
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Guest32060Hello, I need Help with apply for funding for Ubuntu LoCo Team please!15:37
Guest32060I write to claire.newman@canonical.com and i no have reply :/  15:42
pleia2Guest32060: did you fill out the form here? http://community.ubuntu.com/help-information/funding/16:19
Guest32060Yes pleia2  that I no recibe respounse :( 16:20
pleia2Guest32060: I think they go over requests every week or so, how long has it been?16:21
pleia2^^ popey, mhall119 16:21
* popey looks up16:21
popeyGuest32060: when did you fill the form in?16:22
Guest32060popey: Last Week1 16:22
Guest32060I'm Jhosman form Ubuntu Colombia 16:22
popeyah, we review on Wednesdays16:22
Guest32060the form has been apply by linaporras to Flisol Bogotá 2017 event 16:23
popeyi see the request16:23
Guest32060popey: excuseme linaporrras says to mee aplpy in 2 weeks and no have reply  16:24
Guest32060+2 Weeks !16:24
Guest32060:blush: 16:24
popeymyself and mhall119 review them on wednesdays, but he was travelling last wednesday so we couldn't. mhall119 want to look them over now?16:25
Guest32060mhall119: can help me in 2 o 3 years last!16:27
popeyGuest32060: thanks for letting us know, we'll look at it as soon as we can 16:27
Guest32060I think the email is linaporras at gmail dat com or linaporras at ubuntu dat com  popey  mhall119  16:30
popeywe have the address, thanks :)16:30
Guest32060If you wish, I can wait here for a little while to have them reviewed. No problem. 16:32
popeyit seems mhall119 is away so we can't right now. we'll reply via email as usual16:32
Guest32060Thanks! popey  mhall119  :) 16:43
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC is now known as Guest6267
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== wxl is now known as lubot
=== lubot is now known as wxl

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