
brunch875$ telegram-sergiusens.telegram11:43
brunch875damn, can't paste the message report11:44
brunch875snap/telegram-sergiusens/26/command-telegram.wrapper: 6: exec: /snap/telegram-sergiusens/26//usr/bin/env: not found11:44
brunch875preceed by a slash11:44
ograogra@styx:~$ snap info telegram-sergiusens|grep refresh11:56
ograrefreshed:   2017-04-01 19:32:23 +0200 CEST11:56
ograbrunch875, probably an april fools joke from sergio ;)11:56
ograbrunch875, open a topic on the forum in the snaps category to make him know it is broken (i see the same here)11:57
ogra(or ping him on rocket.ubuntu.com)12:03
brunch875orgra: forums?12:03
brunch875we have forums?12:03
ograsee topic ;)12:03
brunch875oh! :D12:04
brunch875is rocket the new IRC nowadays? There seem to be a couple of alternatives...12:05
ograwell, it is rocket, IRC, forum and mailing lists ...12:09
ograthe latter two might merge at some point12:09
brunch875I've also seen matrix.org trying to standardize protocols through restful apis, but this all reminds me of https://xkcd.com/927/12:13
ograyeah, a bit12:14
ograwe used to use a closed telegram group for snapd development, that bit moved to the forum so you can finally have some more insight12:15
ograi think thats a big improvement12:15
ogra(doing opensource development behind closed doors is never good)12:16
brunch875I fully agree with that12:16
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mupPR snapd#3087 closed: overlord/snapstate: introduce tasks for aliases v2 semantics with temporary names for now (aliases v2) <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3087>17:25
farribeirohelp to build a snap package... I want build firefox + deb package (as daemon)... not have any document for this19:48
farribeirohelp to build a snap package... I want build firefox + deb package (as daemon)... not have any document for this19:53
CoderEuropefarribeiro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/snapcraft/parts19:57
farribeiroI taking a look just this section, but don undestanding19:58
farribeiroI have built a Dockerfile with this scenario19:59
CoderEuropefarribeiro: have you tried here ? https://rocket.ubuntu.com/channel/snapcraft19:59
farribeiroI'm a baby with snappy... docker not well19:59
farribeirono... in rocket, no20:00
farribeiroMy snapscrafty... https://gist.github.com/farribeiro/602bd0a2a15ea30c9a36651698627dee20:00
CoderEuropewell put your question there - thats where all the developers hang on !20:01
farribeiromy Dockerfile https://github.com/farribeiro/wscef-docker/blob/master/Dockerfile20:01
CoderEuropefarribeiro: please refer you question to: https://rocket.ubuntu.com/channel/snapcraft20:01
lifeless.win goto #openstack-neutron23:40

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