
Bashing-omdone - nite nite all04:30
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:09
lotuspsychjeworking day guys, have a nice one!05:56
lordievaderGood morning06:41
ducassemorning all06:42
pavlushkaGood Morning ducasse lordievader08:12
ikevinmorning pavlushka08:14
lordievaderHey pavlushka, ikevin, ducasse08:19
lordievaderHow are you all?08:19
ikevinhey lordievader08:20
ikevinall good here and you?08:20
lordievaderDoing good, got coffee?08:20
ducassehi lordievader, good thanks. what's up in your part of the world?08:20
daftykinsmorn \o08:20
lordievaderducasse: Work ;)08:21
ikevinoh yes, coffee is needed on monday morning :)08:21
lordievaderHey daftykins08:21
ducasse\o daftykins08:21
daftykinsi've just booked a short overnight trip to Glasgow to see a band :D08:21
daftykinsthis is exciting08:21
daftykinsi've never been up north before :P08:21
ducassecool, what band?08:22
daftykinsThe Cranberries08:22
ducasselong time since i heard any of their stuff08:22
lordievaderThey are still active?08:22
daftykinsi know right :D08:23
daftykinsseems they've turned some of their classics into more ochestral things with string quartet backing08:23
daftykinscould be a neat spin :>08:23
daftykinswasn't cheap to get off the island mind you08:24
ducassecould be interesting :) when is this?08:24
daftykinsend of May08:25
daftykinsi don't know anyone that's a fan so i'm just going alone so far :>08:25
ducassedaftykins: out of curiosity, what's the best live performance you've seen?08:28
daftykinsi've only ever been to Explosions in the Sky in Brighton many moons ago08:29
daftykinslots of local non-famous stuff though08:29
ducassei must have been to well over 200 concerts in total08:29
ducasselots of friends who worked in the music scene in oslo, so i got free tickets etc :)08:32
daftykinsoh very nice!08:35
ducassecertainly came in handy :) it's been years since i lived in oslo, so i don't see many concerts any more.08:37
daftykinstoo pricey to stay central is it?08:41
ducasseyes, but more other strong reasons i rather not get into in a publicly logged channel :)08:42
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pavlushkaMorning ikevin :)09:07
BluesKajHowdy all11:06
daftykins\o wb11:07
BluesKaj'Morning daftykins11:08
daftykinsall well with yourself?11:08
BluesKajyes, fine here, and you ?11:08
ducassehi BluesKaj :)11:09
BluesKajhey ducasse11:09
daftykinsyep ticking along thanks!11:09
BluesKajgood to hear daftykins , and how about you ducasse?11:10
daftykinsoh he might have just put his head down for a nap if he doesn't reply11:12
ducasseBluesKaj: good, thanks, just a little tired :)11:12
BluesKajWe had a big time with guest musicians on fri night ...still feeling the effects :-)11:16
BluesKajtoo old to handle it ....need some self discipline11:17
BluesKajin other words I deank too much11:19
daftykinsBluesKaj: i was telling ducasse that on a whim i booked to go and see a band, The Cranberries, up in Scotland at the end of May! very exciting11:20
* BluesKaj puts the urge to self destruct away for another 2 weeks11:21
BluesKajThe Cranberries..yes, haven't heard about them in quite a while ... excellent, good to hear they're still active11:22
daftykinsmmm they did put out another album in 2012, but i don't think it shattered any records11:24
ducasseoh man. i lost a contact lens, and the cleaning solution hurts like a b***h for a few minutes after you put it back in :-/11:25
ducassei look like a close relative died.11:25
daftykinsanyone but the kitty!11:25
ducasseoh, she's fine :) she's soooo happy spring is here, she's taken up her favorite spot i made for her on the porch.11:26
daftykinsMischief is currently to the left of me, sat in the sun spot from the window11:26
ducasseput a couple of pillows on a chair, she sleeps there all day long :)11:27
daftykinsd'aww that sounds like heaven11:27
BluesKajwell, that was an exercise in futility, when did pulseaudio become a Unity Desktop dependency ?13:41
ducassemaybe to support bluetooth audio stuff?13:45
acheron-awhy? did you delete it?13:47
acheron-ai see pulseadio is running as a service13:47
acheron-ai process i mean13:48
ducassehe was helping a guy where pulse might have been causing problems13:48
acheron-ai know for some sound / hardware configs, it can be confusing to linux13:49
acheron-alike this computer here has 4 audio outputs, line, display port 1, display port 2 and HDMI13:51
BluesKajpulse is literally blocking some of his options, altho he has an unusual audio configuration ..read alienware :/13:51
daftykinsruh roh13:52
acheron-ayeah, and then with alsamixer, you have to go in and adjust it every time you boot i wish there was some way to make those changes persistent because pulse audio seems to over ride them13:52
BluesKajacheron-a, in ubuntu one can solidify alsa settings to some degree in /etc/modprobe.d/asla-base.conf13:55
acheron-afortunate for this system, ubuntu handles it well and just presents the line output13:55
BluesKajright, ordinary audio HW is handled quite well by alsa and PA13:58
BluesKajexotic audio chips aren't well served in linux ...even windows has difficulties with them13:59
acheron-atrue i mean14:00
daftykinscan't think of anyone who uses anything beyond onboard :>14:01
daftykinswell, sometimes you get folks with those external DAC things14:02
BluesKajI have a m-audio pci that was using for a while, but it became too complex due the inability to blacklist the onboard audio14:15
BluesKajI haven't tried it for some time , maybe i can configure a workaround14:18
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lordievaderdaftykins: External DACs are lovely :D14:41
lordievaderBluesKaj: If you use PA you can simply disable one of the two soundcards.14:41
BluesKajlordievader, yes, but I don't use pulse14:42
BluesKajyou guys on ubuntu unity  are dependent on it, which i was surprised to learn this morning ...Poettering really has his clwas into Ubuntu/Unity14:44
BluesKajclaws even14:44
lordievaderKmixer is also adopting more and more features of Pulseaudio.14:44
lordievaderQuite nice, imo.14:44
BluesKajanyway, icould probly work something , but my audio setup is working fien on the intel audio setup onboard14:45
daftykinsi'm sure someone recently said something about lubuntu breaking due to missing a dependancy on PA too - could be my memory though14:45
lordievaderI found out today I could use my vpn and pulseaudio to stream audio to my home speakers from anywhere I am.14:46
OerHeksthat was firefox14:46
lordievaderNot quite usefull, but funy to see.14:46
daftykinsheh yeah the remote sound thing was the only point articles could ever come up with as to pluses to PA14:48
ducassesounds like a lot of the newer desktop stuff, 'not useful, but funny' ;)14:48
daftykinswobble those windows whilst you stream audio to another room!14:48
lordievaderThe reasoning of Firefox was quite logical on that actually.14:48
BluesKajthis audio setup is for my media server connected to my home theater setup so the less complex I can make it the better14:49
daftykinsOerHeks: ah yeah! :>14:49
lordievaderAh, this was the discussion I was looking for, the rationale behind the decision: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/jRAqSTri66I14:52
BluesKajbut as a media player once setup Kodi decodes all the latest movie codecs like E-AC3/Dolby Digital very nicely. I appreciate the work that's gone into it14:52
ducassethis Dreaman character doesn't seem to want to go quietly into that good night...14:54
ducassethat guy who now and then has been throwing out irrelevant or wrong advice in the middle of discussions etc. k1l finally banned him half an hour ago, now he's connecting from various anon proxys and trolling him.15:00
BluesKajducasse, he's in debian and linux chats , but not active atm15:06
ducasseseems he gave up in #ubuntu at last, must have run out of endpoints :)15:08
acheron-athat guy is just trolling15:24
Bashing-omOK, set now to have some fun - see what I can learn this day :)18:20
ducassehiya Bashing-om - how have you been?18:27
Bashing-omducasse: Staying busy . one way or the other .. my world is bright ! Yours ?18:36
ducassethe same, finished some translations recently, other than that not much :)18:37
Bashing-omSpring is comming on here .. and I am behind with grooming the lawn :( But I will get to it - I promise .18:39
ducasseluna (my cat) is super happy about the whole spring business, spends her entire days outside on the porch lying on a pillow in a chair :)18:40
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Bashing-omCats, we have our share - set the parakeets down and left unattended . Ebony knocked over the cage and got one of them . Sad, - on the to-do list to replace that pretty .18:45
acheron-ahello everyone18:46
Bashing-omgood day acheron-a .18:47
naccducasse: funny, we have a dog named luna :)19:03
nicomachusI have a cat named Luna!19:04
naccawesome :)19:04
ducassecommon name, it seems :) she was named luna when i got her from the shelter, so i didn't want to change it.19:05
nicomachusours was like... mocha or latte or something. We changed it to Luna.19:06
naccours was rogue19:07
nicomachusnow it's really bothering me that I can't remember her original name.19:07
nicomachusit was something coffee-related, I think19:08
nicomachusshe's all black.19:08
ducassei should have changed her name to 'grey, furry eating and sleeping machine'19:09
Bashing-omour Black female cat's name is Ebony :P19:09
ducasseshe's staring me down right now, hoping for a few treats - she knows i give in easily :)19:09
nicomachusBluesKaj: what plugins don't work on Chromium? They should all work the same.19:45
nicomachusducasse: mine do that to me every morning, and every night when I get home from work. even if my girlfriend just gave them some.19:46
BluesKajflash mostly19:46
nicomachusI don't need flash for anything anymore, but I do keep Chrome around just for that.19:46
nicomachusAnd for Netflix because DRM stuff, but netflix works on FF now19:46
BluesKajnicomachus:  I used to use FF as my default , but since it's changed it's direction I've decided that chrome suits my needs better19:48
ducassei use ff on the desktop and chromium on the laptop, although i'm no longer entirely sure why. it's just the way things are now.19:50
ducassei'm sure there is a _very_ good reason. ;)19:50
BluesKajI seldom use netflix, tried it a couple of times , but their movie selection doesn't appeal to an old fogie like me19:50
Bashing-omBluesKaj: I find that chromium runs faster on my system than FF . I went back to chromium from google-chrome .19:50
BluesKajBashing-om:  never really noticed, but chrome runs much faster than FF and it works19:52
Bashing-omBluesKaj: My work flow promotes me to chromium . I am just that much more comforable .19:53
BluesKajwell, I'm a n ordinary home user , no workflow to worry about here19:54
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