[07:49] mornin' [07:50] o/ [07:50] cor, well if this goes to plan i'm going to venture north for a change... i've booked to see The Cranberries in Glasgow [07:51] have you packed you english - scottish phrasebook? :-P [07:52] hahaha [07:52] i'm still recovering from discovering that whilst our postcodes begin 'GY' theirs appear to be 'G' or 'GI' [07:54] https://www.wildernessscotland.com/blog/essential-pocket-phrasebook-scottish-vocabulary/ [07:55] heh i know a few o' those [08:11] morning boys and girls. [08:15] o/ [08:40] are there any good wikis out there that support markdown? [08:41] (as the main wiki language format or has native support) [08:45] wikis don't seem to be getting much love nowadays. lots of stale projects out there [08:48] Wikis are *really* easy to write [08:48] you could have one written in python/flask in an afternoon, with full markdown support [08:55] enterprise ones with privileges and security are harder [09:03] 2-3 here mention markdown... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wiki_software [09:09] but it does seem that as wikis have stagnated markdown came along later and is not been implemented in them much [11:54] quiet here today [11:54] IS THIS BETTER? :-P [11:54] MUCH [11:54] OK [11:54] GREAT! [11:55] someone in another chan said it's so quiet they thought it was Sunday [11:56] it is a sunny day, maybe everyone has bunked off work and is in the pub already? lol. [11:56] :> [11:56] it's a monday... people are getting through a weekends worth of idiot emails... [11:56] noon day cannon went off over on the castle here today, might even have been the first day of the season for it! [11:57] BOOOOOOOOOOM! [11:57] :D punctuated by fog horn today, too [11:58] hmmmm, does your lifeboat service their use maroons? [11:58] they do here and even 2 miles away i can hear them go off... [12:07] I think most lifeboat stations still use maroons... beats shit out of mobile phones with flat batteries! [12:08] i have seen pagers still in use around dublin so they could use those... months of battery from a single aa... [12:08] my bad, i wasn't sure what that meant and had swanned off to another channel [12:10] ...& you only get a flash in the sky from a bang bang.... unless you own a samsung of course ;-) [12:10] hmmm, thought they would be in use more... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maroon_(rocket) [12:12] daftykins: re "noon day cannon went off": I didn't realise you lived in Gibralta! [12:12] :> nah just Guernsey [12:12] ;-) [12:12] the Queen gets honoured across a good row of cannons too, when the events occur [12:15] a lot of cannons dotted around... i pass 2 on walk yesterday... would have been 3 but yacht club seems to have moved their small starting gun [12:15] * SuperEngineer is glad is a "good row of cannons" rather than a "naughty set of cannons" [12:17] :> [12:22] ooo... just turned firm's tablet on for 1st time in 3 weeks. It's now doing an Andriod system update.... [12:23] ooh-err [12:23] ....should have checked battery level first, I suppose... [12:23] ...could even walk over to the socket and plug it in to charger... [12:24] but decided on the "fun" option instead! [a.k.a couldn't give a s**t] [12:26] not one sooty and not one sweep! [12:26] BOSS: "what d'yu mean the tablet failed during an upgrade and now you can't it on?!" [12:26] ME: "cba" [12:27] the entire office can now gather around and start betting on the outcome of the update... put me down for a fiver on bricks the device :-P [12:27] ooh bold call [12:27] I accept your £5 with gratitude [12:28] [would it help to know I'm signed off work sick? [12:28] phew, by the time you collect that will be less than €5 :-P [12:28] like I said... cba [12:28] such disdain for office equipment ;_; [12:29] * zmoylan-pi takes daftykins red stapler... [12:29] yup. my bad, me bad [12:29] uh that'th my red thtapler, thank you... [12:30] daftykins: quick, grab the selotape and secure it! [12:30] * daftykins stretches a couple of metres around zmoylan-pi and the nearest lamp post [12:31] DAMN! firm's tablet update got to the "optimising aps" stage [or as I call it, "aptimising ops"] [12:38] zmoylan-pi: you now owe me that fiver. I'll use it for my "couldn't even brick it when trying to brick it" consolation prize ;-) [12:38] send an address in pm... [12:39] grrrrrrr [12:39] is that grrrrr road or drive? :-P [12:40] lol [15:07] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-39481770 [15:51] daftykins: noon cannon boom combined with horn .. isn't that the "michael bay" sound? [15:52] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4itJv_DXhI <-- the michael bay sound [20:08] Right, so PornHub is hiring in my city. Product Manager, PHP dev and front-end/js dev. I should totally apply for it. [21:57] m0nkey_: wow [22:34] funny people are funny : https://www.dropbox.com/s/dqrdphdwudq557o/Screenshot%202017-04-03%2023.33.36.png?dl=0