
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
sudersan_i am using ubutnumate 17.04 beta 2 can i upgrade it when the stable 17.04is released'06:58
alkisgIf you update normally through, you'll end up using the stable release07:00
alkisg*through updates07:00
=== PostreAFK is now known as Edward_elric12
=== Edward_elric12 is now known as avatar--
=== avatar-- is now known as Edward_elric12
xc_can the lock screen bg image be changed?13:59
=== p is now known as Guest84806
will__So my cups wont print. Any suggestions?17:23
=== Edward_elric12 is now known as PostreAFK
=== jean-clair is now known as FHRNHT
FHRNHTHi guys21:09
FHRNHTwell, I just install Ubuntu-Mate. I'm totally lost but I have plenty of time, so I try to be patient. Anyway, it looks good. =)21:11
=== carl_ is now known as Intek
=== Intek is now known as Intel
IntelWhat does everyone use Linux for?22:05
ozmagefor fun22:13
=== carl_ is now known as Intel
zorrolechatanyone has a cool config for nice fading windows with compton22:32
zorrolechatim using latest ubuntu maté22:33
zorrolechati dont like Compiz...never liked it...it crashed very often22:33
zorrolechatalso I was looking for site with information about the best mobo (intel) for ubuntu ? Couldnt find any. Toms hardware ? Sucks. Phoronix ? Sucks...The best I could get was to try to get information for builder like System76 lol22:35
zorrolechatfrom builders lol22:35
IntelI'm trying to open OSBuddy, keeps coming up with "OSBuddy null"22:36
DarkPsydeLordzorrolechat, ALÓ do you have any parameter for fading in you compton conf file?23:15
zzwinsorHi. I just installed mate on a 8 year old laptop. Do you have any advice on how can I make some settings to fasten it up?23:23
zorrolechatoh i need to check the doc/man i guess...lol..im so lazy i wanted just to get some cool default settings23:23
zorrolechatyou could put a ssd inside your laptop instead of HD, install lubuntu if mate is too heavy, add some RAM if possible23:26
zorrolechatseveral things you can do23:26
zzwinsorsome software settings?23:26
zorrolechatin general i always had better performance on linux using intel CPUs...but this time i get O.K performance with that 4 years old AMD APU (Kabini)...but not using the GPU part ...nvidia instead23:27
zorrolechatoh i dunno..i think ubuntu its quite optimized by default...they try to make it easy for ordinary/business users23:29
=== wxl is now known as lubot
=== lubot is now known as wxl

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