
allison1Happy Monday!07:08
allison1....slow morning :p07:18
* allison1 waits for UK07:18
flocculantallison1: morning from the UK - even if I'm not the droid you were looking for :)07:24
allison1flocculant: hey :D07:24
muktupavelsTrevinho: hi, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~muktupavels/compiz/lp1530277/+merge/321647?07:45
Trevinhomuktupavels: that won't override GDK_SCALE?07:46
muktupavelsTrevinho: I think no, but I will check now07:46
Trevinhomuktupavels: ack, let me know, in case you might just get the value from the env if set I guess07:47
muktupavelsTrevinho, device scale must be 1 otherwise you get problems, check screenshot in bug07:48
muktupavelsGDK_SCALE is now ignored, but at least decorations looks correctly, only not scaled.07:49
muktupavelsFull fix will require libmetacity 3.26 where I have meta_theme_set_scale.07:50
willcookemorning all08:00
muktupavelsTrevinho: GDK_SCALE just affects GTK+, and then gdk_window_create_similar_surface will create surface with same device scale.08:06
Trevinhomuktupavels: ok, let's go with that then08:06
Trevinhohi willcooke, Laney08:06
willcookehey Trevinho, how's the weather :)08:06
Laneyah, Trevinho on IRC08:07
Laneywhat a GREAT DAY it must be08:07
willcookesee Laney, it's *not* a holiday08:07
Laneyhow you getting settled in?08:07
Laneyhey willcooke too08:07
Trevinhowillcooke: it's always pretty nice, but there are showers here and there... you know tropical weather08:07
Trevinho~30° and very humd08:08
Trevinhobut AC here works well :-)08:08
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, almost... House is very near to the coworking, a little out of the center, but I've already got a scooter08:09
Laneygood work08:10
Laneymade some friends?08:10
TrevinhoLaney: yeah, i'm with a group (http://theremotetrip.com), so... You can make friends pretty quickly.08:13
b4nTrevinho: hi08:19
b4nTrevinho: Trevinho: could you help with the possible incompatibilities between Unity's XI2 and the changes in  https://code.launchpad.net/~banw/compiz/compiz.a11y-shotcuts/+merge/320091 ?  andyrock tells me you might be able to at least shed some light :)08:19
allison1good morning, british people!08:21
seb128good morning desktop08:24
allison1hi seb08:25
allison1good weekend?08:25
seb128hey allison108:25
seb128yeah, busy with small house work mostly, but also enjoyed the sunny weather yesterday08:25
allison1no.  not really.08:25
allison1maybe next one :)08:26
* Laney hugs allison1 08:32
Laneyhey seb12808:32
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:32
Laneypretty good!08:33
Laneyhad some nice sun time down the allotment08:33
Laneyand went to someone's 70th(!!!) birthday08:33
* Laney 's activities are those of a 70 year old these days08:33
Sweetsharkre and moin08:35
seb128hey Sweetshark08:35
seb128Laney is becoming a gardening master08:36
Laneymostly weeding :(08:36
Laneyoh yesterday I was lying down in the hammock and drinking tea08:36
Sweetsharkgetting 3177 mails rn. on the first account.08:37
Laneyhey Sweetshark08:37
Laneymark all as read08:37
Laneyif it's important you'll get another one08:37
Laneyhappy to be back?08:37
seb128Sweetshark, has was the camping?08:38
SweetsharkLaney: gardening master? interesting! TBH I not having to do gardening made me go for a simple appartment instead of a house ...08:38
Laneyit's good for mind, body and soul!08:40
* Laney foraged some wild garlic & nettles on the way home too08:40
Laneysoup for lunch today08:40
Sweetsharkseb128: camping was ... not like I remember it from childhood: <insert whining about cold weather and uncomfortable beds>. But the last two days were quite awesome as the weather improved. I visited https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skamlingsbanken on the way back, its well worth the visit.08:41
SweetsharkAnyway, this was just a testdrive essentially. Driving around such a big Diesel truck requires some training, esp. if you want to take it to camping sites, were roads arent always the best. Im feeling wellpreprared for a longer summer trip (would put a better matress in the van for that though).08:46
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers09:01
willcookehey flexiondotorg09:01
seb128hey flexiondotorg willcooke09:03
Trevinhob4n: I can see09:19
seb128hey Trevinho! how are you? enjoying the cool work space? ;-)09:22
Trevinhohey seb128... Yeah, it's nice... And a thunderstorm is coming soon, so good time for working :-D09:22
Trevinhob4n: well, can you give a look at unity's unity-shared/InputMonitor.cpp ?09:22
Trevinhob4n: basically that is doing a similar thing, but at unity level...09:23
TrevinhoSo you might instead port it to compiz (as it's pretty generic)09:23
Trevinhoand then we  could use it in unity gtoo09:23
b4nTrevinho: yeah I saw it, but I'm noly using raw events so IIUC it shouldn' tinterfere too much09:23
Trevinhoas, the current implementation, I'm not sure weather will cause some troubles...09:23
TrevinhoLike, it's quite possible that the motion detection will stop working there as unity disables that once the last client that needs it has left09:24
Trevinhoas for the raw events, there shouldn't be problems..09:25
TrevinhoBut in general we could just move that InputMonitor to Compiz, and expand it to use for your needs..09:25
b4nTrevinho: one thing I didn't investigate yet and am not sure about, is whether that inputmonitor is using GDK a filter or X directly09:26
Trevinhob4n: X directly09:26
b4nthat would be great I guess09:26
b4nah, one thing that might be the root of al problems is that X's API to get the event data is very bad for multiple clients09:26
TrevinhoWell, actually we get that using a Nux event monitor, but it's actually X09:26
TrevinhoYeah, not being based on callbacks, it would cause troubles indeed09:27
Trevinhob4n: as an alternative, I could just use compiz events, but not sure that some of them might be filtered and thus causing problems09:28
b4nsome might with Compiz's actios handling I guess09:28
TrevinhoI mean, compiz HandleEvent function shouldn't remove any event... And in that case we could just use that... But still it would be just better to have something like InputMonitor inside compiz at this point09:29
b4nhow easy do you think it would be to move inputmonitor to Compiz for you or me?  and also, how do you see the non-grab actions being registered/triggered wit htha scheme?09:30
TrevinhoI didn't do that in the past, as no one seemed to need it for compiz, thus I just implemented in unity, although it's really generic... And a part few calls, it can just moved somewhere else and used to convert XI2 events to normal Xevents09:30
TrevinhoWell, they will work indeed using this09:31
b4nmy point is that not *all* actions should be triggered during grabs09:31
TrevinhoI also wanted to use the input manager for more key actions in unity, so... it's not a bad thing09:31
b4nlike in the lock screen, you don't want things like switcher to work09:31
Trevinhosure, but we disable that anwyay in unity09:32
TrevinhoIn our case, we just disable most of compiz actions...09:32
b4nmy approach was to make actions opt-in for XI2 events09:32
Trevinhoyeah, I see09:33
Trevinhoand that's fine09:33
TrevinhoMaybe adding even some configurability at that level would be nice, but UI would miss that09:33
Trevinhounless you don't change also some compizconfig stuff09:33
b4nbah, I'm not really sure it makes much sense fo rthe user to really choose09:34
b4nit would be nice I guess, but I don't see that as a requirement09:34
TrevinhoWell, sure.. But for custom actions, for example...09:34
Trevinhoanwyay, really not important09:34
b4nfair point09:34
TrevinhoAnyway basically I was just doing something similar you did... It's I was also using some C++ templates to avoid redoundant code, so basically i'm generating events quite easily for any type of them09:35
b4nI saw that, pretty nice09:35
b4nI guess your code is far better than mine, esp. as it doesn't seem riddled with FIXMEs :)09:35
b4nhowever, at this point my concern about inputmonitor is that IIUC it listens to non-raw XI2 events, and basically forwards them all.  In that case, how do you know/handle non-XI2 grabs?09:36
TrevinhoIt has some c++11, but still it's something we now use in compiz anyway09:36
b4nor do you willingly ignore all grabs?09:36
TrevinhoNo, we enable the input monitor only if there are callbacks wanting some kind of events...09:37
TrevinhoSo, in case of actions, I guess, that it could be done the same... When an action needs  that, you can just add a callback and then it will just use it09:37
b4nyeah, but simply listening for XI2 events stops Core ones on that window09:38
b4nso if you forward the events, how do you know whether there was a core grab or not?09:38
b4nor don't you forward the Core version of the event in any way?09:39
ricotzSweetshark, heya10:22
ricotzSweetshark, I assume you will prepare the final 5.3.2 this week. so I am going to copy the 5.3.2~rc2 builds to the PPAs10:23
ricotznote that I pushed a small fix to git10:23
Sweetsharkricotz: yes. thanks. /me still wades through backlog. Do you have a link for the small fix so can put it aside for later ...10:26
ricotzSweetshark, it is pushed to the ubuntu-zesty-5.3 branch10:26
Sweetsharkricotz: what issue is that change supposed to fix?10:32
ricotzSweetshark, really?, it is a mismerge and the corresponding Suggests points to libreoffice-help (= 5.3)10:42
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=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
hikikoalan_g, hello12:49
hikikoare you around?12:49
alan_ghikiko: ?12:54
hikikohey :)12:54
hikikoalan_g, remember miral crashed inside my schroot?12:54
alan_gI do12:55
hikikoI did some minor changes in miral and it seems to work well now12:55
hikikothe problem is I am not sure they are correct12:55
hikikowould you mind to get a look in my diff?12:56
hikikoit's very short12:56
alan_gThere were two problems. One is fixed, the other was in Mir.12:56
hikikoI've found 2 in miral12:57
hikikonot sure12:57
alan_g"fixed" as in committed and in a silo12:57
hikikodo you want to see?12:57
hikikothe first problem I have is that it couldn't find the cursor theme12:57
hikikoand I solved it by returning a software cursor instead of throwing an exception (last change in diff)12:58
hikikothe other one12:59
hikikowas this: https://pastebin.com/2kACdwRr12:59
hikikoand I am not so sure my fix is fine but I noticed that auto line was trying to convert the raw line to wide string causing exceptions for some text... also when I was printing it on gdb it seemed to have garbage inside13:01
hikikothis change seemed to fix it13:01
alan_gThe last one looks like bug 1677550 - which is fixed. (Committed and in silo 2676)13:02
ubot5bug 1677550 in MirAL "if you update to zesty's libstdc++-6-dev then miral-shell will crash when trying to draw its background text" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167755013:02
hikikoalan_g, could be13:03
alan_gYou got -r 54513:03
alan_gOn the other problem: I don't see that loading a different cursor than the one asked for is the correct behaviour.13:04
hikikoalan_g, then, is there another option instead of exiting with exception?13:06
hikikoi have installed default cursors etc13:06
hikikobut miral doesnt run because it can't find them13:06
alan_gI was going to say, I thought the depended on the cursor theme.13:07
alan_gI was going to say, I thought the *package* depended on the cursor theme.13:07
hikikohttps://pastebin.com/31DdpmYg that's the message I get13:07
hikikoalan_g, it did there was a bug report on that and a branch of yours that fixes it13:08
hikikoI have dmz-cursor-theme installed13:08
* alan_g wonders why it isn't found13:08
hikikobut miral still crashes with that message13:08
alan_gCould you strace and see where it looks?13:09
hikikoalan_g, sure, I just don't know how to strace13:10
hikikogive me a few minutes :)13:10
alan_gstrace miral-shell 2>&1 | grep open13:10
alan_gNormally we see something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/24306579/13:14
hikikoalan_g, ok reverted https://paste.ubuntu.com/24306585/13:16
hikikothat's when I run my local build13:16
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hikikomaybe I should paste the output of the system's miral too13:17
alan_gHere's the problem: open("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default/cursors/", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_DIRECTORY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)13:17
alan_gYou don't have any cursors in your schroot13:18
hikikobut I've installed the dmz-cursor-theme :S13:18
alan_gHmm, sorry read that wrong13:19
alan_ghikiko: do you have XCURSOR_PATH set?13:23
GunnarHjseb128: I see that langpack building for xenial has started to work in the PPA.13:23
seb128GunnarHj, did they? interesting13:23
seb128I didn't change anything13:23
hikikoalan_g, $ echo $XCURSOR_PATH13:23
seb128GunnarHj, btw did you see that I uploaded zesty ones on friday?13:24
hikikoreturns nothing13:24
GunnarHjseb128: Weird. But good. :)13:24
hikikoso probably no alan_g13:24
GunnarHjseb128: No, I haven't seen anything zesty yet. Where?13:24
seb128GunnarHj, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-de-base/ for example13:25
seb128GunnarHj, see the zesty lines, there is a "proposed" version13:25
seb128GunnarHj, works on any locale, you just need to change the "de" by your locale13:25
alan_ghikiko: "$ cat /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme" - do you have that set to breeze_cursors?13:26
seb128GunnarHj, some testing would be welcome, maybe worth emailing the translators list about, I did basic checking on the fr ones but that's about it13:26
alan_gI have Inherits=DMZ-White13:26
hikiko[Icon Theme]13:26
hikikoseems so13:27
alan_gAnd breeze isn't installed in the schroot?13:27
hikikoit is13:27
hikikoI installed cursors*13:27
alan_gHumor me and try Inherits=DMZ-White13:28
GunnarHjseb128: Asking the translators about testing in the dev release would be a new thing. Do you think it's necessary? (I can install and review Swedish if you like.)13:28
seb128GunnarHj, well, I don't know if a call for testing is necessary but having some people trying some locales would be nice since that machinery was buggy for a while and there could be still issues/bugs13:29
seb128GunnarHj, so yeah, if you want to test the ones for the locale you use that would be welcome :-)13:30
hikikoalan_g, that works, but the system installed miral that doesn't have your fix (I think) gives now the 2nd exception13:31
GunnarHjseb128: I'll do that to start with. Please note that the ubuntu-docs translations is not included in this one, so a build of a later full export will be necessary.13:31
seb128GunnarHj, that's a full export, do you know why it's missing and how to get it included in the next export?13:32
alan_ghikiko: yes, the fix is in a silo awaiting QA13:32
hikikoalan_g, I pulled latest miral and I am reverting all my changes to see if dmz-white+your fix => miral working again13:33
GunnarHjseb128: It's about timing. That export was on March 28, and ubuntu-docs was built on March 31.13:33
seb128so it has the translations but outdated?13:33
hikikoalan_g, it's back13:33
alan_ghikiko: I guess there's a cursor problem with the Breeze theme.13:34
alan_ghikiko: "it's back" - the problem?13:35
hikikoalan_g, I only installed breeze after I got the miral crash13:35
GunnarHjseb128: So there may be a need to check the "request a full language pack export" option at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/zesty/+language-packs13:35
seb128GunnarHj, noted13:36
hikikono, I mean it works ok now, alan_g, problem solved13:36
hikikobut it can't be breeze13:36
* alan_g wonders why13:36
hikikobecause at the beginning I only had the dmz cursor installed13:36
hikikonothing else13:36
hikikoand I was having the problem13:36
hikikowhen I saw that I can't fix it13:36
hikikoI installed cursors*13:36
hikikoto see if miral can detect any of them13:37
hikikounfortunately I don't know what my index.theme had inside by then13:37
hikikocertainly not DMZ-White13:38
hikikomaybe the cursor wasn't set at all13:38
alan_gYeah, the diagnostics from xcursor_load_theme() leave something to be desired.13:39
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GunnarHjseb128: There is a problem: You must build/upload the language-pack-XX and language-pack-gnome-XX packages too, not just the -base packages. Currently I can't install the Swedish base packages because of unmet dependencies.13:56
alan_ghikiko: did reconfiguring the cursor theme also resolve bug 1677523?13:58
ubot5bug 1677523 in Mir "mir_demo_server segfaults in schroot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167752313:58
attenteLaney: heyo13:59
hikikoalan_g, I forgot this report should be marked as invalid13:59
attenteLaney: would you be able to sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/unity-gtk-module/blacklist-anjuta/+merge/31958914:00
hikikoI had forgotten to mount /usr/run/1000 in the chroot14:00
hikikoand only root could run mir14:00
alan_ghikiko: great. Another bug bites the dust.14:02
seb128GunnarHj, hum, k, I don't know how to do that :-/14:23
seb128that's what the langpack job generates14:23
GunnarHjseb128: Basically they should be empty, but they must exist...14:24
seb128GunnarHj, do you know how to build those?14:24
GunnarHjseb128: No, I have no idea.14:24
seb128me neither14:24
GunnarHjseb128: It's soon an emergency. Ask pitti?14:25
seb128I guess you just did14:25
GunnarHjseb128: Aha, didn't know he is still listening here...14:26
seb128he's still on the channel, dunno if he's "listening"14:27
GunnarHjseb128: Looking here:14:30
GunnarHjMaybe sil2100 is able to help?14:30
seb128I doubt it14:30
seb128I don't think he's familiar with the langpackomatic job14:30
sil2100I only know langpack-o-matic for the ubuntu-touch use-case, but let me read the backlog14:31
sil2100hm, I don't know how to do that straight away, but let me take a look and maybe try to figure it out14:32
GunnarHjseb128, sil2100: A workaround might be to create dummy packages manually. But there would be quite a few of those...14:33
seb128sil2100, GunnarHj, hum, I've an idea14:35
seb128let me try that14:36
seb128pitti, unping14:36
LaneyGunnarHj: It won't soon be an emergency. Those things won't migrate out of proposed.15:16
LaneyYou should stop running zesty-proposed too15:17
pittiseb128, GunnarHj: sorry, ECONTEXT -- why were teh -gnome packages uploaded/copied but not the base packages?15:17
Laneypitti: Other way around15:17
GunnarHjLaney: I know, but not so many days remain before release.15:18
GunnarHjLaney: (I only enable -proposed when there is a reason.)15:19
GunnarHjpitti: The -base packages were built/uploaded, but not the delta packages.15:20
pittioh, that's much worse indeed; how could that happen15:20
pittiwere they built by langpack-o-matic?15:20
pitti(I don't have access to the infra any more)15:20
GunnarHjpitti: seb128 is the only one who can answer that.15:21
LaneyHe unpinged too, so I would say that we should hold off a bit15:22
seb128pitti, hey, probably because I sucked at understanding http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/view/head:/doc/operator-guide.txt15:26
seb128pitti, but I've been hitting a stack of issues and "./packages upload" did nothing so I ended up doing a manual dput15:27
seb128pitti, I did the different steps manually as you recommended, but I think if you build without doing the upload it wipes the "updated-packages" list15:28
seb128then upload think it has nothing to upload15:28
seb128I should maybe have wipped and redone the whole dance then, rather than trying to just do the upload step15:28
pittiseb128: ah -- what you can do is something like ls ../zesty/sources-base/* ../zesty/sources-update/* > updated15:29
pittiseb128: to reconstruct a "changed package" list, if you built from scratch15:29
pitti(obviously not for an update)15:29
pittiseb128: i. e. you just dput the -base ones, but not the update ones? you can still do that then15:30
seb128pitti, right, thanks, I found my way around, I just ended up dputting the content of the -base and not -update15:30
seb128I didn't realize at first that both dirs were needed15:30
seb128I though -base was for a full export15:30
seb128and -update was for --update rounds15:30
seb128pitti, thanks for the reply!15:31
pittide rien !15:31
seb128pitti, how are you otherwise? still having fun with js&co? ;-)15:32
pittiseb128: right now I'm actually having fun with a bug in Ubuntu 16.04's pbuilder :)15:32
pittibut JS too of course :)15:33
GunnarHjAFK for the next 2 hours or so. See you guys later or tomorrow.15:35
LaneySee you GunnarHj15:36
seb128bye GunnarHj15:37
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attentejbicha: hey, would you be able to look at this branch when you have time? https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/gtk/gtk-mir/+merge/32173916:38
Laneyattente: sry got distracted, sure can do16:41
attenteLaney: np, thanks a lot :*16:41
Laneyis_known_setting () is quite a thing16:42
Laneyg_strv_contains ()?16:43
attentegood idea...16:44
Laneyis there a bug for the anjuta thing?16:46
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attenteno, i was told directly about it through email16:50
attentei'll file one now16:50
Laneyit's ok16:50
Laneyjust would have linked it to the mp if there was16:51
Laneyno need16:51
attenteok, thanks16:55
attenteit's here now anyways in case you want to use it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-gtk-module/+bug/167923616:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1679236 in unity-gtk-module (Ubuntu) "Anjuta crashes when creating a window in the UI editor" [Undecided,New]16:55
Laneyattente: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2690 please test the PPA once built then someone can publish for you or I can tomorrow morning17:07
willcookenight Laney17:08
* Laney prints the quiptic17:10
Laneyin for a rock and roll evening :>17:10
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attentethanks Laney, that PPA fixes it17:59
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robert_ancellwillcooke, hi19:54
willcookemorning robert_ancell19:54
willcookenight all20:20
jbichamterry: why is the latest ubuntu-terminal-app not in zesty?20:59
mterryjbicha: I don't know...  there was a silo for it at one point...20:59
jbichathe new version looks a lot nicer :)21:00
jbichamterry: oh, never mind, it's in unapproved21:02
mterryjbicha: it is nicer, yeah!  :(21:02
mterryI mean21:02
jbichaI assumed the :( was because it was still unapproved21:06
mterryHeh, then both do apply I guess :)21:11
jbichaI've got a mp for ubuntu-terminal, who should I ping to review it?21:13
mterryjbicha: I'd say Kaleo (Florian)21:18
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