
big_tBurger King for lunch šŸ˜18:46
big_tMost all fast food sucks anymore..18:48
wxlunless taco cart18:49
* wxl has homemade shredded beef waiting for him for lunch18:50
big_t4 rodeo cheeseburgersā€‹ to the dome, I see a nap in the near future.18:56
wxlgood night18:57
wxlxp is unsupported18:58
wxland full of security issues18:58
wxlonce you have it set up, it should Just Workā„¢18:58
wxli will say there have been some rumblings about removing support for i386, but that's not anything that's going to happen immediately18:59
wxloh darnit18:59
wxli'm having this whole conversation on the wrong channel >:(18:59
=== wxl is now known as lubot
=== lubot is now known as wxl

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