anticipated that answer. The shotr answer is yes I can, but I won't. The long answer is that I'm going to write a tutorial about this and I can't expect every reader to have an extra USB key handy. So I am trying to avoid using any extra devices.20:10
quardIt's BIOS.20:10
Jordan_Uquard: Why do you want /boot/ to be encrypted? Do you have a plan for getting past having to enter your LUKS password twice, once for grub and again for linux?20:11
quardthat's my next task, and I've already read both articles by Pavel.20:13
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quardarch and mint ^^20:13
Jordan_Uquard: Might make more sense to install via debootstrap.20:13
quardalso, there's this: http://dustymabe.com/2015/07/06/encrypting-more-boot-joins-the-party/20:13
quardI never thought ubiquity would be so much trouble20:15
Jordan_Uquard: I also still don't see any advantage to encrypting /boot/. Encrypting keeps things secret. Everything in /boot/ should be publicly available in Ubuntu's repositories. Despite what some people think, encrypting /boot/ doesn't prevent someone from modifying the bootloader to record your password and do whatever it wants with it (if they get physical access to the computer, or root access remotely).20:17
quardbootloader will be moved to the flash rom as a coreboot payload.20:18
Gryfelhashi folks, I'm using xubuntu 16.04 and i'm unable to change time and date with the date command (as root) ... it immedatly changes it back to the correct time. Any ideas ? Can't find an ntp-client via dpkg -l |grep ntp20:18
quardJordan_U: And you're right about something. There is no security without physical security.20:20
Jordan_UGryfelhas: Please pastebin the output of "timedatectl".20:20
ppfalkisg: just did, same error20:22
ppf(sorry i missed you reply)20:22
GryfelhasJordan_U: https://pastebin.com/ZMVNjY7c    ok, I see it uses ntp20:23
Jordan_UGryfelhas: See "man timedatectl" for how to turn off NTP, but why do you want your date to be wrong?20:24
ppfls: cannot access '/media/usb': Transport endpoint is not connected20:24
GryfelhasJordan_U: thx I already read the manpage - Just for a test20:25
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ChaiTRexXxXorsXxX: !!20:35
ppfthere's no error regarding usb or fs in dmesg/syslog20:35
XxXorsXxXyou speak turksh ?20:36
ppfhow do i debug this ..20:36
ppf!turkey | XxXorsXxX20:36
ubottuXxXorsXxX: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:36
BlitzerHoundSo I'm having the bug described in this page... anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? I don't see any solutions yet. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openarena/+bug/165156120:43
ScottyKGreetings! On 16.04, how do you "disable" the top menu bar on a second monitor? I've got full screen applicaitons on the second monitor, and when I try to close them, the menu bar keeps activating. Thanks!20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1651561 in openarena (Ubuntu) "openarena crashes upon starting or joining a game" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:43
BlitzerHoundMy specific issue tells me in terminal that "RE_Shutdown( 1 ) OpenAL capture device closed."20:44
BlitzerHoundAlso, it only happens when I try to join a map.20:45
BlitzerHoundAnd the last bit of info is that my system is an inspiron b120 laptop20:45
ppfalkisg: so, i think you might've been partially right20:47
ppfi've just unistalled usbmount, works fine now.20:47
ppfi believe usbmount was kind of 'half-mounting' the disk, so i couldn't get it to fully mount20:48
sere84how can i add packages to a install cd minimal install to be exact. i remember reading something about a program but cant find it20:52
sergicomo instalo office word 201020:53
impliteBlitzerHound: is this your problem also? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openarena/+bug/167832020:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1678320 in openarena (Ubuntu) "OpenArena close unexpectedly on Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 (dailly ISO) after click on "Play" button" [Undecided,New]20:53
BlitzerHoundYeah, that one's more closely related since the terminal output seems nearly identical to mine.20:54
BlitzerHoundAlso more related since my problem also occurs when I push 'play'20:54
impliteok, that might be the main issue. this guy reported it as a bug 23 hours ago20:55
ubottubug 23 in Baz (deprecated) "baz redo should use merge3 for conflicts like most other commands do." [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2320:55
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
thesushimanoftaohello room back again with some new challenges regarding this ssd drive using studio 14.0421:23
=== antoine___ is now known as antoine
thesushimanoftaoam using the ultimate boot cd21:23
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thesushimanoftaoit finds sda221:24
bekksthesushimanoftao: how do you search for sda2 et al?21:24
thesushimanoftaofile manager21:24
thesushimanoftaoexit status 1 is the mounting error21:25
bekksthesushimanoftao: In the file manager, you should not see a partition, but a mounted file system.21:25
thesushimanoftaousing the ultimateboot cd21:26
thesushimanoftaoi can drop into livecd for studio if that will work better21:27
thesushimanoftaocan i pm you bekks?21:29
bekksthesushimanoftao: No nee to do so.21:29
=== HerculeP_ is now known as HerculeP
thesushimanoftaoso i am now running gparted21:30
thesushimanoftaoit is scanning21:30
thesushimanoftaomy original setup was an internal ssd (120) with an external 2tb21:31
thesushimanoftaothis morning when i could not get livecd to see the ssd i replaced it with a 1tb and installed fresh21:31
thesushimanoftaoi have now reconnected the ssd on a different SATA port with different cable21:31
thesushimanoftaoand the new install went to a prompt rather than completing boot21:32
thesushimanoftaoi brought out my tructy ultimate boot cd21:32
thesushimanoftaoand now am running gparted21:32
Night___Hmm strange hsts preload is not respected in bundled ff 17.04 beta 2. Even with site added  to hsts preload list and forward from 80 to 443. All I get is a bin file download. But works after I manually type https one time21:37
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OerHeksNight___, report this in #ubuntu+121:38
thesushimanoftaojust switched to livecd21:39
thesushimanoftaoata4 softreset error21:39
thesushimanoftaocontinuing livecd boot21:39
Night___Thank you oerherk21:42
m3n3chm0any clue ?21:43
thesushimanoftaobekks you still with me21:45
thesushimanoftaojust finished boot with livecd21:45
thesushimanoftaorunning gparted it does not find sdd drive21:45
MonkeyDustthesushimanoftao  in a terminal, type   lsblk -f21:46
OerHeksthesushimanoftao, nothing ubuntu can do about failing hardware21:48
thesushimanoftaoi understand oerheks, i wish i could confirm21:48
thesushimanoftaomonkey it found sda and sro'21:49
Bashing-omthesushimanoftao: Does bios even see the SSD ?21:49
MonkeyDustthesushimanoftao  paste the outcome here, to show it to the channel ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:50
notmikeI've now installed Ubuntu in VirtualBox at least twice (with and without LVM or Grub). Each time install completes, the system terms, reboots, and I just get a blank screen with _21:50
compdocnotmike, havent used VB in a long time, but can you assign video ram or change the type of video card for the guest?21:52
bekkscompdoc: you can adjust the VRAM size but you cannot change the type.21:53
compdochow much vram does it get now?21:53
compdocthats better than I would have thought21:54
notmike4gb memory, 25gb dynamic disk21:54
notmikeThe shit had all the resources it should have ever needed for a simple install.21:55
MonkeyDustnotmike  mind your language21:55
OerHeks128 minimum21:55
notmikeAnd I don't imagine VirtualBox created the vm wrong (its pretty self explanatory)21:55
compdocI dont know lvm well enough. I always use entire disk. create one data partition and one swap partition21:55
notmikethat's what i did21:56
compdoc*it creates21:56
notmikeinstall finished fine21:56
notmikeit just doesn't boot now21:56
compdocthis the the standard 64bit desktop ubuntu? what version?21:56
compdoc*ias the21:56
compdocmy fav :)21:57
notmike64-bit Ubuntu Server21:57
compdocthe host is Server?21:57
compdocor the guest21:57
notmikethe virtualmachine is running ubuntu server21:59
notmikeand when install reboots I just get this http://imgur.com/a/7uJvR22:00
jaco_____Hello everone22:05
azxhow come when i try to extract some rar files with package manager through the gui, it gives me an error?22:05
azxand when i try to copy something to an external drive, i get read only error22:05
jaco_____chnmod maybe22:06
ChaiTRexazx: What error?22:12
ChaiTRexazx: (on Package Manager extraction of RAR)22:13
Jens2000Hello, i'm trying to make a bootable Ubuntu USB, but i can't get it to work. I'm using a USB stick that contained a bootable Windows setup before .. so it can't be the USB stick itself. Any help?22:20
Tatoucurl -s 'http://www.bing.com/HPImageArchive.aspx?format=js&idx=0&n=1&mkt=en-GB' | jq -r '.images[0].url'22:20
TatouGiven that line - how do I then download that url? I cannot see a way to do so..22:20
TatouOr even assign the result to a variable22:20
katakaioJens2000: What OS are you trying to make the bootable USB stick on?22:21
Jens2000katakaio - On Windows 722:21
notmikeeI'll show you mine if you show me urs.22:21
TatouJens2000: I had a similar issue the other day.. I change to using rufus iirc22:21
wedgievar="$(curl ...)"22:21
Bashing-om!md5sum | Jens200022:21
ubottuJens2000: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM22:21
katakaioJens2000: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows22:21
wedgieor   curl "$(curl ...)"22:21
notmikeI guess I needed to install Grub.22:22
Tatousweet, thanks wedgie .. I'll be reading a bash book soon <_<22:22
Jens2000I tried Rufus ( among some other tools ) and it didn't work. When trying to boot my PC from USB it simply said something like the drive isn't bootable.22:22
=== highlander is now known as qwant
wedgieTatou: some super sharp people in #bash. and a good guide in the topic as well22:22
Jens2000ubottu - One of the other tools i tried verified the ISO checksum, and it said it was correct.22:23
ubottuJens2000: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:23
Jens2000ubottu - Oops :-P22:23
jqWomp, my nick gets highlighted way too much22:23
wedgiejq: thats what you get for being a json parser :P22:24
Tatouthanks wedgie .. I'll have to do that :x22:25
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=== Guest76885 is now known as qwant
doge-dogehey guys, quick support question, basically since luks takes up a large portion of /boot, how do old kernels get auto-removed to prevent /boot from overflowing when updating the system?22:27
doge-dogethe old kernels do indeed to get marked as "autoremovable" in synaptic, do you just need to run this command periodically?22:28
doge-dogei usually check up on the free space whenever a new kernel is installed by doing a "df -h |grep boot"22:29
ikoniawhat is it you're actually asking here ?22:29
jackson435Hey guys. When I log onto the irc server I get this error "* Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the22:30
jackson435permissions on /home/jackson/.config/hexchat/logs/NETWORK/server.log" I believe it has to do with my permissions,22:30
doge-dogeis there an automatic mechanism by which old kernels get removed in /boot so it doesn't overflow when you update the system?22:30
jackson435anyone able to help me remove it22:30
Bashing-omdoge-doge: Yepper : enabling autoremove in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades .22:30
doge-dogeI believe that's enabled by selecting "download and install security updates manually"22:31
ikoniadoge-doge: it used to do kernel n-1 as an install hook, but for someone unknown reason that was removed, so you need to use the autoremove to keep on top of it22:31
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ikoniayou can use the unattended-upgrades file as Bashing-om suggested, I'm not personally convinced it's a mature enough solution yet22:31
maddawg2isnt that what 'apt-get autoremove' is for?22:31
doge-dogebut I'm used to simply updating via the cmd line sudo apt upgrade, which I think bypasses unattended-upgrades22:31
Didact69is there a gui to look at my Hard disks, specifically I want to mount my 3tb drive22:31
ikoniamaddawg2: yes, but the point is should you really have to manually run that for a software package set that is cumulative22:32
ikoniadoge-doge: it dosn't bypass it22:32
ikoniaDidact69: the default file manager22:32
maddawg2ikonia i agree22:32
doge-dogei'm curious how this doesn't affect more people since we're talking about a manual intervention here?22:32
maddawg2i got bit in the ass the other day by it22:33
doge-dogealthough I do believe /boot is 512MB by defualt and that fits a lot of kernel images, maybe 20-3022:33
ikoniadoge-doge: most people size boot to an appropriate size for the lifecycle of their install - or come here complaining they are out of space22:33
maddawg2yea like me22:33
ikonia500mb is not 20 kernels22:33
maddawg2i should increase my size22:34
doge-dogewell w/e the num ber22:34
OerHeksone does backups, one does cleanups..22:34
ikoniaOerHeks: sadly that is not the norm for people22:34
maddawg2i got like 96TB to blow might as well give my /boot some size22:34
doge-dogeesp. if you need to bring in firmware and headers, along with the main kernel images...they also fit into /boot22:34
Didact69ok, I 've got a drive that mounted, and I don't know where it's mounted it's called 3tb22:34
OerHeksikonia, wet from moore, 1 backup is not enough these days22:34
ikoniadoge-doge: no they don't22:34
ikoniadoge-doge: they go in /lib22:34
doge-dogeidk, have to check for sure22:35
maddawg2Didact69, how do you know it's mounted?22:35
ikoniadoge-doge: it goes into /lib22:35
doge-dogeoh wow, so for an aveage kernel size of 70MB, that only fits ~7 images?22:35
Didact69the file manager say it is and I can click unmount22:35
ikoniadoge-doge: easy solution put an @reboot task in cron apt-get autoremove -y22:36
ikoniait's not what it should be but it will work22:36
Didact69ok, I looked at the mtab22:37
doge-dogewe gotta be carefull about running autoremove too since things like vlc can easily be marked as removable if things like rythmbox is uninstalled or some silly thing22:37
maddawg2Didact69, in the command prompt you could do a 'df -h'22:37
ikoniadoge-doge: not really only if it's orphaned22:37
maddawg2it should list all drives22:37
ikoniaand if it's orphaned, you don't want it on the system22:37
maddawg2and i believe it shows the mount points too22:37
Didact69yeah, it does, now I need to decide where I want it to automount22:37
maddawg2put it in /mnt22:38
doge-dogeikonia, i like that cron suggestion but again I want to absolutely make sure I know what i'm autoremoving before running the cmd22:38
maddawg2that's what  /mnt is for22:39
olmariI don't knoe is this question for ubuntu or ubuntu-dev but... I got weird problem with network-manager or more deep... it basically says "device not managed" for every dvice I have and I have exhausted the usuals.. having no /etc/interfaces/network conf, or having auto, NM related.. "looked all internet" but still no go22:39
Didact69yeah, that makes sense22:39
Didact69how do I find out it's unique id ?22:40
ikoniaolmari: how many devices do you have ?22:40
olmariI did install ubuntu "trough" debootstap basically (ZFS) and that is the diffirnece... but it is not ZFSW problem itself, it comes if doing similar setup with ext4 too22:40
olmariikonia: wlan, wired and mobile22:40
olmariplain normal GUI install those work, so..22:41
ikoniawhy did you install it through debootstrap22:41
ikoniaas oppposed to a normal installer routine22:41
olmariikonia: because can't install onto ZFS root without22:41
ikoniawhat does the syslog show network manager doing with the interfaces at boot time22:41
olmariikonia: let's (try to) see22:42
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ikoniaolmari: have yoy actually looked at the syslog yet ?22:42
olmariikonia: at some point yes, figured I'd dig this again now :)22:43
olmariikonia: the thing is, I don't see anything really failing there relating NetworkManager22:44
ikoniaI'm not looking for a failure22:45
ikoniaI'm looking for what the syslog says network manager is doing with the interfaces22:45
olmariikonia: I'll pastebin22:46
ikoniadon't need a pastebin22:46
ikoniajust human summary of what it's doing22:46
olmariwell one oopsie I do see "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files", before NM starting even comes... then it does find all devices (so them existing isn't the prob), loads plugins etc.. all normal stuff basically...22:49
ikoniaare you trying to use the network manager applet, or the network manager command line22:50
ikoniaolmari: verify from the command line22:51
ikoniathe applet is not network manager, it's an interface to it22:51
ikoniayou need to know what the problem is22:51
olmariikonia: well I could try, never tried that really... :)22:51
Didact69how do u save stuff in nano ?22:52
dn1987pctrl + o22:52
Didact69ah, ty, guess write out = save22:52
olmariikonia: all devices "unmanaged" as figured earlier, tough done everything internet suggest to remedy that, still no :D22:53
OerHeks olmari is this on a laptop? some have a FN key to turn wifi on22:54
olmariOerHeks: yes, and it is.. but also affects wired22:54
olmariall interfaces works when fiddling manually (well 3g-modem too should I know connect.scdripts, but anyway, hardware is enabled)22:55
ikoniaolmari: what network manager command line did you run22:56
olmariI'd need to figure out what in earth does "normal" ubuntu install do that debootstarp method doesn't.. (ie base CLI, from there "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop") doesn't22:56
olmariikonia: nmcli d to show devices22:56
ikoniaolmari: if you run "nmcli device status" what do you get22:57
WACOMalthey guys. How can I fix this issue with dependencies on my locales when trying to install tmux? https://pastebin.com/Q35vgvhz22:58
WACOMaltand when I do apt-get -f install I get this: https://pastebin.com/Lf7HfmgX22:58
olmariikonia: same output basically.. listing of every network device and all unmanaged22:58
olmariWACOMalt: done apt-get update first?22:59
ikoniaolmari: what version of ubuntu is it ??22:59
WACOMaltyes olmari23:00
olmariikonia: 16.10 "fresh" install, issue was also in 16.0423:00
ikoniaolmari: pastebin /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf23:00
Guest19292Hi all, I have a question about use case diagram, Is there anyone can answer me?23:00
ikoniaolmari: I think I know why this may be happening23:00
Guest19292Ok, My question is  I have an actor does many acts on one thing.g add book info, edit book info, remove book info. The question is, in use case diagram it is must write each action in a oval shape alone or I can put all action which are related with one thing in one oval shape like this add/edit/remove book info .23:02
Guest19292* Ok, My question is If I have an actor does many acts on one thing e.g add book info, edit book info, remove book info. The question is, in use case diagram it is must write each action in a oval shape alone or I can put all action which are related with one thing in one oval shape like this add/edit/remove book info .23:03
ikoniaGuest19292: thats nothing to do with ubuntu23:03
ikonia(and therefore nothing to do with this cahnnel)23:03
ikoniachannel even23:03
olmariikonia: https://p.kapsi.fi/?e3d319b157eb1bf6#vXk6hRbCUp0+S2LAK5N67leN2M53zPQtabuJHpUS0Hc=23:03
ikoniaolmari: interesting, I expected the managed flag to be in main23:05
ikoniaI'm not sure if thats right/wrong for 16.1023:05
olmariikonia: well... I could try to put it there too, should that be it :D23:06
olmarino diffirence :P23:07
ikoniaolmari: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/163884223:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1658921 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1638842 NetworkManager does not manage wired connection" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:07
ikoniathats pretty much the same bug that debootstrap would cause23:08
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
olmariikonia: hmm... might be onto something there23:09
jackson435Hey guys, getting this message when I connect to IRC. Anyone able to help me get rid of it?  Can't open log file(s) for writing. Check the23:11
jackson435permissions on /home/jackson/.config/hexchat/logs/NETWORK/server.log23:11
dn1987pwell maybe check the permissions on that file ^^23:12
olmariikonia: thit that was it!23:12
ikoniaolmari: excellent23:13
olmariikonia: a damned big thank you23:13
ikonianot a problem23:13
TatouSilly question - if I specify a cron to run every 2 hours, but reboot my machine every 1 hour .. wiill it ever run?23:13
dn1987pif your machine is running at the point of time specified for the cronjob, it should23:14
olmariikonia: "won't fix" is kind of stupid resolution there... or well maybe more of broader thing than that... because method of installing ubuntu desktop shouldn't IMHO affect this, even if the explanation there would be correct in itself23:14
TatouBut the cron is specifed for every 2 hours, dn1987p23:14
TatouWhen does that 2 hour start? is the question..23:14
dn1987pTatou,  depends how its specified23:16
olmariTatou: AFAIK in general it will... as it is fixed to clock, not counting uptime... tough ofcourse if machine is not on when cronjob should be executed, then not23:16
dn1987p0 */2 * * * script.sh would run at 2:00 4:00 etc23:17
Tatouok, that will do.. It's a shame that cron itself doesn't have the same options as in windows23:17
TatouWhere you can say "run at next possible time if missed"23:18
ikoniait does that23:18
ikoniayou set it it to run every 2 hours23:18
ikoniait will run at the next 2 hour window if missed23:18
olmariTatou: http://serverfault.com/questions/52335/job-scheduling-using-crontab-what-will-happen-when-computer-is-shutdown-during has more info23:19
ikoniaolmari: maybe worth re-opening that bug with your views on it23:19
TatouSure, ikonia .. But if I miss it by 1 min it will not do it for another 119 minutes23:19
ikoniathe installing from an unsuported method is a valid reason not to fix it, but I don't think the root of it is the install method23:19
ikoniaTatou: because you tell it to23:19
dn1987pTatou, check out the link and look for anacron23:20
ikoniathat is the point of a time based scheuduler, not a task based one23:20
olmariikonia: exactly, like few of those posters did kind of say too :)23:20
Tatoudn1987p: I'm looking it up :-)23:20
Tatousigh, sometimes I despair at the state of puppet modules.. Anacron on ubuntu is a nogo23:20
ikoniaanacron is nothing to do with puppet23:21
TatouNo, but I deploy this stuff through puppet23:21
ikoniayou can deploy anacron jobs via puppet just fine23:22
ikoniait even has a resource for it23:22
TatouI'm not seeing this resource23:22
olmariikonia: maybe I will reopen it even... reasoning is flawed... true server is not likely wanted "all of the sudden wanted t ohave NM doing stuff", but installing ubuntu-desktop is kind of exactly what user wants to do when doing that... :D23:22
TatouI see cron23:22
ikoniaI think you have to inculde the anacron module - which defines the resource23:23
ikoniayou just don't have to use the module23:23
Tatouheh, I just find it easier to manage state via puppet23:23
TatouBut puppet modules can be so hit and miss..23:23
TatouRegardless, anacron looks like it's a worthwile read :-)23:24
Tatouas-is I schedule daily jobs @ 9pm, when I will more than liekly be on23:25
olmariikonia: can I reopen it even? or "just" add comments23:26
ikoniajust add the command23:26
olmariikonia: well it is marked as dupe of newer bug which is still open23:26
ikoniaolmari: good spot, get on that bug23:27
olmariconfirmed :)23:27
olmarithat status :)23:27
rizonzis there love around ?23:29
olmarionly nerdy klingon kind of love23:29
rizonzolmari: we need to hug23:30
bazhangrizonz, please chatter elsewhere23:31
rizonzbazhang: IRC is love is needed23:31
bazhangrizonz, this is ubuntu support only23:31
rizonzbazhang: ubuntu is lovely so needs sweet support23:32
rizonzwhen someone has an issue and is in a bad mood he first needs hugs23:32
bazhangrizonz, #ubuntu-offtopic , NOT here23:32
rizonzbazhang: okidoki23:33
fred911I need help getting ALSA to add HDMI surround 5.1 as an available profile, any help here?23:42
YopPeoplehello everyone, i want to make an arcade with my old computer with 1Mo ram and a poor graphic card (1To memory, useless but that's all I have) and I would like to know which distribution of *buntu is the best to just execute the game users will launch and take care of as little as possible of the rest and which graphical interface i have to choose ? If you have some ideas to help me, your welcome. thanks !23:43
tacomasterDoes ubuntu support secureboot with out tweaking anything from a fresh install?23:45
olmaritacomaster: yes23:46
OerHekswell, you need a efi partition... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:49
OverrRydehi everyone, quick question: if i need VNC access to my headless server, do i need X11VNC or Tight/TigerVNC? i am a little confused!23:52
fred911OverrRyde: I'd just install Remmina it should have what you need23:54
OerHeksheadless ..23:54
OverrRydei forgot to mention, i would need to be able to have have this launched prior to logging in and at boot23:55
OerHeksyes, ofcourse you do need that. you need a graphical login to your headless server before logging in on your machine, got ya.23:56
olmariOverrRyde: is there specific reason for VNC specifically isntead of SSH?23:57
olmariI do know many VPS providers also offers VNC connection to console, but that isn't what was asked really... but VNC to headless isn't totally out of the question, just not normally needed or used stuff really23:58
OverrRydehmmm well i do use SSH for maintenance on the server, but would like to be able to use a virtual GUI for playing around, this is a home file server/web server for my own files/site23:58
ubuntu-matehi, didnt use linux for 4 years now. what did i miss since the war of the desktop environments?23:59
PipeItToDevNullOverrRyde, you can pass X over SSH23:59
PipeItToDevNullubuntu-mate, XFCE won23:59
bazhangubuntu-mate, try in ##linux or the chat channel23:59
olmariOverrRyde: well if you want headless server to hae GUI then you do need some form of windowmanager etc, just like locally would23:59
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic ubuntu-mate23:59

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